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Realistic or Modern Iwahana Gakuen

The fast sound of footsteps approaching them caused Koyo to turn, eyes growing slightly wider at the adorable girl that was running, not looking, straight at them.

He barely had time to open his mouth to warn her before she ran directly into him. He stood frozen as she fell, hand reaching out at the last second as if to catch her from falling but it seemed too late.

As the young looking girl wearing the same uniform as the other one he had just met began to make a lot of noise and move wildly over the ground, Koyo found himself a little perturbed but otherwise embarrassed for standing in the way.

When she finally said something eligible he took a moment to fully look her over, his heart rate quickening due to his extreme weakness for anything cute and small. And she certainly was both of those things and more.

He knelt down, holding his hand out to help her up, his dull expression from before had begun to drastically change since the collision. His smile was warm and friendly as he waited for her to take his hand and he spoke softly as to not startle her. "I'm sorry, I must have been in the way. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."



Hinaka watched his movements, seeing them in slow motions. His smile brightening and his eyes lighting up as if they were a lighter and it had just been ignited. His movements were elegant and his voice was like warm honey,
"I'm sorry, I must have been in the way. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." She was broken. This had to be a dream. There was no way a cute guy like him would be helping a little boy like herself up after falling with a piece of bread in her mouth. This had to be an anime. Hinaka looked around in conspiracy but saw no camera. 'This.... Is.... AWESOME?!' She thought, practically ready to jump up and down. "N-no!" She stuttered, putting her significantly smaller hand onto his, "I-I-It's alright~! I should've been looking instead of... Fooling around with my bag." She shamefully admitted, standing up and holding onto his hand for a little longer than needed. The suddenly awkward girl removed her hand and looked down, her face turning into a bright pink, "I-I-I-I'm B-Book H-Hinaka...." She introduced herself, wanting to look up and admire the stranger's face, but couldn't bring herself to face the embarrassment if she accidentally spoke out loud.


@Leaf Fi @Bedbae


He found himself looking down at the smaller hand in his own larger one taking a moment to realize just how warm the soft and delicate skin was before he shook his head and stood, helping her up from the fall before he glanced down over her, not trying to look pervy but more in a concerned way. He was in fact, checking for any immediate injuries before he felt her hand move from his and he opened his mouth to speak but forgot what he was going to say the moment her voice filled his ears and he found himself gazing down at the girl who wouldn't meet his eyes.

He felt almost foolish, not exactly knowing what to say but letting his words tumble out in an almost incoherent mess, "Koyo, Okura, call me.. Koyo." Somehow having finally figured it out he clenched his teeth before noticing the subtle changes the adorable girl had made to her uniform and he cleared his throat before speaking again, "We go to the same school right? Is it ok if I walk with you the rest of the way? I mean, it's not too far..." He turned his head to look at the school before looking back down at the blonde beauty. Still somewhat stunned at how he could've had the chance to do this even once in his lifetime, after all, these encounters are the ones he's read in books and seen in shows.

Koyo paused for a moment, feeling no shame in keeping his gaze level on the young teenager. It wasn't awkward per say, just strange that there hadn't been much eye contact and he was suddenly worried that he had scared her. But, you see, anyone in their right mind would be frightened of this towering, usually emotionless giant. The only reason he was showing such interest was because he was completely infatuated with things that came off as adorable. Not that he'd ever say that out loud.

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Higashikata Oguro - Higashikata Oko



Location: School Gate | Interacting/Mentioned: Oko, Hoshi, Kotone, Shikami, Horiuchi, (Let's get you in on the commotion) Aiko

Location: School Gate | Interacting/Mentioned: Oguro, Hoshi, Kotone, Shikami, Horiuchi

So, a lot of shit is going down in front of Iwahana High right now. Oguro and Oko have grown surrounded by several other students, the first one being an energetic hackey-sack boy, who doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself, what with poking Oguro's stomach and everything, which angered him ever so slightly. Normally he would've flipped out and started yelling, but Hoshi had already averted his attention to Oko, who agreed to play with him. It was funny listening to the little guy talk about how it took him a while before finally being able to reach a high score of fifteen, and now he's somehow skilled enough to land one right atop of a person's head. I guess Hoshi and Oko will be practicing with the hackey-sack from now on, or... that's how she took it. He
did say he was here to make her a champ, and the girl smiled at the thought of being able to show off... not that she'd actually have the courage to do so.

Within a very short amount of time, more and more people continued to show up. Well, only two others, but it's still unusual for so many strangers to just stick together in such a way. Two shorties had graced the three with their adorable presences, one of them shy, and the other one a bit too blunt for comfort. At one point, Hoshi made an offer for the girl to play with his sack, in which Oko blushed a light pink, and Oguro glanced at him with yet another cringing expression.
"Are you serious?" He thought to himself, inwardly face palming. When Shikami and Hoshi agreed on Oko being pretty, fitting the image of a model, he suddenly felt the need to grow protective over her. Of course, it apparently wasn't sudden enough before Shikami started putting in her thoughts on Oguro and his daddy issues. Growing angered, he asked what it was supposed to mean in a loud, growl-like manner, and Shikami replied: "It means that I'm showing interest in you." Then, with narrowed eyes, she spoke towards his question about where they were coming from, "We're coming from our homes to go to school. Use that brain of yours, I know it's in there somewhere."

Oguro had grit his teeth at what the girl said, and Oko just blinked, somewhat confused as to why she was acting like that; ears still rang due to her brother's outburst.
"B-but we can all have fun together...we can sack it bro... he doesn't even wanna play." Hoshi stated in a small voice, then looked over at Kotone and asked if she was still up for sacking it; though, I don't remember her ever saying she wanted to. The idea to introduce themselves popped into the twin girl's head, and she started off with herself, urging Oguro to follow after. He didn't say much other than state that he liked basketball, Oko having already announced his name for him. The next to speak up was, of course, miss 'you have daddy issues'. "Rimoshu Shikami, pleasure to meet you... and you as well." She smiled at the twins, giggling a bit at Oguro, who furrowed his brow more so than it already was.

"I'm Himura Hoshi, and I love everything, cause everything is awesome! Nice to meet you bros." Hoshi enthusiastically gave his introduction, seemingly placing a smile upon Oko's face; though, she tried to hide it for some reason. The smaller teen ran a hand through his own hair, "So let me make sure I have this right... Higashikata Oko, Higashikata Teddy-"


"Rimoshu Shikami, and Himura Hoshi. That leaves you bro," His finger was directed towards the smallest of the four; the girl with hair that reminds Oguro of chocolate swiss rolls. "O-oh... Uhm, I'm Sarumaru Kotone... It's a pleasure to meet you all." She bowed. "I, erm, like... Music, I guess." And with that, everyone had successfully introduced themselves... Or so I thought. When the small girl finished speaking, Oguro leaned down towards her with a hand cupped around his ear, letting out what could be mistaken for an angered bear (Teddy), "Haaah!?" Standing back up straight, he crossed his arms, glaring down at her in a way that wasn't meant to seem rude, but could definitely be taken as so. "You're gonna have to speak louder than that, or else I'm going to go on believe that you like mucus."

"O-Oguro!" Oko stepped behind Kotone and placed her hands upon her shoulders, sending the tall boy a glare as evil as she could manage, which wasn't much. "Please! Goodness... you'll scare her... And she said she likes music, just as Himura here... likes his s-sack... aha, and just as you like b-basketball." Oko's cheeks flushed a light pink again, and she couldn't help but hide her gaze on the ground.

