Investigation of a Magical Crime RP


Personified Salt Shaker
The sun hung low in the sky as a covered wagon approached the town of Golden Sands. Normally oppressive heat gave way for cool winds, hinting at the cold night to come. The wagon stopped at the edge of town in front of a detachment of knights. "We're here," the driver, a dwarf named Silas, said to his passengers. "Looks worse than normal. Be careful out there."

In the center of the road leading into town, a woman in full armor stood with her arms behind her back, giving off an air of command. Alongside the edge of the road, eight knights stood at attention, shields and spears in hand. Behind the knights, about two dozen commoners looked towards the wagon with fearful eyes and worried whispers. "I am Knight-Commander Ophelia Terret of Queen Jacinta's Royal Forces," the woman said. Her voice carried, clearly being heard inside the wagon. "As Knight-Commander of Golden Sands, I give you, Mages of Guild Violet Coral, permission to enter the town to assist in the investigation of a murder."

(OOC notes and assistance will be written in parenthesis at the end of a post, like this. Without further ado, step off the wagon and greet the waiting public.)
Elisven was sitting in the wagon among the others. She had been the last one to actually enter the vehicle reluctantly, which to her realization and dismay, meant she would exit first. Two rocks were stressfully twirling around her finger, held there with her telepathic powers. It almost looked like one pebble couldn’t keep up with the other, but managed to catch up in time to not be flung out of balance. Her mind war clearly in disarray, and it always swayed her powers for the worse. Ironically. She was looking out the window deep in thought. 

This was her first “real” job, and even though it might just be investigating she was still apprehensive, because it was still murder and likely very important. She wanted to get out a good reputation, and hopefully not screw up among teammates. She knew most of the people she was working with though, so luckily she hadn’t needed to worry about presentations. She also had some very strong mages with her, so she doubted she would be a irreplaceable component. Yet, she kind of hoped she would be at some point. 

When the dwarf announced their arrival, she made a small jump. The floating rocks instantly dropped to the ground and bounced off the floor. She made a face as they hit her mentor’s shoes, before bouncing under the seats. She hurried to smile awkward, and held up a hand. “Ah, sorry, Professor Heron,” she said.  

Then the wagon stopped, and she saw the welcome they were getting. She pulled herself together a bit and exited the door, looking more composed. Outside she looked around at their greeting committee, and the stern lady who seemed to be their spokes-person. “Thank you,” she commented slowly, but waited for one of the professors to actually lead the conversation. Her gaze slid over the crowd, and it would be needless to say that not everyone looked thrilled about their presence.

(Mentioned: @Dapper Bunny @NemoTheSurvivor
It was unusual, to think the least, Alexius eyed the writings in the book he was reading as the wagon moved along the outside world a mystery, yet every time he turned the page his eyes darted to the company in it, apart from his student, Elisven who looked to be hanging on the threads, Poor lass. She hadn't explored as much as the others in the wagon, but this should be a test, it's why he personally asked Grand Master Parotus to be assigned this with his student, a lesson in moving through the cities whenever she finishes her studies and becomes a wonderful adept.

Alexius turned a page as his eyes darted over at Airion, the two have had a bit of civil rivalry as far as Alexius thought back, good though it honed the skills and senses, Alexius was thankful that Airion went along with the investigation, although he knew he shouldn't say it or there'd be no end to the mocking of the Elf, but Heron knew a good person when he saw them. 

He flipped through a few pages this time, his eyes passing by Via Lattea, unlike everyone else, Lattea was a human, part of the Enhancement school too, Alexius mostly knew him through the art he made, friendly colleague all around.

Turning one more page, his thoughts wandered a bit around Menew, there wasn't a spiritual mage to fully communicate with her, so that'd fall to himself, Lovely though, Menew a Pundit in rank, usually attended his lectures or the studies he had with Elisven, curiously enough but nonetheless, an unusual group, to think the least.

Alexius was pulled out of his thoughts as their coachman, Silas the Dwarf stopped the wagon and announced the arrival to them all, a tiny bump on his shoes happened as he looked over at Elisven who quickly excused it. "Ah, it is fine Elisven, do not worry about it." He replied back to her. "But it looks like this is our stop." He continued, and followed momentarily after Elisven as she exited, hearing the Knight-Commander greet them.

