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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Graded [Isekai Hell]-Fairweather Alchemists (PT1)

(The See | Daylight | Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Shatter Shard Shatter Shard @II-CinderRadcliff-II

"I'm sure Mrs. Flamel has her reasons." Winrey said to Saoirse as they rode in the carriage, and the mentioned Alchemist chuckled from her seat upfront. She turned her head back to the rest of them.

"I understand your questions, really I do! Truthfully, the reason I want to get those books is not just because I have a need to archive old Alchemist literature...but because those four Alchemists were dear friends of mine." A forlorn look crossed her face as she explained. "There names were Taphnutia, Medera, Maria, and Cleo. Odd coincidence meeting another Cleo after all these years, huh?" She winked at the salesman. "The Scarlet Coven is no joke either, they're not just a congregation of Alchemists who meet every year...they are the ones who dictate the ebb and flow of Alchemical knowledge for the general public. Any knowledge we know of today was only allowed to be known because their leader, The Regent, picks and chooses what normal every day Alchemists are allowed to learn. And any discoveries made independently from them must be scalped immediately to be tucked away in their expansive library forever until The Regent so decides to release it."

That sounded a lot less innocent than a simple "Coven" of Alchemists, at least to Winrey. "How many Alchemists are in this Coven anyways?" He asked.

"Oh there's plenty, and most of them come from a long line of noble Alchemists. The Scarlet Coven is invite only, you can only get in if The Regent personally invites you, and for many Alchemists it seems like a dream come true...until your work has been completely assimilated into their own personal archive and you're never allowed to speak of whatever you have discovered at all lest The Regent send their goons after you. And if you decline their offer of an invite, that's almost as worse as spitting on their shoe and turning your nose up at them, at least in their eyes."

The Regent

Perenelle sighed deeply, her shoulders sagged. "I was personally invited many years ago, hell it might have been near a century now I believe...? But I turned them down. The only reason they didn't send their horrible servants afterwards to harass me is because I had my husband to help fend them off. Not many know of The Scarlet Coven, and they like their privacy. I threatened to reveal their Coven to the public in a paper, and they backed off immediately, my fame and fortune as the one and only Perenelle Flamel helped immensely!"

"But others are not so fortunate. Like the four Alchemists you will be learning about when you go into their old lab. They are from a century in which magic and alchemy were not common practice for those in higher castes. Ah, I remember those days fondly too! The secrecy, and mystery of alchemy has been lost due to how acceptable it is in today's time!" She remarked cheerily.
"I know it might be enticing to steal the books for yourself, or to try and pawn them off to the Coven. But I have faith that your experience here will show you why that's not a very wise idea." She looked pointedly at Saoirse this time with a knowing smirk. "I can't read minds, but I get the feeling not everyone here has the purest of intentions. Heed my warning when I say this, the Coven are not to be trifled with. They will not barter or bargain with anyone, and they care nothing about gold or money. In the world of alchemy, what you know will get you farther than any cash will."

The carriage stopped then and they found themselves outside of an old, overgrown looking cottage that was built into a giant rolling hillside. The See's lush greenery and fauna had completely overtaken the cottage, and anyone could tell from a glance that despite its beautiful architecture, it had been sat there for quite sometime.

"We've arrived! Oh my, it looks just as I remember it does! Don't worry, its a lot more spacious on the inside than it appears. Taphnutia was a genius when it came spacial alchemy." Perenelle hopped down from the carriage and opened the doors of it so that the others could step out and explore for themselves. She led them up the stairs and gently opened the door. As everyone stepped inside, Winrey noticed that Perenelle was right and the cottage was a lot more spacious than he thought before. Even the guards that had accompanied his other party members were able to comfortably fit in the foyer.

The foyer room was simple with a few chairs and a tea table in the corner, yet and obvious layer of dust had settled on every object in the room from years of disuse. The only strange thing were the 4 rooms lined up that each led to different places.
It seems we might have to split up after all...oh what a bother. Winrey didn't like the idea of them all splitting up into groups, but it would cover more ground that way. The only downside was that he wouldn't be able to explore each and every room of the four alchemists like he had silently planned before in the carriage.

"They liked to have their own personal space, but I guess I forgot to mention that, oops!" Perenelle said with a sheepish smile. "Worry not, you should be able to find what I want pretty easily. Those four loved to hide things though, so it might cause you a bit of trouble...but nothing none of you can't handle I'm sure!" She laughed and turned around. "I'll be waiting in the carriage, feel free to come find me if anything goes south!" And with that, she left the party to make their own choices.


coded by: @s e v e n

Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Shatter Shard Shatter Shard @II-CinderRadcliff-II
"I'm sure Mrs. Flamel has her reasons." Winrey said to Saoirse as they rode in the carriage, and the mentioned Alchemist chuckled from her seat upfront. She turned her head back to the rest of them.

"I understand your questions, really I do! Truthfully, the reason I want to get those books is not just because I have a need to archive old Alchemist literature...but because those four Alchemists were dear friends of mine." A forlorn look crossed her face as she explained. "There names were Taphnutia, Medera, Maria, and Cleo. Odd coincidence meeting another Cleo after all these years, huh?" She winked at the salesman. "The Scarlet Coven is no joke either, they're not just a congregation of Alchemists who meet every year...they are the ones who dictate the ebb and flow of Alchemical knowledge for the general public. Any knowledge we know of today was only allowed to be known because their leader, The Regent, picks and chooses what normal every day Alchemists are allowed to learn. And any discoveries made independently from them must be scalped immediately to be tucked away in their expansive library forever until The Regent so decides to release it."

That sounded a lot less innocent than a simple "Coven" of Alchemists, at least to Winrey. "How many Alchemists are in this Coven anyways?" He asked.

"Oh there's plenty, and most of them come from a long line of noble Alchemists. The Scarlet Coven is invite only, you can only get in if The Regent personally invites you, and for many Alchemists it seems like a dream come true...until your work has been completely assimilated into their own personal archive and you're never allowed to speak of whatever you have discovered at all lest The Regent send their goons after you. And if you decline their offer of an invite, that's almost as worse as spitting on their shoe and turning your nose up at them, at least in their eyes."

The Regent

Perenelle sighed deeply, her shoulders sagged. "I was personally invited many years ago, hell it might have been near a century now I believe...? But I turned them down. The only reason they didn't send their horrible servants afterwards to harass me is because I had my husband to help fend them off. Not many know of The Scarlet Coven, and they like their privacy. I threatened to reveal their Coven to the public in a paper, and they backed off immediately, my fame and fortune as the one and only Perenelle Flamel helped immensely!"

"But others are not so fortunate. Like the four Alchemists you will be learning about when you go into their old lab. They are from a century in which magic and alchemy were not common practice for those in higher castes. Ah, I remember those days fondly too! The secrecy, and mystery of alchemy has been lost due to how acceptable it is in today's time!" She remarked cheerily.
"I know it might be enticing to steal the books for yourself, or to try and pawn them off to the Coven. But I have faith that your experience here will show you why that's not a very wise idea." She looked pointedly at Saoirse this time with a knowing smirk. "I can't read minds, but I get the feeling not everyone here has the purest of intentions. Heed my warning when I say this, the Coven are not to be trifled with. They will not barter or bargain with anyone, and they care nothing about gold or money. In the world of alchemy, what you know will get you farther than any cash will."

The carriage stopped then and they found themselves outside of an old, overgrown looking cottage that was built into a giant rolling hillside. The See's lush greenery and fauna had completely overtaken the cottage, and anyone could tell from a glance that despite its beautiful architecture, it had been sat there for quite sometime.

"We've arrived! Oh my, it looks just as I remember it does! Don't worry, its a lot more spacious on the inside than it appears. Taphnutia was a genius when it came spacial alchemy." Perenelle hopped down from the carriage and opened the doors of it so that the others could step out and explore for themselves. She led them up the stairs and gently opened the door. As everyone stepped inside, Winrey noticed that Perenelle was right and the cottage was a lot more spacious than he thought before. Even the guards that had accompanied his other party members were able to comfortably fit in the foyer.

