Inu and The Sorceress [editing]


그녀 는 여왕 폐하
Appearance: [To be edited]


Age:261 (Appears to be in her twenty's)

Race: Deity/Sorceress

Personality: Yue is usually cool calm and collected. Sharp. Graceful yet deadly but underneath all of those coverings is a kind hearted almost ordinary woman.

Ability's: Well uh...shes a sorceress! However, some ability's include- Healing, visions,amazing singing voice(much like a siren), etc...[you'll learn more once started]

Likes: •Wolves •The night •Blood(demon) •Nature

Dislikes: •Being part human •Being called weak (or anything of that nature)

Weakness: •Must drink blood(preferably strong demon blood) after being critically injured •Turns human on the night of the new moon(much like Inuyasha) •Very few mystical pieces that can snare, entrap, or harm her.

Bio: Yue was born into a long line a powerful sorcerers and sorceresses that where said to be decedents of the sun and the moon. Seems normal enough, no? Well what if I told you that throughout time right from the begging of her line, mating was the family.

...that's right...her entire lineage was made up of incestual marriages. This was kept up so that the line would remain pure, strong and in the family. Until...

Hoshiko..Yue's beloved mother and former Khaleesi of the Dothraki tribe (yes, I got that from Game of Thrown's
xD ) had broken the cycle. Instead of marrying one of her own as was her duty, she had met and fell in love with a ningen..a human..a mere mortal. Of course this was not to be, and when word got out of what she had done she was killed and so was her lover. But not before her child was born. The child grew up from the age of three without her parents and was forced to take on the animosity and in-acceptance of her tribe(which are made up of a veriety of ancient demons and such). She was a half breed. A disgrace; not fit to rule as queen, as khaleesi of her people. After years of torment from her own people, she was caste out of her khalasar and forced to fend for herself at the age of ten. It was lucky that she was allowed to remain that long. Since then, the girl lived amongst the woods, the wolves and taught herself how to control the magic within her. And when the night of the new moon was under way, she sought protection from the wolves that accepted her as their own. Centuries, decades had past and she grew more powerful as they did. She'd collected power over time from other, now far weaker users of magic,completing quests and of course absorbing power from what her and her long line came from;the sun and the moon. Over time she had grown sad, betrayed, and angry over the treachery of her tribe. All of it built up and soon she came to the conclusion that she would return take back what was her's..even if it had to be by force. Which she did. At present, she is known to be the greatest, most beautiful and powerful woman in the known world.

"Taiyō to tsuki no megami"...goddess of the sun and moon.

[sorry the bio's a bit long and 'eh' but I wanted to get as much info across without writing as much]
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