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Running Wild
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[div class="tab2"]it's tradition
private roleplay b/w Xed Xed & christy christy
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[div class=tag]Venus Reinhart

[div class=tag]The Goody Two Shoes
[div class=tag]Gilbert Henry

[div class=tag]The Frat Boy[/div] [/div]
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Music was blasting through the speakers, people were dancing and mingling, the party was in full swing and it was pretty damn amazing. If every college party was like this, Gilbert was going to have a lot of fun. There were gorgeous people at every corner and the house was simply stunning. The night would have been perfect if a senior from his fraternity hadn't pulled him aside when he was enjoying himself to tell him about their "tradition". Up until that point he'd been in high spirits, trading jokes and stories with other students and enjoying the attention a few pretty hot seniors had given him. He hadn't said anything to the senior but their tradition was a load of bullshit. Sure he didn't have a problem picking up girls and getting up close and personal with them but getting the panties of a goody two shoes was just stupid in his opinion, not to mention unhygienic. They hadn't given him much of an explanation or a chance to ask before sending him on his way but he figured it was probably to show just how charming they were by getting in good with the people least likely too. Regardless of their reasons, he still thought it stupid. Not to mention, how the hell was he supposed to know who was a goody two shoes? He didn't want to guess wrong and he didn't want to go after a girl who looked like she might be a goody two shoes but also a potential stage 5 clinger or future problem either.

Gilbert ran a hand through his coiffed hair, sighing in frustration as he surveyed the room. This was definitely not what he imagined himself to be doing at his first college party and certainly not why he'd taken such care grooming himself and getting dressed. He wouldn't be doing it at all if he wasn't so bent on being at the top of his frat. Panty grabbing wasn't what he imagined when he joined but hell he'd do it if it was necessary for him to be acknowledged and accepted. Even if the thought left a sour taste in his mouth. Now if he could just find the right target. The competitive part of him wanted to find the biggest goody two shoes at the party and succeed in this damn tradition but he also really didn't want to deal with a stalker. Ah to hell with it. He'd cross that bridge when it came if it ever came, for now he had to find one first, the question was, where might a goody two shoes go at a party. He weaved his way through the crowd of bodies, flashing a smile in greeting when people called out to him, eventually emerging on the other end where it was much quieter and less wild. If he was a goody two shoes, he'd probably be hiding out here. He allowed himself a small smile as he walked towards the drinks table, looking around in search of a potential target. There were a couple of bespectacled girls quietly chatting at one side, a shy looking girl peering up over a book and another one who looked like she was dressed for winter compared to most of the other girls. He turned his attention to the drinks table where he was headed, wondering who to choose when he saw a head of gorgeous golden locks next to the drinks table. Maybe he'd strike up one last conversation before embarking on his challenge, after all it was a party and he did want to enjoy himself.

Gilbert slowed as the girl turned and he caught a glimpse of her face. She was good looking but also...familiar. He couldn't but feel he knew her from somewhere. Another party? School? As he drew closer and got a better look, he remembered where he knew her from. His high school classmate! He'd work with her on some project for a class. What was her name? V...V...Veronica? No. Victoria...? He was certain it started with a V... Venus! That was it! Like the Roman Goddess of Beauty! He remembered her being well behaved in class and he couldn't ever recall seeing her at a party or one of the wild outings his school mates often invited him to. When he and the boys talked about the best behaved kids to pass their boredom, her name had come up. He smiled as he sauntered over confidently. He'd found his target. A definite goody two shoes, maybe the biggest one he knew, and she was looking real attractive tonight.

