Is this where I want to be?


It's only just begun
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you lovely people. I'm really happy to be here, and to be joining this happy community. As the title says, 'Is this where I want to be?' I'm hoping it is. Some of my preference's on role-plays are:

  • Animal based
  • Fantasy
  • Slice of Life
  • 1 one 1 rps
  • Fandom

I really don't have a preference on what gender I play, and I'd be happy to rp in just about every type of setting, just so long as I know what the plot is or what the main idea is.

To sum this little blurb up, I'm new and I'm hoping to get to know a lot of you people.
Its great to meet you TotalChaos! I hope you have a great time getting to know the community here, let me tell you, it is certainly a friendly one, and I hope you feel comfortable with it. I also hope this website becomes the place you want to be!
Welcome, My name is Dakup, but please call me Dak, most do. Here at RpN we have a plethora of Fandoms and Fantasy and slice of life, and anything you can think of. Unfortunately I haven't seen any Animal Rps here for some time. But you can try and bring them back. This site has a lot of awesome and amazing people on it. If you have any questions. Anyone can answer your questions. If you go on the shoutbox and ask there is normally a Mod on, or you can shoot them a Pm and they are really good at getting back to you as quick as they can. Hope you enjoy the site, and stay with us for a long time.
Hello @TotalChaos,

Welcome to RpN!

You’ll find a lot of great members to roleplay with here. Before you jump in, make sure you’ve read and understood the Official Site Rules and New User Restrictions. After you have done that, you can head over to the Roleplays board for all of your roleplaying needs. You can create new roleplays for one on one or group settings, propose your own ideas, and join other roleplays!

We’re all friendly here, so if you ever want to chat, you can jump into the Shoutbox! Once you have made at least 10 posts, you’ll be able to access more of the site’s awesome features and send private messages!

If you ever find that you’re stuck, you can always refer to News & Updates or Questions & Information. I am always willing to answer any questions you may have. :)

Happy roleplaying!

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