{INVITE ONLY} Freaks of Nature {Sign-Ups}


The Amazon

Everyone's a freak. No two bodies are the same; we all have unpleasant, wonderful, shocking and extraordinary features; we are all unique. But for centuries the word 'freak' has been used cruelly to describe people born with 'abnormal' features, or those able perform extraordinary physical acts by contorting or misshaping their bodies.

Exhibitions of live human curiosities had appeared in traveling fairs, circuses and taverns in England since the 1600s. These included so-called giants, dwarves, fat people, the very thin, conjoined twins and even people from exotic climates. Freak shows were a particularly popular form of entertainment during the Victorian period, when people from all classes flocked to gawp at these unusual examples of human life.

In the year 1884, freak shows had become a popular past times. Those with deformities or oddities where no longer considered spiritual omens to be dreaded. They became curiosities as people flocked all over the world to look to them in wonder.

You are a part of Mutants and Monstrosities, a traveling freak show in Eastern Europe. They are currently traveling throughout Romania putting on shows for curious citizens. They live their lives on the road, calling no place their home. They simply have each other, and the wondering eyes of their audience.


  1. All Rpn rules apply
  2. Keep any romance PG-13
  3. Characters must follow lore and the time-period. Remember: this is the Victorian Era not modern times.
  4. Violence is allowed, but be reasonable.
  5. Absolutely no god-modding, power-playing etc. You will be kicked from the roleplay.
  6. I am not going to require a novel with each response, but there is a two paragraph minimum.
  7. Keep in mind that this will be a literate to advance roleplay. If you can't keep up then please don't join.

Character Skellie:


Stage Name:

Appearance: (can be a picture, description, or both)


Act: (what do you do in the show)


History: (Please include at least where you originally came from, and how/why you joined the show.)

Name: Catina Puravet

Stage Name: Madame Rose

Gender: Female

Act: Fortune Teller


Psychology and perception: Dramatic

Self-discipline: Hard on herself

Lifestyle: Fast-paced, Excitable, Nontraditional

Social attitude: Outgoing. Courteous

Honesty and honor: Dependable

Emotional capacity: Struggles to register emotions

History: Catina was born in southern Romania. Born to an unwed mother, her life was cursed from the start. She was immediately cast as the daughter of a wench, which made her to be one herself. Being outcast by society, Catina wondered the land with her mother. They made a living as "Gypsies" telling the fortune of the gullible, and dancing for the lonely. A few weeks after she turned 16, Catina's mother caught Scarlet Fever and passed away. She spent a few weeks wondering alone, stealing from the occasional stranger, before she came across the freak show. She new she had found her new home.

(short I know. I will be adding more as it comes to me.)



Stage Name: Wolf

Gender: Male

Act: Wild boy.

Personality: He is simply....wild. He acts like an animal. Almost as if he was raised by wolves. Occasionally, his humanity will show with a nuzzle or affectionate look. He is easily spooked and will bite and growl when frightened.

History: About a year ago, Mutants and Monstrosities got word of a wild boy living in an orphanage. When they arrived there, they where surprised to find that not only did he act wild, but he had thick fur-like hair on almost all parts of his body including his face. The nuns at the orphanage made several attempts to shave him, but he only snapped, even nearly killing one of the nuns. In order to keep him under control, they kept him in a separate room from the other children, tied to a leash on the bed-rail. M and M decided to adopt him, and gave him the simple name 'Wolf'. They have been trying to teach him simple human tasks such as speaking and walking upright, but so far he has not been able to learn.
Name: Ruffes Vanworth

Stage Name: Might Monster



Gender: Male

Act: World strongest midget


Ruffes is a very artistic and hopeful person, he can adapt to many situations which makes him flexible. But beware dont cross his path or he tends to make quick harsh judgements right off the bat. He is also very optimistic and lives in the moment at hand, but he can still be very upbeat and hopeful of most things.


Growing up in my local village in ye ol England i was not welcomed cause of my size. In fact i was shunned from my family and friends at the age of 10 when i wasn't growing like the other kids. I was then chased out of the village by 11 years old, and had to live of the land for many years before i found my new family, they called them self the Freak show.


Name: Harley Hayes

Stage Name: Victoria

Gender: Female

Act: Fire performer, burlesque dancer, and living statue

Personality:Harley is a 'I dont give a shit' type of girl. She is a bad-mouth, cocky, full of it, stubborn girl. She cant stand posers or Brandon the Globe of Death kid. She hates him with a passion. She loves everyone else within their group and can be friendly when she wants to.