"Basketball's fun. My eight year old brother plays it and I go watch his games." Shikami stated, taking the attention of the twins once more. Oguro assumed she was trying to start a conversation with him, so he just averted his gaze, despite actually being interested. Anything that has to do with the words "basket" and "ball" are keys to catching his attention. Oko thought it was cool that the two shared something in common, and smiled up at her brother, but it faded upon seeing that he was being a stubborn butt-head. She bit down on her lip, then looked at Shikami when she continued to speak. "Ah, but enough about me- Higashikata-Chan, you like to do hair, correct?" And there it is... Oko's excite button has been pressed. The girl's eyes lit up, and she quickly stepped around from behind Kotone, both hands over her chest. "Oh, absolutely! I love braids, twin tails, pony tails, buns, curls, waves! There's so much I could do with all of you!" Now behind Hoshi, Oko gently began running her hands through his hair, standing it up with each brush, "Himura-kun's hair even has a few things that could be done!"

"...Oi...Oko..." Just hearing her name growled broke the girl from her trance, and her face turned a bright red; ears and all. "Oh!" She stepped away from Hoshi and began bowing repetitively, "I am so sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to start touching you all of a sudden. I ju-" Oguro quickly placed a hand on the top of his sister's head, halting her frantic head bangs. "We get it. Calm down. It's just hair, there's no since in get-..." The boy suddenly stopped speaking upon noticing that Shikami was just staring at them. He closed his eyes and sighed for a second, then quickly stepped towards her, their faces only about an inch apart, "Oi! You pickin' a fight!? Haaaaa- Ah...?" A look of disgust, anger, and I don't even know what else managed to make an appearance on Oguro's face within that very small moment, when suddenly Shikami disappeared. "Eeeeh!? R-Rimoshu-san! A-are you okay!?" Oko quickly placed herself beside the newcomer, staring down at the black-haired girl with wide eyes. Although... she seemed perfectly fine; anyone able to brush off being tackled to the ground just by seeing a pretty face deserves some respect.

A sigh of relief was given by Oko, and Oguro was giving the opposite; his eyes narrowed at Shikami, arms slowly folding over his chest.
"I don't get it... I really. Just. Don't. Get it..." He shook his head at the ground, then noticed Oko's bag, making it his point to pick it up and hand it to her. She blinked, then thanked her brother before returning her attention towards the newcomer who was most likely about to introduce himself. The current happening of events were dancing all uncoordinated through Oguro's mind, giving him a bit of a head ache. Shikami's personality was just too much to handle. Most would hold up their hands and state that they're done, or they 'can't even', but Oguro preferred to do so on the inside. He decided to escape the crowd for some fresh air (even though he's outside), but only came to find that the bench was being hogged by a big, white-capped blob, thus leading the giant to narrow his eyes at it. From a distance, Oguro continued to stare at what was actually a girl, not realizing how creepy some might find him; he even crossed his arms as though trying to make himself comfortable, for it could be a long time before finally reaching a conclusion as to what the thing on the bench was.

"Is that a person?...No." The boy tilted his head, then took a step forward, but stopped once more, tilting his head again, "Wait!? It is a person?...I don- I can't tell... He really looked to be thinking damn hard about that blob, man. Pinching the bridge of his nose with a furrowed brow, Oguro grit his teeth and growled for a second before: "Gaaah! Who gives a shit!?" storming off in the direction of Aiko, arms and legs gaped in a funny fashion. Upon nearing the bench enough to make out that the blob was, in fact, a person, Oguro slowed down and began to feel a bit awkward. "Oh...well, this is weird... I hope she doesn't think I'm trying to talk to her... FUCK!" The teen planted his feet firmly on the ground in front of Aiko and glared down at her with a twitching eye and wrinkled chin due to the giant frown plastered on his face.

@The Velveteen Rabbit
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Aiko Takashi

After what seemed like several minutes of pure relaxation, Aiko once again closed her eyes, listening to the wind as it swept through the sky and carried a few sakura petals along with it. What she had failed to notice, however, was the rather tall individual in the distance, staring at her. Her eyes were closed, you see, and by the time he began walking over, they reopened, revealing a pair of glimmering sapphire blue orbs, staring up at the boy. His face was twisted into a heavy frown, and from time to time, his eye would twitch. Aiko blinked rapidly, silence surrounding them like a veil. His intense stare caused her to feel slightly uncomfortable, and she found herself glancing from side to side awkwardly before looking back up at him.

"Do you... do you need something?" Aiko asked in a lovely voice, her tone soft and light. He looked angry, but why? They had only just met, and all Aiko had been doing was sitting on a bench, hogging... the entire space. Her blue eyes widened considerably, and with a slight look of embarrassment, Aiko flashed him a small yet shy smile, revealing a set of brilliant white teeth.

"D-Did you perhaps want to sit down? I apologize for taking up all the room if you did." She said quietly, scooting herself and her school bag over. This had been the first time in a long time since someone in school had approached her so... willingly. Usually her looks intimidated people and made them nervous. This boy, however, was an entirely different case.

Aiko found herself glancing off to the side, her delicate expression still slightly embarrassed. Not to mention his stare was unnerving and so... intense. Did he always stare at people like that? Or was it just because he was angry? She glanced back towards him, trying desperately to think of something to say, but to no avail. She bit her lip gently as she became lost in thought.

This whole socializing thing was going to be a lot harder than she thought it would be.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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Higashikata Oguro

Location: (School) Bench | Interacting/Mentioned: Aiko

Feet firmly planted on the ground, chin wrinkled due to a large frown, and a twitching eye; these are the things that scare people away, and Oguro is playing them all off almost perfectly. It's sad, though, because the reason for his eye twitch is because he's trying to soften his facial features. If there was a mirror around, he'd know very well that he's failing horribly at doing so. A pair of dazzling blue eyes looked up at the tall teen, and Oguro couldn't help but flinch; though, he remained framed in the position he stood in upon arrival. It's not like he's trying to scare her or anything, he just doesn't know what he's supposed to do exactly. Why did he even come over here again?
"Do you... do you need something?" Her voice was soft and unshaken.

Oguro remained quiet, arms folded over his chest, and just continued staring down at the girl. I'll give you a sneak peak at what's going on in his head right now:
"...Is...Is she...trying to seduce me?" And there you have it, kids. Moving on; Aiko realized almost instantly after asking Oguro if he needed something that she was taking up the entire bench, reaching the conclusion that he may have wanted to take a seat. When asked and apologized to, Oguro suddenly snapped, stepping back with a very light shade of pink painting his cheeks. He frantically shook his hands in her face, "Wait- No, no... That's- I do- Fu-..." then paused with a gaping jaw, glancing to the side for a second. A sigh escaped him, and Oguro allowed his shoulders to slump over, in which he slowly took a seat beside her. "The fuck is wrong with me!?" He screamed on the inside, turning his head away from the girl beside him as far as possible with crimson red cheeks.

@The Velveteen Rabbit
Himura Hoshi

Location: Iwahana

Kickin' It With: Higashikata Teddy (formerly), Higashikata Oko, Sarumara Kotone, Rimoshu Shikami, Kizaki Horiuchi

Kickin' It Near: Takashi Aiko, Higashikata Teddy (presently)


Hoshi listened carefully to the brunette as she introduced herself. He listened so carefully in fact that he leaned in, smiling as the girl's light voice graced his ears.

"O-oh... Uhm, I'm Sarumara Kotone... It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Hoshi bowed back as she did and looked up enthusiastically to see what her interests were. When she vaguely announced that she, like just about every other person in the world enjoyed music, Hoshi's mouth and eyes widened as if she was the first person he'd ever met that liked music. "Bro, nooo waaay! Me too!" he grinned and clapped for the shy girl's introduction. It clearly wasn't easy for her so he wanted to encourage her to keep talking.

But then Teddy, the giant sour dumbass leaned down and practically shouted in the poor girl's face. "Bro...have some chill man," Hoshi commented with a friendly smile and a soothing hand gesture. He nodded along with Oko as she corrected the big doof's bad hearing and chuckled. "Yeah, music, not mucus, no one likes mucus it's like...easily one of the top five worst things about being human, bro...but it's not so bad! Sneezing can feel good sometimes! And animals are really cute when they sneeze! Like that panda video!" he did his best to lighten the mood for Kotone to keep her comfortable.