"Ahhh, Golden Sands.. And many thankful greetings to you, Knight-Commander Terret, it is an honor to be allowed to aid in the investigation." Alexius said, moving forward and giving a low bow to Ophelia. "I am Professor Alexius Tyrneladhelu, I am accompanied by my student, Miss Elisven Cralor, With us are three great Pundits, Master Perdithas and Menew of Brendglade And esquire Via Lattea.. Shall we then? Every minute counts." He said with a friendly smile to the Knight Commander, a gesture to Elisven and a fold of his hands to his back as he finished speaking, a confident smile as he calmly looked at the Knight-Commander.

Professor Alexius 'Heron' Tyrneladhelu: @Hiddencard @NemoTheSurvivor @Ensig @Wickedkent @Dreamtique
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"My legs are going to be sore after this...Mmnnnhmhuh...I'll need to prepare a curative.Hmhh..."

In the carriage of Elves, Humans, and those in between, Menew sat, her legs curled under her just like a deer would. Rather than on top of a bench or even a cushion, however, her placement was on the floor. Just why would she opt to sit on the course wood of the wagon's floor, fully subject to every bump and dip without any cushioning to aid them, you ask? Well... She wouldn't if she had the choice.

But, given the fact her lower half was animalistic, she didn't have a choice. Asking to take up two, or possibly three seats just for herself would mean she'd have to create numbing annulments for two-to-three times as many people! Menew had realized this while inspecting the vessel before their journey, so she sacrificed her poor legs temporarily and sat on the floor. Thankfully, she had the plants needed to make a potent curative for paresthesia sitting in a variety of linen packets strapped to her deer-half's back -- in seed form of course. With a bit of magic, she'd be able to feel her legs again...

Repeating that last line to herself like a mantra throughout their journey, Menew felt a great amount of relief once they arrived at their destination. Without delay, Menew imbued ‹Convoke Nature› on a couple of seeds, growing them just enough to pluck some leaves before cancelling the spell and returning them to seed form. Rolling the leaves together in her palm (which would seem difficult for someone with only one working hand, but Menew had gotten used to over the years), she then wiped the amalgamation of leaves over her legs. Like chalk on a slate, the tips of leaves crumpled and vanished as they touched her skin, quickly waking them up as the Knight-Commander introduced herself and 'allowed' the Mages to enter the city.

Menew hadn't gone to many villages in the past -- mostly because there wasn't enough wildlife for her tastes -- but even so, she couldn't help but question whether it was necessary to gain permission for them to enter... Perhaps it was simply protocol, with the Golden Sands being the merchant's paradise it was. Or, perhaps security towards Mages had been tightened, what with the murder and such.

"Praise the Elementals.Mnuuhmm" Menew mumbled, brushing off her suspicion and standing up off the floor. As Professor Alexius and his disciple, Elisven, left the wagon Menew shifted her legs to make sure she wouldn't fall over and make a mockery of the beings she just praised, and stepped out after them.

When she reached the sandy earth below, Menew looked around. If she had a mouth she would frown at the lack of wildlife and plants in the surrounding desert, but as she had no such thing she simply hummed with a low pitch to voice her displeasure.

'If I stay here for a couple of decades, I may be able to salvage this land and create a plant hardy enough to withstand its horrid lack of moisture...' she thought, several breeds of plants coming to mind while Professor Alexius introduced the group. When her name was called, she shifted her sight from the surroundings to the Knight-Commander, giving her a short nod and nothing else. It wasn't a practice of the Dryads and Weisps to introduce themselves, so the fact that she acknowledged the woman at all could be seen as polite.

In regards to Menew's clothing, she has a belt with a variety of botanical & alchemical tools between her humanoid-section and deer-section, two medium-sized linen pouches carrying larger alchemical tools attached to the left and right of her deer-back, and a myriad of leather pouches housing seeds of all sorts (the seeds aren't organized, but Menew knows the identity of each one, so it isn't a problem) strung together over her deer-back as well. Other than that, Menew has a long leather strip wrapped around her chest (the bottom of her sternum up to her collarbone), as not doing so would be 'indecent' (or so she's been told; she lacks reproductive organs as well as areolae and nipples (given the fact Dryads & Weisps would never need to lactate), so she doesn't really have anything to hide).
Stepping down the wagon slowly, Via dusted off and then started to make subtle adjustment to his attire just to make sure he looked presentable. Via's eyes scanned around, wanting to have a good look on the town he was about to step in.

"Golden Sands, a sui generis town with unique scenes and culture, as beautiful and inspiring as always." Via's lips curled into a smile as he mumbled to himself.

Eyes turning back onto his fellow comrades who were already busily making introduction, Via too quickly made his way to join his comrades.

