Interlude 1- A Band of Misfits

Alicia Day

Alicia's attention was stolen by the purple-haired girl with the squeaky voice. Her bubbliness was nice, bringing a smile to Alicia's face. For a moment she reconsidered coming to the party simply because that girl was so nice about inviting them. She waved to the purple-haired girl -or was it pink?- and mouthed, 'Thank you! Maybe, we will see!' Although, she wasn't sure if that girl could read lips... Hm. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal; Alicia had decided not to go, she hadn't yet changed her mind on that.

Suddenly another interacted with her and Leise, although it appeared he was really just speaking to her, since Leise seemed fine. His offer was surprising. "Wait. You can fix my sprained wing?" she asked, her voice laced with delighted surprise. She had never met someone who could do that before! Her mom knew how to tend to a sprained wing well enough. It was a fairly lengthy -but not too lengthy- process to set it and treat it, to get it to heal. Not even her mom knew how to speed up the recovery process like this boy seemed to indicate that he could. Intriguingly, giving him a quick look-over, he appeared to be a human! Even more surprising! "But.. you're a human..." Alicia murmured, not meaning to come off as racist as that sounded. Her mom would've said something similar, but probably in a much more pissy tone. Her mother had gotten a lot better about trusting humans, though. Nothing like how she was in the past -from the stories she told Alicia.

Finally, yet another student came up to have a chat. Ah, it was that other Faunus from the initiation! A quick smile lit up Alicia's face, finding someone she felt kinship with. Again that was probably a slightly racist feeling, feeling kinship with a Faunus, but not the other humans. It was just something she couldn't help but feel excited about. "Hi there, I remember you!" Alicia blurted out, before her mouth was forced to close to listen to the excitable Faunus.

When she said 'isn't going to fly', Alicia's face contorted into a certain discomforted frown, glancing back at her sprained wing. It was rude to comment so loosely about some Faunus's ability to fly when she was injured. "Hehe, nonsense! I'm sure you would've been fine," Alicia downplayed her own involvement. "There were trees for cover... And Aura would've protected you from being skewered." She leaned in, "You do have Aura unlocked, don't you?" A weird question coming from her, who considered her own Aura reserve to be pretty abysmal. Her Aura Control even worse. Still, this girl had her Semblance unlocked, which had to mean she had Aura.

"Why, thank you; that's a real considerate and supportive sentiment. I hope it does, too. You might need to go to the infirmary yourself," Alicia suddenly pointed out, pointing down at the girl's stubbed toe. "I appreciate all of what you said. It certainly gives a Dove a lot to consider; I will ruminate on it. Truly, it means a lot, thank you, Miss Kitty." Alicia glanced over, wondering if the question was aimed at her. "Oh -uh... um... I am unsure..?"

Keidivh Keidivh Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Hanarei Hanarei Cruor Flumine Cruor Flumine
Entropia ReynardComing up behind the conversing birby and 'Puma' Entropia threw her arms around the shoulders of the two, being careful in Alicia's case not to rough up the wing she injured in their collision. It seemed to her that it was both a bit crowded while at the same time people were starting to trickle out of the dorms all the same.

"Com'n we don't need those jerks! Beside I think those two are going for a 'Private party. Oh I have an idea! You two are both from outta Vale right? How bout I show you two around a bit!"" The fox offered with her customary cheeky grin, looking back and forth between the two of them. Truth be told even if she wasn't showing it in the most obvious of ways, the fox really did want to make up to the tiny little bird that she now had in one arm. That and she really didn't like seeing just how down trodden the perky Puma was looking at the moment at having been left behind by the others.