He drifted off into a state of daydreaming and started to toss his sack up and down in his hand as Shikami and Teddy talked about basketball. Impatiently shifting his weight, he did a sort of "I gotta pee" dance but really, he was just so ready for this epic hackey-sack session. But he didn't want to be rude and cut the conversation about basketball off. He would have hopped in if he didn't wanna sack so badly. But then, Shikami gave Oko an excitement boner and she went around playing with everyone's hair. Hoshi particularly enjoyed this, and forgot all about his hackey-sack and dropped it on the ground. He made a cat-like face as Oko began to play in his hair, and he blissfully zoned out. This is what being petted feels like. "Puppies and kitties are so lucky..." he whispered in a blissfully soft voice. But then it was over and Oko grew flustered and turned his favorite color. Hoshi gave her that "Pls dun stop" look that dogs give you when you're rubbing their belly and then you stop. When she started to freak out, Hoshi piped up alongside Oguro. "Bro, I really, REALLY, liked it! Like, I hope we're in the same class, I hope you sit behind me, and I hope you play with my hair all day! It was aw-- WOAH!"

Some big ol' dude crashed into Shikami and Hoshi spazzed the fuck out. He wrapped his arms around Kotone and pulled the two of them out of the path of the giant. Those tackle football skills were pretty clutch right now. Unfortunately, he couldn't save everyone, and Shikami took the hit. "Oh bro!" he gasped softly and squeezed Kotone in relief. "That coulda been us, man!!" he released the small girl as Shikami stood up and brushed it off like it was nothing. Hoshi pumped his fist triumphantly and gave the dark haired girl a thumbs up and a wink. "That's the spirit Rimoshu-San! Take it like a champ!" he leaned over to Kotone and added, "By the way, Sarumara-San, your hair smells really nice!"

Teddy wandered off and Shikami began to flirt with the giant that knocked her over. Hoshi remembered his sack craving and began to bounce impatiently, realizing that he'd now have to introduce himself to Mr. Clumsy, and so would everyone else, and it would further delay the sacking. And it was becoming increasingly apparent that school was starting as more students began to pile in the gate. An uncharacteristic look of disappointment crossed Hoshi's face as he returned the hackey-sack to his bag, but it was quickly replaced with the hype of a thousand crack heads. "The opening ceremony should be starting soon! Awwwww yeeeah!" Hoshi pumped his fist once more and turned to Oko. "Higashikata-San, would you like to do my hair during the ceremony if you get bored?" he asked hopefully with his eyes sparkling before he made a high fashion male model Zoolander face and said in a exaggerated husky tone, "I think I'd look sexy with a...man bun!" he pulled his hair into a shitty makeshift topknot and couldn't resist the jubilant chuckle rising from his stomach at his "sexy boi" impression.


Koenma Tayu

Location: 7/11 Conbini -> Walking to school

Formerly Kickin' It With/Near: Kizaki Horiuchi, Hamasaki Chiasa, Sayaka Taichi, Usagi Hoshimi, Nao Satoshi, Kaidou Sakura


Shit was getting real at this 7/11 in Tokyo at XX:XX in the morning, man. There was a three way battle between Usagi the high sodium bitch, Chiasa the "my metabolism's gonna slow down and Imma get real fuckin' fat" bitch, and then there was Tayu, the vegetable bitch. WWIII was about to go down, as Tayu began to reach for a tiny carton of milk as if it were her A-bomb to add to her delicious and nutritious lunch. This motherfucker WILL buy this lunch... but then...a god among men appeared. The man, the myth, the legend, Sayaka Taichi. Of course, Koenma Tayu didn't see him this way. She folded her arms triumphantly as the man began to speak, nodding along with smug little "Hmphs" as he berated Hoshimi and Chiasa, but the bobble heading stopped when he got to her. Commence the flustered anime bitch red face sequence.

"I-I haven't been looking at ANY semen!" she pressed her arms against her sides and denied the allegations of what she considered to be disturbed and inapropro. "I-I just read that it's white and--if it's not white, what color is it!?" Tayu dug a deeper hole of embarrassment for herself while everyone else just seemed to go about their business. That's what you get Tayu, next time mind your own business quit being a nosy bitch.


Too prideful to stick around in this cesspool of humiliation, Tayu stormed off to the cash register, and met the cashier's fake smile with an angry pink face as she purchased her water. As the cashier rung up the item, she turned to glare at Taichi and a few other boys gathered in the adult section. "Perverts..." Tayu growled bitterly and turned to the cashier, and raised an eyebrow. Weird how xe's (too lazy to see if cashier is a boy or a girl) just gonna let a bunch of underage pervs look at that filth in a general store. What a piece of shit. Wait, hold on. I need to let this piece of shit know that xe's a piece of shit. As the cashier handed her the water and wished her a nice day, Tayu leaned in close and looked the cashier dead in the eye. "You. Are. Scum," and with that, she left the store around the same time a man with the greatest hair on Earth left.

That's right, I'm talking about Kaidou Sakura. Tayu patiently held the door open for him despite having already lumped him in with the shitty pervs looking at porn at XX:XX in the morning. "Hey you," she said as he exited, face still pinkish from getting rekt by Taichi earlier. "Your hair is really fucking cool. It's too bad you're a filthy pervert." How polite.

@Wataru @Leaf Fi @theglassangel

@Zero Gravity
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Aiko Takashi

Now looking rather confused and taken back by his sudden show of frantic hand waving, Aiko's expression was a mixture of both confusion and embarrassment. So, he hadn't wanted to sit on the bench? What did he want then?

Before she could say anything or even open her mouth, the tall boy had already taken a seat next to her and remained silent. Aiko shifted in her place uncomfortably, her hands gripping the hem of her skirt. She stole a glance towards him, only to find his face was completely turned in the opposite direction, obviously avoiding her.

Why does everyone act this way towards me?

Her blue gaze became sad for just a fragment of a moment before it vanished. Aiko moved her hand to grip the strap of her school bag, getting ready to stand up and leave, since she was making him uncomfortable. But she remained frozen in place, staring down towards the pavement.

Didn't you want this year to be different? Don't you want to make friends? Then don't push yourself away from people so much. Just talk to him. Go on.

Aiko's conscious told her encouragingly, making her look over at the boy again, who still seemed to be avoiding looking at her. She loosened her grip on her school bag slowly and forced herself to relax, her expression no longer embarrassed, but calm and collected.

"Are you new here too?" Aiko asked him quietly, breaking the silence between them. The wind once again began to pick up, rustling her silky blonde hair slightly.

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Hamasaki Chiasa

The girl gave her the group of people insulting her a very distinct look that Chiasa always made the habit of doing. You know when there's that really smart kid in one of your classes that even when they're being criticized, still manage to give you that arrogant look like they still know better than you do no matter what? Now, Chiasa wasn't narcissistic, per se, but being challenged certainly triggered a new side to her. Since there were just so many game codes to memorize in one sitting, the girl used her photogenic memory. Since it was only available to whenever she tuned in onto something, the insults thrown at her were basically muffled words to her. No matter, at this point, people just ignored her and moved on. Which, luckily they did without harassing her. Looking at both girls in her spaced out eyes, the girl walked like a zombie back over to the school trail. Her high tech headphones found her way back up to her ears as she proceeded to keep walking.

