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Realistic or Modern It's Our Life - A Slice of Life Project, CS

Crimson Rose

Elder Member
Main Character sheet, as the roleplay progresses more things will come to the character sheets.

Full name:




Personality traits:

Mini Bio:

Current interests:

Opinion on the town they live in?

Favorite foods:

Least favorite food:

Any medical issues or allergies?:




Family Member Character sheets.



Gender pronouns:


Sexuality(if past the age of 15):

Relationship to character:



Mini bio:


Opinions of the town:

(Adult characters only) what do they think about the youth free roaming?




Full name: Nina Simone Rivera

Age(9-11): 9

Gender: Female

Appearance: A small brown skinned girl with doe-like eyes. Her eyes are hazel. Nina has coily dark brown hair that ends at her shoulders.

Personality traits: Nina’s quite the sweetheart, but she’s a little shy at first. She always looks unsure of things and doesn’t really know how to cut like a normal kid. Nina is overly nice and does whatever anyone tells her to because she really wants people to like her. Nina is a very curious child who would probably enjoy doing adventurous things if she was introduced to them. She also gets attached to others rather easily and is a total crybaby. Nina is easily overwhelmed, and is quick to make assumptions.

Mini Bio: Her parents were rather well off, but they were verbally and physically abusive towards Nina, specifically. They didn’t like that she was autistic. They never outright hit her, but they would lock her in closets when she didn’t mask her disability quickly enough. Her sister, Natasha, immediately tried to get custody of her siblings once she turned 18. It took years for it to fully go through, but Natasha finally got custody of Nina and her twin brother, Markus Lee. They just moved to this town to be closer to their grandmother and to get away from the bad memories of their old city.

Current interests: Nina really likes flowers, animals, and romance movies as of now. She enjoys matching the flowers around her house to the pictures in her plant books. She can’t read all of the book yet, but she’s working on it. Nina also really likes romance movies. They make her swoon, she hopes that she’ll be swept off her feet one day. She wants to learn how to cook as well, but hasn’t gotten very far with that.

Opinion on the town they live in?: She likes running around the neighborhood and the people are nice. She liked that she could see other kids her age around, but she hasn’t gained the courage to approach one of them yet.

Favorite foods: Duckanoo and Sancocho (7-Meat Stew)

Least favorite food: Anything that has crunchy textures and mushy textures mixed together.

Any medical issues or allergies?: She’s allergic to Kiwis and she’s diagnosed with Autism

Likes: Feathers, flowers, jumping in puddles, Disney movies, Matilda is her favorite movie, Birds, braiding hair, making bad flower crowns, and her brother, sister, and grandmother.

Dislikes: slimy things, mean loud people, dark tight spaces, screamo music, apples, being yelled at, cold days, fluffy clothing, the smell of Lavender, bright lights, and super strong scents in general.

Other: She’s Afro Latina and speaks fluent Spanish, she has a bit of an accent
The Rest of the Family
Name: Natasha Rae Rivera

Age: 21

Gender pronouns: She/ Her

Career: Waitress/Online College student

Sexuality(if past the age of 15): Closeted Lesbian struggling with Heteronormativity.

Relationship to character: Older Sister/ Legal Guardian

Appearance: A tall lightskinned woman with freckles cheeks and fox-like brown eyes. She has long frizzy brown hair and a doll-like face. (Ashley Moore)

Personality: She’s a bit naive when it comes to being a caretaker. She doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing but she’s trying her best and working very hard. Natasha has lots of superficial confidence and is a bit shallow at times. She’s not very good at taking criticism and has times where she’s immature. She’s also stubborn. She’s very ambitious, she has a lot of drive and that’s probably going to get her to high places. Especially paired with her charisma and friendly nature.

Mini bio: Natasha was the first child in her family, and honestly- she didn’t want siblings. She was a bit upset when her siblings were born. Sometimes she found herself tormenting them out of jealousy. Her parents neglected her to verbally abuse Nina. She didn’t know why but it made her angry at Nina. She had a wake up call one day, there was no event to bring it about, she just woke up and realized how screwed up their family dynamic was. So she pulled back her sleeves and set her sights on gaining custody of her siblings. And when Natasha wants something, she gets it. And she eventually did after a few years. Good for her.

Interests: Magazines and fashion in general. She’s majoring in business and minoring in design at her college at the moment, with a job as a waitress. So, she doesn’t have many other interests. She keeps busy.

Opinions of the town: It’s okay. She doesn’t trust the people or the place quite yet. But the kids look happy enough and nothing bad has happened here before.

(Adult characters only) what do they think about the youth free roaming?: She’s cautious about it. But she’s not gonna stop her little siblings from enjoying what little time they have left in their childhood. Plus, she leaves them under the watch of her grandmother while she’s busy.

Hobbies: She can sketch a little. She has to be able to design outfits. That’s really it. She’s got too much to do to keep up with hobbies. She’s a good cook too.

Likes: Vogue, her siblings, the sound of crunching leaves under her shoes, deer, pasta, make up, meeting new people, achieving her goals, and cantaloupe.