Before they could even accept the offer the merry fox began to half lead them half drag them out of the room. "So where would you like to go first? There's the mall we could go shopping, or maybe this little ice cream shop I love. Oohhhh I think I know! There's this little watering hole I like to go to they got these fruity drinks with the little umbrellas, you could say it really sets the bar!"
With a small sigh, he watched the two girls be dragged out of the room by another hyperactive one. With silent footsteps, he followed close behind the group of girls. Calling upon his semblance, he started to glow the same teal color that his mists were shaded. Cupping his hands, Hirrakirri blew into them, the mist flowing from his lips and almost piling into his hands.

Being careful as to not step on her heel or bump her injured wing, Hirra lifted his cupped hands over Alicia’s injured wing before allowing the mist to slowly pour out over it. He did this until her whole wing, from tip to base, was covered in the blue-green mist. This is where the healing factor would begin to set in, working to repair the torn ligament, rather speedily too. Soon enough, the ligament and bone would have been fully repaired. However, just to be sure, Hirrakirri kept his focus on healing the wing a bit longer, just to be safe.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Keidivh Keidivh Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Elle Santiago Elle Santiago
Livana Gemalde

It seemed Alicia was quite determined to convince herself that she was completely useless during initiation, no matter what Livana or anyone else said. Sure, she hadn't been able to do a lot during the battle, but what she did for her was incredible! Of course it was true, she had Aura like any other Huntsman, but hers was next to useless as she focused much of her Essence into her combat abilities and semblance, it didn't leave much in the way of protection for her. "Heh, well, not as much as you would think. Maybe I wouldn't have been skewered, but it would have messed me up pretty bad. I guess I just have a penchant for being a tad bit dramatic." She stated with a giggle, knowing how much of an understatement that was.

When Alicia suggested that Livana needed to go to the infirmary as well, she couldn't understand why, not being able to see her gesture towards her poor toe. She could only assume it was because one of her clutziness. Then the girl thanked her before calling her... Ms. Kitty. Kitty? Had she not just said what she was! "Um, actually I'm not a cat, I'm a Pum-AH!" The Faunus yelped as she was enveloped by someone's arms.

Judging by the voice, it must have been Entropia, who seemed eager to drag the two of them off to enjoy Vale. Now that she thought on it, she had never gotten to 'see' Vale before. It'd be nice to explore her new home a bit! "That sounds nice, where would you want to-Eep!" It seemed the Puma would never get a word out, with Entropia now dragging the two off. "Heh, well seeing as I've already been abducted, might as well enjoy it. Besides, I could never say no to fruity drinks!"

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Cruor Flumine Cruor Flumine Hanarei Hanarei



☹︎☜︎✋︎?︎☜︎ ☝︎☼︎☜︎✡︎

Beacon’s weird, thought Leise. And what a strange man, she continued, purposefully ignoring the weird eyes and mannerisms that he had. She put her thoughts away from him just as quickly as he appeared and disappeared because there were more pressing issues at hand. Mainly, Alicia had been swamped with their other teammate, faunus at that (not that she was racist, but the fact that she was human meant that there was less possibility that Alicia would want to be friends more with her when there are friendlier faunus around).

Indeed, it felt like in that short instance of time, the Puma faunus that she still hadn’t gotten the name (or perhaps, merely forgotten) had already connected and alleviated Alicia’s perceived weakness in the battlefield and the black-haired Fox faunus dragged Puma and Alicia off to god knows where. Leise froze in her spot, already feeling her friend slipping away from her hands.

She was knocked out of it when she saw that monk guy (she needed to remember names better, but she was sure she’d remember it later) follow the girls along, that strange green mist thing on his hand, then billowing up to Alicia’s wings. Leise followed him and the rest of them. She readied her phone, typing, making sure to avoid Haru-- uh, Hiku-- no, Hiru-- Hikari’s? name. That didn’t sound right… Making sure to avoid his name.

“Is your semblance healing?” Leise jerked her head towards the mist, asking Hikari. “How long does it do its work? I’m assuming its dependent on the injuries? What’s the worst you can heal?”