Gilbert eased in beside her and struck up conversation as he helped himself to a glass of punch, trying to keep things casual. Overplaying his hand was the last thing he wanted to do. "Hey there Venus, I haven't seen you since graduation. How have you been?" He smiled warmly as he sipped his drink and looked at her, hoping he had indeed remembered her name right. Worse come worse if he'd gotten it wrong he'd throw out a cheesy line about her looking like a goddess and pray for it to work.
[class=tag] display: inline; margin-top: 10px; padding: 1px 1px 2px 1px; font-family: Playfair Display; font-weight: bold; color: #333; font-size: 12px; border-bottom: 1px solid #b3d3e6; margin-right: 3px; [/class] [class=tag3] display: inline; margin-top: 10px; padding: 1px 5px 3px 5px; font-family: Playfair Display; color: #000; border: 1px solid #b3d3e6; background: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=home] color: #fff; width: 60px; height: 60px; margin: auto; box-sizing: border-box; background: #000; padding-top: 5px; border-radius: 100%; border: 1px solid #000; font-size: 25px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; transition: all 1s; [/class] [class name=home state=hover] color: #b3d3e6; transition: all 1s; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; background: #fff; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px; display: inline; color: #000; text-align: center; transition: all .5s; font-size: 12px; font-family: Avenir; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] color: #b3d3e6; border: 1px solid #b3d3e6; transition: all .5s; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class=selectedTab] padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px; background: #b3d3e6; text-align: center; transition: all .5s; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class name=selectedTab state=hover] color: #000; background: #b3d3e6; transition: all .5s; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class=tabContents] position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: all 1s; width: 294px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 26px; background: #fff; color: #000; height: 400px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=show] opacity: 1; z-index: 1; [/class] [script class=tab1 on=click] addClass show tabContents01 removeClass show tabContents07 [/script] [script class=home on=click] addClass show tabContents07 removeClass show tabContents01 [/script]
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meet the
goody two shoes
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Venus definitely wasn't the 'party' type of girl. She'd never been to one while she was in high school, though that could be blamed on the fact that she was trying hard to get a scholarship while also keeping herself fed when her brother was too busy or her mother was too coked up. And in any case, she'd never been a fan of the whole 'loud music and grinding' thing. She'd tasted alcohol maybe once in her whole life, and that was primarily because of her best friend, Connor.

And, as he usually was the one to introduce her to things she'd never tried before, he was also, unsurprisingly, the one who'd brought her to this party.

Which seemed pretty ironic at the moment since she had no idea where Connor even was. They'd come together, after much convincing. Venus didn't even know what to wear to parties, so she just threw on a top and a pair of shorts and called it good, just in time for Connor to pick her up. The moment they arrived though, she lost him in the crowd and hadn't seen him since. She supposed she could have just called him โ€” and while she doubted he would hear his phone amid all the loud music โ€” she had decided against it, figuring that just because this wasn't her scene, didn't mean she had to ruin his night. He probably had his sights set on someone and this party was a way to take things forward. She wasn't going to jeopardise that.

So, Vee walked around, looking at people. She was still pretty new, so besides Connor, she didn't have a lot of friends yet, which meant that she was roaming around the house alone. Based on her limited knowledge of parties, she decided to get a drink. That would keep her busy for some time, at least, and she wouldn't look like she was some lost child.

After a bit of searching, she eventually landed herself in the kitchen, which was relatively quieter than the other areas of the house for some reason. Even the music wasn't that loud, and Vee mentally made the decision to just hang out there for a little. She'd try calling Connor in a while, to find out if he planned to stay the night, or go home with someone else, before deciding whether to leave or not. If he was drunk, she obviously wasn't leaving him here alone, but for the time being, she'd give him some time to do his thing. Whatever that was.

There weren't really any options for drinks that contained 0% alcohol, so she settled for pouring some of the punch in one of the plastic cups, figuring that at least the alcohol content in that would be less than whatever filled up the tons of bottles spread out on the counter. She had just finished pouring when she heard a voice beside her, and it took a moment to realise that the guy was addressing her. Had he not said her name, she probably wouldn't have paid him any attention, because why would anyone want to talk to her?

Turning to face him with a bit of surprise, Vee narrowed her eyes a little. He looked familiar. And Vee never forgot a face, so it didn't take her very long to identify him. Gilbert Henry. How could she not remember him? He'd been one of the popular kids in high school. To her recollection, they worked on one project together, which didn't even go that well, according to her, but she hadn't expected any different from someone as popular as him. So, in hindsight, she shouldn't have really been very surprised that he was here, at a frat party. Yet, she was. She was even more surprised that he chose to come and speak to her of all people. This house was full of sorority girls after all.