"Sorry, I was just too distracted and carried away..." With a faint voice, Via whispered while apologized for almost forgetting to formally greet the great Knight-Commander.

"Greetings. Name is Via Lattea. A pleasure to meet you." Raising his voice to be clearly audible, Via stepped nearer, followed by a light bow at the Knight-Commander who was standing right before him.
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The Knight-Commander watched as two Half-Elves left the wagon. She cocked an eyebrow as one of them, who introduced himself as Professor Alexis, approached her and introduced the mages. "Is Perdithas a Pundit or a Ma–" She stopped midsentence as a strange creature stepped out of the wagon, the Knight-Commander's eyes going wide. The crowd gasped, chattering in panicked whispered. The Knight-Commander whistled, a shrill note that pierced the air. Her knights started moving in sync, shifting from their standing position, assuming a defensive stance after turning around and facing the crowd.

"Go back where you came from!" someone yelled. The Knight-Commander spun around, sticking her arm out and catching the rock he threw. She held the projectile for several seconds before dropping it to the ground.

One of the knights stood in an aggressive stance, pointing a spear towards several members of the crowd. Several men stood, armed with rocks and poised to throw. "Drop the rocks!" the knight ordered. The men dropped the rocks, and the knight returned to a defensive stance.

"I apologize for their behavior," Knight-Commander Terret said. She gestured towards the crowd. "Some people are not able to hide their resentment." Her shoulders dropped slightly. "Come. You have a murderer to catch." Knight-Commander Terret, along with her knights, started walking through the town as she motioned for the mages to follow. "We do not know much about what has transpired," the Knight-Commander said. "When the body was found this morning, the knights were immediately summoned. When they arrived to investigate, they sent for me, believing the murder to be magic related. Once I confirmed that magic is in play, I sent the message to the Grand Master. Nobody has been allowed in or out since."
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The Knight-Commander watched as two Half-Elves left the wagon. She cocked an eyebrow as one of them, who introduced himself as Professor Alexis, approached her and introduced the mages. "Is Perdithas a Pundit or a Ma–" She stopped midsentence as a strange creature stepped out of the wagon, the Knight-Commander's eyes going wide. The crowd gasped, chattering in panicked whispered. The Knight-Commander whistled, a shrill note that pierced the air. Her knights started moving in sync, shifting from their standing position, assuming a defensive stance after turning around and facing the crowd.

"Go back where you came from!" someone yelled. The Knight-Commander spun around, sticking her arm out and catching the rock he threw. She held the projectile for several seconds before dropping it to the ground.

One of the knights stood in an aggressive stance, pointing a spear towards several members of the crowd. Several men stood, armed with rocks and poised to throw. "Drop the rocks!" the knight ordered. The men dropped the rocks, and the knight returned to a defensive stance.

"I apologize for their behavior," Knight-Commander Terret said. She gestured towards the crowd. "Some people are not able to hide their resentment." Her shoulders dropped slightly. ""Come. You have a murderer to catch." Knight-Commander Terret, along with her knights, started walking through the town as she motioned for the mages to follow.

Watching as the little episode unfolded, Via could only let out a short sigh, it was within expectation that their arrival would get reaction like this after all, but the fact that how people looks down on them always gets to him.

Crossing his arms, Via then walked along with the Knight-Commander when the were signaled to follow, with his eyes on the Knight-Commander, Via tried his best to ignore the crowd that was surrounding the area, trying to focus more on his task this time.

"We do not know much about what has transpired," the Knight-Commander said. "When the body was found this morning, the knights were immediately summoned. When they arrived to investigate, they sent for me, believing the murder to be magic related. Once I confirmed that magic is in play, I sent the message to the Grand Master. Nobody has been allowed in or out since."

"Allow me to ask. How can you be so sure that magic is in play? What are the evidence and indications involved? Mind to elaborate on that?"

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Elisven blinked surprised when the commander stopped mid-sentence, but quickly understood the reason for the commotion, when she looked back and noticed Menew step out of the wagon. It was clear that a wave of unease had risen in that moment, and it was in a more wary demeanor that she followed toward the city. The city didn’t seem to excited about their presence, she was pretty sure they were a ‘last resort’ kind of thing. She glanced toward the man who had thrown the rock, and discreetly she twirled her finger in his direction. Making a small pebble lift from the ground and smack the back of his head lightly. Then she looked forward again, as if nothing happened. 

She perked up her eyes when she heard Via asked a question, and decided to listen in. “And how come your own resources weren’t enough?” she added to that.  

