

Just A Guy Who’s A Hero For Fun
Throughout the DnD you will be able to buy, craft or find different items from the game. They will give bonuses based off what they do in league of legends. The items are divided into several categories: first in defense, attack, magic or movement. 

Defense will add to your health/constitution

Attack will make those with AD based attacks  deal more damage

Magic will make those will AP based abilities deal more damage

Movement will buff dexterity

But keep in mind some of the larger items may buff more then one of these and if that's the case you will find the item listed under its highest giving buff.

The second category will be small, medium and large items. The size will indicate two things, first how much of a buff you can expect of the item and second whether it's a crafting piece into a better item. What this means is that similar to LoL you can combine items to get a better one once you have collected all the pieces. Small items build to medium and then medium into large. 

If an item doesn't have a cost it means it can not be bought from a shop rather it must be found or crafted. 

List: WIP

Magic Small

Amplifying Tome
Cost: 435
Bonus: D6 Magic DMG.
Builds into: Fiendish Codex, seekers Armguard, Haunting Guise, void Staff, hextech revolver, Ethers Wisp, wooglets witch cap, Rylai crystal scepter, abyssal Scepter, Zekes Harbinger, Rabadons Deathcap, Morellonomicon, Lost Chapter.

Blasting Wand
Cost: 850
Bonus: D6 Magic DMG
Builds into: Rabadons Deathcap, Void Staff. Guinsoos Rage Blade, Rod of Ages, Litch Bane. Liandry torment.

Magic Medium

Archangels Staff
Cost: 3100
Bonus: D12 Magic DMG 
Builds from: Tears of the goddess, Needlessly Large rod.
Builds into: Seraphs Embrace.

Lost Chapter
Bonus: D8 Magic DMG
Builds into: Morellonomicon 
Builds from:Amplifying tome, Sapphire Crystal

Magic Large

Abyssal Scepter
Bonus: D20 Magic DMG 30HP
Build from: fiendish codex, negatrom cloak, amplifying time. 

Ardent Senser
Bonus: D8 Magic DMG 20HP +10 DEX
Builds from: forbidden idol, ethers wisp,

Athenas Unholy Grail
Bonus: D20 Magic DMG
Builds from: Fiendish Codex, Chalic of Harmony.

Liandrys Torment
Bonus: D20 a Magic DMG +30 HP
Builds from: Haunting Guise, Amplifying Tome, Ruby Crystal

Lich Bane
Bonus: D20 Magic DMG D6 DMG
Builds from: Sheen, Blasting Wand, Aethers Wisp

Ludens Echo
Bonus: D20 Magic DMG +10 DEX
Builds from: Needlessly Large Rod, Aether Wisp

Mejai's Soul Stealer
Bonus: D8 Magic DMG
Builds from: The Dark Seal

Attack Small

Long Sword
Cost: 350
Bonus: D6 DMG
Builds into: Bilgewater Cutlass, Caulfields Warhammer, Executioners Calling, Giant Slayer, Jauriums Fist, Hexdrinker, Phage, Serrated Dirk, Sterak's Gage, The Bloodyhirster, Tiamat, Vampiric Scepter, Wicked Hatchet

Attack Medium

The BF Sword
Cost: 1300
Bonus: D8 DMG
Builds into: Infinity Edge, The BloodThirster, Dusk Blade of Darktharr. Essence Reaver.

Bilgewaters cutlassCost: 1500Bonus: D8 Lifesteal Builds into: Hextech Gunblade, Blade of the Ruined KingBuilds from: Vampiric Scepter, Long Sword.

Last Whisper
Bonus: D12 DMG
Builds into:Lord Dominiks Regards
Builds from: Mortal Reminder

Cost: 2400
Bonus: D8 DMG
Builds into: Miramana
Builds from: Pickaxe, Tear of the Goddess

Attack Large

Blade of the Ruined King
Bonus: D20 Lifesteal +10 DEX
Builds from: Bilgewaters Cutlass, Recurbe Bow

Lord Dominiks Regards
Bonus: D20 DMG
Builds from: Giants Slayer, Long Sword

Lord Van Damm's Pillager 
Bonus: +50 HP D12 DMG
Builds from: Caulfields Warhammer, Jaurim's fist 

Maw of Malmortius
Bonus: D20 DMG +30 HP
Builds from: Hexdrinker, serrated dirk.

Mercurial Scimitar 
Bonus: D12 Lifesteal +40 HP
Builds from: Quicksilver sash, Null-Magic Mantle, Pickaxe.

Defense Small

Defense Medium  

Aiges of the Legion
Cost: 1500
Bonus: 50HP 
Builds from: Null-Magic Mantle, crystalline razor.
Builds into: Locket of the iron solari. Banner of Command

Defense Large

Banner of Command
Bonus: 70HP D12 Magic Damage
Builds from: Aegis of the legion, Fiendish Codex.

Banshees Veil
Bonus: 80 HP
Builds from: Spectres Cowl, negatron Clock.

Locket of the Iron Solari
Bonus: +100
Builds from: Aegis of the Legion, Kindlegem

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