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Realistic or Modern Iwahana Gakuen

Almost Watson

kinda rusty

Kizaki Horiuchi


Once again Horiuchi had woken up earlier than his alarm, in fact it was unnatural for him not to. Since the move to Tokyo, he started to wake up pretty early to have more time to do the chores, even after his family's economic situation improved he couldn't help but keep doing so. Kizaki looked out of the window, it was one more of those stunning spring days that makes you want to take countless pictures of it. The sun had barely risen, yet there was Horiuchi, being a somewhat productive person and getting his backpack ready, differently than most people, he was quite active during the mornings, and honestly didn't understand why people disliked them so much, it is a great time to get stuff done in his opinion. After having a quick breakfast, the guy changed into his brand-new uniform. He definitely wasn't used to wearing a blazer and still didn't know how tie a tie knot properly, even though his dad tried his best to teach him over the summer. It's funny how even the little things have some impact in our lives. When he gazed at the mirror, Horiuchi noticed how different he looked, and for some reason, he felt different too. "Is this how being a high school student feels like?" he pondered.

Kizaki said goodbye to his parents then finally left the house, there was still plenty of time before the classes began anyway. He walked in a slow and steady pace, just appreciating his surroundings, the neighborhood looked especially pretty that day. He felt like he had forgotten something, but didn't know exactly what it was. While searching through his bag, he just couldn't find his bento, that's it, Horiuchi probably left the yellow plastic box on the kitchen counter, but there wasn't enough time to go back anymore, his house was already too far away from where he stood.
"How the hell could I forget my lunch?" The only solution would be to buy something in a convenience store, but he didn't know any around his new school. For a brief moment, Horiuchi remained there, pondering about what he should do.

"Excuse me! Do you know where's the closest conbini?" Kizaki caught the old lady off-guard with his scream, the poor woman almost had a heart attack when Horiuchi called her. She was happy to help, however, and gave the guy the directions to a nearby 7/11, but thanks to his absolutely great sense of direction, it took him circa 10 minutes to find the store that was literally two streets away. Way to go, Horiuchi, way to go. "Welcome!", said a smiley attendant when a panting Kizaki entered the store, despite waking up very early, odds are that he'll probably arrive late for class. The guy started started to scan the store, looking for something that he could call a lunch; All the bentos they were selling looked fairly good and he just couldn't decide between the curry and the fried chicken ones. He stoically observed the two options right in front of him, motionless, like a figure.

@Anyone who wants to interact with Horiuchi
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H o s h i m i U s a g i

Due to waking up particularly early this morning from all the naps she had take the day prior, this green haired individual found herself with too much time on her hands and not enough things to do. Sure, the obvious choice of going through the more perverted side of the Internet for a few hours was always something fun to do and was usually first choice, but doing that so early in the morning... It just didn't seem so appealing... Plus, if she got a little, erm, carried away, she'd end up late going to school... That wouldn't be good... So, now, Hoshimi found herself sleepily wandering around streets, school bag in hand.

I'm going to let you all in with a little fact... It wasn't actually too early that she woke up. Sure, it was earlier than usual, but Hoshimi... Sleeps in a lot. And although she was going to, most likely, be late, it wouldn't be as bad as she typically is. Still not the best though. But I'm getting side tracked now, so let's get back to the girl herself! As she continued her journey to the school building, a rather loud grumble sounded from her stomach. Fuck... 'I forgot to eat breakfast again...' She sighed with a roll of her eyes. Just great. 'Better make a detour...' Turning on her heel, Hoshimi then retraced her steps to the 7/11 she had passed no more than five minutes ago. Upon arrival, her eyes caught hold of a fellow student inspecting some of the bentos for sale. Her nose immediately turned upwards at the thought. Eugh... The already prepared food here was awful in her own opinion... He'd be far better getting a snack or something instead. Stepping inside, the girl slowly made her way around and grabbed some pretz and an energy drink before walking behind the tall male. Swiftly, she inspected the various bentos with a bored, plain expression before pointing at a fried chicken one, her arm pressing right against his side. "That doesn't look as bad as the others do." She murmured in monotone, glancing up at him before dropping her hand. She then paused for a moment before chuckling to herself and muttering in a low whisper so only he could hear, "Then again, they all taste like three day old shit, so it doesn't make much of a difference..." Stepping to his side, Hoshimi then raised her pretz upwards and to his face level, maintaining her expressionless... Expression... "You're better off buying these."

Hamasaki Chiasa

You know, sometimes people ask Chiasa was able to manage her messy braid look. The answer was that it was easier to. Besides, putting a little effort into your appearance wasn't something the girl did very well. Since her hair looked like a giant furball when it wasn't restrained into a braid, that was what her mother forced her to do. While the girl was playing video games until 1 in the morning wasn't the best idea. But it totally wasn't her fault that her brain just happened to tune out the alarm clock! Now, Chiasa's dark circles had intensified with her red rimmed glasses. Putting on her florescent green headphones, the girl picked up her daily allowance for the week. There was a lot more money than what her mother normally gave her. Maybe it was the fact that it was Chiasa's first day of school. Her older brother went off to university and didn't bother Chiasa too much anymore. Which I guess is a good thing, depending on how you look at it. Her parents were gone off to work as well. Stupid high school... Taking away all six hours for video games... She scoffed to herself.

Since Chiasa couldn't cook for shit, she walked over to the nearest 7/11 and bought a breakfast bun, munching it at the same time as she did playing Pokemon, the only game she had on a mobile device for now. Yup, this girl was just sitting in a bench doing nothing. Since she was so enamoured with catching that final dragon Pokemon that wasn't in her collection that she didn't even notice a young boy from Iwahana going into the neighbouring 7/11. She had caught that dragon Pokemon at last. Fucking finally, she yawned. Easier than expected. The small girl gathered her belongings to buy some more food. Chiasa loved to eat for someone that didn't like to cook. Walking past the smiley attendent, Chiasa bought her usual Mountain Dew and Doritoes combo with both curry and fried chicken bentos in her hands. Damn, that was a lot of food.

She still didn't notice anyone else was right near her as Hoshimi begun to speak. Chiasa jumped in a startled manner. "W-What do you mean day old shit?" She asked, passionately pointing to the different packages. "It does matter! Just look! There are gaming images and exclusive codes all over the packages, don't you have a soul?! You disgust me. Besides, if you can't pick one, just pick both and be done with it!" The girl haughtily scoffed, buying all of the varieties. It could even look as if she was trying to buy out the entire store. Of course, even though Chiasa gets easily passionate over things, she almost never gets angry, so in a few minutes after cashing in her food items, she quickly got over her little tyrant.

@Wataru @Leaf Fi
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Himura Hoshi

Location: Iwahana

Kickin' It With: Nobody


Pfft, mornings. Amirite, or am I right? Hoshi had only just gotten to sleep a good four hours or so ago. He was so hyped for his first day of high school that he fucking couldn't sleep. So he just stayed up on his phone and watched fail compilations and Game Theory Five Nights At Freddy's videos. Just cause. He still doesn't get the timeline by the way. Then again who does? When his cell phone began to chime, his eyes fluttered open and he groaned softly before stretching and waking up with a yawn. It didn't take long to undo all the hard work of the sandman, and he was up and at 'em like a champ within seconds.

When he finished getting ready, he got himself a bowl of cereal and joined his parents downstairs. His mom spouted a bunch of emotional mumbo jumbo about him growing up and him still being her little boy. His dad gave him a short lecture on this being the beginning of the rest of his life. Hoshi didn't really care about any of that. "Okay guys, I'll do my best! And then I'll do even better!" he assured his parents before leaving. The walk to school was beautiful, because who doesn't enjoy a nice early morning walk in the land of the rising sun. He was surprised at the lack of other uniformed children he saw along the way, and was downright shocked when he reached the school and saw little to nobody there. "Duhhhhh...I'm either really late, or really early..." he reached for his phone and pulled up the school website and saw that he took down the wrong starting time. "Yep! Early! WOO! Who's early?! This guyyy!" Hoshi pointed at himself triumphantly and then looked around the desolate campus blankly. What do?

Then, ding! That's a fuckin' light bulb over his head. Ohmigosh! Hoshi had two options: one-- Nintendo 3DS. He brought it along for SpotPass and whatnot. Or two: hackey sack. Decisions, decisions. Hoshi stood there alone in deep thought as if he were contemplating who the Purple Guy really is, before he announced to no one at all, "Hackey saaaack! Awww yeeeahh~!" he retrieved the sack (lul) from his bag and started kicking it in the air without a care in the world.

@anyone who wants to come KICK IT lol with Hoshi

Koenma Tayu

Location: 7/11

Kickin' It With: Kizaki Horiuchi, Usagi Hoshimi, Hamasaki Chiasa


"Pfft mornings"? Bitch whatchu mean " Pfft mornings"? You know who fucking lives for mornings? Yeah you guessed it: Koenma motherfucking Tayu lives for mornings. She doesn't use a cell phone alarm, she uses one of the old school clocks with the bells on it and shit, cause it feels better to slap your hand on it and knock it off the nightstand like the bitch it is. That's how a god damn champion starts her morning. As soon as that clock fell over, Tayu was out of bed and stretching her entire body. She liked to wake up reeeeal early so she could squeeze some yoga in before she started the day.

