Monster Hunter:Other World


Local-super-mega-Potassium-cyborg Ninja!

}Hunter CS{

(Pleas remove the () In the character sheet)

(Apperance Up here)


(No less that 19)





(Atleast one)

History:(Atealst a Paragraph and pleas dont leave empty...every hunter must have a Interesting History)




(Keep this empty}

{Monster CS}

(Yes apperance here)

(Beast,wyvern,Fanged Wyvern,Etc)

Monster:(Great Jaggie,etc)

Name:(what they call you)

Personality:("I might be big but i have feelings ;-;")



(What makes you unique from the rest? Color Change?Somthing cute? You wear a Top Hat? Anything but NOTHING that is about making you stronger)

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Name:Ryu Masaki


Gender: male

Personality: extroverted, caring, headstrong, And sometimes very nervous, he can be also very romantic and loving.

Likes: Bashing monster head in, Palicoes (cats from MH4U), the shakalakas, neopterons, His kinsect, Maximus, and eating. He also loves seeing elder dragons, since he has a fascination for them.

Dislikes: Fanged beasts, snake wyverns, and anything that tries to kill him. He is also very afraid of Brachydios and Critical Brachydios, jaggi.

Fears: Stygian Zinogre and deviljho(it is my fear too… since i get wrecked by them in mh3u)

History: Ryu lived in the village of Val Habar, a caravanner village, ever since he was a boy. every day he would see hunters from all over, wielding strange weapons and armors, this motivated him to become a hunter himself, although it took a lot of convincing for his father, the blacksmith, to let him go. eventually he agreed. and a month after, he died by a Chaos gore magala ambushing him and his convoy of wagons, carrying supplies for the village. now he roams the world, vowing to avenge his father and slay the half molted beast for good.

Extra: He is a master of the insect glaive and the charge blade. however, he has made a personal bond with his kinsect, maximus.



Bone Glaive

Lava Armor (Rare 3)

Impact kinsect (Shown above in appearance)
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Name: Kilian Mattias

Age: 32

Gender: male

Personality: Kilian is obsessed with combat. He will never turn down a fight and never uses dirty tactics. Whether or not his opponent lives is decided on a whim.

Likes: Fighting, testing his strength, testing the strength of others, and unfavorable situations.

Dislikes: Dirty fighting and weak people.

Fears: Ghosts.

History: Kilian was raised to be a warrior. His father taught him how to use his greataxe. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, Kilian became obsessed with fighting and overpowered all of the warriors in the village nearby and killed some of them. After fighting human warriors, Kilian moved on the the next logical step and fought monsters.




Brachydios armor


Branchydios switch-axe

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BEHOLD THE QUEEN IN ALL HER GLORY! Indeed this monster, though young this monster is roughly the size of a house cat, and just as quick and evasive as one to. Roughly 37 lbs and 2' 3" long from head to end of tail, she boasts considerable dexterity with the tail and one should keep a careful watch on your belongings when around the sneaky thing.

Species: Neopteron, insectoid.

Monster: Seltas princess(queen), shes next in line for the throne.

Name: Francisca

Nicknames: Franny, Fran, dirty thief, Lady Francisca or any of the others.

Personality: A quite mischievous little brat, not a single person is exempt from her "pranks", generally spending her days snatching items from the hunters and stockpiling them in little cubby-holes she has placed all around. Not only doing this to the hunters, but to monsters as well, she steals from everything she can, even some of the most strangest things, the most important item she stole from a monster was a rathian plate of all things...

Surprisingly intelligent and crafty, this little brat is capable of creating rather strange and complicated ambushes to get at what she wants... and what she wants is a great number of things, including but not limited to.





sonic bombs, loves using them to scare people.

dung bombs, only one time though, after that incident she got quite the scorning.


various monster parts

bowgun ammo

flash bombs, again, only once.

tranq bombs, yet again.

energy drinks, don't let her ever drink one of those.

and finally her absolute favorite thing to steal

socks, indeed socks, they are her most favorite thing in the world, if you had lost one, chances are you'll find it in one of her stashes.

