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Realistic or Modern Insignia | The Rivalry

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Before you even think about making a character, please check the overview for the plot and rules.

I promise you, I am not as strict as I sound or proclaim myself to be. :)
Madison Foalan | Foalan Pack

Madison had started waking up with headaches since the day the rivalry werewolf packs got combined. She didn't think in a million years that she would see two of the most rivaled packs, who had been at war for a long time, combine. It still shocked her till this day and she wondered what the hell the two elder Alphas were thinking. A low growl came from her chest as she opened her eyes from her slumber, underneath a cocoon of blankets. She rolled out of her bed then opened the curtains, the blinding sun kissing her face when she did.

She slipped out of her room and went down the stairs, searching around to see if anyone was present. Luckily, she was the first one up. She raised a brow about what to do and just decided to make a small breakfast, meaning that it was enough for her pack members. She cooked with a smirk and wondered what would the Bleddyn pack members think, especially their Alpha, Eric, who she hated with an colossal amount of passion and she would definitely admit it to his face.

Madison had finish preparing breakfast and coffee then fixed five plates, one of the being for herself. She actually cared for her pack and knew that they needed their strength, especially after nearly killing the Bleddyn pack the first week. She had her fair share of bouts with members of the Bleddyn pack but most of them were with Eric. Her mind wandered why the Elder pack members would even think to put them into the same house on the outskirts of the campus anyway. They did want an eternal war? With a sigh, she shook her head of all the thoughts and just wanted to make the best of things.

"Foalan pack, breakfast!" She called out while standing at the edge of the stairs and she dared a Bleddyn bastard to come and touch her pack members food. She'd probably kill them, if a member of their pack wouldn't save them first. A soft chuckle escaped over her lips at the thought then looked to see if her pack mates were coming down for their annual morning breakfast. Madison sat down in a chair at the end of the table, leaned back, sipping on a fresh mug of hot coffee. Foalan versus Bleddyn was indeed going to ensue especially since they're all living under one roof.

This was a really bad idea.
Ksenia Solo/Damian Solo

The sun streamed into Ksenia's room. She sighed and rolled away from the window. With a groan,she looked at the clock. It was to damn early. And someone was cooking breakfast again. With this shit. Every damn day of the weak. She put her pillow over her face and screamed. With one final groan she hoisted herself up and went to shower before all the other mutts had a chance. She finished and dried herself off.

Ksenia finally wound up dressing in jeans, a black T-shirt, and leather boots. She grabbed her keys,purse and jacket. With one final glance in the mirror she trudged out of her room. She spotted her brother doing the same as well. She rolled her eyes ever since he got back, he was to dam protective of her. She had been through hell and back. She however loved his company. She needed him around.

Damian woke to the smell of breakfast. Every damn day they cooked a meal just for there pack. He put his pillow over his head. That didn't help when he heard his sister's muffled screams. He knew she was up. With a small smile, he got up showered, messed with his hair and slipped into a nice pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt boots and a leather Jacket. He and his sister were so different yet so similar.

He finally stepped out of his room to wait for her. Upon seeing. Her look he smirked."oh come on you should of known I hear that scream. Now up to go out and grab a bite before class?" He asked her.

Ksenia gave him a look."wrong choice of words and breakfast before class sure your on,but your paying. No way in hell, I am for a 3rd time in a row." She said. They made there way down and saw the alpha of the other pack. They gave each other a look, they were worse then twins with there looks. Ksenia sighed and grabbed a coffee mug and coffee. She made some for Damian."No thanks for offering were good going out to eat as usual. Have a nice a day." Ksenia said sarcastically which sounded sincere for her. She was always sarcastic it was hard to tell when she was being serious or not. Damian gave the alpha an I am sorry look. He made the she is cranky tired look and followed his sister out.

She walked out with Damian."Come on Kse you have to be so mean to the girl?" He asked."same shit just a different day Damian. The least she could do is offer,not that I take it. Why starting to go soft on me" she teased. He growled."come on lets get your sarcastic ass some breakfast." He said."me sarcastic, nooo come on Damian you know me better." She said as they walked along talking.



