Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
Welcome to Hero Inc., an establishment for training new heroes to help protect the Earth and solar system from the multitude of threats that lurk in the shadows. They do this by taking in people with potential or the will to do what it takes and training them until they are equipped and ready to defend themselves and their home. Do you have what it takes?

Hero Incorporated is an old organisation, responsible for the talents of some of the greatest heroes of our times. The Incorporation takes in willing people with super powers or the drive to help others and teaches them all how to be the heroes that the teachers know are inside of them. Of course, it may take a while, but in the end, the strong and the willing make it through the training and the teaching and the missions and go on to become the heroes that protect the Earth.


Of course, not everyone is there to become a hero, some are just here to get control of their powers and then move on, sure that they can live out their lives without destroying a city or something. Some even fall into darkness, becoming the tyrants and villains they began their training to stop. Some may never have even had the intentions of ever doing any good. The Incorporation accepts everyone anyway, because what is a world without hope?


So, once more: welcome, to

Hero Incorporated.

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