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Fantasy Is that the smell of Grass?...Where am I? (Not Accepting Profiles at this Time)


The last survivor of the Freelands
Character Skeleton

Gaming Companion Profiles


Avatar Name:




Previous Occupation: (In the company and modern world)

Talent: (up to 2)

Class: (They shall be listed in the Overview)

Gear: (up to 3 items, plus 2 Mana and Health Potions.)

Bio: (Up to one paragraph, if you would kindly.)


Zorathian Worlder Profile





Previous/Current Occupation: (pre-industrial era)

Talent: (up to 3)

Gear: (up to 3 items, plus 2-4 Mana and/or Health Potions.)

Bio: (you know nothing about the Other world, You were born in Zorathia)


Here is my Profile

Name: Andy Pimms

Avatar Name: Vengeful Potato

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 21

Previous Occupation: CEO/Story writer



Before turning his talents to a more honest living, Andy may have made a few....questionable life choices. Though he left that life behind, he does still have a knack for lockpicking

~Gift of Gab~

Given Andy's knack for story telling, he's learned to weave tales in his favor, and always delights in distracting the foolish.

Class: Gladiator

Gear: A Steel short-sword, Studded Gauntlet, and Iron-plated Leather armor

Bio: Andy has been a a thief, a liar, and a general pain in the ass: The one thing that hasn't been bad was his gift at telling stories. Growing up in an Orphanage, he always had to be a leader for the younger kids, who he saw as his younger brothers and sisters. After getting adopted by a couple he tried to rob, who took him in and cleaned him up, he vowed never to resort to a life of criminal activity again. He went to school, he got a part-time job, and he provided for those that took him in, and brought him back from the brink.

During the time he was going through College, he founded a small company, for the sake of getting creative people to work together, despite differences. 'Fables of Chaos' was to be their crowning achievement, a way to erase his past wrongs. Now, waking up in his world, Andy feels conflicted between the world he always knew, and a life free from judgement of his past misdeeds. If this truly was a new world, and not some dream, why would anyone want to go back to their old one?


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Name: Rowan Autumns

Avatar's name: Crow

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Previous occupation: Tester for Fables of Chaos

Age: 20

Talents: Athleticism- He keeps himself physically fit, keeping himself fast, strong, and agile, as well as training his reflexes.

Lucky- He takes risks and comes out on the right end a lot of the time, slightly normal than average.

Class: Thief

Gear: Coat (serves as strong, light armor) Cursed Knife (Cursing the opponents), sleeping bag, 2 health potions

Bio: Nobody really knows about him. While friendly and polite, he won't open up about himself. He's hardworking and kind, as well as witty. He likes to poke fun at things but usually doesn't mean harm and tries to fix the mistakes if he does hurt someone. Observant, he might pick up on things before other people, but usually lets them figure it out. He's a bit of a flirt but doesn't really let people know about it as he covers it up as best he can.

He showed up one day and applied, enthusiastic and ready for the unforgiving job of game testing.(Seriously, that's a hard job. Some assignments might be to open every door.) He was hired for Helping to find various glitches and giving input about them, like "This one is hard to set off and amusing, I'd leave it in," and "This fu---screwed everything up please for the love of god please remove it."

Appearance: (There's no picture for him, so here's a description) He made his avatar look pretty much like him, with only the difference of his eyes: Deep purple instead of Steel blue. He has longish black hair (think Vincent Valentine) that's sometimes pulled back in a ponytail, he's tall and thin, with pale skin. His eyes are deep, haunted, and piercing, with an underlying sadness in them. He has pale skin and precise hands with long, dexterous fingers. His avatar's coat is basically the same as the one he always wears in real life, black, durable, and comfortable.
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Tsuki Bernadette

Avatar Name:

Arima Spirit


Spirit Dear

A race of beings who have ghostly appearances of humans with deer antlers on their heads. They are known for their shapeshifting skills and being tricksters. They are also known for their temper if they were tricked or someone had treated them wrong.



