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Realistic or Modern IvysDaughter38's Character List


attention span of a flea, activate!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
DC UNIVERSE VERY FLEXIBLE WITH CHARACTERS: Wisteria Isley, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Red Hood/Robin/Jason Todd, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Barbra Gordon, Robin/Tim Drake, Robin/Damian Wayne, ect.

MARVEL UNIVERSE VERY FLEXIBLE WITH CHARACTERS: Peter Parker/Spiderman, Gwen Stacy, , MJ, Steve Rogers, James 'Buchanan' Barnes, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch

DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN : Connor (BOTH RK-800 AND RK-900), Markus, Kamsky, Gavin

SUPERNATURAL: Dean Winchester

ARCHER: Very Flexible with Characters

GREY'S ANATOMY: Fairly Flexible

CRIMINAL MINDS: Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid

HUSH HUSH SAGA: Patch, Nora, An OC, of Mine, Vee

ETERNAL EDEN TRILOGY : Brynn, Patrick, William, Flexible


SHADOWHUNTER CHRONICLES: Extremely Flexible with Characters

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