It looked like that cliche were series of binary code could be seen flowing from her eyes, at least, that was what it looked like to her. Some random music (some crap she didn't listen to) was playing as she chowed down on a random box. Probably the fried chicken one, by the looks of the package. Yet somehow, despite most of Chiasa's senses being occupied some way or another, she continued to walk at a normal pace. That was, until she bumped into the pervert and the girl that literally just implied she had diabetes. Luckily she had eaten the chicken and vegetables quick enough for just the rice portion of the bento box to fall on the three of them. Pervert? She wondered, having skipped the wonderful conversation of the boys in the combini. "Oh, I'm sorry!" The girl politely bowed an apology, still in a daze. "I guess you could say I took an arrow to the knee..." She said, brushing off some grains of rice before pushing up her glasses and wrinkling up her nose. "Hm... I seem to have forgotten the way to Iwahana..." Chiasa looked confused as she was awkwardly approaching Sakura and Tayu.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @whoops post was short
K o t o n e ~~~ S a r u m a r a

Phew... Nothing went out of control there... No mistaken words, no screw ups, and no laughter from the others around her. Hey, even the nice guy had agreed with her tastes! Oh, Kotone almost let out a sigh of relief, but before she could.... "Haaah!?" Snapping upright, posture now as straight as a lamp post, eyes wide and a panic-stricken expression on her features, the girl kept her eyes dead ahead, refusing to even so much peek at the guy- Higshikata Teddy was his name, right?- that had leaned closer to her. "You're gonna have to speak louder than that, or else I'm going to go on believing that you like mucus." W-wait, what?! "E-eh?!" Her gaze now flickered over to him, brows furrowed in shock and slight exasperation. In that state- and if she was much taller- Kotone would have easily slapped or punched him, and it pretty well nearly happened; all fingers on both hands curled inwards to make a fist and they raised to pause just under her chest. However, the thought of committing the violent act vanished as soon as the other blonde present came and planted her hands on her shoulders. Luckily, Oko took her side and gave her twin a bit of scolding, and just as she faltered (Don't worry, honey. I'd stop speaking after talking about a guy liking their sack too) Hoshi picked up from where she left off and continued for a bit. Quite honestly, Kotone was rather flattered, and if it wasn't for the blush on her face from speaking earlier, she'd be flushed from pure joy and gratitude. 'T-they must be Kami...' She found herself relaxing a little bit more and a slight smile rested on her lips. These two were definitely friend material, and a thanks was in order for both of them later in the day.

Thankfully, the conversation was now changed to hair, and Kotone was able to do what she does and loves best; observing. Oko clearly had a passion for it, and it was rather amusing to watch Hoshi's face turn into a far more relaxed type of delight as the girl began to play with his locks. Unfortunately though, meanie pants Oguro had to interrupt their fun with his gruff and stupidly angry face, causing his poor sister to grow flustered. It was in that instant that a bit of confidence began to crept up in Kotone as well as a bit of a protective feeling. I suppose she felt like she had to repay the blonde girl, and telling off her brother as well seemed like the best way here. But, just as she had turned to give him a piece of her mind- "S-stop being mean! ... Please?" would probably have been the words spoken- a loud "WOAH!" sounded in her ears and a pair of rather strong arms pulled her aside, confusing the heck out of the poor girl. It was only when she saw Shikami on the ground with a newcomer that she had realised what the pull was for. "That coulda been us, man!!" Kotone just released a shaky laugh, nodding slowly in agreement, completely unsure of what to even say. Of course though, her inner Vocaloid geek came out and just shrieked, 'THIS IS LIKE THE ENDING OF THE WORLD IS MINE OH MY GOD HOSHI IS A PRINCE AND A SAINT AND DOES THIS MEAN I'M SUPPOSED TO KISS HIM? I ONLY MET HIM NONONO I CAN'T DO THAT THAT'S RIDICULOUS THE TWO PEOPLE IN THAT SONG KNEW EACH OTHER FOR A WHILE AND STUFF BUT HE'S STILL HOLDING ON AND AND-' Thankfully, by that stage, he had dropped the brunette and seemingly forgot about the whole situation as he began to congratulate the black haired girl for getting up swiftly. Kotone let out a sigh, about to go check if the new guy was okay as no attention was given to him, but then... Fuckin' then... "By the way, Sarumara-san, your hair smells really nice!" ... You just had to be nice once more, didn't you...? "H-huh?" Now a bright crimson, Kotone automatically placed both hands over the sides of her hair as if in an attempt to shield its scent, but by the time she had done so, the energetic boy had focused his attention elsewhere. 'D-did he just... Hit on me?!' The thought made her heart race and her head quickly shook side to side to dismiss the idea. They had only met, why on Earth would he try that? Pfsht, silly girl.

Gulping, she turned to glance towards Shikami and the boy, both now making introductions it seemed. It also appeared that everyone was conversing with each other, so maybe she should as well...? Mmm... That seemed like a good enough idea... Slowly, her arms dropped from her head, instead clasping together in front of her and against her stomach, and after some internal motivation she forced her legs to move forward and towards the two newest members of the group. "E-excuse me..." Kotone spoke up gently upon arrival, flickering her gaze between the two before directing it downwards shyly. "I, erm... Wanted to check if you two were okay... That's all..." She explained with a kind smile, returning her eyes to the both of them. In a quick and fluid inspection with her eyes, she could easily tell that the girl wasn't injured, but the boy... It was a little harder to tell since he obviously wore clothing that could cover his limbs. "Your knees... They're not stinging or anything, are they?" She questioned with a small raise of the brow, frowning at the dust collected around the area that was hit during the fall.

@Wataru @Corgi

(My other posts are coming now! Sorry for the wait >n>; ;)
H o s h i m i ~~~ U s a g i

Hoshimi let out a small hum as his name was revealed, adding a curt nod. To be quite honest, as soon as he slowed, she just took it as a sign he underestimated how far her legs could stretch when walking- or maybe doing something else... Heheheheh...- so the idea that he would actually prefer her to walk by his side never occurred to her. Funnily enough, she actually began to slow as well so is feet wouldn't step on her toes or accidentally kick her. Just as she was about to fall back into a sleepy trance once more, he questioned her once more, the words making her release a soft 'aaah' as she thought, gaze directed to the sky. "... Nope. I spend too much time indoors to have a good social life." She answered rather bluntly, adding a shrug towards the end as if saying 'I don't really give a fuck'. "How about you?" Just as the words dropped from her lips, a loud screech sounded behind her and Koyo, forcing her attention backwards to a... Small blonde girl? ... Who was fucking rolling on the ground and as happy as pig in shit... "Tch..." Hoshimi couldn't help but roll her eyes in disgust. 'Obviously an otaku...' She turned her gaze to Koyo to give him a 'How annoying is this chick?' look but... He was helping her up...?! AND BEING NICE?! Oh. My. God. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me?! What was with the sudden change in attitude?! Completely irritated, Hoshimi crossed her arms under her breasts with the most unamused expression she's ever made, watching the two idiots interact in the most anime way possible. 'Hurry it up so we can leave, dude...' She growled internally at the male, impatiently tapping her foot. That didn't happen...

"We go to the same school right? Is it ok if I walk with you the rest of the way? I mean, it's not too far..." ... Oh hell fucking no. Had he FORGOTTEN about HER?! What. A. Dick. Forcing back a growl, the green haired girl cleared her throat to make her presence known before stepping towards the two. "Name's Usagi. Thanks for remembering me." She sent a glare to otaku girl before doing the same to Koyo and grabbing his hand. "Sorry though, because he's walking with me. Like he said, it's not far, right? You can make it alive if you don't trip again. C'mon, Koyo." The girl snapped, taking a few steps forward as she tugged on his hand. Now, it might seem that Hoshimi is jealous, but she honestly isn't. A better word to use is 'incredibly pissed off'. Just because a 'cute' girl comes up and trips out of nowhere doesn't mean you can abandon the one with you the whole time. That was not cool.

