Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
A Sci-Fi Fantasy nation building RP.



Creation, as we all know it, can be defined as an unending, ever-changing, infinitely vast concept, one that defines the universe that we live in. Its vasts, boundless space is utterly brimming with organisms, life, and creatures of all kind, each of which them varying in their characteristics, but all of them being unique in some way or form. Differing personalities, ideologies, and all around, lifestyles. Due to this, an immeasurable number of factions, empires, groups, and phalanx's have appeared all throughout the many galaxies over the years, the majority possessing home-planets and sectors, as well as advanced technological capabilities.


With that said... it was inevitable that such distinctions would lead to conflict among the endless species populating existence. Many of the galaxies have become something of a spacial battlefield, with the ravaging of planets, sectors, and galactic locations becoming increasingly common. Corruption continues to spread throughout public space services and politics. Trades have ascended into higher levels of difficulty, as mistrust between factions solidifies through time. Morality varies heavily, some empires choosing to stick to more honorable creeds, while others... not so much...


It is a difficult time for the galaxies. What is made of it... is down to you. Be you a great leader, a soldier, a bounty hunter, a war hero, a rebel, it doesn't matter. Will you, or perhaps, your empire prevail in these times? Will it expand, to be known in history as a powerful galactic empire? Or perhaps, will it be ravaged through time, cast down into the depths of defeat by those oppose you, and laid bare in the path of another's galactic conquest. How will your choices impact creation? Your path is your own to command... choose wisely.


For ancient and powerful forces beyond our control, await in the shadows...

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