Introduction/overview from main page (in preparation for the site move, please don't delete)


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
A group of shinigami are stuck in Hueco Mundo, can they make it out alive?

~Rules and Expectations~

1) There are no starting captains. Nor anyone starting with Bankai. 

2) The GM is open to ideas. 

3) He's also open to saying no. 

4) For newcomers, just pretend your character was an NPC in the background during all event. No one else but these guys is showing up to Hueco Mundo.

5) We're not grammar nazi's, but please have legible posts of 2-3 paragraphs.

6) Restating the above, this IS a detailed RP, you can see that on that on the tags. We expect ADVANCED post. 2-3 paragraphs, and solid character development.

7) Posting Expectation: 1-2 times a week

8 )Rotation: Don't post circles around people. Pick someone, and stay behind them more or less. If something big happens IC, or suddenly effects your character directly, you may break it.

9) I won't kill your character for being stupid IC 90% of the time. I will however maim them horribly and not feel bad about it. Also, I reserve that 10%.

10) Spoiler alert: Inactive characters die. Consider the setting, probably fairly easily. Let the GM's know if something comes up, otherwise, we'll send a notice to next of kin.

11) IC threads are by locations.

12) I expect character arcs. Development will be a HUGE part of the RP. I want to focus the RP on each and everyone's characters.

13) I delegate... alot. If I'm leading an arc, someone dun goofed. Also, heads up, may ask you to lead.
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