Previous Occupation:

Artist for Liberty Games



Within the real world, she had been drawing for as long as she could remember. Using her art skills as a way to make a living.


Knowing and working with Andy could be a bit taxing, especially since he was hardheaded at times. However, she would persuade him to help him run his company so that way wouldn't ruin himself. This has also come in handy in dealing with her family.




Enchanted Staff

- Enchanted pencil

Choker of the Lady in Black


Being creative since she was five, Tsuki had always watched cartoons as well as other movies that had made an impact on her life. Of course, her actual life wasn't a basket of roses. Her father wasn't able to hold a job for no more than three months and her mother had died after giving birth to her third child. Tsuki decided she would try to help her father to the best of her ability. Over the years, Tsuki would work odd jobs here and there through her middle school years, in secret, and through her high school years. She would give most of her money to her father as a way to help with her brothers.

Sadly, after graduating, Tsuki wasn't able to go to college with her friends since she was unable to afford it, or pay back any loans she would have to pay back. Thankfully, her creative streak and artistic skills helped her put food on the table for her family and was able to give them the clothes and food. Life was going well and she was happy. Even her best and closest friend, Andy, helped her get a job at his new company, Liberty Games. Tsuki was content with her job. She was happy to allow her creative mind to work at its fullest, getting the money needed for her and her family.




Lantern Ghost

Naga Form, her skin is the same color as her original skin


New Name: Marionetta

Old Name: Luciana Caster



A marionette/puppet haunted by the soul of a deceased child who had a violent death. Normally a Necronette who makes a deal with death have no memory of their past lives, living their new lives with no clue they were once alive. However, very strong Necronettes are able to remember their past lives and sometimes causes them to go on a rampage to kill the one who killed them.


Unknown looks around 23

Previous/Current Occupation:

Grave Keeper



Spirit Physiology



Life Strings

Then though they are called Life Strings, they aren't connected to anyone's life. Marionetta just thought it would be funny to call them that. However, these strings are very useful since they are invisible to the human eye. Those who have a connection to the dead will be able to see glimpses of the strings.


Marionette's Heart

The weapon attaches to her wrist and the orb comes out of the middle with she s able to fight or summon something. The orb can float in the air and it can be used to hit someone who is close to her.The orb only obeys her.


Living in Zorathia for as long as she could remember, Marionetta had once gone by Luciana Caster within Vestramos for most of her life. Even though she was about five, she was gifted with powers that had been passed down her family for generations. She lived happily with her large family until she was about the age of thirteen. She was kidnapped and later killed with the marshlands. In her last few moments of life, Luciana was visited by a husk of a Necronette. The empty husk soon promised the dying child a new life and avenge her death in exchange for her humanity. Not wanting to die and feel the pain any longer, Luciana gave into the deal and took control of the husk, making it her own.

Unfortunately, Luciana had fallen into one of the many beings who had forgotten about their past. She had lived her new life trying to remember things about herself. Of course, she was unable to for the four years of her new existence. However, it wasn't until her new birthday came around that she saw her parents within Vestramos, visiting her grave. Sadness had filled her heart as she started crying, her past soon coming to her too quickly. Her body jerked from the pain as she started to remember everything. Her life, her friends, her siblings, her parents...her killer and her painful death. Hatred filled her heart as she started looking for her killer. She refused to allow someone like them to live.

It would be another two years before she finally found her killer, his presence only enraged her more once she saw that he was living his life to the fullest. Her sanity dropped greatly as she decided then and there to kill him. Later that night, she was given her chance. His death was pleasing to her, giving her great happiness. Luciana felt content with what she had done, happy to see that the male. No one was able to find his character, but he was given a funeral. Some people went except for the ones who believed he killed children and got away with it. While Luciana got her revenge, she wasn't really happy about it. Over the years, she had gotten used to the fact that she killed the man, now she resides with the marshlands as well as the large graveyards around Zorathia as a protector of the dead. It's rumored Luciana got her new name Marionetta because she looked like a one.


