Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
Twelve Zodiacs - humanlike beings with magical powers who were tasked by the gods to protect humanity - search for the next zodiac princess 100 years after the death of the previous zodiac princess. Each zodiac allies themselves on one of two sides: the loyal zodiacs who believe that humanity is good by nature and deserves to be protected, and the renegade zodiacs who believe that humanity is evil by nature and deserves to be subjugated. A prophecy exists that the zodiac princess will be reborn, and several potential candidates have appeared, but it is uncertain which of the candidates will become the next zodiac princess, and which side of the ideological conflict between the zodiacs will prevail over the other.


At the beginning of the world, the gods formed shaped the landscape and brought to life the beautiful planet known as earth. They were quite pleased with their creation, yet felt that there was something missing. None of the creatures they had made were capable of fully appreciating the majesty of the world that they had created. And thus, the gods decided that they should create beings capable of free thought, who had the potential to interact freely with the world around them. They named these creatures “humans”, and humanity soon proved to have a nearly limitless potential for imagination and creativity. The gods finally felt satisfied with the world that they had created, feeling a great fondness towards the humans who revered their world with such awe.

However, the humans relied heavily upon the god's divine protection. Fearing that humanity would not survive on their own, the gods decided to create one last species. Twelve beings were created, each one granted with immortality and special powers with which they would be able to serve humanity. These beings, called Zodiacs, were created in the image of humanity. Unfortunately, it soon proved that the Zodiacs were too contentious, their differing personalities leading to heated conflicts and interfering with their duty to protect the humans. In a final effort to establish balance in the world, the gods decided that they would gift powers to a human guardian who would be charged with maintaining peace among the Zodiacs.

The Zodiac Princess, a human girl whom the gods favored, was gifted with knowledge, eternal youth, and special abilities which allowed her to lead the Zodiacs and ensure that they carried out their duties to protect humanity. This girl, named Andromeda, was exceedingly wise and compassionate, and at long last, the Zodiacs established a peaceful alliance with each other. Finally satisfied with their creation, the gods left to establish new worlds elsewhere, leaving the Zodiac Princess and the Zodiacs to protect the world that they had created.

Peace did not last forever, for doubts began to form in some of the Zodiacs’ minds. They began to neglect their duties to humanity, even going so far as to directly manipulate humans for their own purposes. This group was known as the Renegades, and they found their subservient status unsatisfying, desiring to rule over humans instead. The other Zodiacs, finding it appalling that their fellow Zodiacs would betray their duty and take advantage of their powers for personal gain, began to confront the Renegades. Fearing that a major confrontation would endanger the humans, as well as the Zodiacs themselves, Andromeda decided to meet with the leader of the Renegades. On that fateful day, the Zodiac Princess was killed under unknown circumstances. The Renegades deny their involvement, and while the majority of the suspicion is directed towards them, suspicion and distrust grew between all of the Zodiacs. This dissolved into a major conflict, but due to the Zodiacs’ inability to kill one another, they reached an uneasy stalemate in order to avoid destroying the world in the process of their fighting. All of the Zodiacs went their separate ways, including those still loyal to their original duty. They abandoned the temple where they had made their home together, setting out to pursue their own goals.

Eventually, a prophecy was uncovered, revealing that the Zodiac Princess would one day be reborn. On a day in which the planets aligned in a specific pattern, a single individual would find the altar in the temple of the Zodiacs and by placing their hand upon the altar, the soul of the Zodiac Princess would be reawakened in them. It relieved many of the Zodiacs to hear this, anticipating that their leader would once again reemerge and guide them to peace, but some received the news and formed much less benign intentions. Many of the Renegades determined that they would be able to choose who the new Zodiac Princess would be if they brought an individual of their choosing to fulfill the prophecy. Thus, it became a point of contention between the Zodiacs to ensure that the correct person is chosen to fulfill the role of Zodiac Princess.

A hundred years after the death of Andromeda, in the present day, the time of the prophecy begins to draw increasingly close. The Zodiacs begin to seek out the one who will be chosen to fulfill the role of Zodiac Princess, while some - particularly those allied with the Renegades - attempt to determine a suitable candidate for their own purposes. In their search, they begin to detect trace hints of magical energy in various individuals, primarily concentrated around the town of Oakland, California. Undoubtedly, these people are potential candidates to host the soul of the Zodiac Princess, but the question remains; which one of them will make it to the temple?

The Loyal Zodiacs

Originally comprised of all twelve Zodiacs until several began to defect to the Renegade side, the loyal Zodiacs feel that they have a duty to serve humanity and protect it from harm. They seem humans as naturally good and compassionate, and that it is only right for humans to rule over themselves. These Zodiacs feel it immoral to exploit their special powers for their own personal gain, knowing that the gods specifically gifted these powers to them for the purpose of fulfilling their duty. To use their powers against humans would give them an unfair advantage, and one of the main duties of the Zodiacs is to be righteous and fair at all times. The loyal Zodiacs ally themselves with the Zodiac Princess and her loss was devastating to their cohesion as a group. Some of the loyal Zodiacs do not trust each other, as it is not known for certain if it even was one of the Renegade Zodiacs who killed the princess. In general, the loyal Zodiacs treat the Renegades with more suspicion than they do with any of each other, but a seed of doubt remains. Without the leadership of the Zodiac Princess, the loyal Zodiacs do their best to continue fulfilling their duty to protect humanity, holding onto the hope that the Zodiac Princess will reappear and lead them into a peaceful and prosperous future.

The Renegade Zodiacs

The Renegade Zodiacs, a group started and led by Scorpio, believe humanity to be full of corruption and generally detestable. While the degree to which individual Renegades despise humanity differs, the general consensus is that humanity is not something to be revered and that humans do not deserve any more protection than any other creature on earth. The Renegades desire to rule over humanity, feeling that humanity cannot be trusted with dominion over themselves. Humankind is too full of malicious and selfish intent to be allowed to continue regulating themselves, and the Renegades feel it much more prudent to take charge of them instead. Since the loyal Zodiacs generally interfere with them taking direct control, many of the Renegade Zodiacs have found ways in which to take indirect control while taking on a human alias. The Renegades were not particularly happy about the death of the Zodiac Princess, and due to the contentious nature of many of them, as well as having somewhat differing ideals, the Renegade Zodiacs have more or less split apart, only working together as it suited them. Many believe that with a Zodiac Princess who shares their vision of what is necessary for humanity, they will be able to rule over humans and achieve authority that is rightfully theirs.

Zodiac Princess Candidates

Several people, the majority of whom reside in Oakland California, exhibit trace amounts of magical energy. It is uncertain what causes this, as these individuals do not possess magical powers themselves. However, it is likely that these people are potential candidates for the role of the next Zodiac Princess. These individuals are seemingly unrelated, though each appears to be adept at a single skill (such as empathy, physical strength, intuition, etc). The Zodiacs are seeking out these individuals with the intent of discovering which of them will become the next princess, or perhaps even help one of these individuals receive the title. These people are fairly ordinary humans themselves, leading peaceful and rather mundane lives, though undoubtedly things will soon become a lot more complicated for them.

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