I've never actually roleplayed before XD


New Member
Hey all! You can call me Anais, pronounced A-na-ee(s): the "s" is barely there. I'm female, brown, and phew, I'm thirty years old! Time flies by so fast.

I'm new here AND I actually am new to roleplaying! I've always hovered at the edge of it. Back in my days at deviantART -- omg, that was a decade ago! -- most of my buddies over there roleplayed with each other. I was that one dweeb who just wrote by herself. ^^; I uploaded really badly-drawn OC pics too because my friends were all doing it, but my heart was mostly set on just writing. (I never did progress as an artist, but I love that old circle of friends and I have so much nostalgia for those days.)

But I've become pretty curious about collaborative writing, so here I am! I'm also on Reddit and another roleplaying forum. I'm just super cautious, so I lurk a long time before actually... doing anything. Kind of silly, I know. I've been reading a bunch of tutorials and looking around the interest checks, but I still don't know how to start.

A few things I like: weird fantasy, science fantasy, slow burning romance, psychological drama, and dry humor. I can't really do any fandom roleplays because I get paranoid I'll get something wrong.

Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough. Hope to meet new buddies here! (Hopefully around my age... All these bright, fiesty young'uns make me feel so old, lol.)
Hello! Welcome to RPN!

This hobby has no age ^^ Well, maybe a bit since I understand it's more comfortable to talk to people around your age. But nonetheless, never too late to start roleplaying, especially if you love writing.
And since you probably read rules and tutorials already, you should have nothing to be afraid of by now! Your early experience was experience too!

Writing with other people is not much different from writing by yourself. You just get to discuss stuff more and set your characters up for interactions. Which makes the writing less predictable because other people give their input too!

You may find it more comfortable starting with 1x1 since you'll only need to discuss things with one other player. But groups are fun too, so just pick whatever you feel more curious about ^^

I'm not sure if I'm available for roleplays because I have my hands full currently, but if you have any questions or just want to chat about it, feel free to contact me ^^

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