Cruor Flumine Cruor Flumine Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Keidivh Keidivh Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long
Alicia Day

"Oh, well, I'm grateful I could provide you help, then, Ms. Kitty!" she replied, with a simple smile. "Oh, but pumas are cats.. -Oof!" Alicia shifted just a bit when someone came up behind her and put their arm around her. It was the other girl from initiation -the one who fell on top of her. Instictually, she winced a bit when this girl touched her, a sharp painful memory flashed through her wing and mind. "Yes, I am from Mistral," she stated. Little birbie listened to all the suggestions, thinking about them, "I've never went shopping with a friend.. All those sound good, though!"

"Ah?!?" Alicia gasped, feeling someone start.. doing something to her wing. Glancing quickly over, she saw the boy running his hands over her wing. And with his hands, some strange mist. She could feel the mist swirling around her wing. It felt... it felt good -very good, in fact! Soon she could stretch her wing. There was obvious surprised delight on her cute little face. Stretching out her wing, she 'danced' around a little bit. "Wo-wow!! Remarkable! M-my wing! It feels good as new! Perfect, even! Better than I remember my wing ever feeling!" She flapped it, stirring up wind in the room. A gust of wind blew right into Leise's, the boy's, and the other two faunus's faces. "O-oops!~" Alicia chirped, grimacing at blowing annoying wind at everyone. "Hehe.. excuse me, but my wing! It's a miracle!" She rushed over to the boy, accidentally brushing by Leise in her excitement -not even noticing; something she would never have done otherwise! Alicia then grabbed both his hands, looking up at his face with glittering blue eyes. Shaking his hand, she squeaked out, "Thank you, thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!! Thank you, mister, for healing my wing! You're a miracle worker! Is there anything I can do to repay your good graces??"

Keidivh Keidivh Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Hanarei Hanarei Cruor Flumine Cruor Flumine Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long
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Hirrakirri smiled at the young woman, even as his hands were being shaken excitedly. "No repayment is necessary. This is merely an act of kindness." He said to the excited faunus girl. If he heard correctly, her name was Alicia? "I hope it will not give you anymore trouble anytime soon, Alicia. It was my pleasure in assisting a friend with their injuries." The glow in his eyes was just now fading away from using his semblance as mist dissipated at their feet and from the wind cause by Alicia.

Turning to the other one who had spoken to him, he nodded. "My semblance is indeed a form of healing, but it is also a form of defense. As for its specifics...Well, I can't say I rightly know. For certain, it will heal minor injuries such as cuts, bruises, strains, and other such injuries. As for how long, it is dependent on the injury itself." He stopped for a moment to assess the final question she had posed.

"Its full capabilities are still unknown to me. After all, that is why I am here. To further my training."

Keidivh Keidivh Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Hanarei Hanarei Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Vatra Milost
// Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe

Vatra kept walking as the boy talked, walking down the stairs when they reached them with a slight bounce in her step. She nodded in agreement when he brought up initiation, "Oh, yeah. It was crazy. Being atop a collapsing tower was beyond my greatest nightmares." She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looked both ways, grabbed the boy's arm again and dragged him off in a random direction. She'd seen the little area designed to act as a mini, self-serve cafe in the cafeteria before leaving for initiation earlier in the day, but never had the chance to indulge. She remembered the cafeteria being somewhere near the locker bay, but she wasn't quite sure... Must've knocked some neurons loose when that tower collapsed. I should sue.

The timid girl marched on, letting the boy's arm go after a few seconds, "My name's Vatra, by the way. Vatra Milost. I'm from Mistral. What about you?" Vatra spoke, on keeping the conversation rolling while they walked.
Joshua listened as the girl continued to speak about initiation and the nightmarish initiation. Suddenly, his arm was grasped and yet again, she dragged him, but he was ready this time as it wasn't so much dragging instead leading while his medicine bag bumped against him. They soon reached a small cafeteria and he was released. "My name's Vatra, by the way. Vatra Milost. I'm from Mistral. What about you?"
"Well I'm actually from around here" Joshua began "Dad taught me how to be a huntsman as well as how to take care of myself in the rough." Joshua shrugged, "So I didn't go to a traditional school. However, Mistral, wow, I wish I could travel there one day."
Not Calm Not Calm