Former body


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Name: Abby Simons

Avatar Name: Freyja Cladis

Gender: Female

Race: High Elf

Age: 19

Previous Occupation: Game programmer and developer

Talent: • Speakes multiple languages

• Flexible / Agile

Due to her agility she can often dodge other's attacks

Class: Knight

Gear: Iron armor, The Harbinger (her spear), Magic scrolls

Bio: Abby (short for Abbygale) grew up in a foreign country together with her father. Due to a rather tragic accident, she lost her father in a car accident. Refusing to go and live with her mother, at the age of 18 she decided to go live alone in Chicago. Ever since, she's been more introverted, rarely talking to others, known as the quite girl. Therefore, she uses online games as a kind of escape, where she behaves completly different, her complete opposite.

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Name: Timothy Feldspar

Avatar Name: Sir William Wallace

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 42

Previous Occupation: Accountant for the company

Talent: Organization and Strategy: Tim, being the bookkeeping type, was always a persnickety one (he's the type of guy who labeled his dresser drawers: "Left socks," and "Right socks").

Class: Knight

Gear: A magnificent hero's sword, a sturdy wooden shield, and a small axe for throwing or close combat.

Bio: Timothy was never the "tough guy," but in his dreams he was. In high school he fantasized about beating up his bullies, getting the girl and saving the world. He's 42 now, and not much has changed. But he did find a home at the company and has somewhat accepted his place in the world as the trusty computer guy.


Name: Glynn Middlemist

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 23

Previous/Current Occupation: Healer


Escape Artist

Glynn may be a coward, but he's great at being a coward! If a fight breaks out, he'll prove just how fast a bookworm can run.


Glynn spent 7 years learning magical, alchemical, and physical remedies. He might not be up to modern standards, but by medieval standards he's a certified doctor.


Learning isn't all about reading books; it requires some creativity, logical thinking, and an eye for detail. Glynn has a knack for catching things other people might miss, as well as making educated guesses based on that information.


Healer's robe

2 Health Potions

2 Mana Potions

Medical Tome

Wooden walking staff

Bio: Born in a small, nameless village, Glynn's mother was a forest elf while his father was a human guardsman. While his father wanted him to become a guard as well, Glynn lacked both the urge and physical prowess to fight. He hated the idea of fighting, leading to many arguments in his childhood. Instead, when he was 16 he apprenticed to the town's doctor. During his training, his mother fell ill. Glynn and his master were unable to diagnose the disease, and after a few weeks in bed his mother passed. After staying for another few years, he left the village to both help others as well as to learn more.



Zorathian Worlder Profile

Name } Sirah

Gender } Female

Race } Human

Siblings } Neve, Leu, Agave

Age } 23

Previous/Current Occupation } Assasin

Talent } Stealth, Wisdom, Patience

Gear } Two books, a dark blue satin cloak

Bio } Abandoned at a young age, Sirah and her siblings were left for dead by their parents until someone found them as they were passing by, Sirah being skeptical of the strangers for a long while. Raised by a group of assassins, they learned at a young age how to be one. Sirah excelled at stealth and spying, her natural silence and wisdom being her greatest assets. By the age of 19, she and her siblings ventured out away from their home to travel the land and complete jobs, occasionally traveling back to their home to visit their adopted family and learn of rumors and possible jobs to complete as well. The siblings vowed to never leave one another, and they've never done such a thing ever, nor do they plan to either.

Of the siblings, Sirah is the most calm and reserved, her brothers and sister currently being the only ones to awaken her playful side. Sirah is most often seen with her attention in a book, or watching things she should not from a place she should not be. Learning, listening and observing are her favorite activities. Her personality can be described as wise, patient, level headed and soft spoken. Her fuse is very long, though once ignited she will turn into a hurricane.