The foyer room was simple with a few chairs and a tea table in the corner, yet and obvious layer of dust had settled on every object in the room from years of disuse. The only strange thing were the 4 rooms lined up that each led to different places.
It seems we might have to split up after all...oh what a bother. Winrey didn't like the idea of them all splitting up into groups, but it would cover more ground that way. The only downside was that he wouldn't be able to explore each and every room of the four alchemists like he had silently planned before in the carriage. At least not thoroughly.

"They liked to have their own personal space, but I guess I forgot to mention that, oops!" Perenelle said with a sheepish smile. "Worry not, you should be able to find what I want pretty easily. Those four loved to hide things though, so it might cause you a bit of trouble...but nothing none of you can't handle I'm sure!" She laughed and turned around. "I'll be waiting in the carriage, feel free to come find me if anything goes south!" And with that, she left the party to make their own choices.


Hey its me Lolory! Because you all are about to pick and choose which lab to explore, I thought I would explain how to exactly do the puzzles and lay down a few ground rules. First off, when you enter the labs, text like the one you're reading now will be colored gold (like this text now!) Any text highlighted in gold indicates that your characters can interact with it and that it is apart of a puzzle.

A lot of the puzzles are things you have to solve to advance further into your investigation of the lab, and some are to find the diaries themselves. Each room will require more than one character, so think twice before going alone! There will be enemies you encounter and you can fight them, but nobody will be perma killed or injured here it's all in good fun~ Companions are allowed to help you out with the puzzles, but only so far as they are allowed to help you look around for clues that lead to said puzzles. I will not allow companions to solve the puzzles for your playable character (this does not apply to companions that are being controlled by another IH member)

Using your powers is fun and all, but destroying the walls and foundation of the lab are prohibited. So any super strong moves or abilities that would otherwise just take out the entire place are not allowed, this also includes using them on enemies. Other than that, go bananas with your skills and powers!

Because the lab is abandoned there will NOT be any punishment for people "borrowing" things from the labs. The owners are long since dead, and Miss Perenelle Flamel will only care if you steal from her personally.

You are allowed to leave the room your character chose to explore anytime and return to it anytime. If for whatever reason you don't have enough people to solve the puzzle in one room, it's perfectly valid to leave it and help characters in a different lab!

These are the rules, if you have any questions about something feel free to just ask me!
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cleo Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Rather than answers, Saoirse got a lot of personal backstory from this woman. She wasn't exactly fond of it, as it felt like the woman was dodging giving an actual answer by using sentimentalism. There was a lot she didn't believe in the slightest. For one, how influential this Scarlet Coven was supposed to be. There was no way a single organisation would have that much influence through-out the entire continent. She decided not to point it out, allowing others to fall for this fear-mongering. Perhaps it might give her a clue of the average intellect among the rest.

When Perenelle mentioned being personally invited, something clicked for Saoirse. If what Perenelle was saying about the Scarlet Coven was true, than she herself would fit right in with them, wouldn't she? Getting a bunch of dispensable strangers to fetch some valuable alchemical knowledge by pretending to be working with the very organisation you're claiming to have as an enemy? It was definitely possible, if not outright plausible, considering the lack of detail and information they'd been given. “How can we assure that you really did turn them down?” She straight up asked, not even wanting to be subtle with it at this point.

It seemed Perenelle shared that sentiment, as Saoisre felt a bit offended at being pointed out so directly, as Perenelle locked eyes when stating the most direct of warnings. “Steal?” She huffed. These were abandoned laboratories. Right now, those books didn't belong to anyone. The first person to get their hands on them would be the rightful owner. “It seems you don't trust me, whilst I don't trust you.”

She took out a contract (Law F). “How about we make this a bit more formal, then?” She wrote down a few things, whilst stating her offer. “Me and my companions will help you look for the book, regardless of your alliances or plans with them. In turn you guarantee us a hefty pay for any book we obtain and a worthwhile fee for any book we help others obtain. In turn, we won't try to make deals with third parties. We also guarantee each-other safe passage back to our respective homes, even after the deal is over. I'm not in the mood for a risk of backstabbing.” With this guarantee in place, she'd feel a lot safer about her prospects. She honestly wouldn't even care whom or what this woman was associated with, so long as her pay and safe passage out were guaranteed.

Upon arriving at the cottage, she was a tad surprised. “Charming.” Perhaps some leftover rabbit instincts made her like the grassy cabin in the hill.

After entering, she inspected the four doors. The grassy one seemed most pleasant, but they weren't here for pleasantries. The red one seemed too read for her liking. The black one too dark. She headed towards the brown/golden one. That one was the classiest. “We'll take this one.” She stated, making the decision for Ryuuji and Melia as well. Although she did turn towards Cleo. “Care to join us, mister Rom?” She asked.

She figured having him on their 'team' whilst leaving the others to their business would likely increase the chances of them being successful over the other team, which meant more books to recover by them and more profit in the long run. Splitting it with just Cleo wouldn't be the worst either. Ideally they'd get three of them before the others even got one. Then again, she was getting ahead of herself. Even obtaining one should be a good pay-out, assuming the contract would be signed by now. If it hadn't been signed, she'd always be able to still try sell it to the Scarlet Coven or another interested party. Either way would work.

Quick Conversation

A contract...? I've never signed one of those before...

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Elvario Elvario
Before saying goodbye and leaving the group to choose, she was quite surprised to see Saoirse go this far in regards to getting the books. "If it means you won't go and take the four books I already hired you to get for me, then sure I'll sign it." She chuckled nervously before taking a pen out of her skirt pocket and signing her name. "I don't care if you take books I didn't ask for, just these four. I did foresee that perhaps some of you would be enticed to steal them away from me, but I had assumed it'd be another alchemist who wanted them." She glanced at Winrey who was much more interested in checking out the cottage they arrived at. "Until then, Miss Saoirse!" She smiled and said goodbye to the rest of the group.

coded by: @s e v e n

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Before saying goodbye and leaving the group to choose, she was quite surprised to see Saoirse go this far in regards to getting the books. "If it means you won't go and take the four books I already hired you to get for me, then sure I'll sign it." She chuckled nervously before taking a pen out of her skirt pocket and signing her name. "I don't care if you take books I didn't ask for, just these four. I did foresee that perhaps some of you would be enticed to steal them away from me, but I had assumed it'd be another alchemist who wanted them." She glanced at Winrey who was much more interested in checking out the cottage they arrived at. "Until then, Miss Saoirse!" She smiled and said goodbye to the rest of the group.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"
Mentions: Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Ryuuji couldn't help but feel skeptical himself, even as he listened as politely as he could muster. Saoirse asked a valid question. How did they know? If there was anything that Ryuuji knew it was that taking someone on word and word alone was risky business. With the way he'd gathered titles had worked in this world, deception was less risky than carrying out other acts directly particularly if it didn't result directly in an [Abuser] or you had some good alt identities to use..to do worse things. He did try his best to commit the information dump to memory..perhaps he'd need to upgrade himself with an enhanced memory when the time came, he was certain it'd be possible and it'd probably come into use at some point down the line. Saoirse replying in such a direct way was an interesting strategy to say the least.

What did make sense was following up with the contract that Saoirse had made. Anyone who was being honest shouldn't mind signing an agreement like that under these sorts of terms. They ensured that there wouldn't be back stabbing without some form of repercussion, so Ryuuji was actually rather pleased to see Saoirse propose the terms, even more so when they were agreed too and a signature was made. During these interactions Ryuuji stayed close to Saoirse. When they arrived Ryuuji looked over the scene before diligently following. The door which Saoirse chose seemed as reasonable as any with the information available. Upon hearing her invite Cleo, Ryuuji gave a friendly smile toward the business man, as if to be inviting. He had no qualms against this arrangement, as Cleo was by far one of the more desirable ones to have around at the moment from what could be gathered so far.
Indicus was remembering why he did not care for merchants and nobles in his last life. They projected their tendencies for betrayal and intrigue on everything in the most verbal way possible seeming to love the sound of their voices and maybe kick a street rat or two if it was convenient. Indicus felt he got lucky working with Yukan the man was a warrior first and noble second.

Indicus looked over the doors the darkest of them being the one he would choose if he could find another to go in with. He would get the books deal with the Coven and if his employer wanted to betray him he would deal with it then violently and swiftly.

