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Fandom Inuyasha: Ends and Beginnings [open//accepting]


그녀 는 여왕 폐하
S t o r y T i m e

After their fierce battle and eventual defeat of the retched Naraku, our hero's are faced with their most life changing challenge yet. What will they do now that their long time arch enemy is defeated? What will Inuyasha do now that Kagome has been transported back to her own time? What will Songo, the demon slayer, do now that her little brother Kohaku is now free from Naraku's grasp? What will Sesshomaru's next move be now that his enemy has been eliminated?

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Seven years have passed since that day and much has changed. Sango and Kohaku had returned to her village to rebuild and restore it to what it once was; difficult yes, but not impossible. Now their quaint little village of demon slayer's flourished with life and happiness. New slayer's where being trained and Kohaku had become a fine leader to the new slayers. Miroku returned to his own village to take care of some things before eventually making his way back Kyada's village to stubbornly await Songo's return as promised. He would wait as long as it took. He had made up in his mind long ago that Songo was the one he desired above all others. Still, it didn't stop him from being the insatiable lecher that he was known to be. With Kagome gone, Inuyasha's behavior had changed drastically. He was still stubborn, hot headed and a loud mouth, but everyone could see past the act. Inside, the poor half demon was dead inside. He tended to his duties quickly but efficiently only to make his way back to the bone eaters well to undoubtedly sulk with the absence of the girl he lost and would probably never see again. Rin was deposited in Kyada's village not to long after Naraku was defeated. Now that Sesshuomaru was finished with his travels and defeated his enemies, it was time for him to return to the western lands and claim his place as rightful heir. It was surly no place for a child such as she. Thus, she was left in the care of the old priestess until she came of age to choose a human husband and be married off. The demon lord had visited her frequently over the course of her growth. That is, until she hit the age of fourteen. The visits suddenly...stopped, and Jaken was sent to check on her and bring her gifts in his stead.

Now that so much time has passed, what will happen? Between Songo finally returning to the village, potential threats to Sesshomaru's boarders and Kagome finally finding a way back to the feudal era what will fate have in store for them now?

so sorry. If anyone has any question's feel free to OCC or PM me and ask]
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