Introducing myself yay


Let's get along
Hello folks. So, I wanted to try roleplaying for a while now. I just kinda found this site on suggestions. I'm not sure where to start, or if this site is good or what the typical age range of roleplayers is in here. I'm not saying that I'm over 30 or something, but you know. I just have the horrid image of ponytown in my mind. Haha...
Basically, I'm new to this and want to give it a shot. Just want to try it for fun.
I think I'll add something more.
I'm 19 and currently into Danganronpa and The Promised Neverland. I enjoy Horror and Guro media. Like Pupa ( the manga) and Junji Ito for example. I also like Pixel RPGs a lot. I usually look out for the "weird" stuff, because I think it's interesting. I like the creativity that goes into it.
I'm more interested in roleplaying fantasy for now.
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