Indicus walked up to the strange man covered in armor. "I'm looking to try my hand at that dark door wanna join me?"

Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ E }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo chuckled at Saoirse. "Sincerity has always been my best suit." He held his chin with a sly smile. "My goal is out in the open, so the other side is free to impose restrictions. Then we negotiate from there." As soon as he said so, Perenelle began to speak her reasons. Smirking to himself, he looked at Saoirse with cheeky eyes, as if telling her "See?". He faced Pernelle afterwards with a friendly grin. "No worries, Ms. Flamel, I'll at least honor you, your friends, and Cleo..." He chuckled to himself, finding the coincidence amusing for some reason. "...and I will not do anything that will get my head lopped off."

Though hearing Saoirse's skeptical view of the situation made Cleo shake his head. "While skepticism is good, I do think you are doubting too much, Ms. Desrosiers." He started as he disembarked from the wagon. "Let's consider one thing first, Ms. Flamel is actively going against the coven." He nodded at the escort guards as they went up to the doors and guarded them by the entrances, before looking back at Saoirse. "Why is this truth? Because secrecy. Us knowing about the coven is already a big flag." His gaze then wandered over to the lab entrances, pondering on which to choose. "That puts marks over our heads, and frankly, that's more reassuring than worrying considering the trust that we need currently." He procured a pen from his coat. "It does leave a bit of bitterness in my mouth that it happened, but it's nothing I can't handle." He signed the contract after reading through it. Even if no one else wanted to sign it, it was a bit of formality Cleo was more than willing to abide. "Second, this plan is too convoluted. I do not believe the coven wants strangers, of all people, to do what they want to do. If anything, an organization such as them would opt for a more covert and... professional manpower for the task." He twirled his pen and stowed the pen away. "And, though regrettable, I'll be stepping on another entrance." He judged that at least two people per entrance was appropriate.

He turned to look at the rest. "As for the others, I allow the guards to accompany you if you need more manpower. A guard per door." He nodded at the guards, to which they nodded back. "Please be careful, all of you. I'll be at this door." He declared, stepping right outside the red door. "If anyone wants to accompany me, I'll be glad." He gave off an amicable smile.


Last edited:

(The See | Daytime| Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Medera's Laboratory
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Elvario Elvario

As Saoirse and Ryuuji enter the very lush white room, they find that instead of a standard laboratory with equipment and scrolls or even books, they are in a massive ballroom with glistening walls, and a marble floor with large towering golden pillars. A slight pink color could be seen in the stonework that the room was sculpted from, which gave it a dreamy feeling. On the opposite side of the large ballroom, a large portrait of a woman hung which had seemingly been painted during a party with many attendees. She was the definition of a Noble in a large pink ballgown, and intricately pinned blonde hair. Beneath the portrait was a small label that read "Lady Medera".


A stairwell was situated in the back next to the large portrait, one need only cross the way to try and get to it. A few feet to the left of the room was a very important looking showcase that held a pair of shoes. They were slippers that were finely threaded and had fresh roses pinned to the toes as decoration with pearl detailing. Shoes such as that would most likely be seen in any highclass Azuran shop and be worth hundreds possibly even thousands of gold coin. They were held in a glass case and sat on a plush pink pillow. Even after all these years left alone, the shoes were in pristine condition.

Cleo had gracefully lent each of them one guard to accompany them, so the lone guard hung back a bit to let Saoirse and Ryuuji explore the place. Melia stood beside the guard as well. Right now, there was no danger thankfully.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Cleo's Laboratory
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Winrey

The red room was a lot darker on the inside than Winrey had originally presumed. He decided he'd follow Cleo instead of the others, since he didn't exactly trust Saoirse or like her attitude towards things in general. Cleo seemed agreeable enough, however. The room they entered looked nothing like a typical Alchemist's Lab. Winrey felt a pang of nostalgia entering the room, as it reminded him of his old life working for his Aunt in what she called a Speakeasy, a hidden bar that only those in the know were allowed access to. Low orange lamps were lit here and there, and the room was crowded with many soft looking leather love seats and pillows. To the right was a large and spacious bar with many options. Bottles of all shapes and sizes were neatly lined up on a large imposing shelf, and four drinks which sit on coasters are already out on the counter.


A large stage is in the front of the bar, and various instruments sit on it. A trumpet, a drum, a guitar, and a mic lay on the floor of the stage. There's no spotlight for anyone, but despite how old Perenelle had explained this Lab was supposed to be, they all seemed to be in mint condition. Above the stage was a large poster seemingly advertising a singer. A young woman with short cropped black hair that had been styled to curl around her hair was in the photo. She had a coy smile on her face as she looked at the viewer, and below in bold print was "The Wonderful singer Cleopatra! Performing tonight, at midnight! Grab a seat while you can!" It seemed this was "Cleo's" room, what an odd coincedence.


*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Taphnutia's Laboratory
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

The room that Indicus had entered was the farthest from a lab that it could be. It was a sleek library with many office items and a desk. High bookshelves lined the walkway into the officespace, and soft carpet was underneath his feet. There were various ladders on wheels that were meant to be pushed from left to right in order to reach the higher levels of the library. Deeper into the room, a professional looking photo hung above the desk. It was of a woman dressed in a fine tight dress with elegant sleeves and lacework. Her dark hair was pinned up in a bun, and she had smart looking glasses that hung on her nose. Beneath the photo the words, "Lady Taphnutia" was written. Her face was unimpressed, as she looked down at any who entered. Near the desk, a large cabinet case made of glass and dark oak wood was built into one of the bookshelves. Inside, it seemed to house a collection of ink bottles and pens.


Unlike the other rooms, Indicus was not alone aside from the single guard that Cleo had leant them all. A person in a white and red mask, similar to the one that Perenelle had shown them, was rifling through the many books, and looked up surprised once Indicus had entered. It seemed The Coven had already infiltrated this particular part of the lab.

The Coven member turned to Indicus, and took a short dagger out and readied themself to fight.


coded by: @s e v e n

Medera's Laboratory
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Elvario Elvario

As Saoirse and Ryuuji enter the very lush white room, they find that instead of a standard laboratory with equipment and scrolls or even books, they are in a massive ballroom with glistening walls, and a marble floor with large towering golden pillars. A slight pink color could be seen in the stonework that the room was sculpted from, which gave it a dreamy feeling. On the opposite side of the large ballroom, a large portrait of a woman hung which had seemingly been painted during a party with many attendees. She was the definition of a Noble in a large pink ballgown, and intricately pinned blonde hair. Beneath the portrait was a small label that read "Lady Medera".


A stairwell was situated in the back next to the large portrait, one need only cross the way to try and get to it. A few feet to the left of the room was a very important looking showcase that held a pair of shoes. They were slippers that were finely threaded and had fresh roses pinned to the toes as decoration with pearl detailing. Shoes such as that would most likely be seen in any highclass Azuran shop and be worth hundreds possibly even thousands of gold coin. They were held in a glass case and sat on a plush pink pillow. Even after all these years left alone, the shoes were in pristine condition.

Cleo had gracefully lent each of them one guard to accompany them, so the lone guard hung back a bit to let Saoirse and Ryuuji explore the place. Melia stood beside the guard as well. Right now, there was no danger thankfully.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Cleo's Laboratory
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Winrey

The red room was a lot darker on the inside than Winrey had originally presumed. He decided he'd follow Cleo instead of the others, since he didn't exactly trust Saoirse or like her attitude towards things in general. Cleo seemed agreeable enough, however. The room they entered looked nothing like a typical Alchemist's Lab. Winrey felt a pang of nostalgia entering the room, as it reminded him of his old life working for his Aunt in what she called a Speakeasy, a hidden bar that only those in the know were allowed access to. Low orange lamps were lit here and there, and the room was crowded with many soft looking leather love seats and pillows. To the right was a large and spacious bar with many options. Bottles of all shapes and sizes were neatly lined up on a large imposing shelf, and four drinks which sit on coasters are already out on the counter.