Was she nervous for high school? Nah, man. More like annoyed that she even had to go. Tayu still hadn't picked a club out, they all seemed pretty lame-o to her. The whole thing was a nuisance but...ya know whatever. You do what you gotta do. Tayu had a healthy breakfast of eggs for protein, a banana for potassium, orange juice for vitamin C, and milk for calcium. Is it the best mix of foods? Nah, but fuck you.

There was one thing missing when she left the house, but Tayu hadn't forgotten it. It's important to stay hydrated during the day, so she had planned and made ample time for stopping at the 7/11 for some of that good ol' H2O. She arrived with a few other students in identical uniforms, and snarled at each of them disapprovingly before going to get her water. While deciding between a big giant bottle for the whole day or just a regular bottle until lunch, Tayu overheard the students having the dumbest argument about shitty 7/11 bento boxes. There was a green haired girl who was partially right, those bento boxes are basically packaged shite disguised as food. But then she done fucked up by recommending a high sodium bag of pretzel snacks, and Tayu couldn't help but scoff at her choice of sugary energy drink. "Oh god..." she grumbled. She wasn't going to say anything until another girl, idiotically pointed out that there are game codes on each box, thus making them worthy of purchase. Tayu couldn't conceal the real any longer. "Excuse me," she approached the group and pushed the pretzels out of Horiuchi's face. "But those belong with the three day old shit. And unless you want to get diabetes like Ms. Mountain Dew most certainly will, I suggest you don't eat two lunches comprised entirely of bullshit and shame. What you want is..." Tayu turned and scanned the shelves before snatching a package of carrots and celery with peanut butter dip and ranch dip. "This is what you want. Veggies. Skip the ranch though, ranch is basically semen colored liquid fat."

@Wataru @Leaf Fi @theglassangel
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sayaka taichi

taichi was awoken by a disgusting beam of light glaring most unpleasantly into his room at an offensively early hour. he stirred slightly, body still groggy from a far too short sleep, and sat up, a magazine slipping from its position on his chest. he picked it up, thumbing through the sticky pages of the marvelous female form, finding this as good a way to spend an early day as any. he set there for awhile, cross-legged on his futon, until he remembered his reason for rising before noon.


his first year of high school, the time he had been romanticizing since youth. every harem anime created ever began first with a totally average japanese male with innocent intentions and a bit of a libido, and if that description was not fitting of him, then nothing in this world did.

our beloved taichi leaped from his bed with a newfound vigor, rushing into his bathroom to shower and

even to wash his hair.

considering his lack of popularity in middle school, as females found him


and boys felt that all you could garner from a friendship with him was a quality porno and the scorn of all living things with vaginas, so he was considerably hyped for the possibility of a new beginning and perverts of a similar nature. emerging from his shower clean and grinning stupidly, he dressed himself, gathered his schoolbag, and left his house.

he had, of course, full intention of travelling straight to school, but his stomach had other plans. detouring his route oh-so-slightly, taichi instead took a turn to his nearest convenience store, deciding he could buy himself a quick breakfast and maybe even a couple of photobooks. humming, he stepped inside, grabbing a little basket and setting on his task. for a quick, preschool snack, he picked up a couple onigiri, and then swerved directly into the aisle holding his beloved magazine girls. his blissful faked polygamy, however, was wrecked by a catfight in aisle ten. sidling over to the issue, he peeked in and promptly decided this 110% had to do with him.

"uh, 'scuse me,"

he said politely, because taichi is nothing if not a gentlemen,

"ignore all of them. seaweed haired princess, you'd have to be doin' a hella lot of

two girls, one cup

sorta experimentation to know what three day old shit tastes like. meganekko-chan, you're a game otaku with clogged arteries. mrs health nut,

what sort of semen are you looking at even oh my god."

after addressing all the women present, he placed a hand on the kid with the conundrum's shoulder, and gave him the correct answer.

"dude, just buy a shit ton of onigiri. you can only eat the bento you get from a lover, or else it tastes like virgin's tears. trust me, i know."

bobbing his head once, he then raced back to the porn corner, needing to decide which of these wonderful magazine women he would wind up taking home with him.

Aiko Takashi

In yellow streams of heavenly light, rays of sunlight peeked through the glass of the window, shining down onto a soon-to-be awake face. Aiko's blonde hair pooled around her like a shroud, spreading to every corner of the pillow her head rested upon. A sleeping white cat slept at the end of her bed; undisturbed and breathing softly. Slowly, Aiko's eyes began to open, revealing two orbs of sapphire blue irises that glinted in the light. She stared at the ceiling for a moment before sitting up and slinging her slender legs over the side of the bed. Aiko placed her feet on the ground, the white nightgown that she wore swinging from side to side from the sudden movement. Before heading downstairs, she changed into her new school uniform, tying a black ribbon into her hair, like she always has.

Exiting her room, Aiko walked down a long hallway that led to a spiral staircase at the end. The large house was quiet; almost completely silent, except for a few singing birds perched outside on the power lines. Ever since her brothers had moved out over the summer, it seemed things were
always quiet inside the huge modernized house. She was welcomed by the smell of bacon and eggs as she entered the kitchen, facing the backside of her father.

"Good morning." Aiko said softly. He turned around at the sound of her voice, a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. Hiroto smiled when seeing his daughter, turning fully towards her.

"Good morning, Aiko. Excited for your first day as a high school student? The uniform looks good on you." He commented, carrying two plates of eggs and bacon towards the glass table. Aiko nodded, her blue eyes studying him as he set the two plates down on the table. He may have been trying to hide it, but it was quite obvious he'd stayed up all night again, most likely working. Dark circles had appeared under his eyes over the past few days, and they seemed to have darkened considerably during the week. She approached the table, sitting down into one of the chairs and beginning to eat silently.

Once they had both finished their breakfast and were ready to go, Aiko followed her father out into the long driveway in front of their house, where a black Mercedes-Benz sat in waiting. Unfortunately, Aiko had learned she lived rather far from the school, so driving or taking the metro train seemed to be the only way to get there. Plopping down into the leather seat and shutting the door, Aiko glanced out the window as her father started the car, listening to the engine hum. Her father began to drive forward, heading towards the school where she would begin her first day as a 1st year. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She was going to take things differently this year, and try her hardest to make friends, which she'd never done previously.

As they continued to drive, Aiko stared out the tinted windows, becoming lost in thought as she watched the world go by in silence.

(Sorry, friends. My intro posts are always kinda long
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Higashikata Oguro - Higashikata Oko



Location: Home > School | Interacting/Mentioned: Oko, Himura Hoshi

Location: Home > School | Interacting/Mentioned: Oguro, Himura Hoshi

Having grown used to being woken by his sister every morning for school, Oguro lay in bed with his eyes closed; though, he's already well awake, and just waiting as long as he can before having to actually get up. The strange fuzzy sound that comes with silence danced around in his ears, his brow furrowing because of it, and he rolled over onto his side with a deep groan.
"...Where the hell is Oko?" He wondered, allowing his eyes to pinch open just enough to see light creeping in through the crack beneath his door. Like a dog reacting to someone dropping a big juicy steak in front of it, Oguro jumped up and stumbled towards the door, dragging his blanket with him, as it was wrapped around his foot, and just wouldn't shake off no matter how he tried. Finally, after taking the time to bend down and remove the clingy covers from around his ankle, Oguro charge out into the hallway and looked both ways before catching a glimpse of Oko disappearing into her room. "Oko!" He called out in a deep voice and raced to catch the girl, swinging her door open, in which she let out a startled, girly-like gasp. "Why didn't you wake me up!?"A look of confusion painted her face. "O-Oguro, it's only XX:XX... you still have around an hour to get ready." She spoke softly, but mixed in with her tone was a tiny hint of attitude. Oguro is probably the only person you'll ever see Oko grow angered or frustrated with. I mean, they are siblings; twins for that matter. Narrowing his eyes at the girl, Oguro pursed his lips and mumbled, "Are you lying to me?"

"What?- No, Oguro, go look at th-" Pausing, Oko stepped further into the room and walked around to the other side of her bed, all the while holding up her towel after having taken a shower. "Look... XX:XX o'clock." She showed him her alarm clock, lifting it as far as possible before the risk of it unplugging arose, then sighed after his demeanor noticeably changed. "Why are you up so early for?" He inquired with crossed arms, still narrowing his eyes a bit. You'll find that he does that a lot... just saying. Oko placed her clock back on the nightstand and walked over to her closet, "I haven't even been to sleep yet... I was too nervous." There was an awkward silence between the two as Oguro just stared at his sister with a judging expression; it was one of those ones that someone gives to a person who's telling some disgustingly obvious bullshit story. Upon noticing it, Oko flinched and furrowed her brow. Before given the chance to speak, Oguro turned around, waving his hand, and spoke in a monotone manner, "Whatever, I'm going to shower." And with that, Oguro left Oko's room to get ready, and she, too, began preparing for school. The uniform fit her nicely, and she decided to part her hair differently for a change, this time placing more of her bangs to the left instead of to the right. And, once that was checked off, the girl made her way downstairs to begin making her and Oguro's bentos. I'll tell you something now; Oko's bentos are top notch... and filled with awesomeness. Though, Oguro isn't a fan.