History: Harley grew up in London, England working for an illegal burlesque club. When the club shut down her ex-boss took her to a freak show, showing her how good she had it. At that point Harley ended up ditching him and joining the freak show because its the only way she can do what she does legally.


Name: Brandon Dunn

Stage Name: Dico (Dee-ko)

Gender: Male

Act: Fire Eater

Personality: Brandon is cocky. He comes off as a big flirt and man whore. He loves the attention for girls. Being a glass half full of whiskey type of person, he loves to have fun, being a prankster and all. He is a sweet lovig guy when not provoked into a fight. He is very blunt and will tell you wither he likes you or not.

History: Brandon was left for dead by his parents at the age of 6. They didnt want him any more so they left him in a small town, overlooked by the rest of the world. A man found the small child and brought him in as his own. That man was apart of the freak show. Brandon grew up taking an interest in his 'fathers' part of the show. Fire Eating. He trained for that act and became better than his 'father' at it. When he was 16 his father died while doing the act. He inhaled the fire and it melted his lungs. Brandon is now 24 and is the best at what he does.


(this is Octobers character [my sister])


Name: Caroline Hayes

Stage Name: Human Spider

Gender: Female

Act: Acrobat and Trapeze artist

Personality: Caroline is a sweet girl. She loves to help anyone anytime she can. She cant stand when people fight and is a bit shy when it comes to new people. When provoked her sister will cut your balls off. Caroline loves to joke around and have fun. She is light hearted and usually never gets angry. She takes it hard when people call her a freak or looks at her like she is an alien. She dont like it much and is a little closed off because of it.

History: [same as Harley]



Name: Sophie de Capo

Stage Name: Elastic Girl

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.dbad03bfacc5c0f6310fbbe5cc4ae8b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.dbad03bfacc5c0f6310fbbe5cc4ae8b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Female

Act: Contortionist, Water Bowl Contortion

Personality: Sophie is a calm and patient girl always striving to up her performances so they won't be bland. She is determined and tries to not be a bother to the other performers.

History: The first time she twisted her body into bizarre shape, it was when she was 7 during a game of hide-and-seek. She hid inside a small cupboard. Sophie then wondered how much she could push her talent, however her mother wanted her to take up ballet. She did only to please her mother but during her breaks of dance she would be twisting her body. In the middle of contorting her lower body till it was wrap underneath her chest, her ballet instructor saw her and was shocked at the feat of flexibility. Sophie's instructor gave Sophie a piece of paper and told her a place that would appreciate her skills as the teacher didn't want Sophie's talent to be wasted. Taking the paper, Sophie followed the directions on the paper to arrive at the circus and looked around the sights. Feeling happy, Sophie proceeded to tell her mother what she wanted to do however her mother didn't share her happiness and was disappointed that Sophie wasn't going to become a ballet dancer. Angered at her daughter's decision she gave the ultimatum that she can either continue her career in ballet or leave. Sophie was shocked at the ultimatum but she didn't want to do something that she couldn't put her heart into. So she packed her things and left her home to pursue a new life. [sophie was 17 when she left]



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-Sol Note: didn't make him blind anymore, I wouldn't know how he'd survive in such a harsh and hostile country before the freak show could find or take him in, might implement that later on-

Name: Jia Wen Yang

Stage Name: Mister Yi -see what I did there?-



Gender: Male

Act: Martial Arts Exhibition -you know the usuals breaking concrete blocks with fist, and maybe like a prize money fight at the end, you know like they pay you to last like 5 minutes in a fight against this guy? no?-


Being given the honor to be a representative of China, Wen Yang has to keep a level head or else he may do something that would shame his family name and his country. He grew up under strict parents and a small household in the province of Nan Zhong. Being the only child meant that a lot was expected of him, he was given Martial training under a master of the Wu Shu discipline and general tutelage from the town's resident teacher. Since he lived in a port town in the Nan Zhong region it wasn't uncommon to see westerners and he had grown used to them and learned to speak their dialect called "English" There was a monthly trader who was willing to further refine his English speaking skill, every month he'd look forward to the sessions. It may have been to due to fact that he had an excellent tutor at a young age, Wen Yang possessed an unsatiable hunger for knowledge, making him a very inquisitive and curious soul. After spending several years receiving quality education and training he announced his plan to travel overseas with the trader and make a name for himself and allow the world to know of Jia family name. This decision earned him more respect from his parents. However, in truth he had simply wanted to go out and explore the world but saying that only meant he'd earn the ire of his parents, he needed to give them a reason to allow him to travel across the water and saying it was to showcase the family prowess was the best excuse, he'd have to do that sooner or later. He was nothing, if not clever.

