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Fandom Island of Hetalia


The Short Emo

Island of Hetalia.

RP as up to 2 Hetalia characters stranded on a deserted island!

Thats about it.


Character Sheet:


Human Name:

Thats all you need!

Please DO NOT ask questions, or post a CS on this thread. Please use the provided one, this one is for RP'ing.

[Taken List]



Fem-Phillipines: Fan Character



Isle of Man: Fan Character

Rose Island: Fan Character



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All the countries are on a cruise ship for a meeting.

When suddenly...




You are now shipwrecked on a deserted island.




The perfect opportunity to show how AWESOME I am!



"Well, this is a first." Maria muttered to herself as she stood up from her position on the floor, dusting off her baro't saya for any sand and debris that got caught in the fabric. "But at least it's a setting that I'm familiar with! I am an archipelago after all!" She declared proudly with a wide grin as she removed her wooden sandals, her smile growing wider once she felt the familiar sensation of having sand underneath her feet, something she hasn't really had the time to feel since she was just a child, before she was colonized.

As he splashed his way out of the water and onto the rain-spattered sand of the beach, Feliciano glanced about curiously, taking in his surroundings.  About fifty feet from the sea, the sand vanished under a twisting jungle of ferns and vines and short trees clustered sightly together, and just where the island curved around and out of sight, cliffs rose up towards the charcoal sky.  For a moment, panic flitted over his expression; he seemed to be the only one around, at least that he could see.  

"Hey!  Anyone!"  He began to hurry along the beach in search of any fellow nations, still calling out.  "Where are you guys?"

Rounding a bend in the beach, he caught sight of someone - Maria, he realized - and ran over, smiling widely.  

"Fantastico!  Now that I'm not alone, this is perfect!  It's just like a vacation, isn't it?"  As sunlight began to break through the aftermath of the storm, sparkling on the water and warming the sand, it seemed like little else but paradise to him.


"Of course the first thing I hear after nearly drowning just had to be 'Awesome."  

When the ship had gone down in the storm, the countries had all been scattered about in the chaos as they swam the short distance to the nearby island, and it so happened that Arthur had washed ashore near Gilbert.  Pushing his dripping wet banngs away from his eyes and cursing under his breath as sand began to drift into his shoes, he made his way over to the other nation.  

"These meetings never do seem to go to plan, do they?" he quipped in greeting, a wry chuckle catching the end of his words.  "Well, as long as we're stuck here, we should probably find the others.  Did you see anybody else come ashore close by?"

"Nein, I have not. The island can't be that big though. Should we search the coasts?"

 After exchanging some words with the Brit, I'd take in my surroundings. A jungle with plenty of colorful flora, a beautiful sight. There are cliffs right above us, reaching tall into the sky. I'd look at myself, covered in sand, and soaked. I felt a small burning sensation in my left leg. I'd walk a bit farther away from Arthur, and roll up my pants. A decently sized gash with a piece of ship debris was there. I'd rip off part of my shirt and cover the wound, pulling my pant leg back down. I couldn't let Arthur or any other country here see it...


I haven't seen anyone else...

Man, the island is really pretty. A sandy beach connected to this beautiful jungle. I wish Monaco was here to see this. And Feliciano and Livino....

"DUDE!!!! We're stranded like in that game lost!!! THIS IS SO COOOOOLLLLLLL. Oh hey where's Artie and Matt?"  The personification stood on a fallen tree looking around. He'd taken off his bomber jacket wearing it around his waist. It was less hot in the army green tank-top underneath. He looked at the Eastern nation who stood looking around, ahving done the same with his jacket. 


"America-san, maybe it is best if we don't alert the entire isle to our presence. It could be hostile." (IM NOT DOING THE ACCENT. IMAGINE IT.) 

He walked past his friend and followed the shoreline. "We need to go find the others." To be quite honest, he was worried for his companions. Italy would most likely be too naive to be on guard, and Germany...well he'd be fine...mostly. ..Probably. Shrugging these thoughts off the two nations walked down the shoreline searching for the others.

Everythings Location

Points of Interest



Small Coral Reef


People as of now

Feliciano & Maria are S

Arthur & Gilbert are SE

Kiku & Alfred are NW

Romeo is W
"Duddddeee I'm bored." The western nation was complaining again. "America-san....that's not helping." Japan sighed and said for the fourteenth time. Yes he'd counted. "Well who's that?"

Japan looked up to see Seborga. He'd never actually met this person, but it was better than being alone. However before he could advise his friend to be cautious, he'd already run towards him. "YOOOOOOOOOLO." "America-san!!!"  


I'd have been looking at the scenery when suddenly, "YOOOOLOOOO!"

I'd turn my head suddenly to see America running straight at me!

"America! Oh god!"

"Sorry, what exactly are you doing?"  GIlbert had walked a short distance off, then suddenly drew to a halt, though he was too far away to see why.  A bit baffled, Arthur followed him down the beach, and as he drew closer, saw him tying something around his leg.  That couldn't bode well; the only explanation he could think of for that was injury, which wasn't easily treatable on an uninhabited island.