Cold sunshine peered through the lavender sky while the gust of air whiffed away the clouds. The Moon had long gone down, dismantled by witty sun rays wading across the forest mire and flickering through the dense foliage of trees. Some blasts of wind shook the window of Ash's room, which, grating on rusty old hinges, was left ajar last night. Twined within the ruckled sheets, Ash felt a flare of delight upon the scent of pine and wet grass creeping in, a pleased groan poured from his thin, pale lips. His body made a spasmodic jerk upon the quite long and requisite stretch. Despite having worn himself out completely while chasing after the Moon at the deaf hour of the night before hitting the hay, Ash appeared to be more refreshed and elevated than usual. Perhaps it was the peculiar dream he had at the crack of dawn that brightened his mood. He covertly laughed to himself, nipping the bridge of his nose and rubbing his eyelids. What he had been dreaming of wasn't as clear as day; alas, his smug smile lingered on his lips as if he had cracked open the path to the mystery of life.

As softly as possible, he felt for his iPod on the coffee table nearest to his bottom bunk bed while a pile of clothes and books lay on top. Ash wasn't the cleanest wolf around nor did he particularly care. With Madchild playing in the background, Ash ravaged through the clutter so as to find something neat and decent to wear. A faded gray sweatshirt, tight black pants and high lace-up boots seemed to perfectly cut it, alas, his brain bogged up in an attempt to remember where he had mislaid his wine-coloured hair-band. Biting hard on his lower lip, Ash rubbed his chin in wonder, arching a brow over his squinting eye. Nonetheless, try as he might, he couldn't put his finger on it. Perhaps someone had taken it should Ash had not lost it himself. His musing was cut short, however, for his nose wrinkled and his ears perked up upon catching scent and sound of breakfast. His misty grey irises glistened amber beneath his curly bangs as his tongue ran over his moistened lips. Cracking his knuckles, Ash abandoned the search for the hair-band and strode outside his den, humming along the beat of Madchild.

Half way down the stairs, he frowned upon the voices of two so perceived beetle-browed besiegers. One point for alliteration. A short, contempt snarl escaped his throat as hairs on the back of his neck perked up. The Bleddyn. Quite a distasteful bunch should you ask Ash. Still, their rivalry was a given so he had no other choice but to be twice as wary now that they were under the same roof, breathing the same air and undermining one another's private space. No one applauded the elders' decision but they themselves. Their optimism seemed too far-fetched for these young werewolves who were more than inclined and ready to bare their sharp claws into the necks of the rival pack members if so necessary. Ash bred no individual hatred towards anyone but the sheer sense of duty to protect his own kin.

Heaving a deep sigh, Ash simmered down and proceeded to the dining room. "What a happy bunch, nay, hope they choke on a bone," a light chuckle rolled off his lips as he laid eyes on the young Alpha. "Yo, Boss, so thoughtful of you as usual." A flare of delight flickered in his eyes at the sight of food. Forehead smooth, shoulders relaxed and wide, jaw dropped, hair slightly bristled, all the signs of a happy werewolf. Had he been in his wolf form, his tail would have caused a gust attack from all the cheerful wagging. He lolled on one of the chairs in the middle, folding one leg over the other. "I sure had a nice dream. The curs weren't in it," he spoke in undertones, throwing his head back gently.
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Dimitri Wexamir

He had woken to the night life giving up their territory for the animals of the day time. Birds were bravely singing their songs to welcome the new day. Weak and shy sunrays caressed his dark fur as dark brown eyes slowly opened themselves. Since the decision of the Elders he tried to avoid the house even more than before. Dimitri Wexamir had always liked to spend the night out in the woods, or anywhere as long as it was not in a room. He could handle it with the door being open and most of all unlocked, but the other pack and its members were not to be trusted. A locked door would make him feel trapped inside, which had caused him to decide to sleep outside, though this had always been something he had preferred, whether in human or wolf form.

Slowly he gotten upon his feet and shook out his fur, which was sticking together at some places due to dried up blood. It had been worth it though as he looked at the dead deer that lay beside him. The nights were still cold enough to keep the meat fresh and as he was a light sleeper no other animals could have taken a bite from it, even if they would have dared. Despite the deer being wounded, it had not been an easy fight for the wolf, but he had liked the challenge as always. It would even be enough to share with the Bleddyns. Whom was he kidding? Though it would be a nice way to point out their Hunters incapability, Amy, Emily or whatever her name was. Amber. He rolled his eyes at the sudden name and face that came to mind and stretched a bit.