Favorites: Socks, fish and being petted... also ambushing.

Likes: anything.

dislikes: bombs, taking baths, people stealing her rightfully acquired socks.

Unique-ability: While looking like a typical Seltas queen she does have some strange things about her, on close examination she has no ability to use a stench cloud, simply lacking said organs or atleast the output holes. The only real oddity about her is the bells, akin to some cats her tail is adorned with a set of bells to signify her location... this was a recent addition to assist in preventing her trickery(it didn't work)... And after a few weeks of fighting with her over them she finally gave in to the bells.

Combat: in combat she indeed plays a role even with her young age, if before a hunt you give a trap to her she will lay it down on a specific key word at a target location, while a trap is in her possession she will not be able to steal anything... in the hunt anyways.
Name: Laria Sahara

Age: 18

Gender: F

Personality: A silent person, she prefer to read the encyclopedia than talking to people. In a hunt, however, she will shout a lot of command and such for she prefer to give some support. Behind that cold look of her, she is actually a very caring person.

Likes: Nice people, organized plan, sandstorm (she likes it more than rain and storm), Tigrex

Dislikes: Disorganized plan, Tigrex

Fears: Tigrex, facing the unknown

History: Born in a rather large nomad community that is wiped out by a sudden Tigrex attack. Laria survived thanks to her parents, who protected her even if it cost her her life. 8 years old Laria foolishly wander around the desert, and almost died of thirst and exhaustion if it were not because of a passing group of hunters. The hunter's guild took her in, they taught her how to use weapons as it is what they do for life.

When she is strong enough, she went and hunt down Tigrex. Laria said that she didn't do it for revenge, thought

Extra: Gunlancer, thought she also a good bow user. Have a sharp eyes. Her armor is the Hunter armor
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(Yes, I can't edit images to fit the actual appearance. Refer to the uniqueability for the actual description of his appearance.)

Species: Fanged Beast

Monster: Arzuros

Name: Paul

Personality: A brave soul, doesn't seem to fear anything. He doesn't really like taking orders unless you gave him some kind of rewards in return.

Likes: Food, sleeping, fighting

Dislikes: Not having his work rewarded, being bothered when doing what he wants

Uniqueability: Unlike the usual Arzuros, Paul was covered with a crimson colored fur. His claws are also more red than the ordinary Arzuros. He doesn't possess the hair spike that an ordinary Arzuros possessed, though he still had the hair that runs from his cheeks.

Zyra Aldara

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Personality: Hyperactive and cocky. She is always on the move and has full confidence in her ability which sometimes lands her in a bad place. She is a lover at heart and can sometimes be very romantic.

Likes: Food, fighting, interesting and new creatures, weather, night sky, Sunset and Sunrise

Dislikes: Anything that fighter her, Darkness, overconfidence, "Gore Magala".

Fears: Dying alone,Not being able to see.

History: She was raised and born to a pair of nomad hunters. For ten years her parents stayed in a village and stopped hunting in order to raise Zyra properly which worked mostly. They taught her how to fight, how to survive by herself, and how to be fully interdependent not relying on anyone but herself. However once she was ten everything changed her parents went back to hunting and traveling along with Zyra of cause Zyra ever fought but she watched. One day when she was 15 on her birthday her parents went out hunting for a creature to make a nice gift for Zyra only to never return however a note came back saying that "If you want to meet us again track us down." it was from her parents it came along with a weapon. So from 15 Zyra was alone but she was mostly used to by now. Once she was 18 she set out hunting alone to try and see if her parents were still alive.

Extra: She is a master of dual blades.