(Mentioned: @NemoTheSurvivor, @Ensig, @Dreamtique)


"How barbaric...Hemhmm..." Menew hummed quietly, watching as someone from the crowd threw a stone, only for the Knight-Commander to intercept it and stabilize the situation. Menew had traveled the lands outside the Brendglade for a couple of decades before she had officially become a Mage, so the scene of sentient beings looking at her with disgust or anger wasn't a new one. Still, she hadn't the foggiest idea why they reacted the way they did. All she had gathered on the subject (which she didn't delve too deeply in, mind you) was that there was some sort of stigma towards magical beings, and that she was classified as one such being.

Anyways, the fact of the matter was that Menew was used to the discrimination. When the Knight-Commander apologized, she simply waved her hand to the side while shaking her head -- a mannerism that she had found adequate for 'Don't worry about it' -- and followed the Knight-Commander alongside her fellow Mages as if nothing had happened.

"When the body was found this morning, the knights were immediately summoned" the Knight-Commander began. Menew wasn't aware of how the public order of the area was, but if the Knights could react immediately then perhaps it wasn't too bad... Then again, someone had been murdered within the city walls, and the time between death and discovery hadn't been mentioned, so Menew could only raise an eyebrow... Not that she has any eyebrows, that is.

"When they arrived to investigate, they sent for me, believing the murder to be magic related. Once I confirmed that magic is in play, I sent the message to the Grand Master" she continued. "... Troubling.... Mnnh." Menew muttered in response. Even though the distance between the Violet Coral Guild and the Golden Sands was short, a pre-investigation would have taken a decent amount of time to conduct -- unless the Knights here were really good at detecting Magic, that is. Adding on the time it took to get here, that left a decent window of time for the Murderer to move behind the scenes.

While it couldn't really be helped that there was a lapse in time between the contact of the Guild and the city, given the stigma of Mages, in a murder time was everything. Much like how a corpse in a forest is covered by leaves and digested by insects, foul-play and decomposition of evidence only becomes more prominent as the time-stream continues to move... That was how Menew saw it, at least.

"Nobody has been allowed in or out since." the woman finished. That was good news, so long as the Knights' grip on the city walls were iron-tight, without corruption, and/or the offender couldn't find a different way out of the city... Which Menew hoped -- no matter how in-vain it might have been -- was the case, lest things become a bit more complicated.

Interactions: @NemoTheSurvivor (Ophelia Terret)

Airion Perdithas

He arrived very early. He was the wagon and got inside. He was the first one to get in. Nobody else was around the vicinity. The elf decided to take a nap to kill of time, but didnt expect to actually sleep all the way. He woke up and noticed that everybody was already outside of the wagon and talking to the knights. He sighed and exited the wagon. He looked at the Knight Commander and smiled.

"Perdithas is a pundit" He said "A great pundit." He then looked at the professor and frowned. They both have a rivalry since the professor was a half elf. He then smiled at the humans who tried to throw rocks at them and then looked back at the commander.

"Troubling, but let us continue talking on the crime scene" He commented "We are wasting time here. Talk along the way." 

The Knight-Commander turned her head, listening to the questions. "The dead man has a giant hole in his chest," she said. "There's only two things that can make a hole that big, and nobody heard any cannons." She started to answer the young mage's question. "Platemail is almost useless against magic," she explained. "At least the magic humans and elves use. It would take a battalion of knights to stand a chance against a competent mage." She turned to face Elisven, eyes cold and blank. "Humans care about knights. To them, the only good mage is a dead mage." Knight-Commander Terret turned back to face where she was walking. "We're here."

The Knight-Commander and the Mages approached a small building with a wooden sign over the door, two knights standing guard outside, and a young woman carrying a small basket standing outside. The wooden sign was carved with the image of an oasis tree and a camel with bubbles coming out of its mouth. "Are these the mages?" the woman asked, staring.

"Yes," the Knight-Commander said. She turned to the mages. "This is Linda, one of the barmaids who works here. She's the one who discovered the body." The Knight-Commander turned towards the knights and nodded. The knights stepped aside, but remained at attention.

"Are the mages going in there?" Linda asked.

"Yes," the Knight-Commander said.

"But won't they have questions for me?" Linda asked. A hint of fear touched her voice.

"Yes," the Knight-Commander said again. She opened the door and gestured towards Linda. "Come on."

"I'm not going in there again," Linda said, backing away from the door. "I don't want to see him again."