A large stage is in the front of the bar, and various instruments sit on it. A trumpet, a drum, a guitar, and a mic lay on the floor of the stage. There's no spotlight for anyone, but despite how old Perenelle had explained this Lab was supposed to be, they all seemed to be in mint condition. Above the stage was a large poster seemingly advertising a singer. A young woman with short cropped black hair that had been styled to curl around her hair was in the photo. She had a coy smile on her face as she looked at the viewer, and below in bold print was "The Wonderful singer Cleopatra! Performing tonight, at midnight! Grab a seat while you can!" It seemed this was "Cleo's" room, what an odd coincedence.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Taphnutia's Laboratory
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

The room that Indicus had entered was the farthest from a lab that it could be. It was a sleek library with many office items and a desk. High bookshelves lined the walkway into the officespace, and soft carpet was underneath his feet. There were various ladders on wheels that were meant to be pushed from left to right in order to reach the higher levels of the library. Deeper into the room, a professional looking photo hung above the desk. It was of a woman dressed in a fine tight dress with elegant sleeves and lacework. Her dark hair was pinned up in a bun, and she had smart looking glasses that hung on her nose. Beneath the photo the words, "Lady Taphnutia" was written. Her face was unimpressed, as she looked down at any who entered. Near the desk, a large cabinet case made of glass and dark oak wood was built into one of the bookshelves. Inside, it seemed to house a collection of ink bottles and pens.


Unlike the other rooms, Indicus was not alone aside from the single guard that Cleo had leant them all. A person in a white and red mask, similar to the one that Perenelle had shown them, was rifling through the many books, and looked up surprised once Indicus had entered. It seemed The Coven had already infiltrated this particular part of the lab.

The Coven member turned to Indicus, and took a short dagger out and readied themself to fight.


Saoirse and Ryuuji: Entered Medera's Lab, found two potential clues and an entry way to another level.

Cleo and
Winrey : Entered Cleopatra's Lab, found two potential clues.

Indicus: Entered Taphnutia's Lab, Found two potential clues, and met a Coven Member who's very Combative.
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Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cleo Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

With the contract signed, Saoirse had assured herself a payday, even if this turned out to be some elaborate prank by some bored and overly weatherly nobles. She couldn't ask for much more.

On the other hand, Cleo's words just annoyed her. “Did you not read the letter? The Coven wants to shake up the alchemist community. They want this information leaked and out in the open. It's our employer that claims to want to keep these books hidden. Doesn't it make much more sense, then, for a group like the Coven to hire total strangers that might leak information or steal books? Even just now, she admitted she believed that to be a risk.” The more she thought of it, the less sense it all made. Perhaps this really as an elaborate prank by bored nobles.

She shook her head. “Anyhow, it doesn't matter. I've got my contract signed.” That was all she really needed to know this wasn't going to be for naught, regardless of who or what she'd end up working with or for. As for the guards, she scoffed. “I've already got Melia. I don't need them. Have them guard the lobby or something.” She stated, not wishing for a guard other than Melia to join her in the room itself.

As they entered the room, she was rather surprised. “How lush and pretty.” She stated. She looked around a bit more. “A ballroom... odd.” Upon spotting the pinkish colour, she figured she'd quickly check if there was any sort of pattern to it or not. “Huh, so the alchemist was a lady... peculiar.” She stated.

“A stairwell going up... Hmmm.” She clicked her tongue. “If it's anything like what we were told it'd be, that'd be too easy, no?” She looked at the showcase. “Oho... those would be good to bring along.” She stated upon seeing the shoes. “That alone is a nice payday, but...”

She put two and two together. “Putting dancing shoes in a ballroom. Seems like we might have to dance in a pattern or something, I'd guess.” She looked at Ryuuji. “How about you try to see if you can get those shoes out of there and if they fit you. Me and Melia will check if we can go up the stairwell. Perhaps there are more clues there.” She'd tell Ryuuji, after which she gestured to Melia.

Melia Hayward

The intend for her to go first, in case of a trap, was pretty clear. “Of course ma'am.” The guard stated, bracing herself a bit, just in case, as she'd proceed to move towards the stairwell.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"

Mentions: Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Ryuuji listened to what Cleo had to say on the matter and his inclination was more aligned with Saoirse’s skepticism. Coming from the viewpoint of knowing all sorts who would set up elaborate situations to benefit themselves, Ryuuji being one of them. For all he knew there were others behind the scenes who were rocking titles like [Opportunistic], who were willing to do even what one could argue, highly immoral things to get ahead of their competition. Thankfully Ryuuji still thought Cleo could be a good ally to have.

He also understood why Saoirse said that she didn’t want the other guard with her. Their business was their business, they had Melia with them, and someone else in the equation when they found something valuable that they wanted could prove to be problematic all things considered. Plus given the circumstances they shouldn’t be garnering any criminal titles for taking valuables from these areas.

By the time they entered Ryuuji looked around curiously, also rather surprised. The ballroom-like space was not something which he could claim he had been expecting. He nodded at her odd and peculiar comments respectively, in agreement. When she spoke of the staircase he looked toward it.

“I..suppose that would be a bit easy given how this place was described, It wouldn’t surprise me if there were tricks abound..” He commented.

He then noticed the shoes, visually appraising them as he had tried to at the monastery with the items they had there. If those were genuine items then no doubt Saoirse was right they would fetch some good money in a world like this from what Ryuuji had gathered so far.

Upon being told he should try to see if the shoes fit, Ryuuji gave a respectful low bow Saoirse’s way.

“Yes, understood, Miss Derosiers.”

He promptly made his way over to the shoes, took off his sandals and would try to put the shoes on to see if they’d fit him. Much like what that fae possible hybrid sort’s reaction had been to him being ‘pretty’ with such a beast warrior sort of name, Ryuuji’s feet were not particularly gruff instead on the daintier side and well proportioned with the rest of him.

If they did fit he’d look around the room proactively before he’d start doing a bit of a ‘dance’ throwing in some Seduction F for good measure in his movements to give them a bit more ‘swagger’ trying to see if there was some pattern he could figure out that might do something useful, if the shoes didn’t fit he’d be on standby for further instruction.
Lolory Lolory

Indicus did not have too much time to closely examine the room before he saw the cult member. Indicus knew he could not use his fire or run the risk of lighting very important items on fire or worse triggering some sort of defensive measure. With that out he quickly covered the space between the both of them and using his limited practice of magic to channel the energy from his core to his claws and filled them with the energy a low growl rising from his throat as he did before savagely swiping them at his opponent and then attacking once more even after the magic had faded from his claws.

1: movement Fast F (60 feet movement)
2 use Magic imbued attack (Magic F) on claws (natural weapons E) (Strength D)
3 Attack once more (Natural weapons E) (Strength D)

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ E }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo smiled at Saoirse as he began entering the room with Winrey. "The problem isn't that. The problem is that the Coven, from what's been given, desires control." With that, he disappeared into the room.

Cleo's eyes scanned the are as his stepped into the laboratory. Wonder shone in his eyes as he paced around, soaking in the scene around them. Although darker than he initially thought, it didn't hide simple aesthetics it held. A quiet, humble place with a low yet peaceful mood. "This is lovely." He commented, before looking at Winrey. "Quite the bar, no?" He chuckled before pacing around the laboratory, eyeing the various glass and bottles and implements.

Then, his gaze fell on the poster hung on the wall. Cleopatra, most likely the "Cleo" friend Perenelle had mentioned. "So she was a singer, huh..." He mused, his gaze landing on the set of instruments on the stage. Sorrow fleetingly glazed his eyes, for he knew how important instruments are to a musician, especially to a singer. His thoughts wandered over to Ophenia, and her beautiful performance that he had the opportunity to witness once. Although a quaint show, the life was bursting forth from it. It was truly alive, despite the underlying blues the performance brought.

Looking back at the lonely stage, Cleo sighed. Truly it was saddening for an artist to leave behind their art. "I'll be investigating the stage, Winrey." He called out before stepping into the stage. He had no knowledge of instruments, let alone how to use them, but he knew they were delicate and required dutiful attention. His curious fingers glided over the brass surfaces, surprised by the pristine conditions they were left in. He carefully scrutinized them, not even intending to find clues yet, but rather to appreciate the tools of music themselves.