@Raythegayisaokay @Corgi


Hinaka blushed when he introduced himself looking up to make eye contact. Everything around her practically disappearing from her mind, even the other two human beings that were watching this whole show go down.
"O-O-Okay, K-Koyo-k-kun..." She stammered, her face deepened in color. When he offered to walk her to school, her jaw dropped. Not even figuratively. Her jaw was wide open. 'This guy is a literal prince. There's no doubt about it.' She thought, imagining him in silver armor on a white steed. "Y-Y-Y-Yes! O-O-" She was suddenly cut off by one of the girls. Hinaka's jaw went form open to practically on the ground. The girl was gorgeous! Her long, green hair, her purple eyes- even the bags under them complimented everything. Once the woman stopped moving her mouth, she yelled, "YOU'RE SO PRETTY!" Before squealing. She couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Count on her to find beauty and perfection in every little thing. Suddenly, she realized that she was probably being weird and took a step back, nervously laughing a bit before saying, "Hi~! I'm Book Hinaka if you didn't hear! And who are you?" She asked, grinning form ear to ear. It was now completely obvious that she didn't hear a word she had just said.

@Raythegayisaokay @Leaf Fi



Koyo turned his attention to the crazy colorful girl from before, an eyebrow raised at the sudden amount of sass in her voice before wincing only slightly at the glare. His mood snapped back into what it was before as if just seeing her had pissed him off or gotten him upset somehow, which was very untrue, he actually enjoyed the girls unique looks. He turned his body towards her to send the glare directly back, not forgetting the seemingly beautiful princess, just paying attention to the one who had tried to walk on his feet earlier.

The sudden feeling of the green haired girl grabbing his hand made him blink once, a smirk forming on his face at her so serious words, deciding to tease her after she'd spoken,

"Sorry though, because he's walking with me. Like he said, it's not far, right? You can make it alive if you don't trip again. C'mon, Koyo."

As he was tugged forward a few steps he found a way to plant his feet against the asphalt, halting any movement for few seconds. He wrapped his fingers around the green-haired girls hand that had gripped his and gently pulled her back, his tone just as teasing as it had been in his earlier joke, "Don't want someone else walking on my shoes or something? We can all go together. No need to be rude, or whatever. " He stuck his tongue out at her before turning to look at Book Hinaka again, his smile almost apologetic as he draped a lazy arm over the urgent girls shoulders, not really meaning anything by it, just trying to keep her from attempting to drag him off again. He only just let it drop when he was sure she wouldn't.

The world didn't seem to be ending so Koyo kept his attention on the speaker of the moment, internally adoring the sweet tone of voice before he nudged Hoshimi Usagi, glancing down at her while waiting for a response and wondering how she'd react.

@Corgi @Leaf Fi

Shikami Rimoshu

Shikami let out a laugh at Oko running over,
"I'm fine, silly. I have his cute boy with me." She said the the boy who pushed her over. She had to say, he had some guts to push her over, I mean, look at her. She's a priceless little doll..... Full of evil. But that's not the point! The point is the boy has guts, and she likes that. "Just so you know, baby doll," She said, turning towards the boy she was hitting on, "if you ever actually trip me again, I'm going to snap your neck." She said in a serious voice with dead eyes. Suddenly, she put on a smile and tapped his cheek with her hand, "Got it? Okay~" And looking towards the rest of the group that gathered. "Same goes for you. None of you, except for Oguro who happened to have run off somewhere, are as cute as him. So one strike and you're all out." She explained, sticking her tongue out playfully and looking back towards the mysterious male she had just threatened, "Now for the original question- what's your name?" She asked, tilting her head innocently.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai

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Higashikata Oguro

Location: (School) Bench | Interacting/Mentioned: Aiko, (Oko), (Hoshi), (Group)

"Hnnn... I'm such an idiot." Oguro inwardly cringed. Normally he'd spark up a conversation with the person, and ask what their favorite sport is, or if they like basketball, ignoring the fact that the other party looks completely uninterested and/or terrified, but something about this girl sort of throws him off. "...I wonder if she'd notice I'm gone... if I just- No, no, no... that's a dick move, Tedd- Oguro." The blond shook his head, frantically brushing the thoughts away. "I'll just say I need to use the bathroom- Wait, I can't do that? I'll just leave. I'll probably never see this chick again anyways. Okay, here go-"

"Are you new here too?"

"FUUUUUUUCK!" Oguro froze upon hearing the girl's voice, still staring to the side with his teeth grit. After a second, he sighed, scratching the back of his head with an irritated grunt. "Maah~... I guess you could say that." Oguro, you don't have the right to be angry right now, because you're the one who approached her first. She was just chillin', doin' her own thing, then suddenly had her peace and quiet taken away by some giant with no chill. Using his handy-dandy peripheral vision, Oguro glanced at Aiko just in time to see her hair dancing with the wind. The scenery reminded him of a scene from one of Oko's favorite shows. "Gah!? Is this an anime?!" His eye began to twitch, mouth hanging open.

Not too long ago (about two or three years ago), Oguro took an interest in reading various manga that had to do with sports, his favorites being Ahiru no Sora, Slam Dunk, and Buzzer Beater, which led his older sister to start reading them as well. Of course, like any other person would, Oko set out on a genre journey and soon found herself sucked into the world of Shoujo manga. The two are still wearing their beginner otaku tags, but Oko might go far. Oko might go
real far.

Oguro soon realized that he was sending Aiko a rather off-putting glare, what with his mouth hanging wide open in a manner of disgust, and quickly looked away.
"Ah... sorry." A hand was run through his hair, slowly reaching the back of his neck. The mood had grown somewhat awkward, which wasn't normal for Oguro. He usually just goes on with himself and avoids people, but doesn't mind talking to them at all. If he's buying a drink from the vending machine, and someone else shows up, he'll greet them and say a few random things without a thought about it. Maybe it's because he wasn't prepared?... Oh well, he'll warm up to her. Oguro's eyes focused on the group he had recently been standing with, and he took notice of Hoshi talking to Oko, in which the two bushy things above his eyes furrowed. "Do you know any of them?" No... she doesn't. If you go back and listen to what she asked you a second ago, you'd know that she's probably new here.

@The Velveteen Rabbit (I'm working on Oko's post!)

Aiko Takashi

Aiko nodded slowly after learning he was new too, her blue gaze returning back to look at the blossom-covered pavement in front of her. He still seemed angry, and she hadn't figured out why yet. Just knowing he was both uncomfortable and irritated made the blonde-haired girl increasingly uneasy, and she began to shift restlessly in her place again, not knowing what to do or say in this sort of situation. She'd never really dealt with anything like this before. Well, except for those awkward love confessions from boys she didn't even know in middle school. But that's beside the point. This was a little different.

Aiko glanced back over to him, her eyes widening at the sight of a glare and his jaw dropped in a disgusted fashion, directed towards her specifically. A blush painted her cheeks, looking utterly confused and nervous, about to ask him what was wrong or what she'd done to upset him, until he suddenly apologized, shaking away the expression and running a hand through his hair. The blush remained, and she tore her gaze away, gripping the hem of her skirt even tighter now.

"It's okay..." Aiko whispered, letting out a soft exhale as she forced herself to relax. Silence once again encompassed them. As they sat there, she became lost in her thoughts, trying hard to distract herself from the current situation. It seemed impossible to evade however, and the boy, to her surprise, began speaking again, asking her if she knew the group off to the right. She followed his gaze and looked at the group, blinking rapidly.

"I don't think so. I don't really know anyone here yet." Aiko told him softly, the same calm and collected expression from earlier returning to her facial features. She was silent for a moment, simply studying the group socializing near the gate.

