Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
The Clans of Rokugan have sent delegates to the Imperial Court, for the grandest prizes.

It is the year 1200, and the exalted Empress Iweko I is presiding over the court in Toshi Ranbo. Just 10 years ago, shortly after her rise to the throne, she has 'requested' each of the clans, great and small, to send one child, of each of the ruling families, to the Imperial capital, to be raised together to foster goodwill in the empire (and to be hostages should their clans go against the Empress). The kids are now adults, and have recently completed their Gempukku (adulthood) ceremony, and are going their own ways. But now, witht hat over, the Clans are gearing up to try and take advantage of this boon they 'granted', and gain something for themselves.

Each of you will be playing a Samurai sent by his clan to represent them in the Imperial Court. You will be able to set agendas for your Clan, and try to improve their standing or hinder others, and try to gain positions of power for yourself and others. You will also hear rumors of the deeds of heroes, and of these youngling who were fostered, and can try to capitulate on them to your gain.

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