(The See | Daytime | Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Medera's Lab
Elvario Elvario | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

As the three of them made their way across the ballroom, they'd find that none of them were able to make it to their destinations. Suddenly the floor shifted and opened in various spots, and out of them popped tall human sized dolls dressed in fine suits and ballgowns. The dolls were paired together and held onto one another as if preparing to dance. From an unknown place in the ballroom, elegant music began to play, and before Saoirse, Melia, or Ryuuji could react, the dolls began to dance. The ballroom was crowded and moving through the throng of "party goers" normally was impossible. One doll who seemed to be alone took Saoirse by the hand, and began to guide her into a waltz. Two other dolls approached Melia and Ryuuji both, seemingly to dance as well like Saoirse.

Soon the entire room had been transformed into a spontaneous ball! Getting across the ballroom wouldn't be too difficult since the dolls danced in a circular rotation.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Cleo's Lab
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Winrey

"It reminds me of someone I used to know." Winrey responded to Cleo's comment about how nice the bar was. "My Aunt had one that was similar. If you're going to the stage, you should be careful. It seems tall..." It only seemed that way to Winrey due to his height. Someone of Cleo's stature would be more than fine going up it. Winrey was more preoccupied with the drinks on the bar, and he tried to pick one of the glasses up to inspect it. Hm...? How strange, it appears the glasses are stuck to the bar itself. While Winrey looked at the bar, Cleo had made his way to the stage.

Once he had made his way to the microphone after looking at each instrument,
the lights in the speakeasy began to dim ever so slightly. The singular spotlight above the microphone was soon the only light source in the bar, which made it incredibly dark save for the one place Cleo stood.

"Mr. Cleo? What happened? Where did you go?" Winrey called out. He couldn't see at all, his eyesight was one of the weakest parts about him. Though the instruments were seemingly out of commission, the microphone itself was still working. Saying something into it might show some results.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Taphnutia's Lab
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

Indicus attacked the Coven member and they were duly injured with a swipe to their torso made by sharp claws. The Coven member immediately retreated further back into the office, completely regretting ever trying to cross Indicus at all. The small knife they had fell the ground as they abandoned it. They reached into their cloak without a word, and threw a small vial that broke on the ground. A poof of white smoke erupted in the room, filling it entirely and as it cleared, the Coven member had disappeared!

The only things left in the room was the mysterious cabinet that held the ink jars. As well as the heavy ladders along each shelf. The ladder's appeared to need more than one person to operate, and Indicus was alone now if you counted the useless gaurd that Cleo had leant him. The guard was uninterested in solving puzzles, so Indicus might be alone in the investigation portion of this lab.

coded by: @s e v e n

Medera's Lab
Elvario Elvario | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

As the three of them made their way across the ballroom, they'd find that none of them were able to make it to their destinations. Suddenly the floor shifted and opened in various spots, and out of them popped tall human sized dolls dressed in fine suits and ballgowns. The dolls were paired together and held onto one another as if preparing to dance. From an unknown place in the ballroom, elegant music began to play, and before Saoirse, Melia, or Ryuuji could react, the dolls began to dance. The ballroom was crowded and moving through the throng of "party goers" normally was impossible. One doll who seemed to be alone took Saoirse by the hand, and began to guide her into a waltz. Two other dolls approached Melia and Ryuuji both, seemingly to dance as well like Saoirse.

Soon the entire room had been transformed into a spontaneous ball! Getting across the ballroom wouldn't be too difficult since the dolls danced in a circular rotation.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Cleo's Lab
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Winrey

"It reminds me of someone I used to know." Winrey responded to Cleo's comment about how nice the bar was. "My Aunt had one that was similar. If you're going to the stage, you should be careful. It seems tall..." It only seemed that way to Winrey due to his height. Someone of Cleo's stature would be more than fine going up it. Winrey was more preoccupied with the drinks on the bar, and he tried to pick one of the glasses up to inspect it. Hm...? How strange, it appears the glasses are stuck to the bar itself. While Winrey looked at the bar, Cleo had made his way to the stage.

Once he had made his way to the microphone after looking at each instrument,
the lights in the speakeasy began to dim ever so slightly. The singular spotlight above the microphone was soon the only light source in the bar, which made it incredibly dark save for the one place Cleo stood.

"Mr. Cleo? What happened? Where did you go?" Winrey called out. He couldn't see at all, his eyesight was one of the weakest parts about him. Though the instruments were seemingly out of commission, the microphone itself was still working. Saying something into it might show some results.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Taphnutia's Lab
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

Indicus attacked the Coven member and they were duly injured with a swipe to their torso made by sharp claws. The Coven member immediately retreated further back into the office, completely regretting ever trying to cross Indicus at all. The small knife they had fell the ground as they abandoned it. They reached into their cloak without a word, and threw a small vial that broke on the ground. A poof of white smoke erupted in the room, filling it entirely and as it cleared, the Coven member had disappeared!

The only things left in the room was the mysterious cabinet that held the ink jars. As well as the heavy ladders along each shelf. The ladder's appeared to need more than one person to operate, and Indicus was alone now if you counted the useless gaurd that Cleo had leant him. The guard was uninterested in solving puzzles, so Indicus might be alone in the investigation portion of this lab.

Saoirse, Ryuuji, & Melia: Triggered a "trap" that awoke living dolls in Medera's Lab that are forcing them into a dance.

Cleo & Winrey: Triggered a "trap" that dims the lights in the Speakeasy significantly except for the single spotlight on the stage.

Indicus: Defeated the Coven Member and watched them retreat injured. Still has 2 clues left uninvestigated, The Ladders (which need more than one person to solve) and The Ink Cabinet.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

As she watched Melia head through the room, the trap was triggered. To her surrpise, she'd find herself caught in it as well. “Ugh. I hate dancing.” She stated, even though she wasn't given any choice right now. She'd attempt to [Jump F] over them to avoid this annoyance, but if that didn't work, she'd just let the doll lead her through the room. She had no clue about dancing, but they seemed to have a programmed pattern, so if she'd just follow along with its motions, she should eventually reach the other side of the room and be able to jump out and onto those stairs. “Let's follow their patterns and try to reach the stairs, unless either of you has a better idea.” She'd speak out to Ryuuji and Melia.

Melia Hayward

“Yes ma'am.” The guard replied, withholding the desire to start destroying these obnoxious dolls. If Saoirse figured it was best to play along, it probably was. That said, the guard danced about as gracefully as an elephant in a china store.

Saoirse called out to Ryuuji. “Why do you think they made traps this odd? You think they were insane or just really bored?” She still thought this whole set-up was weird. “Or perhaps we really are just put in some sort off freak show for rich nobles to enjoy themselves and the whole story about alchemist books is bullshit. What do you think?” She wanted a second opinion on that one, as with how far-fetched this whole set-up felt, she was honestly starting to wonder what was real and what was fake about this whole event.

Then again, she had a contract to get high pay for those books, so even if it was fake, she should still earn good money, right? Right. “Then again, so long as we earn what we're due, I guess either way works. I'll just have to plot vengeance or squeeze out some extra money later if it's all just an elaborator joke.”
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Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"
Mentions: Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario

Unfortunately as Ryuuji went to go get the shoes like Saoirse had requested, the whole room started shifting and it became apparent that they were going to have to solve some puzzle or something, hopefully this wasn’t going to be a death trap.

“I think that’s an excellent idea Miss Desrosiers, I imagine if someone rigged the room to act like this then I think those shoes being out as they were is a bit suspicious after all.” As a result Ryuuji was more than happy to make his way toward the stairs with the other two. He figured it was safe to express his opinion like that since she had written him that letter which was quite explicit that she was okay with him doing such from time to time when he deemed it appropriate.

Ryuuji did not have the luxury of additional athletic abilities, so for now he just tried to dance with the doll which had taken him until he could make his way over toward the stairs with the rotary notion.

Ryuuji in his past life had been to some functions which required dancing, normally for the wealthy sort which he made sure to get to know better where possible, one never knew when having a rich friend could come in handy afterall, but nevertheless he was rusty at it, nevertheless he tried his best to do it. He’d once again even throw in some Seduction F with his moves for good measure. He figured if he was going to be reborn like this he might as well dance like someone popular might, even if it was a subconscious decision. If he was successful going for whatever amount of the loop he had too, he would try to break free swiftly of the grip and make his way to the stairs as well, looking to see how Melia was faring every now and again as well as how Saoirse was doing.

