Invidia (Envy)

A Mysterious Figure

French Horns Are Better Than Trombones

Name: Born Vera Moretti, she is now known as Invidia. Only a few other people know her original name, however she is less protective of it than other aspects of herself.

Age: Unknown (She refuses to answer the question.)

Birthday: 30th August

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 132lb

Personality: Calculating and manipulative, Invidia knows just how to be the centre of attention in a room without so much as speaking a word, if she chooses. She subtly flaunts her power, beauty and wealth constantly, particularly in front of those she knows are less than her. She exudes confidence, and she flirts quite often during conversations, even if she doesn't mean it.

Bio: Invidia grew up in Venice, Italy, during the Renaissance period, and was born into a wealthy and well known family. She was considered the most beautiful girl in all of the country, and many suitors wished for her hand in marriage, partially for her beauty, but also for the wealth and infamy of her family. This made her the envy of every other girl in Italy. She also trained in magic during her childhood, wanting to become the best mage in the whole of the world, unrivalled by none. She denied all her suitors, wanting only the most handsome, most wealthy and most heroic man in the country, and refused anything that was less than perfect, and eventually caused even her family members strife in her demands. It is unknown how she became one of the Seven Sins, however her starting point may have been her family casting her out.

Weapons: She keeps several differently sized knives on her belt, along with a pistol (see image), however they are mostly for show, as she prefers to use her main ability and other forms of magic to fight. She does know how to throw and use knives if needed, but her pistol is almost always empty.

True Name: Malvagia Peccatum Invidentia

Embodies: Envy


Envious Heart: Invidia brings out the envy that lurks within the targets heart, strengthening it and making it take control of the person, causing them to feel hatred to previous allies and attack their friends rather than the true enemies. It works best on those with low self esteem/self confidence, and/or people with weaker willpower. The strength of the emotion depends on how much power she uses.

True Sin:

Blackened Heart: Invidia can use the power of envy on herself, twisting her own soul into a being of pure envy and hatred hellbent on defeating everything that is better than it, which, in its eyes, is everything in its path. Her body changes into an incredibly muscular, giant demonic looking creature, with long, razor sharp claws on its hands, large completely black eyes that take up half of its face, a long, wide mouth with sharp teeth, and incredibly tough skin. Normal weapons cannot penetrate the skin, and only powerful magic can contain it or injure it properly.


She secretly dislikes transforming, as, although it is powerful, it makes her feel unclean and ugly, and finds it embarrassing to be an uncontrollable, chaotic monster, practically drooling all over the place and chomping on bodies. Of course it isn't so, but she prides herself on her beauty, grace and poise, and Blackened Heart is anything but. She half sympathises with Gluttony in this case, as he hides his mouth whenever he is using magic, and she considers it to be similar to her own case (although of course not the same).


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    Girl Red Clothes Gun Magic.png
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