

Three Thousand Club
Name: Isroh

Aliases: King of Roses

Morality: Good... but oddly Chaotic. I guess on the very boarder between neutral and good.

Age: Literal: 25 living:15

Appearance: /monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-9_15-15-51.jpeg.b95177fceed8694910eb4ea0fbb1b085.jpeg

Species: Wendigo

Powers: Manipulation of the 'demon lotus' which look like black roses that turn scarlet near the tips of the petals. the vines are a dark wine color that are naturally like razor wire and strong as iron. They cut flesh and ensnare. Their thorns are like daggers and can do massive damage.However they aren't foolproof. They are resistant to flames but can burn under intense enough heat. They are strong as iron but enough slashing will cut through them and they are rather slow spreading. He can make these demon flowers pop up anywhere, even through concrete. He can only generate them, however, in a 20 ft radius around him, making him a less than favorable ranged combat fighter.  He has minimal magic abilities other than his specialty of demon lotus but he can do basic demon magic (glamour to hide his true appearance).

Another major power he has is his demon's physiology. He is ranked as a 'devil' which means he is very powerful in terms of how much physical strain he can take. He can lift a good amount (500 lbs max), run at decent speeds (30 mph), and heal damage done to his body (there are stipulations. He cannot move and heal. He can either sit still and appear 'dead' and repair his body, or move, fight, ect.) and he has no need for air. However he does need one resource. Human blood and lots of it.  He is a Wendigo, which is a species of demon that feeds of humans in any manner be it flesh, blood or bones. Isroh prefers the blood and needs a couple pints a day. He hates having to do it, but when he starves his healing ability is decreased, his ability to use magic tapers then stops and eventually he gets so hungry he goes on a killing spree. He'd rather hit a few humans in a non-lethal manner than go on a rampage.

As for definate weaknesses: Silver burns his skin and will not heal itself when he stills. It heals similar to that of a human and when hitting center mass will kill him. Copper will immobilize him, making it impossible to move. 

Skills: He's pretty good with a sword and his magic.


Isroh's story starts as a happy little family, a loving mother and a... busy (for lack of better word) father and their only son. His father could be considered wealthy, which drew some rather unwanted attention. His father gained a mistress, a woman who was much younger and more attractive than his current wife who was currently staying at home to raise their happy and healthy boy. Of course Isroh was kept ignorant of his father's infidelity, and his mother was assumed to be too. This went on for a while, until the mistress began demanding more and more of the man, the harpie's hooks were deep in that man. First she demanded he move out of the house, which resulted in him leaving his wife and son abruptly. Then she demanded he marry her, and it was done. Lastly, she demanded all evidence of that other woman be erased, her son included.

Isroh witnessed his father come in with a shotgun during breakfast and kill his mother before dragging him away kicking and screaming. His father couldn't bring himself to kill his son himself, so he sold him to a cult. Isroh was used as a sacrifice, chained to a radiator and beaten to death after three hours in front of the congregation. The cult's ceremony sent him to hell unjustly for the sins of 6 men, granting him massive demonic powers. He stayed there for five years, his human name forgotten, much of his life forgotten. He could only remember two aspects. What his mother looked like, and his own demise. Pity was taken on him by a high ranked demon named Rai, of whom had control over the gates of hell. She researched the ritual and found that if he were to kill all 6 people who pinned him with their sins, he could finally rest in peace.

Rai also helped him get past the gates and back into the human world to go take revenge on his killers and send them to their rightful place, hell. 

He looks a bit for a wendigo. They're normally terrifying monsters with an insatiable hunger.

or, like, a big yeti looking dude if you trust Marvel.

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