“That’s a good question, I wouldn't put it past bored wealthy people to set something like this up. But as you say that contract which you wrote up should be enforceable either way since it was agreed upon, worst case scenario we’ve been had and you should still get paid in some capacity, otherwise you can bring the issue up to the authorities I imagine..” He responded matter of fact.

“The scenario did sound a bit outlandish from the get go and with a room like this..which doesn’t appear to be particularly harmful I don’t think our skepticism is unfounded unless there’s something more dangerous to come…”

“It would certainly be a shame to come out here and not leave with something of value, so I do say we should make that an aspiration if this all becomes too ridiculous..so we can at least say you made a profit.”
He spoke his truth, his choice of words intentional, It was Saoirse's profit not his or Melia's whatever they found could be hers by default so he wasn't going to make claim to anything as his profit.
(Flavour post.)

Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

She'd listen to Ryuuji's reply, as she was being swayed along with the motions of the dancing dolls. “Perhaps I should've brought Jastira along after all.” She complained to herself, figuring the Elf would've been able to keep up with this kind of stuff a lot better. Then again, she'd also have been at risk of running or being freed in the See, so it'd be better if she knew Jastira was fully Stockholm Syndromed loyal first.

As Ryuuji mentioned the contract, however, she did put up a smile. “You know a fun fact about that contract?” She'd start. “It's only saying we'll hand over the books to Perenelle. There is no mention of whether or not we'd read it first and possibly copy some of the juicier contents of it, so it'd be well within our rights to make some notes first~” Then again, her cheer faded a bit soon after.

“Then again, the fact that someone that's likely famous wouldn't spot something so obvious... that does lean credibility to this just being an elaborate prank, doesn't it?” After all, if someone looked too good to be true, it probably was. “Well, in the very worst case, we'd still get some money and possible connections out of it, if we play our cards right. Let's play along these games or see how we can outwit them, depending on what might be more impressive in the moment.”

Her smile broadened a bit when he mentioned her making a profit. He'd really picked up quickly on how things worked the Western Empire slavery way, hadn't he. That'd earn him a reward. “Indeed, the more profit I make, the more I'll be able to invest back into my business.” She replied, hinting at the fact that any of her profits would likely somehow return to whatever was needed to make him and the other slaves flourish.

That said, the question did remind her of something. “You don't happen to know anything about real estate management, do you?” She asked. “I'm thinking of buying some property near Quang. If I'd get some slave or slaves capable of running things whilst I'm gone, we'd have a good place to return too and rest at. After all, if I'd go to my parent's place, I'd probably have to keep telling folk that I'm not selling any of you.”
Ryuuji Kamimura
Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"

Mentions: Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji heard Saoirse say that, and he couldn’t really disagree that Jastira was an asset, it was just a shame that this mission had to be in the Fae See of all places otherwise they probably could have gotten away with bringing her too, since her skill set would have been ideal for this kind of room from what Ryuui could tell at least.

He looked to his mistress as she spoke about the contract, looking a bit curious at her smile, his own expression more subdued and serious all things considered as it tended to be, even if there was a certain softness to the way he presented.

“Naturally, I’d expect you to provide opportunity Miss Desrosiers. Notes could certainly prove to be valuable on a secondary market, I’m presuming you may be able to get access to a printing press of sorts, there might be the ability to duplicate and sell content to multiple clients.”

She did bring up the prank angle, of course if none of this was genuine and people were just screwing around they would have traveled pretty far with a lot less to show for it, but at least it’d be something, maybe connections like Saoirse said.

“There is..potential here, say we are just being observed and it’s an elaborate joke, there may be possible connections to forge if we prove to be impressive enough in whatever trials lie ahead, only more reason to aim for the top as long as you are committed to this.”

He nodded once more at her reinvesting business statement. “Understood. I will do my utmost to ensure any investment does not go to waste.”

Ryuuji was a bit surprised to hear Saoirse say that, with his job from the old world, he actually did know quite a bit about business management and how to minimize expenses.

“...Yes actually I could do that Miss Desrosiers, In the past I’ve worked as a consultant before for that sort of business. Naturally I would be more than pleased to assist you in any way you deem fit.”

“I think that plan sounds…most appropriate, If you don’t mind me asking, would you perhaps have an aspiration to acquire and or develop somewhere similar to the Monastery in order to provide for a training grounds of sorts?” Ryuuji intuition told him it would probably be the case if she wanted her slaves to be the best as they could be. He was well aware they’d need to be raising much more wealth but it was certainly something which he was not opposed to working toward.
(Flavour post.)

Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

“A printing press, huh?” She debated Ryuuji's words. “I'd be able to get access, yes, but I feel like selling these notes on an auction or to very specific buyers at high prices might be a lot more worthwhile. Using handwritten copies would be just as easy and might make them seem a lot more valuable.”

At Ryuuji's mention of it being an elaborate joke, she couldn't help herself from noticing something odd (his Seduction F). “Well, you certainly seem to have an certain sway in your hips with regards to trying to be impressive. I'm just struggling not to get thrown around by these things.” She looked over to Melia. “... and Melia seems struggling not to break them.”

Melia Hayward

“A... Apologies ma'am.” The guard states, as she seemed to struggle to keep up with the dolls and looked to be getting impatient to the verge of just wanting to try break them all into smithereens.

“That's ideal!” She replied to Ryuuji stating he had knowledge about business. “My father somehow manages to run a rather large business, but I'd rather cut an ear off than having to ask him for advise.” She heard him mention the monastery. “Something akin to that might work, although they surely were the lousiest examples of business management. Ideally, the estate I'd develop would bring me profit, not become a huge time and money sink of my valuable resources.”

She did display a bit of a smug grin. “That said, I should be able to leverage my cast to get something nice soon enough, especially if the earnings from here are as high as they were made out to be.”

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ E }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

"Your aunt?" Cleo inquired before the room suddenly dimmed down. The surroundings were bathed in darkness, and the only source of illumination was on the stage, exactly where Cleo was, and on the mic. He gulped unconsciously, but he regained his composure once he assessed the situation. There was no immediate hostile reaction from the lab, so he figured it was currently safe for now. His eyes swept around him, but the dim light made it hard for him to discern anything outside the stage. "Mr. Winrey?" he called out. "I'm here. You should be able to see me under the light." His gaze was searching, but he couldn't spot Winrey at all. "Do keep safe."

His attention was then drawn to the mic, its form and shape strangely reminiscent to him. Numerous thoughts raced in his mind, remembering Ophenia, but he also remembered memories he couldn't figure out. Blurred scenes flashed in his mind, and the deep voice of someone else seem to speak to him. He couldn't make out the words, but his heart seemed to remember, as it ached with sadness. Looking back at the mic, he approached it cautiously and tapped at the head. "Is this... is this how you use this?" He muttered. "Hello?" He spoke to the mic, quite unsure of himself.


Grinning at the look of shock on the cultist's face Indicus was about to finish the job when the cultist ran away and used some potion to teleport. "Serves you right for pulling a knife on me." Indicus growled. Unfortunately Indicus figured the cultist would have something to recover from their wounds even ones as serious as what he gave the cultist but hopefully the magic in the first strike would make that a pain in the ass.

Indicus picked up the cultist's knife and looking at it well it was a regular knife making the cultist's attempt to attack him even more laughable. Putting the knife under his belt he continued with figuring out the rooms puzzle.

Indicus looked at the ink bottles then at the ladders seeing as they stood out the most. First Indicus tried to move one of the ladders and failed even with his superstrength, chalking it up to magic he did not try to To figure out what was higher up on the bookshelves Indicus climbed a ladder and looked around the upper portions of the shelves. Once he finished he exited the room.

