Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
7v7 team based Fate Rp


Ten years have passed since the last Holy Grail war and once again the clouds of war descend. The battlefield has been set in Novobrisk Russia, and as the Church and Clocktower prepares for the coming battles a third party sets its plan into motion. The church placed in charge of the Grail was attacked and its defenders were slaughtered by an organization known as Libertas who used a corrupted church member to gain access into the church. Libertas tried to forcefully summon the Grail so that they would be able to tamper with it. The plan backfired and the grail was unable to be summoned, however the influx of unholy magic mixed with the grail’s dark energies and tainted it. Needing away to purge itself of the Taint, the grail has changed the rules of war. Two teams of seven will fight it out and the remaining team of servants and masters will receive their wish. To make matters worse the teams will be the original servant classes of Saber, Rider, Lancer, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, and Archer on one team against the seven alternates of Gatekeeper, Alter Ego, Avenger, Beast, Savior, Shielder, and Gunner.

Clocktower agents and members of the Church have hurried to ensure they are able to summon the original seven classes so that they may return the Grail to its rightful state and save the world while Libertas has claimed the seven alternates. Now what side are you? Are you a mage who wishes to save the world or to enslave it? Pick your side and join the fight for it is one the world will soon not forget.

Head GM: @IronXenon
Assistant Gm’s: @Arlo Hayes @AaronVolcano24 @Dante Verren

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