

New Member
Hello! Name's NightShroud13. (I might change the name, still debating) I am new to RapNation but not new to Forum based Rping. I've got more than 9 years (yikes) of experince. Truth be told I followed a friend here because my original site got taken over by teenagers.

I love adventure, fantasy, some sci-fi, drama, romance, anything dialogue heavey and story driven. Give me something to sink my teeth into and I will keep coming back. Give me a watered down plot filled with more holes than swiss cheese and I will drop your thread like road kill. Truth be told I get distracted easily and I may wander off out of boredom. Apologies if this upsets anyone.

I like inserting OCs into games to see what happens. Rarely will I come accross an idea that forces me to come up with a brand new character. If this bothers you just ask me to come up with a character specific to your world/idea. I do not run games myself! I will happily brainstorm ideas with people but I cannot be trusted in a leader position. I will get distracted and the game will suffer. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

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