Pic }


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Name: Leucetius

Nickname: Leu

Gender: Male

Siblings: Neve, Sirah, Agave(Quadruplets, himself included)

Race: Human

Age: 23

Previous/Current Occupation: Assassin

Talent: Increased agility, Silver tongue(Smooth talker), Excellent at swordplay

Gear: Sword(shown in pic), dagger, 4 health potions, choke collar from adopted parent

Bio: Abandoned at a young age, Leucetius and his siblings were left for dead by their parents until someone found them as they were passing by. Raised by a group of assassins, they learned at a young age how to be one. By the age of 19, he and his siblings ventured out away from their home to travel the land and complete jobs, occasionally traveling back to their home to visit their adopted family and learn of rumors and possible jobs to complete as well. The siblings vowed to never leave one another, and they've never done such a thing ever, nor do they plan to either. Leuceutius can be quite cold, but also 'cool' at the same time. He will slice his siblings' hair off if he gets pissed off at them, others included if he so chooses; and all with a smile. He will get flirty with others(both genders, he doesn't care) to get them separated from others to complete a mission or if he just feels like it, as well as if he likes the person as well. Though he can also get very dark and fierce if need be, but it'd be wise to not see him in this mode.


Zorathian Worlder Profile

Name: Agave

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 23

Current Occupation: Assassin

Talent: Manipulation, Hardcore Parkour (flexibility), making/using poisons

Siblings (They are quadruplets): Sirah, Leuceutius, Neve

Personality: Flirty and very seductive, Agave is very out-going and willing to talk, or touch, anyone. She knows how to manipulate another's mind with simple word play, and loves to trick a man (who's a target) away from a crowded place to complete a job. Agave is very protective over her siblings, as they're her only blood-family, and she refuses to let anyone hurt them (unless its one of the quadruplets fighting).


1. A dagger

2. A whip made from animal hide (laced with poisoned barbs)

3. Heavy cloak

1. A liquid poison

2. A powdered poison

3. A healing potion​

Bio: Abandoned at a young age, Agave and her siblings were left for dead by their parents until someone found them as they were passing by. Raised by a group of assassins, they learned at a young age how to be one. By the age of 19, she and her siblings ventured away from their home to travel the land and complete jobs, occasionally traveling back to their home to visit their adopted family and learn of rumors and possible jobs to complete as well. The siblings vowed to never leave one another, and they've never done such a thing ever, nor do they plan to either.

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Zorathian Worlder Profile

Name: Neve

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 23

Previous/Current Occupation: Assassin

Talent: Increased strength, intelligence, inventor.

Gear: Sword, Weapons in Picture, Chest Armor

Bio: Abandoned at a young age, Neve and his siblings were left for dead by their parents until someone found them as they were passing by. Raised by a group of assassins, they learned at a young age how to be one. By the age of 19, he and his siblings ventured out away from their home to travel the land and complete jobs, occasionally traveling back to their home to visit their adopted family and learn of rumors and possible jobs to complete as well. The siblings vowed to never leave one another, and they've never done such a thing ever, nor do they plan to either. Neve is quiet, often described as 'mute' with how little he talks. He's extremely observant and focused anywhere he goes, whether he's on a job or not. He is critical with his work and is also exceptionally skilled in torturing. His temper is almost non-existent, but is also dangerous when it surfaces. When on a job he is even more cold, coming across as heartless, but when around his siblings it is easier for him to become emotional.


Zorathian Worlder Profile

Name: Azarias (A.K.A Aza)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25 Years

Previous/Current Occupation: Currently working for/with the assassins Sirah, Neve, Agave, Leucetius.

Talent: Mentalist

(1) Has the ability to cause any target he pleases to hallucinate and see things that are not there with great concentration

(2) Can influence another's actions and words, although this ability is often limited to only ten minutes at a time due to the tremendous amount of strain it puts onto his brain.

(3) Is capable of reading minds, although this too has a limit for it requires patience and concentration, and usually a very susceptible person.


(1) A poison laced dagger that rests upon his hip.