The voyage across the ocean proved to be a long one, however Wen Yang was not one to waste time. He requested enrichment to English speaking skill whenever the trader had time or one of the friendlier crewmen were idle. He valued efficiency in anything, usually making the most of out of any situation and completing anything with less effort exerted. By the time they had docked into Europe, Wen Yang was confident in his skill at speaking English. Of course, the Europeans were eyeing him warily and generally treated him with mistrust. His life across the ocean would be a hard one, one that offset when he had seen a notification about something called a freak show. He had been in attendance at one of the exhibitions and marveled at the stunts the so called freaks had been doing, after the show he asked if he could join them and did a simple exhibition of channeling his chi into a bare and open handed strike on a stack of three wood paneling, the top two panels stayed intact while the third and bottom one burst into splinters.

-so is the Ringmaster impressed with Wen Yang's audition? (read as: did I do it right?)-
Ringmaster: *bows to Jia Yang* Welcome to the Freak Show. (accepted, as with everyone else)

Name: Jinx Blair

Stage Name: Creature

Appearance: She is tall for her age (18) and her hair is a mixture of white/blonde and black(see top image). She is hardly ever seen without her whip. She looks almost elf-like with slightly pointed ears as well.

This is less of an appearance for her, but more like what she wears. It often changes between the outfits on either image or something very similar to them.

Gender: Female

Act: Beast tamer/Wolf's keeper

Personality: Extremely loving towards animals and very caring towards the rest of the performers. However she can be cold towards people who mock her or her friends, and does sometimes threaten to set the animals on them. However, she doesn't really do that.

History: As a child, she was always the one who was able to tame and train the animals that were violent towards other people and, she was able to get animals to do whatever she instructed. This got people fearing her thinking that she was a witch, or the devil's child. However when asked by 'Mutants and Monstrosities' to look after a recent addition to their ranks, a wild child they had named Wolf she readily agreed. Now she works there as both his keeper and a beast tamer.

Name: Einmyria Vaughner

Stage Name: Known as Myrrdin to most who come to listen to her stories outside the performance tent

Appearance: [FINDING]

Gender: Female

Act: Clean-up crew, story-teller, thief, pickpocket

Personality: A conniving thief and a consummate liar, Einmyria is one to worm her way through a lot of problems by weaving lies to cover up for herself. She does show, to some extent, some form of empathy towards the other members of the troupe, if her willingness to help them in their acts means anything. As a matter of fact, the only people she actually keeps her thieving hands off of are the members of the troupe. It, however, doesn’t mean anyone is safe from her snarky comments and her venomous tongue when she’s in a mood to bother others.

History: “The sad tale of homelessness and orphans and what not have been told so many times that it isn’t even funny anymore. There was a time when it made me laugh whenever people believed my parents died being trampled by a rhinoceros in a fez and my home was burnt down by a poltergeist. So, I’m going to tell another story. Once upon a time, there was a family of rich people, like, really really rich bastards, full of coin, they had. In this family, there were three daughters, triplets, if you will, Ein, Zwei and Drei. Drei was a liar and a cheat, who whored herself out to every man and sometimes women who needed a partner in bed, then making off with their weekly allowances. Zwei was a scheming b.tch, who took the money of others from right under their noses, the gullible numbskulls that they were. All in all, both sisters were quite the hellish pair, and their father, now, he was a rich man, this father, had a lot really good plots of land that could be put to use for other purposes, like, agriculture, or architecture, or something like that. Now, these villainous children set about trying to take it from him the moment they learned of how economy works.

Now, Ein, the first of the three, was a lass who didn’t want any part of this. Now, Ein, this lass, she was a good kid, trying to help her father in anyway possible, from taking up jobs by the mill to helping him with his accountings and things. When she caught wind of her sister’s conniving, Ein stepped in to stop them, but to no avail. Their actions unwavered by her words, they continued to plot in the shadows to take the land of their father. Ein, undeterred, continued to try and halt them. Finally unable to take her badgering, the sisters decided to pin the blame on her. And pin they did, completely destroying the relations Ein had strived to built all these years, with her becoming the sinner instead of the protector. Her father disgraced at her supposed actions and her friends and family shunning her, Ein grew to be bitter and resentful, and began to plot in the shadows. After a while, Ein simply vanished, but not before leaving a letter bearing the contents of the sisters’ wrongdoing. She was never seen from again and the father mourned the loss of his true daughter.

Coincidentally, I happened along this travelling bunch of misfits around the same time I heard this story. Surprise, huh? Hm. Ah, the show just ended. You want to hear more, you come lookin’ for me after I finish with the clean-up. I’ll dazzle your mind with these tales.”

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