Sitting in the kitchen was Higashikata Gorou, the twin's father who was recently divorced by his beloved wife a few months ago. If you wanna know what he looks like, just picture an old Oguro, and there you have it.
"Good morning, papa. What're you doing up so early?" Asked Oko as she placed her Pikachu bag down on the table, adjusting the straps a bit before heading over to the dishwasher to grab her handy-dandy biscuit cutter. Gorou leaned his head down, hiding his face in his arms, and yawned, "I heard your idiot brother upstairs yelling. How could anyone be expected to sleep through that?" He groaned, causing an amused chuckle to escape his daughter. "Yeah... I guess you're right. He thought I forgot to wake him up, then asked why I was up so early, despite him being up, too." Oko shook her head and began making peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, which will soon be cut, using the biscuit cutter, into round bunny faces. Of course, it's not a face until she cuts out carrot eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Once they're done, the bento boxes will look like a little bunny is poking it's head through them. To the right of each bunny's face, there will be small, carved carrots with broccoli at the top of them so that they look like they were just picked. A ham flower will be between the bunny's ears, which are folded and filled with two different jellies; Oguro's being strawberry jam, and Oko's being white grape. In another small box, Oko will have cut an apple into four bunny slices. Corn-stuffed tomatoes sit above the ham flower, rounding out the bento box, and fresh lima beans fill in the small gap to the left.

By the time their lunch was finished, Oguro had already finished taking his shower, which consisted of him washing and
conditioning his hair, brushing his teeth, and washing down like any normal, overly-hygienic person would. After he got out of the shower, he made sure to floss and mouthwash twice, then escaped to his bedroom and got dressed. Now standing in the kitchen, placing his bag down on the table beside Oko's, Oguro sent his dad a grumpy look, "Mornin'." Which wasn't highly appreciated. Gorou stood up and began walking over to the sink with his empty coffee mug, "Next time you wake me up this early just because you don't know what the hell a 6 inch voice is, your ass is mine, boy." He glared at his ridiculously tall son, who was actually a few inches shorter than himself. It may not seem like it, but Oguro and Gorou are pretty close. The two always go out and play basketball together, and Gorou makes sure to give his son good tips and pointers on how to get the upper hand in a fight for the rebound. Their relationship is pretty much summed up with arguments, basketball, and taste in food. Upon hearing what his dad had to say, Oguro just shrugged his shoulder and took a glance at the lunch Oko was making for them. Suddenly, the teen's expression went from angry to disgusted and angry, "Oko!? What the hell!? I'm not eating that!" He yelled, and was almost instantly pulled into a headlock by his dad; meanwhile, Oko was covering her ears, somewhat traumatized and partially deaf.

"Don't yell at my beautiful daughter you lump of shit. You should be thankful that she wastes her valuable time on preparing you lunch. If it was me, I'd let yer ass starve." Gorou tightened the choke on his son, who was holding the arm around his neck in an attempt to break free.
"O-Ogay... " He barely managed to cough the word out, quickly tapping his hand down on the table beside them, in which Gorou released the helpless giant. "Tch." Oko had casually continued finishing with the bentos, having grown used to this kind of thing. Normally she'd freak out and beg the two to stop fighting, but... I guess six years of the same thing just... comes like puberty and stays like puberty. There's nothing you can do but adjust. "Look at it, though... it's a bunny!? How am I supposed to explain that to people?" Gorou let out an exaggerated laugh and sat back down at the table with a newly filled cup of coffee, "Hah!? What do you mean 'people'? Who the hell would want to stick close enough to you to be able to see inside your lunch box, boy?" And Oguro just narrowed his eyes at the man. Things continued on like this for a bit more, and the time to leave eventually caught up to them. The three stood at the door, Oguro and Gorou still spewing nonsense at each other, and Oko placed her shoes on, urging Oguro to do the same; he did. She also had to remind her brother to get his basketball shoes that are oh-so important to him, or else he'd forget, just as he forgot to pack his bag this morning. No worries, though, she already did that the night before. Finally, the two were well on their way to school- er... high school.

A good fifteen minutes went by before Oguro and Oko arrived at the school gates, only to find that they were a tad bit early.
"I... I guess school starts at a different time here?" Looking around, you could only see a few people (literally, like two to three people) making their way into the school, but there was one that seemed to stand out; a boy kicking a hackey sack. "Mmh... no, that wouldn't make sense, would it? I mean... the time zones between Wakayama and Tokyo are pretty much the same, right? It's like... a minute apart... right?" Oguro looked down at Oko in search for some sort of "Yeah, you're right", but only came to find that she was no longer standing beside him, and was instead jogging towards the hackey sack boy. "Oiiiii~! Good morning!... Do you know if we're early or late, exactly? Sorry if this is a bother." The girl bowed generously, sending the stranger a bright smile. Oguro was just now catching up to her, having chosen to walk instead of jog like an idiot. He remained quiet with one hand in his pants pocket, and the other holding his bag over his shoulder. Oguro and Oko, both, were taller than the kid, but that's normal for them. Unlike Oko, Oguro likes using his appearance to his advantage at times, but doesn't actually notice that it's because of his appearance that he's able to scare some people off, and instead thinks it's because of the intimidating things he says. Just remember, though, he's really a big teddy bear who would dive into ongoing traffic just to save the life of a kitten that'll probably die because of worms soon anyways.

@SirBlazeALot (I'm really sorry for the long post. Kind of. Not really. If you want, just start from any random paragraph; though, you're an ass-butt if you do. Not all of my posts will be this long -lies-, or I at least hope so. Also, click the character's names at the top of the post to see pictures of 'em; it's an accordion.)
Himura Hoshi

Location: Iwahana

Kickin' It With: Higashikata Oguro & Higashikata Oko


By his own admission, Hoshi was getting pretty damn good at hackin' his sack. He juggled the ball up and down with a smile and his tongue sticking out with intense focus as he counted in his head. "7...8...9...10 closeone! 11..." All he had to do was beat 15. He could hear the crowd cheering now as if he were about to score the game winning point at the superbowl. Beyoncé was in the crowd after stealing the show from Coldplay. She was going to divorce Jay Z and marry him if he could do this. The pressure's on. His smile and his eyes widened as he hit number 14 perfectly, pretty much insuring that 15 and 16 would be easier than picking your nose. But then, two shadows loomed above him and a girl's voice broke his concentration. "15!" he shouted out loud in a frenzy but he fucked up and the hackey sack totally went up way too high and landed directly on top of Oguro's head.

