Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
An Earth Colony on Mars had been attacked. Earth needs YOU! The famous Terra-Magna Academy has re-launched the Ion Program. Will you be a student learning the new art of war in a seemingly 'utopian' society? Or will you be a military instructor shaping the next generation of soldiers into the best they can be?

The Earth has prospered following the unification of it's many nations in 2176. Humans live in a 'utopian' society where 'everyone' is allowed the same opportunities. At least, that's what's fed to the civilians of Earth. Truth is that there is still poverty, segregation, and maltreatment of people everywhere. It's either ignored completely, or covered up. Hope is scarce to come by. The story takes place in the year 2526, in the prestigious Terra-Magna Academy after a horrific attack on one of the Martian Colonies. You have received an acceptance letter to attend the school's Ion Program. Sponsored in whole by the Earth's Government. The Ion Program is a specialized four year learning course that replaces the last four years of secondary schooling.(High school) It was founded in the year 2524 by one of the militaries most respected officers, Admiral Grey, in a hope to shape the youth into the soldiers of tomorrow. Before an exclusive course, it is now open to the public youth. However if you do not meet standards, you will be ejected from the program. 


Your Letter Of Acceptance

Dear youth,

I am pleased to inform you that the Ion Program has admitted you to the Terra-Magna Academy for the academic year effective immediately. The Utopian Society of Earth and Admiral Mateo Grey have graciously awarded Terra-Magna with a means to turn our youths into the best citizens they can be. Here you will be taught by the top military officers in the art of war. You will also live on campus during the entire four year program.

Admission to our program is very prestigious and we scrutinize each applicant carefully. We believe that a stimulating, intellectual discussion between students and faculty is a necessary ingredient of a successful graduate program. We recommend that you work hard, or else you will not receive any of the benefits given to military personnel. Our Grand Prime Minister thinks that YOU have the power to aid our people. In turn, we hope that the personal supervision we offer, together with the competitive atmosphere of your fellow students, will combine to make your stay here very rewarding - personally, academically and professionally.

Captain Nursultan A. Omarov will be your commanding officer. All faculty and staff, as well as your fellow students in the program, welcome you to graduate studies at TMA. We are eager to help you with your entry into our program. All these students have been in the program for at least a year so they will be able to answer questions about student life in this program and at TMA.

We look forward to your arrival at our wonderful school.

Yours truly,

Veronica Steele, PhD

Headmaster of Terra-Magna Academy


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