"Do you know them?" She asked him quietly, flicking her eyes back to his face, which was still facing the opposite direction of hers.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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Bunta "Bunny" Chigushi;

Bunta stood on top of the slanted roof, aiming his fancy digital camera up at the sky. It was rather early, but still too late in his case. He had just missed the stars by a few seconds. Luck for him, though, he had a gigantic star right in front of him in the perfect angle and spot. The lighting was spectacular and the colors were amazing. The clicking of the shutters sounded through the mute morning air, not even the birds were going to mess up this moment for him because they too were watching the stunning view. Suddenly, Bunta put the camera down, staring at it with a frown. It wasn't his style. He would have to print it off still but he'd have to put it in the discard pile. He stared at the sunset for a few minutes, stuffing his hands in his pockets before sliding down the roof and onto his wide, large balcony, his camera clinging to his neck for its life. He liked the picture- but he didn't at the same time. It wasn't what his images were suppose to stand for. He's been told by many pictures that his images have hidden misery in his picture, despite him not trying to do so.

Bunta sighed as he walked inside slowly, leaving his door ajar as he went over to his bed, about to plop on top of his bed before his alarm clock began to sound. Eyes furrowed, he turned his head to look at it.
'Wasn't it like.... 5 am a few seconds ago?' He asked, eyebrows furrowed his eyebrows, staring at the clock that read 7:30. The only reason he used that clock is the very minuscule possibility he would sleep in late. You can never be too safe when it came to school for him. Bunta let out a long sigh as he very slowly turned towards his closet and pulled out his school outfit, throwing off his clothes and lazily putting them on. He looked like a bit of a mess, since he didn't care about his appearance much. He didn't understand why a messy appearance was cute to girls, but he wasn't complaining about it. Getting attention from girl was a thing he enjoyed.

After he finished getting ready, he left his rather large room and went down the hall, stopping when he passed his mothers room. He wondered if she was awake, or if she was asleep. Bunta also wondered what she would've been doing if she was awake. Painting? Daydreaming? Crying? It pained him to think that his mother was in so confined and that his mother was hurting. The dark haired boy shook his head and walked down the curved staircase and into the living room where his dad was asleep, the TV softly playing in the background. He smiled slightly, chuckling at his father's sleeping position. His father was a silly man that he got his passion from, but not his appearance. His father had pale brown hair and bright blue eyes, while his mother had glasses, black hair, and equally dark eyes. It amazed him how much he looked like his mother. It was honestly a bit terrifying.

Once Bunta finished marveling over these facts, he headed through the front door and looked around, looking for any possible picture shots. He still had his camera around his neck despite him being worried his camera might be busted, but he knew he couldn't miss a shot. If he did, he would probably cry about it all day, being a pouty Bunny wasn't the most attractive bunny, but certainly the most adorable. As he walked down the road, he was still looking around before seeing a group of students with the same school uniform one. A blonde haired girl with a bedazzled uniform, a boy with a charming smile put on as he looked at her, another girl trying to pull him along, and a ditzy blue haired girl watching. Bunta raised his camera and took a couple of pictures. The shutters echoing as he slowly out down the camera.
"It's too beautiful to actually use." He whispered. There was nothing about his style in it- but it was a cute picture, so he couldn't especially complain.

Bunta turned on his heels and continued to walk down the road, heading towards the school. Once he arrived, he saw two groups. One was a group of people which contained a jock, a short black haired girl, a cutesy looking brown haired girl, a dark haired boy, and a blonde haired girl. All were fairly good looking, which was surprising, since he imagined high school people having zits on their faces and being overly smelly, but it seemed to be the opposite here. Of course he wasn't complaining. As he looked over to the other group, he was taken away by the girl's beauty. There was no way he could continue to look at her. For the other male with him, he seemed to be having trouble too. Bunta cleared his throat and slowly walked over, stepping carefully over to them with a wide smile on his face.

"Hallo~" He cheerfully said, his camera hitting his chest with a sudden stop. "I don't really seem to know many people here, so I was wondering if I could join you to." Bunta said, his uniform covered hand resting on his cheek as he waved and smiled at them. He seemed so carefree and happy, his messy black hair in messy locks resting all over his eyes and forehead. His long lashes fluttering as he bat them at the two. Honestly, Bunta was a very pretty male, but a very handsome one as well. In different ways, he could be seen as feminine and masculine at the same time. Although, he was nowhere near the beauty of the girl sitting before him, and the handsomeness of the boy sitting to the side of him. "I'm Chigushi Bunta, and you two are....?" He asked, tilting his head to the side cutely.

Interacted: @Wataru
@Suzumaki Arakai

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Aiko Takashi

While studying the group off to the left, Aiko felt a strong sense of loneliness hit her as she watched the students interact with each other, smiling and whatnot. As sad as it was, she'd never experienced something like that before. There were times when people reached out to her, yes, but she was so quiet that often people forgot about her over time, like a toy that had been left on the shelf to collect dust.

Despite the painful emotions boiling up inside her, Aiko managed to maintain a calm facial expression, and soon tore her sapphire blue eyes away from the group standing near the gate. She found herself no longer nervous, for she was once again lost in her thoughts. The boy sitting beside her, who's name she hadn't learned just yet, continued to stare at the other group in silence. Aiko too, was silent. But for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, the silence was soon broken.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a boy with messy black hair and a camera dangling from his neck appeared in front of the two, greeting them both cheerfully. Aiko blinked rapidly, surprised by the sudden presence. He introduced himself rather quickly, not at all flustered or nervous by the appearance of the girl in front of him. Or so it seemed.

He's not... embarrassed? I don't think this has ever happened before.

She felt naturally at ease in his presence, like a weight had been lifted. Aiko returned his smile with her own, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"I'm Takashi Aiko. It's a pleasure to meet you." She responded back in her usual soft voice. And then suddenly, a feeling of panic hit her, yet she didn't show it on her face.

Oh no. Don't smile. That's what scares everyone away, remember? Just, slowly relax your face, and look away.

Aiko's conscious told her, the panic beginning to show in her blue gaze. Apparently, trying to stop smiling and making it not look awkward at the same time was harder then she thought, and her face began to twitch as she attempted this seemingly impossible task. Aiko ended up making a completely ridiculous face, and upon realizing it, her cheeks turned red and she cupped a hand over her mouth, instantly swiveling her head in the opposite direction of the new boy so he couldn't see.


Aiko clenched her eyes shut, wishing she hadn't even attempted to stop smiling in the first place. And now, she's completely embarrassed herself.

@Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai

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Kizaki Horiuchi


Anyone would have noticed that Shikami was shamelessly hitting on Horiuchi, except for Horiuchi himself. The guy is as dense as one can be when it comes to flirting and love in general, and it wouldn't be any different this time. He was completely sure that she was just innocently saying that everything was fine and he shouldn't worry about it. "I'm very glad to hear that you're fine!" He replied gleefully, holding tightly onto her hand, so she could get up safely "I'd feel so guilty if I did any harm to such a fragile-looking girl like you!" Kizaki had a slightly embarrassed tone on his voice, he was very worried about her. What if she had actually hurt herself and just didn't notice it yet? "Make sure that you walk to class carefully, ok? If you wish I could take you there, Rimoshu-chan."

Before he had the chance to introduce himself, a light-blond girl also came for Shikami's aid
"Eeeeh!? R-Rimoshu-san! A-are you okay!?" "I'm fine, silly. I have his cute boy with me." Once again her flirting came across as mere compliments instead of what it really was. You might be asking yourself "How direct does one need to be for Horiuchi to get that they're flirting?" But unfortunately that's something unknown; even if someone announced it as clearly as "I'M FLIRTING, YOU BASTARD" odds are that Horiuchi's answer would probably be a "Thank you" or something of the likes.

"I, erm... Wanted to check if you two were okay... That's all..." asked another girl from the crowd, who was apparently saved by a guy with unbelievably fast reflexes "I feel just fine! I practice baseball so I'm used to this kind of thing y'know? Thanks for asking, though!" Indeed, falling is something that's part of a baseball player's life, and back there in Osaka, he was known for getting up notably quick, as if nothing happened, a trait that was one of the things that made the coaches interested in Horiuchi. "Your knees... They're not stinging or anything, are they?" Kizaki was ready to reply that they were OK, when he started to feel the said stinging, it was one of those typical cases where you don't feel the pain until someone mentions it. "Ouch. It actually hurts a little." He started to lift the hem of his pants to see the injury; "Ah, it was just a minor abrasion, but I could do with a band-aid, does someone have one?"