"D'aaaw ma-- WOAH..." Hoshi looked up at the two of them, mainly Oguro and the top of his head before looking at Oko as if he just got married to Beyoncé, that is to say, HYPE AS FUCK. "Broooo!! Did you see that?! That was so sick!" Landing it on top of Oguro's head completely by accident was an achievement in its own right as far as Himura Hoshi was concerned. He gave the twins a big grin and two thumbs up like Ebert and Roeper. "You guys must be lucky charms! Hey, hey, hey, check us out!" Hoshi moved to stand beside Oko and snickered immaturely. "Look, look, look, we're a decent phone signal. Three bars! Not the best, but totally not the worst! Good for us, right? We're a reliable connection!" Hoshi had momentarily forgotten Oko's question in all of his excitement. It popped back in his head and he exclaimed, "Oh, oh, oh! Bad news, you guys are totally...hehheh...late..." you could tell by the way he was smirking that he was lying his little ass off rather terribly. And if you were literally the worst lie detector in the world, he revealed his innocent prank almost directly after his shitty attempt. "Naaaah, you guys are early! Just like me! Hey maybe you guys got the wrong time just like me! Sucks man, we coulda been sleepin' like cute lil' babies...OH WELL! Saaay...do you guys wanna play?" Hoshi pointed up at the hackey sack after running his mouth like if you typed a whole bunch of shit into Microsoft Sam and then had Sam snort a line of coke before you hit enter.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Satoshi woke to a weight dipping his bed down, automatically knowing that it was his mother. With a soft groan of protest, he rolled over so that he was on his stomach, hearing the soft laughter of his mother ring through his ears. "Go away~" The blonde male whined, voice thorough to muffled by the pillow he was burying his face in. He felt a gentle hand ruffle his hair before the weight was removed from his bed and there were light footsteps leaving his room. This didn't leave him resting easy though, he automatically knew that this meant his mother wanted him up and ready. Sitting up in his bed, a few streaks of sunlight flitted on to his freckles, causing them to have a sort of heavenly glow. He gave a soft laugh at the thought. "Well, I am comparable to an otherworldly god," he mumbled to himself, sporting a wide grin that was insanely creepy. The blonde stood up and stretched, going over to his closet to grab the uniform. It was clean and sharp-looking, and it had no wrinkles whatsoever. He got dressed at a leisurely pace, stopping every now and then to admire himself. Finally, he was finished. Heading downstairs, he noticed the eerie silence. Ah, mom must be asleep. I told her she needs to stop staying up so late. His thoughts ran wild for a minute before he realized he didn't have a lunch fixed or breakfast. Well, shit. You did not want this man in front of a stove attempting to cook, he would probably burn the whole house down, and laugh while he was doing so. He sighed, knowing he would have to go that run-down little 7/11 for some food. That was a last resort, I mean, Satoshi was a classy guy, and he wasn't ever satisfied by some shitty dry chicken bento. He would probably just grab some sweets or something. Grabbing his bag, he slung it over his shoulder and began to make his way to the store. He looked up at the sky while he did so, admiring the pretty morning colors and the sky in general. He had always been a fan of nature. I wonder if I should make my offering to the sun god today; I have no clue where I'm going to get nymph's blood though. Maybe I could summon a friend to help me? Who knows. His thoughts began to trail off before he realized he was already at the 7/11. He stepped inside, automatically hearing the loud noises of a bunch of teenagers arguing over food to get. He was tempted to go and tell them off, but that was before someone else caught his eye, who was obviously looking at dirty magazines. Satoshi slunk past the male, a large grin on his face as he was looking at what the male was reading. "That's some lightweight shit right there," he commented, a highly annoying laugh echoing around them. If you haven't noticed already, his voice was extremely loud as well, which would probably draw attention to the both of them. His golden eyes scanned the area for a minute before finding what he wanted. It was a BDSM magazine. The front of it was a black and crimson mixture, and the thought of blood caused a shudder to jolt through him. "Anyways," he pointed to the magazine, "that's what you should be looking for. Much better quality in my opinion," the blonde boy stated, arms folded over his chest with that same creepy smile. It was then that he realized the guy was wearing the exact same uniform, which caused him to tilt his head in curiosity. That stupid smile never left his face though, and he almost looked like a cat with the way he was positioned at the moment.


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K o t o n e ~~~ S a r u m a r a

With a Vocaloid song playing through her headphones and a hum dropping from her lips, Kotone began to shove on her shoes, head moving side to side to the beat. It was the first day of school, something most students would dread due to homework, early mornings and forced interactions with people you disliked, but for this girl, she was actually looking forward to it. It would bring back some regularity in her life, after all, and a familiar routine, and that was something she has yearned for for a while. However, heading back meant that you'd be shoved into a social setting once more... And that was something the brunette was not looking forward to. But lets not look at the negative, yeah? This morning was pretty good, after all! Kotone awoke to her the smell of pancakes drifting into her room and the gentle whisper of a song from her mother as she prepared them. God knows what her father was doing- probably still sleeping as he was working on compositions later in the day- but from those two things alone she knew it was going to be a good day. Well, that, or her mother could predict the future, knew the day was going to shit and that her daughter was gonna fall flat on her face when trying to make friends and probably get ran over by a rogue car and was trying to keep the atmosphere light and cheery. Either way, pancakes were gonna be ate! And who can be sad when you have one of those in your mouth? No one.

Once shoes were on, hair checked to be perfect and uniform was up to standards, Kotone nodded to herself with a light smile. "Mama! I'm heading off now!" She called behind her shoulder as she paused her song. From within the kitchen the sound of rushing footfalls could be heard, and in the matter of seconds a black haired woman poked her head out, beaming brightly. "Have a good day! Try not to trip your teacher again!" She snickered cheekily, causing the brunette to wince and flush at the memory from her as a little kid. "Not funny, mama..." Rolling her eyes, she snatched her school bag before heading out the door, leaning her back against after closing. Her eyes flickered skywards, sigh leaving her mouth. 'Step one, done. Next is to actually get there in one piece.'

Thankfully, the journey to the school didn't take too long. Kotone lived rather close, you see, so it was practically a given. Upon arrival though, something... Odd... Was happening. A small group was gathered just in front of the building, two of them laughing or something whilst the other member had... A sack on his head...? Her eyebrow shot up curiously, and before she could register her thoughts about the event, her legs were already dragging her body over to the trio. Only problem was once she was there, she didn't know what exactly to say... And you couldn't just go up to people, stand for a second and then walk off, could you? 'Dammit...' Shoulders hunching upwards automatically, the girl timidly looked around the three. "H-hey..." Looking at the tallest guy, an arm raised slowly, finger pointing the the top of his head. "You have... Something... Right there..." No shit, Kotone. No shit. Realising how stupid her words were, she decided to restart with a pink tinge to her cheeks and ears. "I-I mean! Wh-what are you all doing? Isn't classes on n-now?" The brunette questioned the three softly in a 'sorry for this but I'm awkward as fuck and dunno what I'm doing' kinda tone.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot
S a k u r a ~~~ K a i d o u

Unlike my other two characters, Sakura had a rather... Unique way of getting up that particular morning. His sleeping form was positioned as if he was a rag doll thrown onto the ground at random; one arm was thrown over his head, cradling his luscious locks whilst the other was thrown on the ground. One leg remained in the warmth and cover of the lopsided blanket whilst the other was just chillin' against the wall beside him. Loud snores exited his mouth as he breathed, but it all stopped once the iconic Legend of Zelda theme blasted out from his phone, immediately waking him up. A huge smile- one that can only be made by a major nerdy fanboy- spread over his features and, without any warning whatsoever, he leapt upwards and began to proudly scream the anthem of his people, "DUN DUN! DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN! DUN DUN DUN DUN DUUUN!" He sang/screamed the 'lyrics' as he ran around his room, gathering his uniform that he had thrown around the night previous in his 'epic battle to save the princess from the tentacle monster'. "DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DU-" "SAKURA KAIDOU, IT IS SIX IN THE MORNING! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO BACK TO SLEEP BEFORE I SMACK YOUR ASS." The loving response to his singing came from his father in the room beside him, ceasing his movement and beautiful singing. He remained frozen for a second, staring at the wall where the voice had come from until he heard an irritated grumble as his father returned to sleep. Only then did he move; a relieved exhale passed his lips and he moved to grab his shirt. He then glanced back at the wall once more, gulped, and whispered, "Dun dun d-d-dun, d-d-dun dun dun..." No response... Hell yeah.

Now, you'd think that he'd learn from his mistake and stop humming. Well, he did not. Sakura is a dumbass with a capital 'D', and after changing and making his way downstairs to the kitchen to get some toast, he completely forgot that the rest of the household was sleeping... And he did it again. With the loudest and most badass goddamn tune in the world. "DOVAHKIIN, DOVAHKIIN, NAAL OK ZIN LOS VAHRIIN! WAH DEIN VOKUL MAHFAERAAK AHST VAAL!" The epic ballad was screamed from the diaphragm, making the glorious Dragonborn song resound throughout the whole house and, most likely, the entire street. Sakura got so carried away with the beautiful tune that he didn't ever hear his father's pounding footsteps and he stormed down the stairs. He only noticed the older man when he turned around from buttering his toast, and the bread in his hands immediately dropped to the ground as his face paled. His father... Had a shoe in his hand... And looked like a warrior who had his enemy on the ground and was about to end their life. Raising his hands in surrender, the teen offered him a timid smile, "D-daddio... I-I didn't mean t- OH SHIT!"

The battle that followed was gruesome... Too much gore for this poor site to handle, so I'll skip over the details. However, I'll tell you one thing and one thing only. Our hero Sakura survived by running like a little bitch out of his house and was now legging it down the street. Since his toast was on the kitchen floor and probably trampled all over, the poor guy hadn't got any breakfast. He's a tall dude too, so like, he needs to eat. So Sakura found himself inside the closest 7/11 and had bought onigiri, the most beautiful and pure food in the world. As he nibbled on it, his eyes caught hold of a group of other students from the same school as him all standing and chatting. And then... There was two dudes at the adult section... Intrigued, he casually wandered over and immediately stared at the BDSM magazine that a blond kid was pointing at. His face scrunched up in disgust at the thought of what was on the inside. Yeah, this guy is a bit of a perv too and finding others like him was always nice, but... BDSM... That's gross as fuck, dude... "Man, I don't kink shame or anything, but like, that's fuckin' gross shit there. You ain't got no taste, bud." He told the guy with a shake of his head, moving to grab the magazine. Once in his hand, he held it up so everyone could see the cover. "See what I think of this?" Swiftly, he tossed it over his shoulder to god knows where and wiped his hand that held it on his trousers. "That's my thoughts, man. But see you?" His attention was now drawn to the guy with a far more tasteful adult mag in his hands. A wide grin covered his features as he shifted his weight to be closer to the other, wrapping an arm around his shoulder in pride, "That's some good shit right there. Learn lessons from this guy, Blondie. You won't regret it." Winking, he took another bite from his onigiri before heading out of the store, not forgetting to add a slap to the ass of the blond as he passed him. What a nice guy.