"Gilbert?" He inquired, now a few paces away.  "Is everything quite alright?"
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Oh god.

Arthur followed me

Id laugh nervously before saying

"Oh yeah, just being my awesome self, trying to figure out which way to go!"

Id hastily pull down my pant leg to hide the bandage.

I'd have been looking at the scenery when suddenly, "YOOOOLOOOO!"

I'd turn my head suddenly to see America running straight at me!

"America! Oh god!"

Japan managed to catch up as America reached him. "Sebo!!!!" He grinned as the older nation just stood nearby. Japan grabbed a nearby twig and smacked it onto the western nation's head. "You cannot just run off like that!" America pouted. "Fiiiiiiiiiiinnnneeeee." 

Id chuckle.

:You gave me a scare America....we should see if anyone else has washed up..."

Japan waved at Seborga. "Hello. And yes we should." America had vanished and was shooting off his gun loud enough for anyone in a 20 mile radius to hear. "America-san!"  Japan shook his head with a sigh. "There goes any chance of secrecy. And bullets." 

Arthur raised one bushy eyebrow, skeptical, but decided to let the subect drop for the moment.  If Gilbert didn't want to share something, he doubted there'd be much reason in pestering him about it.  "If you say so."  He began walking towards the jungle, gesturing for the other nation to follow.  They'd need to find food, shelter, and above all, fresh water, and of course search for the rest of the countries.  

"Come on, we can't just stand around - it's already late afternoon."  Once it got dark, they'd be better off not on the move.

It was humid inside the jungle.  Insects buzzed from all around and a light wind rustled some of the higher leaves on the trees, but beisdes that, it was quiet.  Eerie.  THis far out in the ocean and on such a small island, there wouldn't be much wildllife, the British nation mused, swatting aside a few low-hanging branches in his path.  

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed, and Arthur froze.  
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"Mein Gott. The bugs are everywhere! Why'd we have to go through the jungle and just look for more washed up countries."


I'd sigh. I wonder how mein bro-haas, Germany, is doing....

"Never mind the bugs - what about the gunshots?"  He wasn't sure what the World Meeting regulations were on bringing weaponry, but he doubted it was allowed.  In that case, they either weren't alone, or it was.... "America.  I think he''s this way."

Arthur picked up his pace, leading the way towards the sounds of the gunshots.  "If we heard that, most of the others probably did, too."
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America sat on a rock. "America-san why did you do that?" "Because Britain knows how to find us now." "....Nani?" "It's this thing. he knows I always have my pistol just in case something goes bad."  Japan shrugged and sat down. "We may as well rest for a bit, and plan something out." American picked up a stick and started to draw in the sand. 

"Hello Kiku!"

Gunshots start.

"America! God...."


"So that would mean.....that silly american Alfred is on this island to!"

I would start to run after Arthur, but I'd end up collapsing and rolling into the ground due to my leg.


But he was already gone.....

A few moments later, Arthur stopped for a moment to get his bearings and catch his breath.  "It shouldn't be much further now," he remarked, turning back towards Gilbert as he spoke.  Except Gilbert wasn't there.  

Dread twisting in his chest, Arthur whirled about and rushed back into the jungle.  He crashed through shrubbery and ducked under tree branches, following the path of crushed greenery he'd left behind minutes earlier.  And suddenly, he nearly tripped over Gilbert, who lay on the ground, looking as if he were in pain.  

"I knew it - that wasn't nothing before!  Why the bloody hell didn't you say something?"

I'd sigh through each grimace of pain that racked my body.

"Because I'm no longer a country........"

I'd start to cry.

I tried to stop.

I couldn't.

"I can't let people know....they'll make such a big deal out of it.....and....."

I'd start to cry harder...

"and tell Germany....I need to be there for him, not the other way around...."

"Did it occur to you that if you collapsed, people would find out regardless?"  But the instant the words were out of his mouth, he wished he could take them back, because as he knelt to speak with Gilbert, he saw just how many tears were streaming down his face.  

"Look, you've survived for decades already," Arthur hastened to point out, shaking his head at the other nation's remark.  "If that wound's treated properly, you can tell Ludwig all that yourself."  

He'd have to get GIlbert out of the jungle somehow and to the beach, where they could set up a shelter for him to rest in while he went in search of food and water, but until then, there wasn't much to be done.  Until they got off this island, the only cure around was rest and a cleaner bandage to ward off infection.  He only hoped they'd get back to the mainland in time.  

"For now, though, you'll have to walk; I can't very well carry you, not on terrain like this."  With tree roots everywhere and uneven ground, that would only end in disaster, Arthur thought.  So he slung Gilbert's \arm around his shoulders and tried to help him get to his feet as best he could.
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Kiku stood hearing something. Not even tellig the others, he began to walk. Coincidentally this was the direction of Arthur and Gilbert. Alfred followed without question, whistling for Sebo to follow. The Western nation walked, and called out when they were within hearing. "Is anyone there?" The voice would be unmistakeable, and then followed by a louder yell. "Yo! Anyone around?!" There was a shh and a smack noise followed by whispering as Japan scolded America. 

@Edlen @ThatSeborganSushiRoll

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