

Suffers from Selective Memory
Hello everyone! So I’m sure everyone’s noticed the art competition(and if you haven’t then you better!), right? Well keeping that in mind I bring forth something I’ve wanted to ask for awhile that I think would be a cool addition to the newsletter this coming august as well as something I’ve simply wanted to ask for awhile.

So I’m sure we can all agree as writers, artists, or poets that something out there just inspires us, right? You know, just anything that really gets your gears churning? So I have come forth to beg of you an answer to this question folks,

What inspires you? What really gets those gears moving? What helps you make your greatest work?

I can only have so many included in the newsletter but you can bet that this thread will be linked so that everyone can come and read further as well as share their own inspirations. Hey, maybe someone here will have something that inspires you! Or maybe even you will say something that helps someone else get inspired! Inspiration is a great thing, so here, have an inspirational quote!

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
Vince Lombardi
Inspiration inspires me

All my ideas are spawn of air [instantaneous] or spawned from dreams [relative randomness]

The downside to that however is I very rarely have ideas, at least ones that both I and others enjoy

I would make reference to my Ode to Imagination. Though now that it is several years old I hate it, at the time I found it to be very indicative of my work as a whole. I might redo it, or edit it for a better overall composition.
My inspiration(s) are the people I love and care about. As well as nature, be it the birds, breeze, sunset, or trees.

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man.
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AllHailDago said:
My inspiration(s) are the people I love and care about. As well as nature, be it the birds, breeze, sunset, or trees.
You are the type of person I wish I could be

Well, I went to reread my ode. To see what I felt of it. At first I felt it was still rather good, maybe a few tweaks. Then I got to the end and...


I do not think it is salvageable, back to the drawing board.
So right, the definition of 'inspire' is 'to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.)', or 'to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence'. This does imply that different things inspire different actions for us. If you had asked what inspired me to be such a cancerous tumour to this site, I would have answered "The blood of whores and clowns spilled on the pavement and on the edge of my home-made shiv. Also, the general reaction of people having to handle my insufferable irony. "

What drives me to write, what inspires me to create? Music. There is no one song that has the same emotion. Dig around long enough, and you'll find any number of songs with a certain 'feel' to them. Laziness, excitement, sorrow, pity, anger... peace. And once the flow of the music seeps into me, everything else becomes second nature. I am able to create a scene, a setting, a story to tell from just a song itself. You could say I draw emotions and feelings from music and put them in my work. It's like vampirism. I'm a vampire. I'm a music vampire. KONO DIO DA!

There is another thing. It's the fact that I am literally the WORST at anything else. I can't draw, I can't sing, I don't have the best speaking voice, I am definitely the most meh player in any game ever, I'm not even good at graphic designing... I can't make nice things in literally everything else. So, I stick with writing, because that's the only thing I know how to do. The fact that I'm complete SHIT at everything else is possibly one of the strongest driving forces that makes me want to write more. So perhaps, you could see this as turning failures into...something looking less like a fail?

Right, right, you're not here to hear about how much I suck at everything else, you're here for an inspirational quote.

Listen to your heart. When it stops beating, seek medical attention immediately.
4Chan Anon, Probably

Did you seriously think I could have made a serious one?
It's great people that inspire me. The really great ones; the virtuosos, the daring, the masters of their craft. The people that go above and beyond in what they do. Watching them, reading about them, learning about them, just thinking about them...stirs something in my soul. I want to do what they do. I could care less about praise or being successful. I want to be one; be an artist in whatever I do.

When I watch renowned pianists close their eyes, sway their bodies and feel the music as their fingers play, I get jealous. When a conductor falls in line with the music, waving their hands with ease and making faces of delight at their following orchestra, I get jealous. That's what I want. I want to reach brilliance in everything that I do. I refuse to not put in my absolute best. With all that I work on, I take a serious, no-nonsense approach, because I'm not looking to play games with the learning process. To become an expert like these people I want to follow, I need practice. Not lazy practice. Real practice that gives a challenge and pushes a person to grow in skill.

I want to become masterful in a lot of things. To carry out something others were too scared to try, with aplomb. To effortlessly and fully create something beautiful in a certain pursuit; like the musician who gets lost dancing in the tones of his own masterpiece.

What inspires me to feel this way? To put my best foot forward? Those illustrious people of the world, past and present, and what they did/do. I want to be one of them. I really do.
I'd have to say that the greatest thing that inspires me is history. I like studying history, and there is just so much that inspires me to create believable characters and events.
It might sound a bit depressing, but I don't really get inspired. I'm sort of going on ahead without any goal of desire. The closest thing I've gotten to inspiration is when I listen to some really emotion music which gets me all depressed, it's surprisingly pleasant.