@Zero Gravity @mikko @theglassangel (you're in the store, right? I thought i should mention ya ^u^)
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Koyo Okura

Mornings had always been difficult, but this one seemed particularly bent on ruining Koyo's first day. There was light streaming directly into his room and a loud blaring horn coming from directly outside his bedroom door. Though these things did not seem to make him budge in the slightest the smell of freshly cooked bacon had wafted its way up the stairs and directly into his nose, causing the poor young boys tired eyes to spring wide open and for him to fall out of bed... onto the col, cruel wooden floor. With an aching groan, the new high school student stumbled his way almost drunkenly around the room, pulling his clothes on so haphazardly it seemed as though they'd be ruined. In the end he was dressed in his school uniform and standing still half asleep at the top of the stairs, his gaze locked on his watch trying to make sense of the numbers and the words in his head.

S.....school.... didn't I... have to...

His eyes got wide and he ran, almost tripping twice down the stairs. With a dashing kiss to his mothers cheek he grabbed his bag, bento and a piece of almost burnt toast from a plate on the table, not having time to sit and enjoy himself. Out the door before his mother had a chance to greet him, his feet pounded against pavement, an almost angry expression taking over his face.

Not again, I can't be late on the first day!

Koyo's running slowed once he had passed a nearby 7-11, having glanced inside and seen a few teenagers also wearing school uniforms he took a few steps back to get a clearer look, confused for a moment before seeing the wide variety of foods that they all seemed to be carrying. He rolled his eyes and after seeing that group he began to walk calmly the rest of the way, knowing that if he were late he'd still be there before them.


Hinaka lied in bed, staring at the white ceiling that was glowing from the rays of the morning sun with a grand smile on her face. Today was the day. The first day of high school. She had been dreaming of this moment ever since she was a young boy. The moment she would finally- FINALLY find the guy of her dreams. "YAHOO!" She screamed, immediately jumping up as the clock strikes XX:XX. Exactly one hour before school starts. "Wait-" She said, holding her hands out and stopping herself, grinning even wider as she thought of the perfect idea. "What if I do what the main female protagonist does in the anime does? I sleep in and have to quickly get ready- still looking absolutely perfect- and grab a piece of bread, holding it in my mouth beforerunningdownthestreetandBUMPINTOTHEGUYIWILLDATE?!" Hinaka squealed loudly, stomping her feet as she jumped in the air. "That's perfect, Hinaka! You perfect goddess, you!" She declared, making up her blonde and stubborn little mind before jumping back into bed and shutting her eyes tight, trying to make herself go to sleep.


Shikami Rimoshu

Shikami slowly sat up, her alarm clock yelling at her as she stared at the wall, her famous resting bitch face still on the girl's beautiful skin. "Why. Are. You. Waking. Me-" When she remember, her bitch face went to a devilish smile. "Oh, yes. Oooooh yes." She said happily, a bright grin taking over her expression. Now in a wonderful mood, she gently pressed the 'Stop' button on her alarm clock and skipped over to her closet, throwing it open to reveal a cleanly pressed school uniform she has been dying to wear. She grabbed the hanger and went over to her bed, still grinning as she asked her outfit, "Ready to wreak some havoc?"

Once the girl was completely ready for school, she looked in the mirror, sending a wink at her reflection before skipping off towards school. Ah, school. The place where Shikami has the most fun. That may sound weird coming from a teenagers brain, but it's true. School has been where she has gotten excitement out of her totally boring life. She tortures people with rumors and bends people with blackmail. When she reached the main entrance, she noticed that no one was there other then a group of four people. Two that seemed to be twins, one was a jock, and one was just an average, shy school girl. "Hmmmm..." She hummed, smiling as she went over to them, immediately judging them.

"Hey, cutie." She said to Hoshi, resting her elbow on his shoulder for a few seconds, looking over the group of three. Hoshi was easy to read. He was a jock who dreamed of making it big. Plain and simple. She glanced at the twins first, walking up to the girl and taking a strand of her hair, running it through her fingers before tossing her a smile, "You're a pretty one, aren't you?" She asked, handing her a genuine compliment before walking over the her brother, glaring at his head when she saw the hacky-sack. "You," She started, standing on her tippy toes and flicking the hacky-sack off of his head, "have daddy issues written all over you." Shikami said more than asked, sending him a fake pout before snickering and heading over to Kotone and 'Aw'ing. "You're so adorable!" She squealed, hugging the girl that was shorter than her before letting go and facing the group. "I don't know if I'll have fun with any of you other than...." She quickly pointed to Oguro, "You."

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

H o s h i m i ~~~ U s a g i

Blinking slowly, Hoshimi turned her line of vision towards a rather... Loud girl that had just squealed like a pig being slaughtered. Looks like her whisper wasn't so quiet, eh? The green haired girl listened to the lightening fast ramble from the bento loving chick, her facial expression not budging an inch. Of course, after ranting, the same girl bent over and added to the mountain of food in her arms, grabbing each and every bento on display. 'Maybe she's not a pig for slaughter... More like a pig getting fattened.' The thought made a small smile form on the inside, but she refused to show the amusement. "... I said three day old shit, not one." Hoshimi corrected the other after her huff had vanished, but before a reaction could be had, Hoshimi's arm was abruptly shoved downwards, causing her brow the raise in the slightest as yet another girl joined. She looked a lot more pissed off and angry, kinda ugly with her nostrils flared and stuff, but meh. She was very tempted to leave this bullshit situation, but then this newcomer... She had the nerve... The audacity... To suggest vegetables for lunch. I mean, did this guy look like a fucking rabbit? "No, no, excuse me." Hoshimi was ready to destroy the bitch there and then when, surprise surprise, another person came to share their opinion! 'How big is this goddamn place?' Sighing, the girl politely stayed quiet as this new guy added in his opinion, and to be honest, he was probably the only one out of the other two that made a legit point. Even if he called her seaweed princess- shitty nickname but eh, better than whore or sleepy fuck- she had to admit, he seemed pretty chill. Hell, he even went over to the porn section! How fucking awesome is he? Hoshimi smirked a little, eyeing him from head to toe for a moment before making a mental note to talk to him at school. However, in doing so, she completely forgot what she doing and found herself standing with three strangers. She allowed her eyes to then flicker over the various individuals before nodding, focusing her attention back on tall guy. "Yeah, onigiri here isn't too bad. Still would recommend pretz, but fuck it. Whatever suits your fancy." Shrugging, Hoshimi patted the boy on the arm as a 'good luck choosing between those two dude' pat before walking off, paying for her things. The employee looked a lot less smiley now, but who really cared? Not Hoshimi. She just wanted to head to school now and away from the bullshittery of her fellow students in here. So, with that in mind, she walked out of the store, popped a pretz stick in her mouth and began the journey once more, keeping a few centimetres behind this other guy heading to the school as well.

@theglassangel @SirBlazeALot @mikko @Raythegayisaokay (mentioned briefly)

Higashikata Oguro - Higashikata Oko



Location: School | Interacting/Mentioned: Oko, Hoshi, Kotone, Shikami

Location: School | Interacting/Mentioned: Oguro, Hoshi, Kotone, Shikami

So, Oko and Oguro arrived at school, only to find that there weren't many people there yet; this made the twins wonder if they were late, or possibly early. Oko took notice of a kid kicking around a hackey sack, and made it a point to talk to him, asking about their situation with a generous bow.
"D'aaaw ma-- WOAH..." And when she did, she apparently startled the boy; though, upon looking over at her brother, Oko came to find that it wasn't her who brought upon Hoshi's loud reaction, and it was instead the simple stunt he managed to pull off by causing his hackey sack to land on Oguro's head. It wasn't highly appreciated, and the giant teen furrowed his brow, allowing his eyes to narrow off in the distance as Hoshi glanced back over at Oko with a look that said he was hype as fuck, "Broooo!! Did you see that?! That was so sick!" His energetic personality was entertaining, and Oko couldn't help but giggle. When the stranger placed himself beside her, she blinked, somewhat confused, but laughed once again after grasping an understanding of his joke. Meanwhile, Oguro just continued to stare off in the distance with a look that said he wasn't ready to deal with this shit right now. "Oh, oh, oh! Bad news, you guys are totally...hehheh...late..." Hoshi exclaimed loudly, but his volume lowered as he spoke, in which Oguro peered at him through the corner of his eye, knowing very well that what he just said was a lie; just picture the face everyone makes whenever Excalibur comes to mind.

