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One x One Internecion - Lore


Mistress of Time and Space
World Building Idea:

The date is 159 M.D. (Modern Day), it's been a century since we discovered other worlds that could be inhabited properly by humans. The zones in which these worlds reside in space are known as "sectors". Some sectors are controlled by contemporary gangs, mafias, and terrorists. Others by official bureaucratic organizations. The most infamous being the Prime Syndicate. But the majority of the sectors are freelance worlds with their own governments and secular systems.

The discovery of each and every sector allowed for the human race to expand and grow exponentially. Now, with more than trillions and trillions of people occupying these spaces, a new form of transportation was craved by the masses. Thus various forms of "gateways" were born.

]Travel between sectors is most commonly done through
ingress gateways, a form of teleportation portal that condenses time and space, a thousand times quicker than outdated space shuttles. They were developed by scientists at the end of the previous era.

In one of the more infamous sectors, typically called the
Focus Sector, such a gateway exists. However, what makes the main world of this zone different than any other is that:

1. It is the only sector to contain only one ingress gateway.

2. It is the largest sector.

3. It is controlled by heretics of the Prime Syndicate, people who have banded togather as bounty hunters and assassins with one goal in mind. To take down the Prime Syndicate and join together all other sectors. Some claim them to be radical terrorists or perhaps modernized conquerors. They believe themselves to be simply the Galactic Mercenaries Union (G.M.U), a group wanting to rid the world of corrupt governments and "free" all.

---End World Building---

Personal Rough Plot:

  • The assassin would play as a high ranking member of the G.M.U.

  • The target would play as the assassin's next job. They would currently hold or held in the past a posistion important to a sector other than the Focus Sector.

  • For some reason or another the assassin would be unable to eliminate their target for the first time in their life.

  • Chaos eventually would ensue down the line, revolving around the assassin and the target.

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