Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
Rp about the 1920's in New York City oriented around gangs and the anti-prohibition crowd.



No more than two months have passed since the end of the bloody Great War. Already, it is clear the world will never be the same. Weapons of war, automobiles, areoplanes, blimps, advancements in medicine. All of these and more brought about by the Great War and the Industrial Revolution.


America is doing very well as a result of this change, already leaping forward this soon after the end of the war. Soldiers return to their families or they don't, but those thay do need work. Many work at factories, although some return to jobs they held before. Some however are so desperate for work, they turn to crime.


The roaring twenties bring about a reinforced women's rights movement, prohibition, an economic boom, a rise in organized crime, automobiles, new music, and so much forgotten amongst the grains of sand in Father Time's hourglass

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