In that exact moment, Horiuchi realized that he still had not introduced himself "Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself yet! I'm Kizaki Horiuchi and I come from Osaka. I hope we can have a great year together!" he exclaimed, in hopes of being heard by everyone from the group.

Apparently that was youth, it felt refreshing, promising and exciting; it felt good. A group of people beneath the cherry blossoms that ringed the school they would be entering. Self-introductions. Indeed, it seemed like something foreign, but in a positive way. He couldn't wait to see what life had stored for him. Compared to such feeling, the pain on his knee wasn't anything.

Interacted with:@Corgi @Leaf Fi

Nearby: @Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot
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Satoshi was almost creepily calm in a way, nodding in understanding as the other male spoke about his own interests. He was ready to respond and say that the magazine issue was actually a really good one, but the magazine was snatched out of his hands by a much taller man with giant hair. Not only did he take the magazine from him, he completely trashed his tastes in magazines and sexual experiences.
How rude, he thought to himself, eyes narrowing up at the man as he watched him congratulate the guy he was giving advice to on his taste in adult novels. The blonde was looking like he was about to spit fire whenever he felt a hand come in solid contact with his ass. It was so nonchalant, but as the male next to him busted out into hysterical fits of laughter, his mouth dropped open and his eyes seemed to glitter wth stars in them. It seemed as if some pink aura had taken over him, and he looked absolutely euphoric at the fact that the tall man had touched his butt. Onlookers would probably be completely confused, but Satoshi was practically squealing on the inside. This is just like in the shows! He totally wants me to be his kohai, and he'll be my senpai! This is so cliche! I love it! After everyone left, he did in fact let out a small squeal, grabbing a granola bar and a chicken bento, which didn't look even fairly appetizing, but he was in some sort of trance, sparkles seemingly flying around him in a sense. He quickly purchased the items, ignoring the weird look he got from the cashier. He scurried down the street noticing all the other groups of kids at the entrance of the school and inside the courtyard. He was still kind of in a daze, not even remembering to be obnoxious.


@Leaf Fi

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S a k u r a ~~~ K a i d o u

Walking out of the store like a goddamn champ with his head held high and a victorious bite from the ongiri, Sakura Kaidou knew his good deed of the day was done. Not only did he save a fellow perv from the horrors of that magazine, he also probably got those two to become friends. Aah... The thought just made him smile and inhale that lovely air outside.

"Hey you." A rather pissed off voice called out to him, causing an eyebrow to raise to the sky as he glanced backwards and, let me just say, goddamn that chest was magnificent. Like, I'd be lying if I said that Sakura didn't have a doki-doki moment of falling in love once his eyes caught a brief sight of those gorgeous knockers which, of course, was totally accidental. Still, he managed to rip his gaze off them, so give him credit for that. Unfortunately though, after the compliment for his hair, her words made it seem like she legit noticed that sneaky peek. Also, that added blush to her face didn't help too much... So, having not noticing her distasteful glances earlier as he talked about the crude magazines, logically the first thought would be 'shit, I was caught', and with those thoughts an apology had to be said... So... Sakura was about to get into even more shit...

"Maaaan... I really didn't think you'd notice..." He began awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "But, like, look at yourself! You're gorgeous and- WOAH!" It seems that God didn't want any embarrassment for Sakura- hey! The good deed came in here, right?!- as a rainfall of rice bathed Miss Melons and himself. "What the-" Just as the boy began to brush himself off, the most glorious sentence to hit his ears was said, and Sakura could swear he was transported to heaven there and then. Beaming like an idiot, eyes sparkling, heart fluttering, he took in the beautiful sight of a fellow nerd, but oooh was it so much better. The nerd was a female, a fe-goddamn-male. Dude, holy fuck, first a girl with big ol' titties and now a fellow gamer?! Good deeds are gonna be done all the fucking time if he gets this more often!

Clearing his throat and dropping the big goofy grin, Sakura puffed his chest proudly, dropping both his hands to his hips and nodding. "Forgotten the way to Iwahana?! Fear not, fellow dragonborn! We shall escort you." Cheekily winking, Sakura wrapped an arm around poor Miss Melons. Quite frankly, he didn't give a hoot about whether or not she wanted to walk with them; if she wanted to be a bitch about it and complain, he would scoop her up and, like a true knight, settle her over his shoulder and continue the journey that way. After gulping down the rest of the onigiri, the dark haired male leaned forward and grabbed a hold of nerdy girl's wrist, "Hold on to hers with your other hand, would'cha? Thanks." And with that, he released Tayu and raised the arm that used to be around her into the air, having the index finger pointing in the direction of the school. "Away we goooooo!"

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel

H o s h i m i ~~~ U s a g i

Now, Hoshimi wasn't spoiled growing up. She was very used to being told no to things she desired and would be scolded if she did wrong. But, as Koyo pulled her backwards in denial to her request to leave, boy was she shocked. Not so much that it made her convey it facially, but inwardly, she let out the biggest 'EH?!' you'd ever hear. To make matters worse, Koyo teased her again, but boy did the humour from before piss her off now. The urge to growl or just slap the guy- especially after adding salt to the wound by wrapping his arm around her shoulder- was strong, but before she could give anything more than a death glare the obnoxious scream of the otaku girl rang in her ears once more, "YOU'RE SO PRETTY!" Scowling at the loud noise, she stared down at the girl with a brow slightly raised. It was... Weird to be called pretty. Since she rarely gave a shit about her appearance, a compliment was very rare for Hoshimi to recieve. It definitely caught her off guard, but, for whatever he reason, it didn't flatter her. It honestly didn't do anything. The other must have realised this as she turned a lot quieter, but quite frankly, Hoshimi didn't give a fuck about introducing herself. She was still rather bitter about being blatantly ignored and was extremely tempted to drag Koyo away once more, but dropped the idea as he nudged her.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, she glanced back at the boy, frowning slightly as she inspected his features in case any trace of malice or plain rudeness was there so she could just kick him in the balls. Sadly, there was none... Sighing in slight disappointment and irritation, Hoshimi folded her arms under her chest. "Usagi Hoshimi, refer to me as Usagi. Can we go now?" It was just as she went to look at Koyo once more that she noticed another fucking girl standing by. Had she been there the whole damn time? "Great..." Pinching the bridge of her nose, the green haired girl groaned lowly. "Hello to you too. Usagi whatever, blah blah blah, nice to meet you Aoi-chan. I'm going to school. All of you can follow, I don't care anymore, just don't annoy me." Shooting the black haired male a look as if to say a sarcastic 'Happy?', Hoshimi then ducked under his arm and continued the walk, sighing loudly. It was too early for this shit. Far, far too early...

@Raythegayisaokay @Corgi @Bedbae


THEY SHOULDN'T TAKE AS LONG NEXT TIME AROUND, I SWEAR ;n; I hope you can forgive me!)​
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With: Hinaka, Koyo, Hoshimi

At: Walking to School

As she stared off towards the sky, the sound of foot steps, bodies smashing and a shrieking girl made her jump up and put up a stupid face of astonishment. Looking at her side, there was a person rolling in the ground. A girl? Guy? Eh, she didn't care enough on the gender. Oh look, she/he...it wears the same uniform as us. The petite human was very adorable in a little kid kind of way. Momoi waited for the lone male and Ms. Cutey Pie to have the slightest pause in their conversation so she can introduce herself. While waiting, she noticed the green-haired chick next to her staring in what seemed to be angry. What's up with her? Jealousy? The berating was no help so Momo just assumed she was jelly, preggo or just plain mean.