The Knight-Commander's shoulders relaxed slightly–and her commanding air disappeared–as she walked towards Linda. Terret placed a hand on Linda's shoulder. "You won't see him again. We'll stay by the door, okay?" Linda looked into the Knight-Commander's eyes before nodding. Terret straighten her posture as her commanding presence came back. Without another word the two disappeared inside, with the mages following shortly thereafter.

Inside the building, the Knight-Commander and Linda stood next to the door. "Go on," the Knight-Commander said, gesturing towards the center of the room. "Investigate."

The large room was filled with tables and chair, with a bar following the wall on the right, while a strange moisture hung in the air. Next to the bar was a large trunk, normally used by traveling merchants. A set of stairs on the far wall led to a large door. On the left, a hall leading to the kitchen remained separated by a decorative curtain. In the very center of the room (hidden from view from where the Knight-Commander and Linda stood), a man lay face up, the remains of a broken table under him. There was a hole in his chest, about one foot/thirty centimeters wide and going completely through.

(Character added: Linda) (Time to begin the investigation.)
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First thing first......

Via stepped slowly and carefully towards the corpse, keeping his body low as a sign of respect. After making a full 90-degree bow, Via kneeled down beside the body.

"Guys, I am going to try to confirm the time of death and the murdering method involved. Give me some time." Via gave his comrades a heads-up.

As soon as Via finished his words, he began to cast <Mana Reading> on the corpse,

to confirm the time of death, and the way the man is killed.


The man has not moved for at approximately twelve hours, putting his death after midnight but before the sun rose. A magic spell was cast, morphing material that is no longer at the Inn into a solid shape, before the man died. Interestingly enough, there appears to be a flower that entered the room and was close to the center of the spell. After the man died, the flower somehow made its way into the man's chest, where it is currently rooted. A woman, presumably Linda, entered the room some time after, then immediately left. Knight-Commander Terret entered some time later, then the room remained untouched until the investigation began.

(EDIT: Linda is holding something.)
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"I can verify that magic was certainly involved in this..."

"Presumably, elemental magic was used to kill the man, but further verification is needed."

"The man died around dawn."

"Good news is, the crime scene is left untouched after the murder, which means that there are probably many useful clues that could be collected here."

Via stated out some useful information he gained for his comrades after a session of mana reading.

Weird...a flower is rooted into the men's chest...but how...and why? 

But for now......

Via examined the state of the wound on the man, seeking for traces of solid remains, and examined to see if there were any traces of burn caused by heat. @NemoTheSurvivor

(OOC Question: For elemental spell, such as ice spell, can the mage create ice from pure mana. Or they need to form ice from water vapor? Is the moisture in the air in desert enough for them to cast a spell?  Is it practical and possible for an air mage to morph air into solid like state? From your post, all of them could feel that the air around is significantly more humid than normal indoor condition in a desert will right? So it did felt strangely cooler in the building right?)  @NemoTheSurvivor

(EDIT: Linda is holding something in the flash back or now?)

"Menew...perhaps you should take a look on this." After a thorough examination on the wound, Via turned his head to Menew and tried to catch her attention.

Carefully extracting the flower in the men's chest, Via lifted up the flower in his hand to meet the eye level of the Dryad.

"Could you have a go on reviving this precious flower, and perhaps try to gain some useful information from it? It was found rooted in the man's chest. I believe it to have close relations with the murderer."  @Ensig
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Airion Perdithas

He looked back at the other mages and nodded. He then looked around and noticed a trunk. He walked towards it and stopped. He observed the trunk and then opened it. He was hoping that there would be some sort of clues inside

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For Ice spells, they snap freeze the air around them, no matter the humidity (in the same vein, Fire enhances and focuses heat to create a spark, then they enlarge the spark, essentially). In the case of Ice or Air magic, you would be able to see the affected part of the air used in the spell. There are no burn marks on the body. However, there seems to be small flecks of dirt all around the wound.

Yes, everyone can feel the humidity in the air. It's nothing extreme, but since it's the desert, it's noticeable. The temperature isn't affected by the moisture, and it is no cooler than any other building in the desert.

Linda is currently holding a basket. She was holding the same basket when she found the body, however.




The flower being given to you is a yellow flower not native to deserts; it's also still alive. It's parasitic, makes its living by attaching itself to other plants (and occasionally other creatures) and siphoning the nutrients. The petals are poisonous, causing mild paralysis of the heart and lungs that leads to suffocation. The flower is very young, and has existed only in darkness until placed in the dead man's wound.



