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Fantasy Into The Shadows and Through The Woods {Vampire RP}


~Thank You Based God~
He wipes his glasses as he strolls out of his home using the bottom of his white button up to wash away the remaining flecks of dust that's scattered across the glass. His mom calls out to him through the kitchen window and grunts in reply focusing on his task making sure that every spot is gone before he leaves his house. He's barely out the door and already he can feel the soft heat of his house leaving him as a cold wind passes by him making him shiver slightly. Smiling quickly he brings his glasses up to his face and peers through them before putting them on noting with satisfaction that they're as clear as the day he got them. If you forget the small crack that's barely visible on the left.

The light from his house spills out beside him and he turns and pokes his head through the open door calling out to his mom a quick goodbye before he's gone and the door is closed by behind him. He makes sure he locks it before doing anything else and after that he puts his key away in his side pocket making sure that everything is set and safe for the trip to his friends house.

Almost immediately darkness wraps around him making him shiver despite the fact that he's wearing his warmest jacket. He looks left and right momentarily watching the street lights as they wash against the darkness providing light for the tonight. He keeps a close eye on the one in the distance that flickers though, but he knows it's always been like that ever since he's moved here. Taking a deep breathe he calms his nerves and beings a soft yet brisk pace to Avery St. that veers off on his street to the left. He passes under the night lights watching in a silent fascination as his shadow seems to move on his own.

It takes a few moments to get there, but he knows the streets by heart. He knows every curve of the road, the well made houses that always have their grasses trimmed, and the eventually he passes by the flickering street light. The stars above him are scant and far, but he can pick out a few constellations that always seem to be there no matter how many times he's looked up since his childhood. They glitter faintly against the black sky masking the night in a beautiful complexion. It's his favorite time of the night when everything is silent and still and for once the kids from the neighborhood are finally asleep. He shivers at the thought of hearing the constant yelling of the two five year olds near his house.

Ever since school starter the days have been getting chillier and chillier and even he, who has a good tolerance for cold weather, is starting to get annoyed as does the rest of the town. He tugs his jacket close to his chest and breathes out watching his breathe come out in a steamy mist that vanishes as it climbs higher and higher. He swallows down the jittery feeling in his belly as he anticipates the night before him. He can't wait for the carnival, he tell himself as he tries to take his mind off the eerie silence, and he wants to see everything light up in the night.


pushes past him and he smiles as he sees his friends' house before him. Only a few more feet before he's there and to be honest he can't wait. He stops suddenly and peers over his shoulder to look at the dark street. He doesn't know why he stopped and maybe it's because of the creepypasta he read a few minutes on his computer while getting ready. He rolls his eyes and begins to walk, but he doesn't shake the feeling that something is watching him.

Besides what could be out tonight? He tells himself this only because he doesn't see the pair of red eyes and tall figure peering at from under the street light. Only when he turns around it's gone and once again it's pushed out of his mind.

Jack watched the flickering lamps from his dark room. He left his window open for the cool breeze of the night to cool the temperature of his naturally warm room. He hadn't snuck out before, but he felt like his parents never really understood that disciplining him wouldn't make him obey, actually, it made him more interested in rebellion. He sat by his window patiently. he was stuck in his room with a cold dinner by his side. he gave a loud sigh to himself and waited. he looked down at his phone, it was almost 11 at night, you'd think he be here by now.

Jack hadn't planned tonight. a carnival wasn't really ever his idea of fun, but he supposed it wouldn't be too bad accompanying Leo. as the night drew closer to it's peak, he looked out the window to a figure walking up the sidewalk. he assumed it was Leonardo. he watched him etch his was across the street towards his house but noticed his pause. he watched leo look back to the house that had been foreclosed for months. it was such old news, that jack had completely forgotten about it most days.

He crept quietly down the stairs of his two story house. It was a nice house with four bedrooms, one of which was empty due to a relative that went missing years ago. They kept the door to that room shut and preserved for their mental states. it was a terrible memory that they all chose to ignore the best they could. he crawled on his toes past the darkened moonlight that helped his shadow dance across the floor in the most elegant way. he paused as he reached for the front door. shoes! shoes were essential. he turned back toward the kitchen and grabbed his boots. he loved to wear them because they were so comfy and let his feet breath the heat in cold nights like tonight.

Jack hopped quietly out his squeaky front door. it wasn't much help that he stumbled a small bit with the lock. the blast of cold air froze his hair at first contact. he smiled, the cold had always accepted him with a cozy nip. there was something comforting about the cold. Maybe it was as simple as the numbness of his finger tips. he glanced down the street to Leo as he approached the house. jack met him halfway and greeted him with the slightest of nods. he gave him a simple grin. "How's it going?" he said with a smile creeping along his cheek. he closed his arms around him to preserve heat. "It's so damn cold!" Jack had never been one to complain, but the cold always brought on some sort of complaint. he looked at his old friend with a comfy smile that could only be created through a thick and strong friendship.

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