
finna bust a nut 24/7




- miss him with that dramatic shit

- can speak and read fluent mandarin, knows some cantonese

- ironically likes japanese music more than anything that comes out of china

- the nineties were his fav era and he loves grunge rock

- boy he just tryna survive the best he can for a soulless husk of a person

- is that guy

"just, like, leave me alone in general, thanks"

- not nearly as gay as his baby sister which is honestly a damn shame

- has to shuttle her around constantly since he has a license and therefore knows how to drive

- lets her live her own life tho so that's neat

- lowkey blames himself for her presence at the circus

- not nearly as charming as her

- like yeah he's attractive i guess but he's the biggest asshole

- nice face tho

- yeah he's p hot

- sword swallower af

- does not know kung fu and really wishes people would stop making generalisations about that


name xander fong, birth name chen fong - older half-brother of jessamine, same father different mother.

stagename bái méi (bye may)

appearance age approx. twenty-six

real age approx. seventy

birthday october sixth

gender cismale

ancestry chinese

nationality chinese, though he's been in america for so long his accent has pretty much dwindled down into nonexistence.

sexual orientation he hasn't experienced sexual attraction since he had his soul taken by death though i think that's moreso due to a lack of trying than him being actually ace.

romantic orientation grey-romantic

act sword swallowing // notably curved or oblong chinese swords such as the dadao and jían as white people really seem to get off on that.

performance outfit + makeup/hair ( x - x ) the outfit is very traditional and as comfortable as it looks, but it doesn't stop himself from wanting to tear out of it by the end of the night.

zodiac libra

religion extremely superstitious and spiritual but not religious

height five-eleven

weight one-twentyfive

eyes a very dark shade of brown, almost black

hair it's like an effervescent waterfall cascading down to his ass

face claim david chiang

voice claim enzo in plush

clothing style an avid fan of the tried-and-true tank top + jeans combo; he doesn't care too much for accessories ( x - x - x )

tattoo(s) n/a

scars nothing but the usual wear-and-tear you'd find on the body of somebody who's supposed to be seventy years old.

birthmarks n/a

distinguishing features well if this gig with the circus-of-actual-death fell through he could swerve straight into modelling so that should tell you something.




vices (5+) xander is a million times more incredulous than his sister is, uses sarcasm as a cover for being a dick, completely unapproachable (not so much because he's reclusive or anti-social but because his personality is so shit), tends to be horrendously jealous towards others if you're on positive terms with him + worries too much about menial things. he's just very problematic in general.

virtues (5+) he's surprisingly non-confrontational and abhors drama but is the loyalest mf in the world and would actually physically fight somebody for/with you for any reason if he likes you, never lies or hides anything because he has no reason to, does not think he's the hottest thing since sliced bread despite popular word of mouth and NEVER cusses. seriously. even the freaks that despise him the most can attest to the fact that they've never heard a single "fuck" come out of his mouth. it's actually pretty weird.

quirks (2+) 

  • refuses to hurt any animal and is the type to try and "capture and release" an insect before resorting to killing it.
  • he actually really enjoys taking pictures and has had the same polaroid camera in his possession since at least the late sixties. usually waits until he's alone to steal a quick picture of something.
  • he does not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, nor does he do any sort of recreational drug. gets kinda boring after a while but he's pretty much been this way for life.
  • his private life and tent is an absolute mess but he knows where everything is at least.

talents (2+) 

  • can play a mean game of cards. kings' corner, poker, you name it. seriously do not bet anything you would miss if you're playing against this guy because he will swindle you of your money and your dignity.
  • though he leaves the really physical stuff to his sister, he is a great acrobat himself. can probably run circles around you and leave you in the dust before you even know what's going on.
  • his regenerative healing factor is off-the-charts, which is part of the reason sword swallowing is his act. it would normally be very dangerous for any normal (living) human being to do, but if something were to go wrong in xanders' act, give him about ten mins. and he'd be as if the incident never happened.
  • this mf can and will use stealth mechanisms if need be, and he is damn good at it. if ever you're having a nice talk with somebody and you feel as if somebody else is secretly a part of it, you're probably right and it's probably him. he hears a lot of gossip firsthand with no need for basic human interaction.

weaknesses (2+)

  • powers-wise, xander is at a huge disadvantage if he encounters somebody who cannot dream. his manipulation of the astral-plane, while very powerful, can only go so far and it leaves his physical form exposed and powerless if he is utilizing it.
  • this should be pretty obvious, but anything to do with threatening any sort of harm to his sister is enough to render him unwilling to get into conflict. spoken or unspoken he is usually very good at picking up whether it is a danger to her or not, so yeah.
  • his regen powers do not allow him to regenerate lost limbs or any sort of major injury. his regen powers do not extend to other people.

skills (2+)

  • endurance
  • stealth
  • perception

powers* astral manipulation + regenerative healing

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- born in mohe county, the northernmost region of china and bordering russia.

- born in 1946, his father didn't stay long enough to let him experience the civil war.

- moved to taiwan with his father in an attempt to evade major conflict.

- baby sister was born five years later to a taiwanese seamstress.

- probably the only good thing to come out of his life.

- barely scraped by as a laborer for many years before deciding to jump ship to america with his sister in tow.

- was granted asylum sometime in the 1960s due to him struggling under the still-new communist rule.

- moved to california where all the other east asians tend to go, grew his hair out and became a total hippie at haight-ashbury.

- joined the anti-war effort.

- got called a commie a lot because of it.

- got dragged along with all of his other hippie friends when they dropped some sweet lsd and wanted to go check out some random circus that was in town.

- "okay."

- invited his sister along for the ride because he did not trust her enough by herself yet.

- fried friends got themselves into trouble when they found themselves literally thrown into the lions pit because for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to try and tame some lions themselves in their wacked-out state-of-mind.

- the troupe got caught redhanded by actual fucking death herself.

- "sorry. these guys are fucking idiots and i don't know them. me and my sister will be on our way..." pretty much

- death took a liking to the siblings because they were the only clear-headed ones and seemed to be wise beyond their actual age with what little conversation they had.


- only then did their powers begin to surface.

- jessamine is stoked abt her newfound powers and immortality.

- xander is not.


- joined the circus bc honestly what other choice did he have?

- got permanently turned off from the hippie lifestyle, became a punk in the seventies.

- eventually let his sister start to live her own life after the big falling out of '88.

- started taking on the name xander in the 90s and took a liking to grunge. abandoned punk rock almost entirely.

- is now an edgy, angsty old man trapped in the body of an (approx.) twenty-six yr. old.



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he done!! i'll be editing jessamine's bio to fit the narrative tomorrow probably.

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