"Eh? A-are we rea-" Oko was quickly interrupted by Hoshi fessing up, which made her blush a bit, feeling somewhat stupid. The look Oguro gave her didn't really make things any better, either. "Really?" He shook his head at the ground, inwardly cringing at the thought of anyone possibly falling for that, then looked up in the direction of which Hoshi was pointing after he finally finished rambling. Almost as soon as the words "wanna play" rang in his ears, Oguro's expression took a turn for the worst, and he glared down at the boy, "Hell no." Oko gently shoved her brother and clicked her tongue, but he didn't budge, and continued with his eyes glued where they were. "Don't listen to him... He's actually just a big teddy bear, despite appearances." She smiled down at him, allowing her Pikachu bag to slide from around her shoulders. It dropped to the ground, and she scooted it to the side a bit, "I'll play with you. Though, I might not be good... If that's okay..." She spoke in a soft voice, growing a bit awkward. "H-hey..." Then appeared and even softer voice, it's keeper seeming to feel even more awkward. The girl was small with fluffy hair; she pointed up at Oguro's head and stated the obvious, "You have... Something... Right there..." In which his eyes instinctively shot up once more, then back down at the tiny girl whose hair made him think of chocolate swiss rolls. Kotone quickly turned red and began trying to dismiss her previous blunder, "I-I mean! Wh-what are you all doing? Isn't classes on n-now?"

Somewhere along the lines of "H-hey...", Oko's eyes had lit up, and she clasped her hands together with a gaping expression. She was going to start hugging the cute stranger when suddenly someone else, another tiny person whom is towered over by Oko and Oguro, both, arrived with a rather daring comment towards Hoshi,
"Hey, cutie." She rested her elbow on his shoulder and looked the group over with skin-complimenting red eyes. Her pigtails also made Oko's expression light up, but she also felt a bit embarrassed for Hoshi, placing a hand to her mouth. Things started to get even more interesting when Shikami suddenly proclaimed Oko to be pretty, and ran her hair through her fingers, then accused Ogami of having daddy issues, in which he furrowed his brow and took a step back. The girl had flicked the hackey sack from the top of Oguro's head, but I'm just confused as to why it was still there... Like, shouldn't it have fallen already!? "You're so adorable!" She squealed, pulling Kotone into a hug, then let go and continued rambling on, "I don't know if I'll have fun with any of you other than.... You." And with that, the newcomer pointed directly at Oguro. You see... the twins aren't really used to being surrounded by this many people, not that it's even a lot, so they're probably feeling really out of place, especially Oguro; he's always scared people away with his hyper personality. Hoshi's pretty hyper... but look at him, he's adorable.

"W-what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Oguro lifted an arm to defend himself as though someone were about to throw something at him, then slammed his fists down on an invisible surface, "Where the hell are you all coming from!?" Oko flinched at how loud her brother was being, and covered her ears. "Oguro, goodness, quieten down a bit." She paused and looked around the group, deciding that they should all introduce themselves. Oko placed a hand to her chest and held another one up as though pledging her life, or something, "My name is Higashikata Oko, and I like fixing people's hair to look beautiful. This is my younger brother Oguro; though, only by thirteen minutes. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can all get along this year." After that, the girl nudged the taller male for him to speak, too. He didn't want to, of course, thinking that what Oko had to say was a little too corny, but did it anyways. Clearing his throat, Oguro turned his head to face another direction, avoiding eye contact with anyone and everyone. "Ahem... I like basketball." Of course, you do... just look at you, you're huge. So many people had shown up already in such a short amount of time; it's funny how things work like that. Soon enough, they'd all be searching for their classrooms, meeting their homeroom teachers, signing up for clubs, and later on down the road... the wonders of becoming a high school student for the first time will be locked away and placed in a box, only to be looked back on during times of hardship in their mid-twenties and thirties.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Corgi
It took all but two minutes to notice the dangerously close presence behind Koyo, causing him to halt in his footsteps and turn to stare down at the girl, face lacking emotion except for the eyebrow raised in questioning. He wasn't shocked, just curious as to why she had to be so close on heals. As he stared down at the girl he took in her almost head achingly bright features and tired looking eyes, finding himself amused at how different the colors ranged.

He had waited a few seconds to speak after turning, his voice was almost low enough to scare an average person, tagged along by an overly tired teenager and only a few hours of sleep made it fairly obvious that this student was grumpy and not up to dealing with pesks this early in the morning.

"So, do you like my shoes?" his words riddled with dry humor he kept the emotionless look, "Cause damn you might as well be wearing them, walking that close." His smile was pushed when it came and despite earlier thoughts of making friends this year he would be totally ok with acting pissed at anyone who got close to him. His gaze snapped away when a commotion stirred near the school and he turned once more to continue walking, wondering exactly why she had been walking so close behind him.

@Leaf Fi

Shikami Rimoshu

Shikami sighed, seeing he didn't understand what she meant. Then again, who would? Most don't even understand what goes on in that precious little head of hers anyways. "It means that I'm showing interest in you." She said simply, her eyes narrowing when he asked where we were coming from, "We're coming from our homes to go to school. Use that brain of yours, I know it's in there somewhere." She said, rolling her eyes slightly. God, she loves school. Calling people stupid, pushing them around, putting herself at the top of the school- She missed it all over summer break. Sadly, she never really made friends other than the manipulative bitches at her previous school, so she never was able to go out anywhere. There's also the fact that when she's not at school, she's a completely different person. If she's prepping for school, she reverts back to her bitchy form, like she was another person, but when she's sitting at home, she's actually tolerable and thoughtful.

When the female twin introduced herself, the other two with them became nonexistent. The cute little shy girl and the surprisingly adorable looking jock disappeared from her mind. "Rimoshu Shikami, pleasure to meet you," She said to Oko, sending her a smile and looking at Oguro, "and you as well." She said, giggling over his lack of words. It was pretty obvious he did some sport. His tall stature really showed it. "Basketball's fun. My eight year old brother plays it and I go to watch his games." She included, seeming more like a normal being for a few seconds. "Ah, but enough about me-" Shikami said, grinning and looking at Oko, "Higashikata-Chan, you like to do hair, correct?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. Honestly, I have no clue how Shikami isn't intimidated right now. Both of them were much taller than her and Oguro looked like he would be ale to snap her in two- Which in all honesty, he probably could.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot

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Himura Hoshi

Location: Iwahana

Kickin' It With: Higashikata Oguro, Higashikata Oko, Sarumara Kotone, & Rimoshu Shikami


Hoshi was absolutely delighted that Oko fell for his little trick. His face began to glow with a wide and warm smile, but he was unsatisfied that Oguro didn't fall for it as well. But then, OH WELL! CAN'T WIN 'EM ALL! And any ounce of disappointment and or insecurity he had did a sick kickflip out the window, stuck the landing, and rode off into the sunset. Hoshi's face did however become slightly pouty when Oguro refused to play with his sack. Who wouldn't be sad about that? "Awww man, c'moo--" Hoshi whined slightly until Oko started speaking again and informed him that the giant with the furrowed brow in front of him was actually a teddy bear, despite the look his face that said "There's nothing I want more in this world right now than to choke you until you die." Hoshi found this contrast to be quite funny, and he bent over and slapped his knee in laughter. "I don't know, he looks pretty Teddy to me, don'tcha big guy!?" Hoshi poked Oguro in his stomach and giggled before standing up straight and got ready to play with Oko. When she voiced her concern about potentially not being great at hackey sack, he began to run his mouth once more. "Bro, don't even worry about it! When I first started sacking, I couldn't even hit it twice! I sucked! But then I practiced, and I almost beat my high score of FIFTEEN! And now I can land it on a dude's head! How sweet is that!? If you practice, you can do anything! And I'm here to help you become a champion of the sack!" Hoshi pumped his fist with a determined grin and a glint in his eye.

Absorbed in his inspirational ramble, he almost missed out on the newcomer. She was a short pretty girl with fluffy shiny brown hair. The first thing Hoshi immediately thought was, OH. MY. GOD. WE CAN BE AN EVEN STRONGER PHONE SIGNAL NOW! She did point out a predicament Hoshi was attempting to solve, and that was that the sack was still on top of Oguro's head. Hoshi was positive he had the hops to smack it off if he bent at the knees and gave it a good spring, but he was also worried he'd slap Teddy in the face. And then there was the issue of him barely having time to react to their four bar signal because another smol girl arrived. This one was a lot more touchy. "Eh?" Hoshi glanced over at her touch and then grinned when she called him a cutie. Yeah, he's not easily flustered. "Hi! Do you wanna play with my sack too?" he asked, completely oblivious of the epic pun he just made. The girl left him almost as fast as she'd shown up and complimented Oko, a sentiment to which he eagerly agreed. "You're right, she is really pretty! She could be like, a model or something bro!" he complimented the girl casually and went to retrieve his hackey sack as the girl knocked it off of Oguro's head. A look of utter confusion crossed his face, he was completely unsure how this girl ascertained that Oguro had "daddy issues" and also didn't fully understand the concept. Cause his dad was fucking great.

He started to zone out as Shikami began to get "all weird", as he liked to put it, around Oguro, and innocently commented in a small voice, "B-but we can all have fun together...we can sack bro...he doesn't even wanna play." He looked over at Kotone, a complete stranger who expressed zero interest in playing with his sack and asked her as if she already vowed to do so. "You still wanna sack it, right bro?" he asked, waving the sack in front of himself gently.

