Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
This rp is now shifting into far more of a character testing ground! The plot is still to be going on in the meantime, but otherwise anything goes and anything can happen in this place!

[COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]It is said that there is a place where one can become trapped for all eternity. Scattered throughout all time and space it goes by many names and has many faces, but the results are all the same in the end. You can never leave......[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]Or can you? [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]That is your challenge, the only true challenge. Find a way to beat this monstrous place and it's even more monstrous host and his Master. Survive and make it out alive if you can. Simple enough isn't it? The key lies at the heart of the 'Hotel'. Now that it's location is vaguely known, it has been a fight to get to it. [/COLOR]

Beware the nasty creatures that wander the castle. Some are merely small, weak monsters while others are Eldritch abominations that can drive a man insane just by their form and some...some are the very people you called friends and allies.

A few words of warning.

You will suffer.

For we are all prisoners here.

[COLOR= rgb(211, 211, 211)]This place lies everywhere and nowhere, every time and no time. A place of all worlds between all [/COLOR]worlds bound to none.


[COLOR= rgb(169, 169, 169)]To all new comers. *bows politely* Welcome to my humble abode. I hope you enjoy your stay.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(169, 169, 169)]To those who have been here many a year, I can't wait to play again.[/COLOR]


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