☹︎☜︎✋︎?︎☜︎ ☝︎☼︎☜︎✡︎

Leise couldn’t help the smile on her face as she watched Alicia rejoice after being healed by Hikari’s semblance. Smiles and laughters were contagious, after all. That smile froze a bit, however, when Alicia flapped her wings and gusts of wind hit Leise on the face. The glasses she had on (only cosmetic for now) pressed hard against her face, the frame touching her eyelashes, the bridge of the glasses digging in the bridge of her nose.

And then her smile turned strained as Alicia brushed past her. Leise had to admit, she didn’t quite like that feeling--of being dismissed. But then, she watched the bird faunus excitedly fawn over and thank Hikari (pretty sure she still had the wrong name but she was close) for using his semblance on her. That kind of genuine-ness was difficult to fake, and so far, Alicia had just been… well, nice. Maybe it’s best to stop being too much of a worrier right now.

Hikari’s response to her made Leise feel better, grounding herself to his answers. Healing as a semblance. It was definitely valuable, very valuable. It was good to know that he knew what he could heal and that his semblance wasn’t instant. He should not be taken for granted, but still it was good to be thankful for his presence. She nodded, looking very interested because she was.

“That’s a very valuable semblance.” She smiled, giving him a thumbs-up, repeating her own thoughts. “It’s reassuring to have you as a member of the team.” And then, Leise looked at Alicia, her fingers typing words up when she looked at the black-haired faunus and the Puma (?) faunus. “Isn’t she cute?” She said, referring to the excitable bird faunus.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long Cruor Flumine Cruor Flumine Keidivh Keidivh
Alicia Day

Alicia stared at the boy in utter shock. He didn't require any repayment? Nothing necessary to show her appreciation?! This boy truly was a saint! "Oh my, no, sir! I can tell; it is filled with new life! Thank you again!" she purred happily, bowing to him. "You are a saint amongst humans!" She paused, registering what he said. Then she looked up at him, astonished once more, "We are friends?!?!" Her cheeks turned lightly pink. "Oh, my! Oh, my! I must have woken up under a lucky star this day! I have found a saint, and we are friends! I have acquired a few friends today, in fact! How miraculous!! How blessed am I!" Her wings gave a few agreeing flaps of utter delight. She righted herself, standing there posed with a big dumb grin on her face. Her mood from before did a complete 180, completely uplifted.

Keidivh Keidivh Elle Santiago Elle Santiago Hanarei Hanarei Cruor Flumine Cruor Flumine Yang Xiao Long Yang Xiao Long
Vatra Milost
// Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe

Vatra nodded, "Mistral is beautiful in the fall. It's too bad I'm missing that. You're right for wanting to travel there." She bragged, crossing her arms as she walked, "What'd you say before that? Oh, shoot, right, something about your father. My father works his coffee house alongside my mother. Neat, right?" She nodded, "It's pretty neat."

Sighing, Vatra turned her head to face the boy, "How are you liking Beacon so far, Joshua? If I'm being totally honest, it's much different from home. It's a harsh transition. Is it that way for you, too?" She uncrossed her arms, fumbling with the scroll in her pocket. Something like a scroll had been a rare sight her entire life, but it was already starting to feel normal to her... What else would Beacon change about her?
Joshua listened as Vatra spoke about how beautiful Mistral was and it made him want to go there even more. "Beacon is Beacon I guess," Joshua continued. "My Sister hasn't found me yet, which is a good thing to be honest. Apart from that however, I guess it is a bit of a shock. I've been groomed to go here however, since my dad handled all of my training both in huntsman and in using this." Joshua pointed to the bag that hung on his shoulder and would move when he did.
Not Calm Not Calm

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