It's Been Awhile (YukiUchiha and Void)


New Member

Silas was awoken by a particularly loud explosion, which would have been worrying, if it wasn't for the over-enthusiatic 'get down' that followed, along with dramatic violin music. "Damn, I call hacks!" Pierce, his motivation lacking roommate yelled from his video game induced stupor. Silas had no idea how someone could play a FPS for hours without getting the worst headache known to mankind. It seemed improbable. "Great, wasn't like I was sleeping or anything," Silas complained, burying his face into the cold side of his pillow. "Oh, cry me a river," Sandra scoffed, sliding off the counter and dunking her cereal bowl into the sink. "This is getting good, Pierce managed to get a five kill streak, I'm proud of him. Go study or do whatever your sadly overachieving mind desires." She laughed as her hunched into the seat beside Pierce.

"Thanks Sandra, you're a big help," he retorted with exaggerated unhappiness. They only pretended to fight, and it was rare that they got into a real argument. Nonetheless, he was pissed that his sleeping schedule was interrupted, not after he'd been up at some ungodly hour studying for a english paper. His professors were in no way lenient. Getting his own breakfast, he dragged his feet through his normal morning routine, brushing up his hair and throwing on vaguely stylish clothes that screamed 'sorry, but I really don't care'. That much had rubbed off on him after living with those punks.

"I'm off," Silas muttered noncommittally, receiving some equally as vague replies. Today was his first day trying out a job at a local bookstore, so he left early. If he did well, they'd give him the job, and at this point, he could really use it. Catching the bus, he buried his face in a textbook, his backpack resting on his lap.
(I'm sorry but I won't be able to reply until Sunday evening. I will be very busy this entire weekend. Really really sorry.)

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(Thanks. I'll try and get a reply up tonight. <3)

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'She was like oh my god this is my song, we've been listenin' to the radio all night long.'

Was the only words Ashley heard as she opened her eyes and stretched out her body. She had a fantastic slumber, one that she wish she could stay in forever but sadly she had work to tend to. Ashley sat up and too began to sing along to the song that her favorite artist sang. Luke Bryan. She stood up and walked straight to the mirror she had in her room and cringed at the sight if her raven black hair being all over the place and was it's natural style for once. She was far to exhausted the previous night to actually straighten it out or even curl it. Everything might have been a blur currently but the moment the annoying glasses she wore were where thy needed to be, she could see clearly once more. She let out a sigh and that's when her door slammed open.

"Rose and shi- oh I guess your alarm beat me to it." A very loud yet cheery voice called out and Ashley simply nodded and began to brush out her hair. "Alarm always does Amber. You should know that." Ashley responded and continued to hum to her country station that was playing from her phone. Her dorm mate wasn't a bad person, she was just always so loud and happy. It was a bit to much for Ashley at times, even if that's how she herself acts out in the public. Behind closed doors, Ashley was a different person and Amber slowly caught onto that. Ashley continued singing along to the songs and finished getting ready so she could face the day. Something she was never ready for really.

When dressed in simple blue jeans and a shirt, Ashley put on her brown cowboy boots. She grabbed a piece of bread and then walked out of her dorm. When in her truck, Ashley automatically plugged in the audio jax to her phone and began to jam out to her country music. Her genre of music never changed. Since she herself was from a rural area, her music stayed from that origin. She drove to a bookstore because she loved to read on her free time and since everything was right on schedule, she had enough free time for today and tomorrow. When walking into the bookstore, she immediately went to her favorite section of books which wasn't too far from the entrance. Her hair was natural so it was wavy and her petite frame never did change over the years. She was content at the moment.

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