Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
People devastated by mistreatment and ignorance... a heartbroken royal family seeking vengeance... who comes out on top?

"This family has been through enough suffering! We cannot let this continue!" The king growled, knocking his golden cup off the table, then resting his face in his hands. The guard flinched, then bowed respectfully, leaving the room so that the king could gather his thoughts.


The king had just received horrible news. An attack near his palace had claimed the lives of over 30 people... one of them being his oldest daughter, who had been checking up on the wellfare of his people. This was it. He could take no more! Another uprising by the poorer towns, the less important ones? The rest of the kingdom was happy... why weren't they? There was only one way to stop these attacks... he must kill them. All of them. The death of his beloved daughter must not be in vain. The king had officially snapped.

What the king is forgetting is that his father, the previous king, felt nothing for the poorer people. In fact, most of the time, he only made their situation worse. His father made living very hard for these people by denying trade, limiting food rations, and really, just refusing to send any sort of help to these areas in general. "Survival of the fittest" seemed to be his motto when asked about these people. His son, the current king, made very few changes. More and more of these poorer people were dying. The king saw no issue with this. He was indifferent. Just commoners, right? 

No. These places have managed to come up with enough resources to attack the richer cities, including the capital. Despite warnings and the occasional punishments, the people still haven't given up. They are sick of burying their family, friends, and neighbors because of the royal family's tyranny. Both sides are now fueled by loss and desperation.


The king stood, tears in his eyes as he called his wife in from the other room. "My goodness dear... what has gotten into you?" The king clenched his fists, grabbing his wife and looking at her, pain in his eyes. "Aaliyah is dead... The rebels from Tykanos killed her. The guards are coming back with her remains..." The queen went pale, her jaw dropping. She sat down in a chair as her eyes started to water. "A-Aaliyah... my beautiful... but... how could they do this?! What of her sister? What of her family? What will happen to this kingdom?! This... this cannot be!" The queen started sobbing as the king knelt by her and tried to comfort her. "No... no tears... do not cry, my darling... I have formed a plan... We will suffer no more. No worries... no worries..."

The queen continued to cry as a guard came back into room. "My king. Lady Aaliyah has arrived." The king nodded, leaving the queen with her maids, shutting the door behind him. He followed the guard to Aaliyah's bedroom, where she laid, bloody and pale. The king felt weak, then shakily leaned forward, kissing her forehead. In a hushed tone, he smiled sadly. "Sleep well, dear Aaliyah. Rest in peace, for you have not died in vain. They will all... die."

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(Princess Aaliyah)

Brief descriptions of known locations in the kingdom of Aria. 



Tykanos is the hub of the poorer areas in Aria. It's people are generally rugged, stubborn people toughened by hardships. The most populous of the poorer places, it's easily identified by these characteristics.

Land: Swampy, shaded, pretty hidden. Abundance of small rivers and ponds, creating fertile land for growing and a good habitat for livestock. 

Popular jobs: farmer, butcher, hunter

Housing: most people live in huts... made out of whatever they can find. 

Extra: The people from Tykanos usually keep to themselves, but they have the strongest opinions about the royal kingdom - mostly negative. A local in the area was responsible for the death of Princess Aaliyah.

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Woodhaerst is known for friendly, outgoing people... however, like most of the poorer regions, they strongly dislike the royal family and have a bad attitude towards richer people. They care for their own. Woodhaerst is known for:

Land: more developed - more roads and fancier construction. Woodhaerst is the richest of the poorest places.  They have grassy plains and are known for having a giant river that goes through the whole land. It is more out in the open, but also has a stronger defense than other places. 

Popular jobs: cook, farmer, builder, trader

Housing: most peopke live in strong, well built houses. They may not be as fancy as the kingdom's capital, Lunaris's, but they do the job.

Extra: has the best medical care out of everyone except Lunaris.

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Poor Myralli is the indeed, the poorest. People are bitter and unwelcoming here. They even treat their own rudely and with disdain. You can find a little more welcoming people near the center of Myralli, but even they can come across as cold. The people have very little and can give very little... but because Myralli is small and hard to spot, it makes an excellent hiding place.


Land: mostly overgrown, dense forest... full of cliffs and high elevation. You can find houses just about anywhere... it isn't very organized. 

Popular jobs: miner, lumberjack

Housing: large, creaky, run down houses built centuries ago when the royals actually cared. New construction is rare here.

Extra: the land is extremely difficult to navigate... you better have a guide.

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Astrakane is home to the more upper-class citizens. You find people from here everywhere. They are natural adventurers and often vary in appearance, demeanor, and opinion. Astrakane is mostly loyal to the kingdom and royal family, but there are small villages of rebels.

Land: woodsy... pretty flat. Lots of forest and plains. Well rounded.

Popular jobs: lumberjack, carpenter, baker, cook, messenger, builder

Housing: the houses may appear outdated, but they are very updated, strong, beautiful, and usually multiple stories. Astrakane has just about as many conveniences as Lunaris does.

Extra: Astrakane has many, many guards from Lunaris. Getting away with crime or any type of plotting is difficult. That's why there is such a small population of rebels here.

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Lunaris is the home of the royal family - the capital of Aria. It is densely populated, full of rich nobles, and the people here? Snobs. Most of them, but not all of them. They are very loyal to their king and will do anything to protect him and themselves. 

Land: Mix of mountains and plains. Hard to see anything else since there's so many buildings.

Popular jobs: anything you can imagine.

Housing: near perfect constructions, multiple story buildings and castle like structures... the palace is, of course, in the center of everything.

Extra: people here can be trigger happy if they feel threatened. Oh... did I mention Lunaris is nearly impenetrable? You can't go anywhere without seeing a guard.

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