The name on the trunk reads "Richard Gentry." Inside the chest are magical items. Some of them are marked from various places, but a bunch of them are all have the same mark, signifying they were made by elves, but you don't recognize from where the mark originates. Professor Heron ( @Dapper Bunny ) would recognize the markings.


@Dapper Bunny

The markings that will be shown to you by Airion are from the Forest of Shifting Leaves.


I realized I forgot to mention that Linda was holding a basket, so I edited my post to reflect the change. That was the edit I mention in my last post.

(Clue list updated)
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Dirt? That is not something that you could find all around a desert. That could explain why there is a non native flower too. Flower and dirt...could this mean that the murderer is actually carrying plants around? Something like a potted plant? It sure is weird to do that though......But it would make sense if the mage uses earth magic.

After examining the corpse. Via decided to try to have an interview with Linda, the barmaid.

Via approached the barmaid that was accompanied by Terrat, and scanned the barmaid from up to down to have a good look on what was she carrying in her basket before he greeted her.

"Greetings, my fair lady." Via greeted and gave the barmaid a smile so that she would not felt pressured, Via made a short eye contact with Terrat shortly after.

"Ma'am, I would need you to help us in the case by answering me some simple questions, just tell me what you know. Alright?"  Via turned back to the barmaid and requested.

"What is the time that the Inn is open for customers? And who are the peoples that were supposed to be on duty at the Inn for yesterday, especially at midnight. Why was the Inn remained empty in spite having customers, which I assume were...the victim and the murderer, without any people attending to their duties until you arrived? And by any chance, do you happen to...know the victim or saw him before as a familiar customer at the Inn?"

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Airion Perdithas

He examined the items and noticed that they were made by elves, but he does not recognize where the items came from. He looked for the professor. He then noticed him and approached him.

"Alexius" He said "Take a look at this, need you to examine them. Dont get the wrong idea, they are just unfamiliar with me" He said as he led the professor the the trunk.

(Linda and the Knight-Commander are inside the building as well, just in the entryway so the body remains out of sight.)

"I can answer some questions," Linda said. The Knight-Commander's expression did not change.

What is the time that the Inn is open for customers? And who are the peoples that were supposed to be on duty at the Inn for yesterday, especially at midnight.

"The inn is always open," Linda said. "The bar here closes around midnight, usually, so the barmaids and cook go home, but there's always an innkeeper on station in case a late night traveler appears. Though, the innkeeper's desk is through there." Linda motioned towards the door at the top of the stairs. "With the knights patrolling the streets, and the innkeeper next to the door, there aren't any ways to get into the bar area without alerting anyone."

"I had several knights interview the innkeeper working last night, as well as the guests," the Knight-Commander added. "Nobody heard anything. There were no reported disturbances last night either."

Why was the Inn remained empty in spite having customers, which I assume were...the victim and the murderer, without any people attending to their duties until you arrived?

"Bar was closed," Linda repeated. "After the customers leave the bar area, the barmaids clean and setup for the next day. There shouldn't have been anyone in here. I'm one of the morning staff, so it's my job to open the bar and make sure the night barmaids cleaned properly, which happens around eight. That's when I found him."

And by any chance, do you happen to...know the victim or saw him before as a familiar customer at the Inn?

"No," Linda said. "He's not a regular, and he wasn't here during my shift."
Via approached the barmaid that was accompanied by Terrat, and scanned the barmaid from up to down to have a good look on what was she carrying in her basket before he greeted her.

( your reply for this, what is she carrying.)

(Based on how the flower enter the room, is it possible to determine how did the murderer(s) enter the room?)

"With the knights patrolling the streets, and the innkeeper next to the door, there aren't any ways to get into the bar area without alerting anyone."

Well, that is not the case for a deceptive mage...but we will see......That could mean there are more then one person working together to kill this man......

Interesting fact is, if even the victim didn't enter the Inn by normal mean, that could mean that even the victim was up to something too......

But why would they sneak into the Inn? Not like it is a good secret meeting spot......

Via paused for a short while as he tried to digest the information Linda had provided.

"Thank you for your cooperation, I appreciate the helpful information you provided. We might need your help again when we have more questions." Via gave a lady a light bow before walking off to check on the door at the top of the stairway.

Via used mana reading to check if the door was being opened before Linda enter the room (after the Inn was closed), and checked to see if illusion spell was casted on it.

Via then looked around to see if there were any interesting features or possible clues around the area.


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