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Realistic or Modern Is This Love?



A good-natured chuckle escaped Max's lips at the other man's comment, his eyes dancing as a wide grin spread across his features. Not good at it? It was, quite possibly, the most obsurd thing that the photographer had ever heard in his entire life. Juan was, in short, absolutely stunning, and even that didn't quite do the man justice. From the sharpness of his jawline to his impressively athletic stature to the way that his green eyes sparkled when he spoke, every aspect of him lead Max to believe that he was the most beautiful man that he had ever seen. He wouldn't have been surprised to see every man and woman present falling down at his feet.

"It isn't something that you can be good at, exactly," he explained with an air of reassurance, stepping back a bit so as to get a better angle. "But if it was, I would say that you have a natural talent for it."

Wait, was he...flirting? No, of course not. He simply found the other man to be interesting, and it didn't hurt that he happened to be the perfect model for a photograph. Max was caught off guard, however, by the blush that painted Juan's cheeks as he spoke, and, sure enough, he found his own face heating up at the realization. Well, this certainly wasn't good. Suddenly, he felt his stomach drop. He had to get himself under control, and he needed to do it quickly. To distract himself, he raised the lens of the camera to his eye, which served the convenient purpose of shielding his face from his subject, and bit his lip in concentration as he found the perfect angle and snapped the picture with a satisfied smile before approaching Juan once more.

"Thank you for that. This has to be the best picture that I've taken since arriving here."

Dammit, there he went again. Perhaps it would be best to change the topic.

"You strike me as a man with an interesting story to tell, Juan. If you don't mind me asking, would you share it with me sometime?"




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