Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
For those looking to RP in the world of RWBY.

Hello Everyone, I'm Kishune and with my partner, @Nooguy, We are looking for those that want to RP in the world of RWBY. At the moment we are only looking to keep the group small with only two other members to join us. Depending how things go down, we might open up to have more be apart of the RP. But till then we just need two.

We're looking for people who are willing to play characters with Flaws or drawbacks, not Cookie cutter perfect flawless warriors, or copies of the original characters from the RWBY series. We're looking to make a story of self improvement with our characters. We will be playing along the story of RWBY, but not skipping over the team building like the series did. Thus we'll be making our own events through the good part of the RP. But talk of that will be reserved for those that have been be accepted though, you need to follow a few requirements however. They are:
1. You must PM me and @Nooguy a original post of whatever you want, to demonstrate your writing skill. In it you have to at least be Semi-Literate. Meaning you have to be somewhat descriptive with your post. This goes for in the RP as well.
2. You must be active at least once a week. And if you're accepted you are expected to post at least every couple of days.
3. There is a posting order I want followed when 3 or more characters are conversing (This will be established when characters are made)

If you can accept these with no doubts, then you are more and likely able to be apart of the RP. The open slots will be open till we receive at least 5 entries. So if you want a spot in the RP, then you might want hurry and prepare...but don't rush too mush. don't want to make a sloppy post.

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