I always post pictures of my horse in every threads like this, but..... my horse is my major inspiration. No matter how I feel in a day: sad, angry, happy, otherwise, I have to go out to the barn everyday because she needs me. She needs me to feed her, give her water, brush her, love her. Forcing myself to go out to the barn everyday has pulled me out of a lot of dark times.

In return, she always tries so, so hard for me. No matter what I ask her, no matter how big the fence height, no matter how scary the jump looks, no matter how difficult the task I give her, she always gives me 110%. Most people won't understand this, but when riding horses and jumping them over fences, you have to plan the length of the strides to the fence so you don't arrive to a spot that is too short or too long away from the fence. I'm pretty good at figuring it out, but sometimes, I screw up and mess up the striding... It's really awesome when I mess up and I know it's going to go badly, so I just tighten my leg on her, grab some mane, release the reins a little and let her go and do her own thing, and she lifts her head, perks her ears, and tightens her mouth on the bit as if to say "Don't worry mom, I got this."

:P She's my best friend, my kid, my reason to get out of bed every morning.

She may be a horse, but she inspires me to be a better person so I can be better for her.

Sadness and music.

Everyday is full of things that break my heart into a million pieces, and when it's broken, wonderful deep and thoughtful things flow out. Reading a book with a terribly sad ending is the best/worst thing in the world for me. I hate to feel my heart be broken, but I love the feeling inside. That feeling reminds me I'm human, and bad things do happen to good people, it reminds me to be real, it tells me that life sucks, but it gives me the inspiration to write something that also shows the beauty of the world, to maybe re-write the story a bit to suit.

Music is also a great thing to my inspiration, like how right now my mood of typing is seeming to change because I just got on a happy song. Shuffle does wonders for my soul. It gives me the ability to write happy/sad things in the same spot. It allows me to pour emotion into what I type, it allows me to channel my inspiration and pain, towards something wonderful.

Perhaps I should also put this here:

The reason I came here is also what inspires me. I came here to escape the reality of my dad, to escape his verbal abuse and write a story about something/somebody that isn't a psychopath.

When making this account my mom caught me at 11:30 at night asking why I was signing up for a internet site, when my dad had a long day of work planned for us in the morning.

I simply replied "I want to escape dad, I don't like my reality".

She got divorced (after my motivation and his) the next year,

I am not asking for pity and wish that you do not treat me any different 'cause I have some daddy issues.

what inspires me?


You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six.
yogi bera
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Inspirations huh... /coughs as throat itches.

For me, it's kind of hard to pinpoint how I actually got those inspirations for writing, since yeah, I do it for fun. An alternate source of entertainment, as I remembered that I actually got dissatisfied with an ending of a particular series and that really fueled my passion for writing so that I could 'change' it into something... better within my eyes. Even though it's only for my own, but yeah, I don't mind :x

I mostly get my inspirations from other medias, eg. video games, movies, anime, manga and even traveling (those hours long bus rides, driving, they really set my brain off and running, though I have to admit I nearly made some mistakes when I was driving xD ) Yes, I'm quite prone to spacing out, but when it comes to placing those ideas on a written form... it's hard as heck.

I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Adam Savage, Mythbusters
What inspires me?

Mmmm.... My dreams. I'm not called the 'Daydreamer' for nothing y'know? I mean Even my galleries have pictures based mostly of the vivid dreamworlds that I'm fortunate enough to still experience. There are dreams that are sweet, dreams that are realistic, dreams that are funny, nightmares that traumatized me and nightmares that give me a moral or clue to who I am and what I am. It's unfortunate that many adults forget their dreams as soon as they wake up including me but once that were to happen I'll be compelled to look at my hobbies and the sight of my imagination and perspective.

I blame my autism and seemingly my childish nature on my 'strange' circumstance of still remembering my experiences in these worlds none the less I'm satisfied.

My inspiration for story telling is a different matter entirely however. When I write stories alone, I always want this world destroyed or this reality altered. When I roleplay with other individuals I take on a new perspective, the perspective of my childish curiosity to see how this will end. The possibilities of the scripts and overviews are truly unprecedented if one were to fully support the roleplay and complete it. But Alas, Too many roleplays fall down on this site and it comes back with a crushing disappointment that forces me think more negatively on this site and its users.