There it was, a pause. It seemed weird but it was good enough for Momoi. It was time to introduce herself to the group now that she may have been the last one to do so. Clearing her throat as if she were about to give a speech at a grand event, Momo stared at the group and said, "Now that everyone has introduced themselves, Im Momoi. Well Momoi Suzuna but you can call me Momo. Let's see, the handsome gentleman is Koyo and the cute one is Hinaka. The sassy queen is Usami no wait Usagi." That should be enough for now. She didn't want to say more than necessary if they weren't going to end up as friends. We did introduce ourselves so are we? The thought left her brain as fast as it entered.

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Higashikata Oko

Location: School | Interacting/Mentioned: Shikami, Horiuchi, Hoshi, Kotone

"Eeeeh!? R-Rimoshu-san! A-are you okay!?" Oko questioned in a worried tone, placing a hand over her mouth as she took the newcomer's side. To answer her question, Shikami laughed and stated that she was perfectly fine, but her sweet front didn't last very long, and suddenly she turned towards Horiuchi, "If you ever actually trip me again, I'm going to snap your neck." If that's what she calls being tripped, then I'm afraid to see what tackling looks like. Who knew such a sweet, innocent-looking girl could be so evil and foul-mouthed - which, I mean, she's nowhere near as bad as some chicks and their "f- this, f- that" kind of deal. We need more ladies in this world, don't we?

Luckily for Kotone, Hoshi's cat-like had reflexes kicked in and he saved her, letting out a loud:
"WOAH!" in the process. He stated that it could've been them in Shikami's place, and little Kotone just laughed shakily. She really is a cute girl. Of course, Oko wasn't paying attention when this happened, and had only been focused on the flying newbie and his extreme appearance. First impressions are critical when it comes to making friends, and this guy's is one that'll forever be remembered. When Shikami stated she was perfectly fine, one could hear Hoshi cheer her on, and upon looking at him, you notice a quick thumbs up and wink before he suddenly leaned down to speak to Kotone, in which Oko's focus was directed back towards the stranger. "Now for the original question- what's your name?" What an absolutely unpredictable girl.

So, to wrap this up, Shikami got tackled by the newcomer whose name is apparently Kizaki Horiuchi, then began flirting with him like nothing ever happened. Hoshi went all ninja and pulled Kotone out of the way, because if he hadn't, they would've been taken out with Shikami. Oko just sort of stood there with her thumb up her ass, glancing back and forth between each person speaking. Eventually, things calmed down, and Hoshi suddenly called out that the opening ceremony would be starting soon, in which Oko smiled. He also asked her if she'd like to play with his hair during the wait in case she gets bored. Eyes grew wide and sparkly, and Oko pressed both hands together with a bright smile,
"I would love to!" And now to wait for the timeskip.

@Corgi (Lmfao, really sorry about this post, but there was a lot, and I didn't feel like trying too hard. I've finally freed up some time!! So I'll be posting more!)

Higashikata Oguro

Location: (School) Bench | Interacting/Mentioned: Aiko, Chigushi

Oguro's eyes focused on the group he had recently been standing with, and he took notice of Hoshi talking to Oko, in which the two bushy things above his eyes furrowed.
"Do you know any of them?" I doubt she does. If you go back and listen to what she asked you a second ago, you'd know that she's probably new here. The girl's gaze was directed towards the group as well, and she responded, "I don't think so. I don't really know anyone here yet." Because of how soft her voice was, Oguro couldn't help but feel the need to tone down how loud he spoke, "Oh... I know their names, and one of them is my sister Oko." He refrained from looking at Aiko, arms folded over his chest as they have been since he arrived. His bag had casually slid from his shoulder and onto the bench between the two, filling in the gap.

"Hallo~" Suddenly a black-haired, glasses-wearing guy with a camera appeared before them with a wide smile, causing Oguro's brow to raise. "I don't really seem to know many people here, so I was wondering if I could join you two." He was fairly attractive for a guy, and Oguro questioned his gender for a second. Normally, when he's in deep thought, you can notice his eye begin to twitch. It also does that when he's trying to look more approachable like his sister tells him to. "I'm Chigushi Bunta, and you two are...?" Chigushi gave a cute tilt of his head, in which Oguro frowned, gritting his teeth as well. Before introducing himself, the blond looked towards Aiko and waited. "I'm Takashi Aiko. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She's very modest, and chooses her words wisely. Oguro was interested in her for a moment... until she suddenly started making strange faces, cheeks flushing a bright red. He gave a look of confusion and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder with a low,
"Oi!?" Hoping she wasn't having some kind of stroke, he pinched her cheek and wiggled her head around with a stern glare, "Do you need some water? I have a bottle in my bag, I haven't opened it yet, so you don't have to worry about indirect kisses or germs." Standing up, he lifted his bag and opened it up without really waiting for her to say something. Oguro removed a large water bottle from his bag and held it out to the girl, glancing over at the glasses boy, who's now beside him, with a firm nod.

@The Velveteen Rabbit @Corgi (Sorry about this post too lol.)
Timeskip and shit

Usagi Urara

Location: Classroom 1-A

Kickin' It With: All teh students


Hey, you wanna know what sucks? I'll tell you what sucks. Opening ceremonies. What's the fucking point, like honestly. Some dudes talk about some stupid "inspiring" shit, talk up the school as if everyone's parents hadn't already bought the expensive ass uniforms and tuition and other bullshit, no one says anything of merit, and the whole thing is just a pointless formality. Urara dipped out of that shit like instantly and went to the bathroom to surf through the eclectic mix of adult material on 4chan.

I'll let you decide on any other activities may have occurred in the bathroom. When she was finished with said activities, the fucking opening ceremony was still going on. And honestly, do you know how long it takes to-- oh right, that's supposed to be left to the imagination. Forget I said anything. Urara pouted as she looked at her phone and watched the minute marker move up. Then an idea hit her across the face like the weird shit Satoshi's into.

Urara already knew where her classroom was, room 1-A or whatever, so she went inside. Sure enough the door was unlocked, because Japan, and also there was nothing of merit in the classroom. The whole place was empty, as one might expect. Urara casually walked up to the whiteboard with a big catty smile, and used a red marker to draw an extraordinarily detailed phallus on the board. And not like, a tiny one, a huge and strangely detailed phallus. Once she'd finished her masterpiece, the ceremony was over. Urara dipped out of the room giggling like the Joker and hid in the bathroom until a crowd of students filing out of the assembly hall allowed her to pull some Assassin's Creed shit and blend in. As students entered the classroom, Urara waited a couple paces outside to hear the reactions of her fellow students. She wasn't disappointed, but showing any sign of amusement without first witnessing her artwork would be highly suspicious. Unlike adult film stars, Urara was a great actress, and seemed totally oblivious as she meandered into the classroom, and reacted with a level of shock equivalent to her fellow students.

Oki Kosa

Location: Class 1-A

Kickin' It With: All teh students


You know what sucks? Intro posts. You're probably expecting me to write some long ass shit about how Kosa woke up, how he brushed his teeth and showered, as if you couldn't assume that much, what he ate for breakfast, how he got to school...nah fuck all that shit. Kosa sat through the ceremony like anyone else, listened intently, though with little interest, and then he went to class, same as everyone else.

But he was among the first people to enter the classroom, and he was among the first to react to the mysterious piece of art on the whiteboard. I leave you with Mr. Oki Kosa's first line of dialogue. He pointed...laughed...and exclaimed, "Holy shit there's a dick on the board!"

*drops mic*

@Wataru @theglassangel @mikko @Raythegayisaokay @Zero Gravity @The Velveteen Rabbit @Leaf Fi @Corgi @Bedbae @Suzumaki Arakai @ i probably missed a lot of people, idc, wake the fuck up everyone.

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