Lolory Lolory

(The See | Daylight | Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Medera's Lab
Elvario Elvario | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

While the three adventurer's talked, Saoirse was then passed to another doll who had the same iron clad grip on her hand as the last one as it continued to lead her into a waltz. Unfortunately for her, the doll was leading her the opposite direction of the stairwell, and further into the throng of fake party goers. Ryuuji and Melia however, were luckier. Ryuuji was able to make it across to where the shoes still sat in their nice display case. Melia now stood by the stairwell, and none of the dolls made to grab at her to dance more. Melia's shoddy footwork on the ballroom was the cause of the dolls ignoring her, they seemed to have gotten fed up with dancing with such an inexperienced partner. The same could be said for Ryuuji, who had continually stepped on the toes of the poor things. Saoirse was the only one who seemed to be able to keep a steady rythm and so the dolls were content to keep dancing with her. If that changed, however, she might just be able to get to the other side like the other two.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Cleo's Lab
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Winrey

As Cleo spoke into the microphone, the lights in the room for a brief second flickered back to life before dimming again. The slightest noise by the microphone seemed to make the lights flicker as if they were struggling to be turned back on. Winrey abandoned the cups for a while and decided to sit. "My eyes are more useless in the dark than yours, I'm afraid. But I think speaking into that mic might have done something..." He explained to Cleo. Just then, a music book that sat on a sleek black pedestal rose from the stage in front of Cleo. In neat red penmanship, the words "Sing and the words will follow" was written plainly at the top of the page. Beneath those words were lines where normally the notes for music would be written, though the page was empty.

Winrey's observation about the lights had been accurate, perhaps making a little noise couldn't hurt. "I tried moving some of these glasses off of the bar, but they appear to be stuck to the wood. Until the lights are back on, I don't think we'll be able to inspect them properly. Let's just investigate the stage instead then." He boldly settled down into his seat, and rested his head against his hand as he leaned on the bar lazily. "You're already up there...so you might as well give it a go." Truthfully, Winrey just thought going up on the stage seemed like a chore. He was glad there was someone else around however, he could politely push said chores onto them instead.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The Entry Way
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Indicus walked outside, not finding anything on the bookshelves that stood out to him immediately. In the entryway, there were still the two other rooms that the rest of the party had gone to investigate. The ballroom was seemingly lively, and filled with more people than Indicus had seen before now that the strange dolls were dancing with Saoirse, Ryuuji, and Melia. The red room that Winrey and Cleo had entered was completely shrouded in darkness, unlike before when a heady orange glow had been emanating from it.

There also still lay the 4th undiscovered door, which was green and which had a lavish look to it's frame. Exploring alone could be fun, but solving the puzzles is quite another. He'd need help if he was going to try and make progress in that department. The other doors his party members had ventured into were more than welcoming however, and from the looks of it, the others might need help anyways.

coded by: @s e v e n

(The See | Daylight | Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Medera's Lab
Elvario Elvario | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

While the three adventurer's talked, Saoirse was then passed to another doll who had the same iron clad grip on her hand as the last one as it continued to lead her into a waltz. Unfortunately for her, the doll was leading her the opposite direction of the stairwell, and further into the throng of fake party goers. Ryuuji and Melia however, were luckier. Ryuuji was able to make it across to where the shoes still sat in their nice display case. Melia now stood by the stairwell, and none of the dolls made to grab at her to dance more. Melia's shoddy footwork on the ballroom was the cause of the dolls ignoring her, they seemed to have gotten fed up with dancing with such an inexperienced partner. The same could be said for Ryuuji, who had continually stepped on the toes of the poor things. Saoirse was the only one who seemed to be able to keep a steady rythm and so the dolls were content to keep dancing with her. If that changed, however, she might just be able to get to the other side like the other two.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Cleo's Lab
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Winrey

As Cleo spoke into the microphone, the lights in the room for a brief second flickered back to life before dimming again. The slightest noise by the microphone seemed to make the lights flicker as if they were struggling to be turned back on. Winrey abandoned the cups for a while and decided to sit. "My eyes are more useless in the dark than yours, I'm afraid. But I think speaking into that mic might have done something..." He explained to Cleo. Just then, a music book that sat on a sleek black pedestal rose from the stage in front of Cleo. In neat red penmanship, the words "Sing and the words will follow" was written plainly at the top of the page. Beneath those words were lines where normally the notes for music would be written, though the page was empty.

Winrey's observation about the lights had been accurate, perhaps making a little noise couldn't hurt. "I tried moving some of these glasses off of the bar, but they appear to be stuck to the wood. Until the lights are back on, I don't think we'll be able to inspect them properly. Let's just investigate the stage instead then." He boldly settled down into his seat, and rested his head against his hand as he leaned on the bar lazily. "You're already up there...so you might as well give it a go." Truthfully, Winrey just thought going up on the stage seemed like a chore. He was glad there was someone else around however, he could politely push said chores onto them instead.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The Entry Way
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Indicus walked outside, not finding anything on the bookshelves that stood out to him immediately. In the entryway, there were still the two other rooms that the rest of the party had gone to investigate. The ballroom was seemingly lively, and filled with more people than Indicus had seen before now that the strange dolls were dancing with Saoirse, Ryuuji, and Melia. The red room that Winrey and Cleo had entered was completely shrouded in darkness, unlike before when a heady orange glow had been emanating from it.

There also still lay the 4th undiscovered door, which was green and which had a lavish look to it's frame. Exploring alone could be fun, but solving the puzzles is quite another. He'd need help if he was going to try and make progress in that department. The other doors his party members had ventured into were more than welcoming however, and from the looks of it, the others might need help anyways.

Saoirse is still stuck dancing with the dolls seemingly because she's too good at it. Ryuuji and Melia were ditched seemingly because of the opposite. Melia is near the stairwell, Ryuuji is near the shoes.

Cleo has discovered a clue on the stage that suggests he sing into the mic, winrey has decided to let him solve it

Indicus couldn't find anything in Taphnutia's office, went to the entryway and has three choices. Solving puzzles alone is hard, but exploring is easy to.
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Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Saoirse, having no dancing talent whatsoever, somehow managed to fake it well enough by just letting herself get dragged along to be the only one stuck on the dance floor whilst the other two got out. “Really?!? The way to win is to fail!?!” She called out, annoyed, at seeing the other two being let go. How utterly annoying. “Go scout ahead, I'll be right there, after I kicked some feet into splinters.”

Using [Jumping F] for the force and [Natural Weapons F] to handle it, she'd get step on some toes with enough force to (hopefully) shatter them. If the rules of this game were to be bad enough, she'd give them bad dancing alright. She did make sure to time it when she got near the stairs, so that she'd be let go at the right time and place.

Considering Ryuuji was still under orders, she figured he'd know what to try and do next, whilst Melia would scout ahead.

Melia Hayward

As for Melia, she was silently tightening the grip on her blade, really holding back the urge to try demolishes all these blasted dolls that kept throwing her mistress around. “Alright, ma'am.” She'd reply upon the command, reluctantly letting those things keep going as she'd attempt to climb the stairs to scout ahead and see what was up there.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]" "<Beastial>"
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Lolory Lolory

Ryuuji listened to Saoirse's response to his printing press thoughts and nodded, "When you put it that way, scarcity could certainly drive up the value." He nodded, before looking a bit surprised compared to his usual look when his mistress mentioned the way he was dancing.

"Oh is that so?.If it becomes bothersome let me know.." He stated back softly, not sure what to think of the comment entirely. Even so it hadn't necessarily been a bad one. He also took note of Melia with Saoirse mentioning that. Hopefully if any of them were broken it wouldn't trigger an additional trap or anything of the like.

"Personally I think you've been doing much better than many I've seen who've danced, Miss Desrosiers."

"And of course not, Miss Desrosiers, you would never allow a sink to be run with you resources. but in terms of layout and amenities, perhaps there are somethings to think about appropriating should there be a similar endeavor. Nevertheless I am here for you as you need me in whatever capacity you deem fit, My mIstress."
He spoke to her with what almost looked like a soft smile once again, his tone sounding a bit warmer than usual.

"I'll do everything in my power to make it so." He further added as far as her profiting went.


"I must admit I never was one to dance much." He stated to no one in particular after Saoirse's exclamation of annoyance Indeed in Ryuui's past life he had been far too busy acquiring wealth to spend his time doing something like dancing with people for leisure, even if he had been invited on occasion.

