Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
( New OC's Welcome for January 2017 )
Main IC:  The Powerful and Eternal Mistress of the Starless Sky Wreaks havoc upon the entirety of Milestone Fortress
Welcome to The Principle Journey!



The Principle Journey


" Welcome to the World of Elegos.

Your arrival here is a blessing to all life in this world.

May the winds of fortune smile upon you, and grant your life with peace and prosperity.

And may you, the one holding this life warm the Universe with your good deeds."

- Hadiyah, the Guide to Righteousness Peacekeeper.
The Glad Tidings of the Newborn


When the world was still young, angels and demons fought for control over it.

These spirit forces did battle on the plains of existence ravaging the land they coveted greatly.

The mortals of Elegos caught in between this great war, were powerless to defend themselves, much less the home given to them by the Universe.

Celestial years passed by with no end in sight for the abuse of the world and its inhabitants.

All life feared the planets imminent destruction.


Before an irreparable wrong could be accomplished to the planet, Elegos herself used her life-force and empowered 10 mortals,

individuals who were to represent all life on Elegos, to take part in this great war and end it once and for all time.

The 10 mortals, from then onward known as the Arbitrators of the Elements gathered together and united their powers completely wiping out all of the spirit forces that waged this terrible battle.

Soon thereafter Elegos appointed 2 individuals known as the Celestial Guardians and tasked them to watch over the 2 gates that connected the spirit realm to the physical planes.


Since then eons have passed.

The tale of the Great War and the legend of the Arbitrators are now passed on to children as bedtime stories.

Parents regale this story to them so that they may come to appreciate how precious life really is.

However it now seems legend will become reality.


It is the year 997 C.Y.A.D.,

and unbeknownst to most life on Elegos, the stories of the past are about to relive their glory with the blood of innocents.

Nearly 1000 years previous, unknown forces brought about the ruination of Eden and She'ol, the Celestial Guardians tasked with forever protecting the gates of the spirit realm.

The end would have come about much sooner, if not for the fact that the Guardians sealed the gate with their life-force.

However the seal was measured to only last 1000 years.


Because of these events, those of us with the knowledge of this ominous certain future,

delve into the research of finding a way to prevent another Great War to wreak havoc upon our world.

This information must be kept secret. In the wrong hands it could lead to disaster.


- Excerpt of Legends

by Merediah Keeper of the Holyland

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