Oko introduced herself, and revealed that she and Oguro the Teddy were siblings. No wonder they're both so big! Hoshi had been thinking they were upperclassmen, but they wore freshman uniforms and he was positive upperclassmen would know when class started. He did the usual, gave a low bow to his new friends and commented, "I'm Himura Hoshi, and I love everything, cause everything is awesome! Nice to meet you bros." Figures Oguro would like basketball. Oko's aspirations to make hair look pretty made Hoshi run his fingers through his own dark hair and rub the back of his shaved head. It always felt weird to do that, but in a good way. "So let me make sure I have this right..." Hoshi pointed at each person, "Higashikata Oko, Higashikata Teddy, Rimoshu Shikami, and Himura Hoshi. That leaves you bro," Hoshi pointed at Kotone, sensing that she was a bit shy, so he asked her in a softer, less aggressive tone, "What's your name?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Corgi

Aiko Takashi

The car ride to the school was fairly short, or so it seemed. Aiko was so lost in her thoughts and distracted by the blur of color flying by her window that time seemed to pass faster than usual. Pulling up to the front of the school, the black car came to a halt. With a smile, Aiko's father ruffled her silky blonde hair with his worn-out hand.

"Have a fun day at school today, sweetie." He told her, watching as his daughter nodded and returned his smile with her own. With an outstretched hand, Aiko pulled on the car door handle and pushed it open, stepping out of the car. The wind began to blow gently, rushing past her and causing her long hair to billow in the wind. A few stray sakura blossoms brushed past her, soon floating gently to ground as the wind died down. She closed the door behind her, waving slightly as she watched her father begin driving away, soon disappearing into the distance.

Aiko's stunning blue eyes glanced upwards, admiring the huge school in front of her with a small smile. The sounds of chatter distracted the beautiful blonde-haired girl for a moment, and she swiveled her gaze to the side to look at a group of students gathered near the front entrance. She studied them for a moment before tearing her eyes away, trying not to stare for too long. A few other lingering students surrounded her, staring at Aiko with curiosity and awe. She didn't seem to notice their stares, however, and decided to seat herself on a bench sitting underneath a blooming sakura tree. Aiko set her school bag down beside her, feeling the wind begin to blow again. Pink petals swirled around her, falling to the pavement. She watched them fall for a moment, before closing her eyes in relaxation, feeling the wind rush through her hair once more.

All worries and anxieties she had felt earlier that morning seemed to melt away in that very moment, and slowly, a small smile formed on her face, spreading across her soft pink lips. She reopened her eyes, staring up at the sun that peeked through the branches. Aiko could already tell it was going to be a great day, and a high level of confidence filled her heart at the thought.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi @SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi (Just tagging you guys 'cause your characters were sorta mentioned)


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K o t o n e ~~~ S a r u m a r a

Before any of the trio could answer her question, a loud, boisterous voice screamed out from behind her, causing the poor Kotone to jump with widened eyes. The new raven haired girl had an energetic and confident vibe that practically covered the entire area. Feeling such a vibe, you would expect everyone would feel a little more comfortable and easy going, mm? Not really for the brunette... For whatever the reason, she felt a little more on edge and anxious. I'd say the reason behind this would be that this new girl seemed to be the type to randomly screech in a quiet room for the fun of it, and Kotone didn't want to be taken by surprise... However, just that happened.

As she quietly watched the lively girl interact with the three others, her heart almost stopped beating once she locked eyes with the other. Before she could run for her life (which was, of course, the first thing her head told her to do) the black haired girl had appeared right in front of her, face beaming in joy as well as voice. She then wrapped her arms around Kotone in a hug, making the girl feel rather awkward and flustered. 'W-wait... I'm adorable?!' The thought sent her heart wild; it pounded hard against her chest as her face went a darker shade of pink. After around three seconds she was dropped from the hug as the other began to go off in a ramble again, leaving her rather confused and jumpy. Especially as Oguro yelled. Fuck, that was like a ROAR. Calm down, dude! They all came from the nether regions of their mums, okay, just like you... Kotone gulped, shrinking back once more as she shot a look over her shoulder. The thought of leaving played on her mind, and before she could follow the comforting thought out, the much smaller and friendlier male of the group began to talk to her, snapping her out of her stupor. "H-huh...?" Her gaze flickered from his friendly face to the sack in his hands, but before she could agree to the game she totally didn't sign up for, introductions from the two titans were made, quickly followed by the bright girl and then the nice guy. His attention then turned to Kotone in a much less brash fashion, a warm and welcoming aura emitting from his tone. "O-oh... Uhm, I'm Sarumara Kotone... It's a pleasure to meet you all." Like her parents had taught her growing up, she added a slow and polite bow at the end of her sentence. "I, erm, like... Music, I guess..."

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Corgi

H o s h i m i ~~~ U s a g i

For some reason... The guy in front of her started to stare her down... Hoshimi was kinda confused by it, 'Is he checking me out?' ... She doesn't know what personal space is. I apologise for that, Koyo. Since she didn't exactly know that was the reason this student was glancing her way, she felt a little... Weird that he was, but meh. She took the whole look over from him as a compliment. In a sort of return gesture she locked her eyes with his darker coloured ones for a moment or two, trying to communicate with the shared gaze. 'Sup?' ... There was no reply; the guy broke off his eyes from her and looked forward once more. How boring.

"So, do you like my shoes?" The question caused her head to perk up a little as she stared at the back of his head, brow slightly raised. What kinda question was that? Did she even look at his shoes once? I don't think s-... DUDE. Oh my god... If Hoshimi was a more in touch with her emotions and would react a lot more, she would have burst into laughter there and then. However, she's not that type of girl. Instead, a smirk tugged her lips upwards as her head shook side to side. "... That was bad, man... Really bad." She rolled her eyes before focusing on the building ahead with a bit of a brighter attitude. "Out of all the jokes you choose that." Despite his remark she stayed in the same position, but it was nice to see she had a little more life behind her eyes now. It wasn't so terrifying to have her walk behind you then. For a second or two silence fell over the two until she spoke up once more, glancing back at the much tamer coloured boy, "Usagi Hoshimi is the name. How about you?" Not the best way to introduce yourself there, but... Eh. Better than walking in awkward silence.

"Koyo Okura." The way he said it showed no interest in keeping up with conversation. As he fell silent he felt the girl remain close behind him, though now he was in the very least acquaintanted with the small girl.

He had slowed his walk a bit, going almost annoyingly slow hoping that she'd either pass him or move to walk next to him instead of directly behind him, he kept his hands in his pockets and his head turned forward. His annoyance had died down and his shoulders had straightened a bit after he had said his name, showing very slight interest in not looking like a walking zombie.

The very small amount of humor shown earlier had improved his mood by the smallest amount but it was obvious in his expression, no longer looking mad or as tired. "Do you have friends?" He asked suddenly, having ignored her statements and spoken as though she hadn't said anything other than his name he turned his head once more, looking at her as though he would actually listen to whatever she said next. Which was highly unlikely.

@Leaf Fi



With: Koyo, Hoshimi

At: Home>Walking to School

The annoying ringing of an alarm that was not heard in a few months awoke her as she processed the smell of eggs frying and the toast of bread. Her eyelids opened and the once darkened room was now lit up by the rays of the deadly, shitty sun. No never mind, the sun was okay but the morning was always such a dread. Oh no, I'll be late if I don't hurry. Baby girl, what? She had over an hour to get to school and she considered this almost late? Whatever.

She got up, grabbed a towel, yelled mornin' to momma bear as she crossed the hall and went to the bathroom. After applying the thick, white paste and cleaning her mouth, Momoi took off her tight white v-neck and dropped her blue pajamas revealing a matching set of white cotton undergarment. She did the same with those, leaving a bare pale girl ready to do deep intense cleaning, after all it was the first day of school and she needed to put a good impression on the guys. Scrub, scrub, scrub, squeeeek. Ten minutes passed by, still showering. Twenty minutes, still showering. Thirty minutes, what in the actual fuck. After thirty-five minutes, Momoi stepped out of the steam-filled room with just a towel covering her girlhood. Oh man was the view enough to make a manhood stiffen.

Once she finished changing into some pretty tight clothes, she walked down to the dining table and sat down to eat her mother's cooking. "Hey Momo, doesn't school start in twenty minutes, honey?" "Yea mom, I have plenty of time," she responded before looking at her phone. "Damn it, it's this late already? I gotta go ma, see you later!" Sure she had over an hour but after thirty-five minutes in the bathroom, twenty looking for what to wear and ten eating, she only had five minutes to get to school. Momoi went to her room, grabbed her bag and ran off towards the school.

Halfway, she passed a 7-11 and noticed the group of kids there. She was about to join them when she noticed he was there. I can't go there, what if he knows I like him, it'll be too akward. Momoi did notice two kids walking together ahead of her. "Hi I'm Momoi! Looks like we'll be going to the same school."