"Gilbert, hey," she addressed him with a small, but awkward smile. She wasn't totally sure what to make of the whole thing. Maybe he was just saying hi to be polite while he got himself a drink and then he'd be off. "Been good," she answered him, figuring she may as well keep up the conversation for as long as he was sticking around. "What about you? Didn't think I'd run into you here. I haven't really met anyone from high school since graduating," she explained. Though that could mainly be because she never bothered to interact with many people from high school besides Connor.
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Location: Frat Party
Mood: Irritated and Intrigued
Interactions: Venus
Outfit: click
Tags: christy christy

Gilbert kept the smile on his face as he waited for her response, taking in her outfit as he sipped on his punch. He'd never seen her out of school or much at all, certainly not in an outfit like this and her gorgeous had always been tied up from what he remembered. It was not as flashy or revealing as some of the other outfits he had seen tonight but she didn't look any less stunning than any of the more dolled up girls. And they wanted him to get what was underneath. Damn, he felt like a creep for even thinking about it. He'd been intimate with girls before, but he liked to work a bit slower, build up a rapport and see if they had any chemistry before even exchanging a kiss. Most of the guys moved faster, hell his best friend Avery would kiss any pretty thing on two legs who let him, but he had standards. You couldn't just give the 'cookies' so to speak, to anybody and as much as he loved people, he didn't want to. Now here he was, turning everything upside down because of the damn 'tradition'. That senior was seriously lucky that the frat was important to him, else he might have socked his stupid grinning face. He wanted- needed, something stronger than the punch he was drinking and would have helped himself to a bourbon or wine if not for the fact that he'd had a few glasses earlier and he couldn't afford to be drunk if he wanted to pull this off.

When her eyes seemed to narrow the tiniest bit, Gilbert wondered if he had indeed gotten her name wrong. He breathed an internal sigh of relief when the words that came out of her mouth weren't "my name isn't Venus" but "Gilbert, hey". Of course he had a backup plan prepared but he was grateful that he didn't have to use it. The less speed bumps he faced getting this over and done with, the better. He grinned as she responded and added to the conversation. When she said she didn't expect to see him here, he wondered if she meant the university, the party, or the kitchen. Probably the former or the latter. He wouldn't be surprised if she didn't think he was smart enough to get into this college, she certainly wouldn't be the first, and it was true that he rarely went into the kitchen at a party, though she probably didn't know that since he could not recall seeing her at one before. It made him wonder all the more why she had come to this one and he had to say, she was rather intriguing. Finding the answer to that question and learning a little bit more about her along the way would make this stupid game at least a bit more interesting if nothing else.

"I'm pretty sure in high school I gained a reputation for living and breathing at parties," he said with a chuckle, "but yeah I've been great too. I'm glad to see a familiar face here at the party and more importantly the college. It's always nice to have people you know when you enter an unfamiliar environment." He gestured around the room as he sat his glass down, giving the kitchen a quick scan as he did. It was definitely quieter and emptier than the other parts of the house but there were still a few people here and to complete his task it would be best to find a place where he wouldn't have to worry about being interrupted and there was more privacy. The bedrooms were a no go as fitting as they would be for the very end of the task. He did not need to scare her off or raise any alarms. No, he had a better idea in mind, but how could he convince her to go somewhere more private with him?

Right on cue, a couple of slightly tipsy and rowdy frat boys filed into the kitchen. Perfect. "Why don't we grab a seat out by the back?" He asked, leaning in closer and dropping his volume as the boys approached, trading jabs and jokes that disturbed the peace. "I took a quick walk around earlier and surprisingly, there aren't that many people there. Probably because the music doesn't quite reach and the lighting isn't the best, but the plus is that it's quiet enough and private enough," he subtly gestured in the direction of the nearing boys with his head, "that you can enjoy a nice conversation surrounded by nature's beauty. Not to mention they have a nice garden swing and a pretty good breeze."

Gilbert took advantage of the boys' arrival to put his hand on her shoulder and gently usher her out of the way. "Shall we go?" He hoped the presence of the boys in the kitchen and the promise of a quieter and less stuffy setting would be enough to persuade her and keep her from turning him down so he could proceed with the task.
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goody two shoes
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Venus didn't expect the conversation to hold. Back in high school, Gilbert wasn't exactly the type of person she ever associated herself with. Mainly for lack of trying, but also for lack of interest. They were just on two different wavelengths, with not much in common. Or at least, that's what she assumed, since they came from two different social groups. Gilbert had been popular and sporty and active. Venus had been in the background, sticking to the one friend she had and focusing only on her education. It all worked out in her favour since she got a scholarship and she had a shot at a real life now, one that wasn't stuck in a trailer with an absent mother and awol brother.

Maybe college was meant to be different though. Clearly it was, because otherwise she wouldn't be sitting there and talking to Gilbert. She could definitely agree with his statement about being seen at parties, that hadn't been what surprised her to see him anyway. She just didn't think she'd run into anyone from high school in the college that she attended, but obviously that didn't apply here. Maybe she should look past the tough time she had working with him in high school for a project and start anew. This wasn't high school anymore, after all.