Armor: Ingot Armore Rarity 3


Weapons: Rex slicers Rarity 3

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@Steel Zinogre @Bills352

All accepted...sorry dint get NO alerts Ugh >_< But we are redy to start! Be redy for initial Post!

and now in Inventori,Place what your Character has equipe (wepon and armore only),It can be from monster hunter BUT ONLY Rare 3 and lower and we are going with MH4 Rating seeing that is the most resent and aswell have the rarity on the side ^^

But if ya not aware of MH well you can have simple equipment like steel,Iron etc...But if ya whant to Blend in shoot me a PM and i will help ya in Equipment to choose.

here is your Captain!...well...Kinda xD


Name:Captain-Mew mew



:Captain Mew mew is Very serius and likes things done to be done,he ussually is busy planing and keeping stuff in Order and at bay,he kinda of a Jerk wen it comes to opinions,always thinking he is right and that you are wrong...and this mostly leads to him being hurt or being chase by somthing,But in nature he is quiet and Very Serius,if work must be done,he will do it or send others...But being a Little Cat is easy to Ignore him or just plane old Kick him...But its not recomended.

Likes:Felvine!! HE LOVES THIS,Water,Everything in Order,being right,silence.

Dislikes:LOOSING HIS FELVINE!!,The dark,Being wrong,People who ignore him,stuff not being in order

Fears:A Zamtrios,Falling and get eaten by a Monster

History:Captine Mew mew has been a Hunters well Companion for 6 years and has been so,but in resent times he has been quite a ace and because of his great Knowlage and aswell "Captine" Like personality the Guild saw potentiol (Or just whanted him out) and desided to Give him a ship and send him and his crew (You guys) To explore the "Elder" side of the planet as they call it,he was serius of this task and so he took it with great respect to explore as much of the elder worl as posible with his crew...he was not gona let anything get in his way.

Extra:He has a Jaggie Theeth necklace.



Captain Mew mew,s Hood/Rarity=2

Captain Mew Mew,s Outfit/Rarity=2

Captain Mew Mew,s Short sword/Rarity=1
Name: Nelaria Galenna

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Personality: Relatively laid back and easy going, she's pretty lax when in town or at base. However, out on a hunt is different. She is always eager to take on these quests and finds the other quests to be somewhat trivial. A gory hound through and through, she can be childish at times, especially if someone steals her thunder out on a hunt. She tends to be rowdy and a friend to everyone after a good hunt.

Likes: Singing, Soft Things, Alcohol, The Taste of Monster Blood

Dislikes: Cephalos, Chafing, Failure

Fears: Becoming Inconsequential, Growing Old

History: Nelaria lived in a small desert village of little note for the beginning of her life. Hunters would occasionally pass through the village and she became more and more enamored with them. She took to leaving the village on 'hunts' of her own, much to the dismay of her parents. During one such 'hunt' she returned to find her small village in ruins with Cephalos running rampant where it used to be. She would have certainly perished if not for the timely arrival of a caravan with hunters on guard. She was carted off with them and grew up under the tutelage of one of the senior hunters. While she became somewhat reclusive after the incident, she has reemerged from her solitude and is mostly back to normal. She left the home of her mentor at age eighteen to pursue her own legacy.

Extra: Carries a small memento pendant from her mother at all times.



Weapon -- Dragonmaiden Axe/Rarity = 3

Armor Set -- Cephalos /Rarity = 3

Ero Suzuki

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Sword and Shield

Likes: Wyverns, Heights, His Nargacuga (Cloud)

Dislikes: Being sick, People who are always negative, Giggi (Monster)

Fears: Having his friends die as he watches helplessly

History: Born in a small village of monster hunters his father trained him to be as good as he was. But when he wasn't being trained to kill them he always had a fascination in Wyverns, even though they wanted to kill him he was always interested in them. One day he was walking home and he saw a group of his people sneaking up behind one so he scared it off, A few years later he found a small cavern in a hill side where a dragon egg laid. He watched over it until it hatched when he discovered he had just become the adoptive parent of a baby Nargacuga which is still with him today.





Armor- Derring Armor

Aslong is not full grown at start we are a go ^^ feel free to post in IC now

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