Introduction of mine


Caster of Illusions
Hallo hallo! My name is AbraxasNine and this is a small introduction of mine! Silly me, being so lazy as to wait this long just to put one up. Without further hesitation, allow me to do a presentation.

The name Abraxas originates from a character I made long ago, but never really let live to potential.

My main sights are set on fantasy/ sci-fi / and fandoms, but don't be afraid to pester me about something outside of the box! I have an awkward habit of asking people about their dreams, so pay no mind and ignore me if it is too odd.

My two true loves are anime and of course writing. Though both seem to like biting me every now and again as they are quite unfriendly neighbors that just can't walk hand in hand.

For some reason I find myself strangely drawn to brighter shades of red, or far deeper shades of blue. So I may get stuck in a silly fit between pictures and end up making multiple sheets.

Back to writing, my favorite genre is probably romance amongst the various settings. But then again, it is rather difficult to find a decent long term romance. Best of luck that a good story is waiting out there ^^?

My original hopes were to bury myself into a thread for self-write stories. In hopes of drawing others in with my writing and being invited to their own stories. I am just odd like that, and it feels better when someone asks you to join in due to skill right?

If there is such a thread for self-writing please do give me a link. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you!
If you wish to do a romance and hopefully into mythology, specifically norse mythology or even greek mythology I can hook you up ;) And if you wish I dont mind starting a 1x1 with you. I'm not exactly sure if there is a thread where you write a story by yourself but 1x1 (where its only two people) would be the closest and technically everyone writes their own stories and mix them together. You can even make your own thread if you like with your own idea and MAKE a self-writing thread. There is no rule against it ;)

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