(2) A painite charm that encircles his neck (and never comes off)

1 Health Potion

2 Mana Potions

Bio: Azarias is a peculiar man, as he has always been. Due to his mental strength, naturally he differs from many others, who use more direct methods or rather, just brute force, to get their way. He has a rather snide, cool, sarcastic side to him when you can finally engage him in a conversation, but his brain can do much more than conjure up witty responses and the like. A lot of times when he is alone, he will meditate or practice building up his mental endurance for things such as fights or other conflicts that will most likely be occurring in the near future. As far as his history goes, it's quite a mystery for he's told very few. The reason he decided to join the assassins is unknown, kind of even to him, really but the true reason should be revealed in due time. Next, his appearance is about as miraculous as the next fellow's. He had a strong, lean physique which is curious considering the amount of sitting around he does half of the time, and he stands at about 6'1 with a weight of around 185 pounds. His features are strong and sharp, with a constant shadow along his jaw and dark, windswept hair to contrast vastly with his pale skin. Finally, his eyes are a stormy, if not a tad disconnected, grey that remain guarded beneath any other emotion that happen to grace their stony depths.

Pic: FC: Ian Somerhalder

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Name: Garrett Velis

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25

Previous/Current Occupation: Assassin

Talent: Stealth, able to free-run easily to avoid obstacles, extremely accurate with bow

Gear: Bow and arrows, black-edged sword, rope, one healing potion

Bio: Garrett grew up with parents that were thieves. They stole for themselves, and Garrett was taught to use stealth to an advantage. However, Garrett noticed that his parents never killed, which confused him. A rule that the family kept was that they would not kill unless the need be. But Garrett was known to be a rule-breaker. He killed the people he stole from to ensure that they would never catch him. After his parents were hanged for being caught, Garrett played his way out and left the town. From there, he grew up with contracts as his main form of living. What was the point of killing someone and stealing from them if he could just kill them and get paid? So, Garrett grew up as an assassin, practicing with his bow. The bow ensured that he wouldn't have to do too much dirty work to kill the target. Growing up in this life-style has made Garrett into a somewhat cold person, with dry humor and sly words as his way to get around.

Garrett rarely takes off the low mask and hood around people, so the only noticeable features about him currently is that his right eye is blue and his left is brown.


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Zorathian Worlder Profile

Name: Radfor Greetz

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Age: 36

Current Occupation: Wandering Mercenary/Adventurer


Heart of Stone: Allows him to resist any intimidation or persuasion checks. (Can only be used once a day.)

Dwarven Charisma: Gives a temporary boost to all nearby party members' Strength.


Steel Axe


A travel Tent

Two Health Potions

Bio: Radfor is the son of a rather wealthy Dwarven family. They used to be honest miners like most dwarves, but when they struck it rich, they became aristocratic, which displeased Radfor greatly. He spent the first twenty years of his lives with them, and he hated every second of it. The only relief he would get would be the fighting lessons he would receive from one of his father's old friends. As soon as he was twenty one, he packed up all his things and left his home in the dead of night, never to be seen by his family again, though he still receives letters. To this day, he continues on as a Mercenary/Adventurer, doing what he pleases and gaining as much glory as a real Dwarf can.

Pic:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-12-21-11-58-47-205103538.jpeg.474945eda14789a842fcb0fdd8f8f616.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-12-21-11-58-47-205103538.jpeg.474945eda14789a842fcb0fdd8f8f616.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Logan Foster

Avatar Name: Eyvindr

Gender: male

Race: human

Age: 15

Previous Occupation: Highschool student/ Beta Tester

Talent: video games: he's very good at them

hand to hand combat

Class: knight

sword and bow with arrows

2 mana potions and two healing potions

Bio: Logan was that socially awkward guy who never had any friends. Since he had no friends, he preferred to spend his time playing video games. He would stay up late, sometimes all night playing them. He would end up sleeping most of the day after that. Logan still wants to make friends someday, even though he's socially awkward.

in real world

his avatar

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