Though transformations could be quite painful for most young wolves or those who didn’t change frequently, for him it was just a bit unpleasant. After spending almost a year in his wolf form, constantly changing in between, he had gotten used to the transformation. Now he only thought of it being unpleasant when changing back to human form, as he loved the freedom his life as a wolf gave him. Just outside the little cave, which was more just a small cavity barely enough to hold two full grown wolves, there was lake with crystal clear water. It was one of the most serene places he had found on all of his wanderings through the nature and ever since he had found it he often came here, though never with his pack members.

Even though he had been for a long time part of this pack he was still a bit of a lone wolf. Bad pun is bad... He cared deeply for them and was loyal beyond his own life, but he found himself seeking distant from them a lot. In the beginning the pack had often been concerned about this, trying to pull him in more, but now they had gotten used to it and just let him wander around alone. He sighed as the ice cold liquid hit his bare and naked skin as he moved into the lake. He watched the smooth surface be disturbed by his presence and he almost felt like an intruder, as if humans did not belong in this part of nature. Then again he was no normal human, he was a werewolf.

Quickly he washed the blood of his hands and arms, before cupping the water and splashing it into his face. The droplets being caught on his long eyelashes seemed like dew trapped on grass, almost innocent. There had been a time he could make girls swoon over him by just looking at them, something he would still be able to do if he wanted to. Yet he had sworn not to bring such darkness over himself again as he had changed into a calm, collected young male. Even most of his pack mates didn’t know the whole story how he had ended up here, while growing up in Norway. In order to make the thoughts go away he dove under the water surface, running his hands through the dark messy hair as he came up again.

No matter what he did the dark brown, almost black, hair seemed to have its own stubborn will. He liked it thought, it resembled him and his personality partly. Untamed and untameable. He turned back, slowly revealing more and more of his toned body with every step he took towards the cave again. Water drops fell from his hair upon his shoulders, only to slide down the smooth skin, and make their way over nicely formed abs and hips, enhancing the strong leg muscles before hitting the forest ground. As a human his skin was not untouched though, scars toned themselves, but mostly on his back and arms in faded white stripes. His chest and face was mostly untouched, while this was different as a wolf.

Now that he was no longer in a wolf form he had to bend in order to grab the spare clothes he kept in his sleeping place. Though his skin was still moist he put on the boxers and a pair of simple torn jeans. On top he would wear a black shirt with a slight V formed neckline. As always he had left his important belongings at the house, such as his phone and wallet. He grabbed the front paws of the deer and laid the animal across his shoulders in his neck, grateful for the fact that all the blood had dried from the small wounds. Barefooted he made his way back to the house, while making a mental note that he had to bring a spare set of clothes with him the next time.

With the deer still laying in his neck he silently opened the back door and the male was welcomed with warmth and sweet smells. He smiled as he heard the voice of his Alpha calling the pack together and made his way over towards the dining room. And that is when his quite relaxed mood darkened immediately hearing the voice of a female from the other pack. “I am sorry, but if I recall correctly we don’t do charity” He matched the females sarcasm as she turned down the offer that never had been made. He didn’t care that she was a Beta, while he was ‘just’ a Hunter. He could easily stand his ground and well he had been an Alpha in the past and he was still able to prove that he was worthy of that rank during fights, yet he wouldn’t want it. Madison deserved being their Alpha and he would support her till death, rather than taking the rank himself even if he was capable of it.

Ignoring the two further his dark brown eyes moved over to the brunette. While being challenging with the Beta, his composure towards Madison was respectful. “Since you took breakfast for your account, I took care of our dinner already” He declared, referring to the dead animal in his neck. He moved further towards the storage room, simply to drop the deer, as a whole, in the big freezer that were available to them. Yes, they might seem like normal teenagers, nothing was ordinary in the life of a werewolf. With little effort he closed the freezer with the big F on it, to indicate it was Foalan property in contrast to the freezer on the other side of the storage room which was soiled with a big B.