Dislikes: ugly things, people who don’t know how to dress, horror movies, talentless people who get famous, her marketing teacher, corn dogs, dark chocolate, and wearing hats.

Other: Dramatic. Has probably actually scared someone’s kid with her resting bitch face.

Name: Markus Lee Rivera

Age: 9

Gender pronouns: he/him

Career: being a grumpy child

Sexuality(if past the age of 15): no

Relationship to character: twin brother, fraternal (I think that’s the term for twins who don’t look the same)

Appearance: similar looking to his sister, with the same brown skin and curly dark brown hair. But he’s a bit taller than her and, despite being the younger twin.

Personality: Markus Lee isn’t nearly as friendly as his sister. He prefers to engage in more intellectual activities, like reading and listening to his grandmother's lessons. He isn’t necessarily unfriendly, he’s just a bit awkward around people who aren’t his sister. He’s rather sweet if you get to know him. He likes being productive and he looks up to hardworking and ambitious people. He wants to become someone important one day. He’s already making plans about it, they aren’t very good, but he’s practicing at least. He’s a bit blunt, and a terrible liar. But he’s polite, maybe a little too polite, he has no charisma at all.

Mini bio: Markus was the golden child of his family, he was the favorite and he despised it. He was a child who liked his personal space and hated being coddled. He wasn’t spoiled or anything, but he was treated a lot better than his sisters. Probably thanks to the misogyny rooted in the family. He was the only person to be consistently kind to Nina, he wasn’t perfect, of course. He was a child who had no way of combating the toxic opinions of his parents, who made him believe he was more capable than his sister. He doesn’t look down on her anymore, but he tends to see his sister as helpless when she really isn’t.

Interests: Markus Lee likes Beetles, and bugs in general. He likes to sneak outside at night to catch fireflies, when he can. Markus Lee likes to read, he has an above average reading level, but anything he can’t read he asks his grandma to read to him.

Opinions of the town: It’s so much better than his old home! And he’s only been settled in for a few days. He’s mostly glad to have met his grandmother, she’s smart and can teach him a lot.

Hobbies: Reading and big catching, he is not the social type, unlike his sister.

Likes: Peppers, Bugs, Skipping rocks, Nina, His Grandmother and Natasha, hard working people, books, the quiet, salami.

Dislikes: stink bugs, asparagus, snobby people, anyone who’s nosy, thunderstorms, people who interrupt, being forced into social situations, and mozzarella.

Other: wants a cat, and is also bilingual.

Name: Ophelia Rosé-Rivera

Age: 62

Gender pronouns: She/her

Career: Retired from her old job as a 911 operator.

Sexuality(if past the age of 15): Demisexual

Relationship to character: Grandmother

Appearance: absolutely gorgeous for her age, she’s a dark skinned woman with long frizzy black hair and sharp brown eyes.(Angela Basset)

Personality: Ophelia is an incredible woman. She’s confident in the way that makes everyone around her feel the same. She’s genuinely a cool grandma, she’s witty and intelligent. She has the same vibe as a celebrity without the insane ego. She’s a great storyteller and a wise woman. She’s full of advice and lessons that she’s happy to teach. She’s hospitable and welcoming as well. She’s a stubborn woman and has done some morally questionable things in her youth. She's had a crazy life and is ready to spend the rest of her years settling down, until she meets her husband again in the afterlife. Truly a young soul.

Mini bio: The life of Ophelia Rosé Rivera is a crazy one. She had a rough childhood, with her mother being abused by her father until they divorced. She lived with her single mom from then on and met her future husband during their childhood. They fell in love, got involved in a lot of crazy stuff as teens, and had a daughter at a really young age(18), but they were happy. They were relaxed parents and they raised their daughter with love. Until Nicolas died in an accident. Ophelia was heartbroken, but she was able to move on. Their daughter, René, wasn't as resolved as her mother. She depended on her boyfriend, Donavan, for support. Donavan was not a good guy. He isolated Rene from her family and eventually they ran off together. Decades later Ophelia gets a call from her estranged granddaughter, Natasha. Who informs her that she actually has grandchildren and that they would like to live closer to her. Of course Ophelia accepts, and here we are.

Interests: Chess, Crystals, Herbs, and Exercising. You know, the normal grandma stuff.

Opinions of the town: It’s a quiet, lovely area. It’s safe and the people are good. She’s been here for a long time and is very happy with the place.

(Adult characters only) what do they think about the youth free roaming?: Why shouldn’t they? She trusts her neighbors to look out for the children. It is what a community does.

Hobbies: Cooking, yoga, meditating, reminiscing, and watching old western movies.

Likes: purple, goats, farms, video games(even if she doesn’t completely understand how they work), her grandkids, cats, bad horror movies, her neighborhood, spaghetti, and Paintings.

Dislikes: When places are barely decorated, people with no manners, blue, having nothing to do, unfriendly people, and Green beans.

Other: Ophelia is bilingual and sometimes she gives some of the neighborhood kids Spanish lessons. You’ll usually find her in her rocking chair on the porch.

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