Kizaki Horiuchi


Horiuchi had no idea that his unexceptional dilemma would cause the fuss it did. He was completely engrossed in choosing between the two lunch options, when suddenly a green-haired girl who wore the same uniform as him said: "...They all taste like three day old shit, so it doesn't make much of a difference..." and shortly after suggested him some pretz "Not bad!" he thought, and when he was about to thank her for the tip, he is interrupted by another girl "W-What do you mean day old shit?" "Eh?! What should I eat now" Horiuchi was almost settling for the pretz when yet another girl appeared from thin air "IS THIS SOME KIND OF MEET-UP SPOT AND NOBODY TOLD ME?" Hopefully she wouldn't be interested in participating in the "Let's decide what this perfect stranger is going to eat for lunch" festival "This is what you want. Veggies. Skip the ranch though, ranch is basically semen colored liquid fat." It was amazing how Horiuchi's lunch became such a popular topic among the clients of the small convenience store. Poor Horiuchi had no clue about what he should do, afraid that whatever decision he took would cause WWIII. Amidst that chaos, one more person, who surprisingly wasn't a girl, decided to give his two cents about the situation "dude, just buy a shit ton of onigiri." And it actually sounded like a good idea, onigiris were tasty, cheap, and would make pretty good lunch. Subsequently, the small crowd gathered around Horiuchi quickly dispersed.

After putting a handful of onigiri in his basket, he discreetly headed to the adult magazine corner, despite his innocent looks Horiuchi was quite the gravure enthusiast, having bought some photobooks in the past. When he got there, he found the guy who helped him out a few minutes ago observing the magazines carefully, probably in a similar situation, Kizaki decided to try to repay his favor in a way "Yo! I see that you probably didn't decide which one to take yet, would you mind if I suggested you something?" Instead of waiting for an answer, Horiuchi picked up a magazine from the top shelf "I particularly liked this issue of UTB. The gravure in it is on point." he said, getting a little too excited "I hope it is of your liking!" Horiuchi handed him the said magazine and walked away with a nod, trying not to be overly intrusive.

When Horiuchi finally went to the cashier to pay for his food, he noticed a poster behind the smiley attendant from earlier which said that they were looking for part-timers. That 7/11 was near his new school, so he wouldn't have to go out of his way to get to his job, working there sounded like a pretty good deal. "Here is your change!" "Uh, could you get me a sign-up sheet? I'm interested in becoming a part-timer." said Horiuchi, with an unusually serious tone in his voice "Of course!" a sheet was promptly handed to the high school freshman. He had promised to himself that his year he was going to become more independent, and getting his own money was a great way to begin.

Kizaki checked his phone for the time, and finally noticed how late he was, which was odd, considering that he had woken up very early that day. He needed to rush if he didn't want to lose important announcements, that would probably going to be made at the entrance ceremony. As soon as he left the conbini he started to run like there was no tomorrow, man, he was an extremely fast runner because of all those years playing baseball, and on top of that he was making a huge effort to to get on the school on time for the entrance ceremony, so he was running in a pretty insane velocity.

All he knew was that the school was surrounded by cherry blossoms, so his strategy to find the location of the said was following the flowering trees, even though it seemed like a pretty dumb strategy, it actually worked. It didn't take much time until the scenario became more and more school-like, he could even see a gate from afar, and a group of people, too! However there was only one tiny, little problem.

He just couldn't slow down, and was probably going to crash into someone

And that's exactly what he did. He literally fell over a girl that was much smaller than him, needless to say, he got very worried about her. He was completely aware that he was quite heavy and such impact could be very hurtful. The girl who was hit didn't appear to be seriously injured, but he was still immensely concerned about her welfare "I'm so, so, sorry! I should have been more careful." Horiuchi was genuinely preoccupied "Do you need any help to get up?" he asked, politely offering her his hand.

Interacted with:@Corgi @mikko

People near the gate:@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

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sayaka taichi

having dealt with the dispute on cheap lunches, taichi looked fondly at his unattainable, laminated lovers, and damn near smiled at them all posed preciously in suggestive poses. he had decided he wanted a couple to start off the new school year, but choosing only a couple choice reading materials proved far harder than he had originally assumed, and he found himself staring aimlessly at the selection. if he were to choose only what is meager budget allowed, he could get, at most, two. and sickening though the comparison was, choosing only a few booklets was like picking a favorite child. it was impossible. he stood there, helpless and ready to completely abort his mission, when an angel descended upon him. he was startled from his desolate stupor by the guy he had suggested onigiri to. now, taichi rarely read actual novels if there was little scandalous content, but he was well versed in tales of the give and thy shall receive variety. he had, of course, been a skeptic, but as he looked the tall, pierced, and excitable seeming male, he swore he saw a halo. the second the gravure was placedin his hands, he all but burst into tears. "thank you so muuuuuuch ohmygod---" he wailed, but when he looked up, the boy was gone.

admiring his new treasure, taichi was prepared to go when a piercingly loud blond slandered his tastes in erotica. he listened, understanding despite the
rude insertion of his opinion my god had the brat no manners, and came in when he deemed it appropriate. "my bdsm collection is sorta lacking, yeah, but i'm really only into bondage. i'll buy it if you think it's a good one, though?" he peered at the cover, blinking at the sexual violence brandished unabashedly on the cover, and shrugged his shoulders. it was slightly more graphic than he was used to, but hey, there's always room to expand your interests. kind and accepting as he is, he was just about to voice these thoughts when a tall, wild-haired male completely shat on the creepy fucker's opinion, and tossed the mag into no man's land.

it was reaching that point where he was getting ready to just slam dunk the issue into his basket. finish his purchases, and get out, but he instead had to put up with the insanity of this thrice-be-damned convenience store a beat longer. the man with hair as sentient as an octopus' tentacles wrapped an arm around his shoulders and commended his taste. taichi gave yet another emotional bout of "you have no idea how much you saying that means to me i can't even explain right now bro---" before the fated interaction occurred. the octopus man's hand made contact with the sinner's ass. unable to contain himself, he burst into violent bubbles of laughter, voice bubbling into a boisterous "HOLY SHIT." he snorted once more, bowing before leaving the scene. face red from extensive laughter, he approached the counter, scooping up the assumed-forgotten bdsm mag to add to his purchases. as he left the store, booking it for school but smiling like a sociopath, only one thought in his mind remained true. fuck all the doubts he had before, high school was gonna be fucking epic.

@Wataru (a.k.a the squad banned from the neighborhood 7/11)

Shikami Rimoshu

Shikami listened to the others talk, surprisingly quiet as she stood there, arms crossed listening to the others. It was just like the time her brother got detention and she tagged along of the drama. There was none and it was boring as fuck. She had become so bored she had started to drift away from the group, staring at the crowd and making judgments at other people.
'Hair's too frizzy.... Too much makeup, ew! That guy has crumbs all over his face. She could be nice i-' Suddenly, her thoughts were cut short with the sudden impact with the concrete ground. She was about to tell off whoever just pushed her over, but when she looked up, her mind switched to a different mind set. "Don't apologize, sweet heart. I would happily let you trip over me any day." She said with a grin and a wink, grabbing onto his hand and pulling herself up, still holding onto his hand, shaking is slightly to introduce herself, "Rimoshu Shikami. It's a pleasure to meet you.....?" She trailed off, meaning he should step in and introduce himself.


@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai


Hinaka's green/gold eyes drifted open with the sun blinding her. Confused, she narrowed her eyebrows and looking at her clock suddenly letting out a loud scream as she literally threw herself out of her bed and onto the floor. She quickly slithered over to the closet and put on her super cutified school uniform- decorated with cute little buttons and ribbons that she put on herself. She then ran to the bathroom, taking her time but rushing at the same time to fix her hair and do a little tab bit of makeup before brushing her teeth and stomping down the stairs. This was just what she wanted, except for the fact that she actually was panicking and that she really wanted to get to class on time.

Hinaka grabbed the first food she could, which just so happened to be bread, and her bento box before stuffing the slice of bread in her mouth and hurrying out the door, screaming at he top of her lungs,
"KYAAAAA~ I'M LATEEEEE!!!!" And charging down the side of the street. She was shoving her bento box into her backpack when she just so happened to find herself colliding with the ground. (What's with my female characters and their love for the floor?) When she looked up to apologize, she saw a charming and handsome black haired male with calming yellow eyes. "Woah." She thought, not realizing her mouth hanging open and the slice of bread that had flopped to the ground.

Suddenly, out of no where, Hinaka starts to curl up into a ball and roll back and forth on the pavement, squealing like the little school girl she is.
"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODTHISISREALLYHAPPENING?! IDIDN'TTHINKTHISWOULDHAPPENHWODIDINOTSEETHESIGNS?!?!?!!" She screamed, stopping all of a suddenly as sprawled out. "Wait a second. This isn't an anime.... They actually are seeing what I'm doing...." She trailed off, slowly looking over at the group before giving a small nervous laugh and putting herself back into her original position and clearing her throat. "ACTION!" She yelled and looked up at the male like none of what she did just happened. Hinaka quickly apologized. "I am so, so, so, so, so sorry!" She said, pouting lightly, waiting for him to hold out his hand to help her up.


@Leaf Fi @Bedbae

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