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Dice It Is the Tide, Act 1

No, no, the shade was IC. For you, I'd need an eclipse.

That's a pretty good result. Not better, necessarily, than 40 would have been. Slow-exponent success thresholds mean 60 comes next. But anyway, I'll keep in mind your Memorable investigation success as you proceed. It'll shape how much you get for your investment.
That's rather their point, yes, but you'd have to include them in your investigation. I'm still not sure what you're planning to *do*.

I think we need some abstracted time for you to work, here.
I am also not sure what I'm going to do. Last time I tried to start I was interrupted by a rampaging horde of zombies. I forget what the evidence was, now. Examining bodies seemed like a good place to start, though. I agree that doing this in the middle of conversation is slightly awkward, so I'll break off from the discussion.
Hey, folks.

My schedule is getting pretty full with things that absolutely won't be put off, not the least of which is moving three hundred miles at the end of this week, without a new apartment picked out, to a place where my current line of work is only paid about 65% what I'm making now. I obviously have plenty of free moments scattered throughout my day, but I don't have enough time to destress and put real life out of mind while I sort out the impact you guys are going to have on half a dozen political units represented by three times that many personalities. I've been trying to ignore the growing tension, or to work through it, for about a month. I'm starting to think it shows, and you all deserve better.

  1. I'm really sorry, especially to the new players.
  2. This is not an ending. We are, like, four months into this, and not nearly finished.
  3. It might be a couple of months until my finances and day-to-day stabilize enough to run a game this size, this crunchy.
  4. If someone else wants to take the reins, I'll pass them all my notes. Obviously, that wouldn't be a binding direction.
  5. Otherwise, I swear I'll keep this thread out of the archives and @-ping all five of you when I have as much to give as you deserve.
  6. Really, really sorry. Summers always surprise me with upheavals.

I'll answer any questions you have, and I'll still be around. But I can't get a good pace back, for this. Better to have a clear hiatus than limp toward slow death, I feel.

7. Do not let me sign up for any of your games before I get this house in order oh my god that would be such a dick move.
There is no archival for thread games. They just sink to the bottom of the list, buried in a seething mass of vampire highschool insane asylums for deliquent angels.
On the bright side, you can just search this game with the specifics and then use some 'at' stuff to ping us.

But yes, forgive me if I feel this site merging was not one of the greater ideas in this world.
Blackadder said:
On the bright side, you can just search this game with the specifics and then use some 'at' stuff to ping us.
But yes, forgive me if I feel this site merging was not one of the greater ideas in this world.
Can't disagree with that.

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