Thankfully Ryuuji ended up where he needed too to carry out the original order, unaware of what taking the ornate shoes would do or not do. Nevertheless he had his orders, so he would reply, "Understood Miss Desrosiers. Swift thinking as usual." He added in with an approving tone to compliment her decision making additionally.
Presuming everyone had ended up where described at this point and didn't need his immediate assistance somehow, Ryuuij was quick to make his way over to the shoes. He took off his sandals and would try to put the shoes on to see if they’d fit him. Thankfully Ryuuji's feet weren't particularly large and gruff, actually a bit more on the dainty side so he hoped he had a chance of getting them into the shoes at the very least.

Before he put them on, He'd attempt to use Appraisal D on them to get information on them. If there wasn't anything obviously harmful sounding obtained from the appraisal, if he was successful in getting shoes on and he wasn't interrupted after doing such, he'd start to do a bit of a dance in them experimentally near where he took them from throwing in a bit of Seduction F subconsciously yet again.

Ryuuji makes his way over to ornate shoes and gets within 5 ft to use Appraisal D on them.
2. If there are no warning signs of the shoes being harmful or problematic from Appraisal D he attempts to put them on.
3. If he successfully puts them on and isn't hindered he attempts to do a bit of a dance in them experimentally once again leveraging Seduction F unknownly.​

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ E }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo watched as the light flickered and became brighter, before dimming once again. He then flinched a bit when a pedestal rose from the stage, and on it was a book that he approached and open. His eyes stared fixated on the the red penmanship on the book. "Sing, huh..." He pursed his lips in contemplation, before sighing. His eyes wandered into the darkness as he acknowledged Winrey's words and fixed his collar. "Right, okay..." He nodded to himself and breathed out. "Mr. Winrey, please do not laugh at my performance. I am about to sing." He was bashful from the thought of it, but it seemed like the puzzle needed it, so he had no choice. "Here I go..." Closing his eyes, he prepared himself.

Tapping his foot, he began to sing on the mic. He didn't know a lot of songs, so instead he let his heart guide him.

Song: Smile

"You're out of touch, and over time..." He began. His eyes were closed all the while he sang. "You're running and running, getting left behind..." Nodding his head to the imaginary beat in his head, he became more impassioned as the stiffness from his movement slowly became more relaxed.



Elvario Elvario | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Saoirse's terrible dancing led to her being promptly expelled from the dance floor rather rudely by her wooden dance partner. The doll spun her so fast that she was forcefully twirled out of bounds. Once her feet had made it to other side, the dolls had dispersed in the same manner that they had appeared, sinking low into the floor unseen. The tiles of the dance floor moved perfectly in and out of place as if what took place never even occured. The Stairwell was right there next to Saoirse now, so she could thankfully join Melia when she felt like it.

Up the stairs, Melia found a closed door that led to a room. While there was a lock, the aged wood around the door frame and handle was incredibly fragile after years of standing still.

Ryuuji used his Appraisal skill on the shoes and was able to learn quite a bit about the unusual pair. "Dancing Shoes: Alchemical Item, a pair of shoes that has been modified to help a person practice their dancing. Harmless/Non-lethal. Value: Undetermined." As he slipped them on, he'd find that they were a perfect fit. Not only that, but it was as if the shoes themselves molded to fit his feet specifically. A few moments of his own dancing would prove the shoes virtually inanimate...for a few seconds. While Ryuuji tried to use his Seduction skill to dance in the shoes, they seemingly began to move on their own. His feet moved in an entirely new step and routine. It seemed these shoes had a mind of their own, and he'd made the mistake of trying them on. Now they were dragging him back onto the dance floor once more! Trying to take them off would be easy if they'd hold still for a moment and stop moving him around all over the place.

Shatter Shard Shatter Shard |

As Cleo sang, the lights in the room slowly began to come back to life, this time in an red hue that was quite unlike before. Winrey squinted at the glasses on the bar but saw nothing. The longer the song went on, however, the louder the room became. The instruments behind Cleo hummed to life with players that weren't there. And even though no one was on the stage, it was as if the instruments just knew the tempo and chords for the song that Cleo was singing along too. Winrey got up from his place by the bar, "Continue singing, Mr. Cleo...I think I see something on the bottle's over here." Under the red glow of the lights above, a bright green scrawl could be seen on four of the bottles on the shelves. Winrey counted them, and noticed the roman numerals painted on them. I think I get it...I'm supposed to fill the glasses on the bar with those drinks. Perhaps in a specific order? He immediately clambered behind the bar, the low croon of Cleo's voice in his ears as he hastily took the bottles down.

Once he made it back to the bar with the empty glasses, he noticed that they had numbers etched on them as well. He quickly unstopped the various drinks and poured them in their respective glasses, just as the song concluded. Winrey went to the stage and pointed back at the bar, "I think this puzzle comes in two parts. The stage was a trap and the drinks on the bar...well let's just see what happens next." He explained. "Excellent singing, by the way. We could use you in the church choir." He's better than I am, anyways. Winrey was glad he wasn't the one who had gotten put on that stage. As he turned back to the bar, they both noticed the glasses were still there. After a moment, they disappered into the wood of the bar counter itself.

The wood countertop molded and formed like water, and in a few ripples out popped a book.
It was old and tattered and had the unmistakable words of "Cleo's Journal" written on the front. It seemed they were fortunate enough to solve the puzzle in one go, and now the journal was their's! Winrey reached out to take the journal, but just as his hand grasped the book, another gloved hand had joined his. Curiously he glanced up, only to find the uncanny mask of a Coven member right there on the other side of the bar.

Panicked, Winrey tried to pull the journal out of the coven member's hand, the both of them struggled in a tug of war with the old journal.

SETTING: The See-Mysterious Lab | TTILES: Beastkin-Rabbit, Enigma | VOICE: 🕯️
Saoirse and Melia found a locked room upstairs, Ryuuji tried the shoes on and triggered another trap (to his dismay) and is now being forced into another dance but with shoes this time instead of a doll.

Cleo and Winrey solved the lab and found the first journal, but a coven member was there as well. Winrey and the Coven member are fighting for the journal now.
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Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]" "<Beastial>"

Mentions: Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario

"Miss Desrosiers I do hope you are alright!" He'd call out sounding concerned enough when she was flung in such a way. Unfortunately he couldn't very well come to her aid with the constructs like creations in the way.

Ryuuji's appraisal did not reveal anything that seemed problematic, shoes that helped people to dance, so they were in essence ornate dancing shoes that helped you keep proper dancing posture and stance with your feet? That was rather mundane, what he would be more interested in was the value of them, perhaps they could be kept and resold for something pretty. After all it was elites who would even consider buying dancing shoes like these as far as he was concerned. The sort of clients which certainly would not hurt Saoirse and company to have more of. Ideally more Cleos and less monks who were not particularly wealthy at all due to silly vows of poverty or whatever Ryuuji was certain. He remembered all too well those foolish types back in his world. It had been apparent there was no higher power and you only got one shot that was it, so why not make the most of it? Earning money was the way to do that, so earn money he would.
Furthermore his appraisal suggested..alchemical? Perhaps there were some magic property to them, thankfully they were not listed as harmful. Thankfully when he tried them on they seemed to adhere perfectly, perhaps there was magic at play? That would be confirmed pretty quickly, as suddenly he began to dance on the dance floor, doing some sort of routine which he had no idea, his first instinct would be to try to get the blasted things off since that probably wasn't productive to what they were trying to do there. He did call out,

"From a first look between experience and my appraisal The Shoes are Alchemical, more than likely magical and cause the wearer to automatically start dancing some dance routine so that they can learn it!" He tried to call out to Saoirse if she was in hearing range. Since they proved difficult to get off, Ryuuji couldn't help but wonder, maybe if he danced well enough with one of the constructs something else in the room might be unlocked, if Ryuuji could find another one of the dancing ones without a partner he'd try to give a bit of a bow

"May I have this dance?" He asked not expecting any sort of result, but seeing him stumble around trying to get the things off before pivoting would have probably been humorous to some. Maybe if he kept up perfectly something would be revealed, but it was a complete guess on his part..it was better than doing nothing he figured.

Ryuuji Actions:
1. Since shoes are hard to get off after trying to remove them instead, try to find a non partnered construct.
2. If find non partnered construct offer to dance with: Try to dance well enough with shoes to see if may unlock something else in the room or not.

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