Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
For years the western lands of Elia have been peaceful until members of The Order Of The Undead Knights started causing trouble in the city of Soul's Keep. Unchecked because of Soul's Keep being so secluded the power of the order grew unchecked. The orders influence spread north towards Tibor. When they refused to back down the leader of Tibor declared war to protect his people. The conflict was brief and bloody with the Order's wizards securing them a victory. They decimated the rest of the western countries who were still in shock from Tibor's defeat. Now 70 years on the western lands of Iris have fallen into a desolate wasteland haunted by strange beasts.  In desperation, the leader of Polaril turned to it's strongest ally, the island state of Kyone. Kyone agreed to send several of it's best warriors to attempt to drive The Order out and send them back to the dimension they originated from.

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