Still, Venus expected him to end the conversation there and hang out with his friends, which she would have been fine with because it wasn't like she was expecting anything else. But he further surprised her when he suggested they go somewhere else that was quieter, which would allow them to talk better. She would admit, the presence of a few new guys in the kitchen certainly made it louder, and she had every intention of going somewhere else. She just didn't think that it would be with Gilbert. But there was no harm in it, and he seemed to want to talk to her, so she wouldn't turn the offer down.

"Okay," she nodded, glancing at him as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Nevertheless, she went along with it. "Sure," she continued. "It's pretty stuffy in here anyway." Grasping her drink in her hand, she moved in the direction that Gilbert had gestured to and led the way to the back of the house where she went through a screen door and was greeted by the fresh evening air. It was dark out, but the grass was lit by the combination of a porch light and a street light, so it wasn't like she was blind. As soon as the door shut behind them, Venus could sense the difference in the volume of the music. It was definitely quieter here, and there were only two other people โ€” a couple, she assumed โ€” standing by the corner of the house and talking.

Seeing a few porch chairs set up on the grass, Venus moved toward them, opting to sit down. She told herself college would be the time to make a change and be more social, so she was going to go with this. It was easier to start with someone she vaguely knew, anyway. And he seemed interested in talking as well, so it was the push she needed.

"So, what did you take up here?" She asked him curiously, referring to his course. She couldn't quite recall what Gilbert had been interested in in high school โ€” mainly because they weren't all that friendly, so such information was never exchanged.
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Location: Frat Party
Mood: Curious, Relieved
Interactions: Venus
Outfit: click
Tags: christy christy

Relief flooded Gilbert as Venus went along with his suggestion and didn't respond unfavourably to his hand on her shoulder. So far so good, he thought as he followed her out to the back of the house. He just needed to make sure he continued to hit the target and get this stupid tradition over and done with. Thanks to that, it was going to be a looong night of planning and scheming instead of just sitting back and enjoying himself in the spotlight of the party as he normally would. At least it would be somewhat enjoyable trying to learn more about Venus along the way and satisfy a little curiosity. After all, he didn't know very much about her beyond what little he'd heard and that one time they'd worked together back in high school. She was pretty damn smart and it had been such a breeze getting an A on that project because she'd been so capable, but he wanted to know more. What did she do after school? What was she interested in? She was like a mystery, a puzzle he had to piece together. And after seeing her here tonight, a place he'd never expected, he wanted to piece together that puzzle.

Gilbert stretched his arms as they stepped outside, taking in the fresh night air. There was a couple in the area so they weren't completely alone, but it was private enough, and most importantly, the mood was pretty good for the task at hand. No loud jarring music or watching eyes, just them, a couple and a beautiful night sky. He followed Venus to the porch chairs and set down on the one next to her, relaxing as he eased into the seat and looked up. There was a nice, cooling breeze and a near cloudless sky for them to enjoy with their conversation. It would be even better if he didn't have the tradition in the back of his mind with its goal dictating his every move and decision. Then again, if not for that he probably wouldn't have come out here. He'd had zero plans to search for anything romantic at the party tonight so he wouldn't have had any use for it. When he'd taken a quick walk around and found the place earlier, he filed the information in the back of his mind for future use. He certainly didn't think he would be using it so soon and definitely not with Venus but here he was anyway.

Venus' question brought a smile to Gilbert's face as he snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention to her. "Aerospace engineering." He replied, wondering if his answer surprised her. "I've always found planes to be fascinating since I was a kid and there's just something about being a part of creating one that is so attractive." He elaborated, eyes lighting up as he thought of the days he would spend looking up at the sky like this, watching in amazement whenever a plane flew past. "Does that surprise you?" He asked as he studied her face. "I know it surprised quite a few people, after all I've always been known more for partying than studying." He shook his head, still smiling as he recalled Avery's priceless reaction and his own parents' surprise when he'd first told them. Proving that he was more able than they thought was so satisfying, but at the same time, it sucked a little to know that they didn't think he'd had it in him. Not that it mattered now, after all, he still got the last laugh. He always
"But enough about me, I want to know more about you. After all, we never got a chance to interact much back in high school. What are you studying and what made you come to this party when you never went to one back in high school?"

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