What still keeps me on this site to continue roleplaying? Not friends. Not Chat buddies. Not Because of boredom or time on my hands, no. Only myself with a small glimmer of hope of seeing a roleplay reaching its completion that will give me the feeling that I craved for the most when it came to writing roleplays in jr.high. That sense of satisfaction, the luke warm feeling within your heart that sinks and rises from the bottom of your heart, the breathes of labor and the weight that leaves your body and loosens you. Grand satisfaction.
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Eh, screw it. Why not say it.

I have many inspirations. Many, many things make me think. But of all the things that do, the Halo video games just make me so creative. Even seeing something related to Halo that is cool can give me the chills and make me instantly want to either draw, write, or read a Halo book. I don't know why, but it seriously inspires me so much. I am sure of that now, since I saw just one Halo post on tumblr a minute ago and now I want to either read a Halo book, write something in the Halo world, or draw something to do with Halo. It just inspires me so much. And since it was made with Halo, Red vs. Blue does the same to me. I have a feeling that is all due to the fact that Halo 3/ODST was the first video game I ever played, though. That seems like a legit reason.

This man does. He is a monster.

Would you rather live 70 years as a lamb or 30 years as a lion?
Honestly, reading the responses, music is one of the bigger influences for a user. For me, I don't necessarily have the idea pop in my head [like some sort of epiphany or what not]. What tends to happen is that someone gives me a new track to listen to or I stumble on a new song. Even revisiting old bands tend to get the gears going. Slowly, it cranks and cranks until a image flickers... and BAM! An entire picture forms, and I'm not talking about a single silhouette. I'm talking giant mural as vast as the Sistine Chapel depicting an entire universe with all these hidden characters involved. I can see these phantoms going through the motions of life set in said world. I can see the colors of the leaves and smell exactly what's cooking [and the Rock ain't around]. This foreign setting just latches into my brain like a leech and sucks my attention dry until I do something to let it loose. Whether it's merely talking about it, creating a character based on said universe, or creating a whole thread with every little detail I saw [even if it dies in one go or never sees the light again]. Though, from time to time, the aspects of comedic situation comes from my own life. Whether I'm observing something I think is funny, heard something, or end up the butt of the joke, I can't help but want to try and recreate it in a post.


I am typically inspired by music, and stories or ideas in other media. Often I'll see, read, or hear something and think 'yes, but how much further can we push this idea?'
Wow, reading about what inspires others is really interesting. It seems like a personal thing, and definitely ties in with personality.

I can't tell if it has anything to do with it, but I have a practically nonexistent sense of self. I can list my likes and dislikes, what's fun and what isn't, but if you asked me about my personality or who am I, I'd be kinda lost. I always hated those assignments in school that you have to do at the beginning of the year where you write about yourself.

There's nothing special that makes me write. I'm bored, and for some reason, writing can be fun.

As for where my ideas come from, it's also whatever I think might be fun. I get really spontaneous ideas that come from almost nowhere I can see. Things that are barely related can lead to other things. My latest really bad humor thread came when i was sitting around at work, feeling horribly bored and trapped because my current task is to copy and paste emails into a group in google contacts. There's 1720 emails. Caves have nothing to do with that, but somehow when I was thinking of how it would be funner to go home where I can watch animoos, it popped into my head, and I was like "lol why not"

My facebook is nothing but shitpost, like status saying "reincarnate me into a pile of dirt"

I share them with pine, they always go ''wtf how do you come up with this so fast''

I have no idea, honestlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I've had OCs be created when I look at a shirt withyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyya really condescending phrase on it, and I was like, "I'm making an oc out of this"

Usually OCs come into being when I'm reading about the rp, and `1yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

my cat wanted to contribute to this

shes so precious, i will let her

But anyways, OC's personality traits can come from random things like a shirt or a youtube channel where the uploader does nothing but display creepily realistic masks, or after looking at the rp I get ideas for what could create some interesting scenarios

It almost all boils down to boredom, fun, and spontaneity.

I don't really have any , . ' ` *~inspiration~* ` ' . ,
It may sound a little weird (or expected) but nothing motivates me like anger. Of course, due to my jolly personality on RPN that may sound a little far-fetched too. Most of the time in real life I look slightly irritated and that is the case usually. I just am. And you know what goes well with that? Aggressive music. I love it! I'm all about the complex electronic and instrumental heavy metal. Sometimes I just hate lyrics in a song because they deter from the melody unless the voice is distorted in such a way it becomes the melody, with exceptions, of course. I just get infuriated and put it all on paper, either by drawing or writing.
Dreams are a big one for me. Most of the time I don't remember much of them, but every once in a while an aspect of a dream sticks with me all day and I keep just thinking about it until it works it's way into a story or character idea.

The other big thing for me is traveling. Seeing new places and landmarks always give me all sorts of new ideas and inspiration.

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