Grey said:
During therapy scenes you can remember things, and how much will vary with the item. It could be a single line or a whole scene.
Ok, what about random flashbacks during non therapy scenes?
Hmmmm. Research shows that if someone with a twin develops psychosis, their twin is much more likely to do so themselves.

*stares pointedly*
Unfortunately (though I'm certainly not complaining much) I'm going to be incommunicado from Thursday through to Monday on account of last minute plans for a cruise. There's a small chance I'll have a signal of some sort, but don't count on it.
Hey everyone! I haven't heard anything about this in a bit. @Grey, are we waiting for someone to post or are you just bogged down irl? No sweat, just checking in. :)
I think I was waiting for someone, but it's possible I didn't see the alert when they finally posted. I'll get something up later.
If this dies, I will grumble. It will be adorable, but it will also strike guilt into your heart, and nobody wants that.
It really annoys me that for some reason I do not get notifications for this.

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