Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
Two legendary wolf packs are at one another's throat. Mist pack turned its back on Mountain Pack in their biggest time of need, now revenge is on Mountain Pack's mind. Battle is brewing, illness is lurking. Why have the Gods forsaken these legends.

Two wolf packs have lived in harmony for thousands of moons, when one was in need the other pack would step in to bring needed aid. These wolves were legendary, as they were born with special abilities no other animal could possess. These powerful abilities were formerly used only for good. All wolves were treated as equal, no omega was put into place, and no loner was denied acceptance into the packs. These two packs were Mountain Pack and Mist Pack. This environment was perfect, until Mountain pack fell incredibly ill, what seemed like over night. They began to foam at the mouth, blood would drip from their noses and eyes. The infected wolves became enraged and had no memory of their past, they were in clear agony and the wolves began to slaughter their own pack members, offspring, and kin without remorse. When Mist pack heard of the sickness, a small group traveled into Mountain Pack territory, those wolves could never forget the horror they set their eyes upon. Mountain Pack camp was covered in blood, and corpses laid on the cold ground. The living wolves were thin and terrified, they begged for help from the Mist pack wolves but this group turned up their noses. The group quickly arrived back to their territory, to explain to their alpha what they had seen. Mist Pack's alpha had a tough choice to make, in the end he refused to help Mountain pack, as he did not want to endanger his pack with this horrid illness.

Many moons later, Mountain Pack has regrown, yet the wolves hold a hostile grudge against Mist Pack for abandoning them while they were in need. War has began brewing among the two former allies, a new alpha was elected in Mountain Pack. This alpha was one of the survivors of the illness, and he had declared revenge on Mist pack for abandoning them, their abilities have since become dark and more frightening compared to their former allied counterparts. Yet, the illness still ravages through the forest, and has since been named the 'silent killer'. Wolves are constantly on edge, and hostility is at an all time high between all the wolves. Will the illness end the legacy of both the packs, or will the packs kill themselves with war? Why have the gods forsaken these legends.

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