His still bare feet took him back to the room he had left to see if the other pack members had made their way down yet, greeting Ash with a nod of his head. “Maybe we could do a barbeque even? With some drinks? Taking out the stress for a moment? Like the old times” He suggested as he poured himself pure black coffee. He folded his hands around the mug as he watched his Alpha for her approval. He didn’t mind having to bond or become one with the other pack per se, but he hated how forced it was now that they all lived in the same house.
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Adonis sat up in a flurry. All four legs ran through air as he jolted awake. Huffing outwardly, the timberwolf rested his head back on his bed made of clothing and other fabrics such as towels and sheets. He figured it was a nest of some sort. Adonis blinked slowly as he began to officially wake up. The smell of another freshly cooked breakfast was in the air. Adonis smiled inwardly. He could hear people moving about, soon smelling the scent of a couple of the rival pack members. The wolf's throat rumbled with a low growl in distaste. He doesn't think he will ever get used to smelling their stench every morning.

Adonis slowly glanced about the room, seeing who all else had decided to sleep in this room. Ash rustled shortly, before getting out of bed. Adonis rotated his head so it was resting across outstretched legs and simply watched Ash get ready for the day. Considering that was the only movement in the room currently, it entertained him. Adonis thought back to when he was younger. He remembered when he actually enjoyed living in a human body instead. After having been a werewolf for so long though, he couldn't imagine not being able to shift. Being a wolf was honestly just much more comfortable to him now.

Ash finished getting ready and walked out. Adonis figured Ash hadn't noticed he was awake. Oh well. He couldn't remember what he was dreaming about. Having being jolted awake by his alpha's call kind of ruined it. He had a feeling it was a good dream though. Adonis simply woke up in a pretty good mood.

The wolf stood from his pile of clothes and such, finally deciding to get up, and stretched. Releasing the tension in his muscles felt fantastic. A large yawn was let out at the same time and Adonis felt refreshed. The wolf shook himself out a bit, settling his rust colored fur and trotted across and out of the room. After having come down the stairs, Adonis noted the deer that had been brought it. It's scent still lingered in the air. He simply assumed it was Dimitri's doing and continued across the kitchen floor. Adonis then walked up to Ash's chair and sat down next to him, facing Madison. The wolf leaned a bit to one side, pressing up against Ash's leg.
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Eric stepped out of the woods behind the house, returning from Bleddyn territory, or at least what had been Bleddyn territory. At the moment, it seemed as though the borders were supposed to be blurring, as were the packs. It was anyone's guess if any of that would actually work out, and currently things weren't looking so good. Well, the were looking better than when the two packs had gotten together...

Eric sighed, looking up at the house he now shared with the other pack. He hadn't wanted to move in together with the other pack at all, both because of his instincts hated the idea, but also because the danger of their secret begging exposed was significantly higher with two packs... a total of twelve wolves... under the same roof, living in a stressful environment.

Nothing could possibly go wrong. Eric thought sarcastically.

Eric had needed to get away from the house early that morning. To run, to clear his head. To feel the wind in his hair, in his fur. He had been getting terrible headaches while around the other pack, especially the other Alpha. It was probably just nature telling him to stay away from the other pack, and everything in Eric agreed with that plan.

Eric finally entered through the back door. Instantly, his nose alerted him to the morning's goings on. He knew breakfast had been made, but smelling the scent of Madison coming from the direction of the kitchen, he deduced that most likely she had only made enough for her pack alone. As if they needed more conflict. Eric, despite his better judgment, had been attempting to be cordial to the other pack, if for no other reason than to keep all of them safe. Eric was comforted just slightly by the fact that his pack knew that he wasn't able to cook, so there was no pressure on that front. He was sure his pack actually preferred if he stayed out of the kitchen, as he had been known to set things on fire.

He also smelled the fresh deer, and felt the saliva build in his mouth. He shook it off, knowing there was no way the other pack would share. That one he didn't take offense to. Their hunter had caught it, and it would be utterly insulting to "steal" another's kill. Plus, it smelled like them, and Eric personally wouldn't have been able to eat it anyway.

Walking into the kitchen he resisted the urge to growl and attempt to assert his dominance, especially the Alpha in the room, and instead put a polite smile on his face. "Good morning." He said, attempting civility.
Lauren blinked at the sunlight pouring through the window as she rubbed her. The others movement around the house had woken her from slumber, not to her liking. She had grown used to her packs morning routines, but the other pack.... now that was an entirely different subject. As she lay there debating wether or not to crawl out of bed to attend breakfast, which was now wafting up the stairs. After silent debates, Lauren pulled back the covers and headed to her closet.

She picked out a pair of yoga pants and a comfy heavy sweater that complimented her eyes and hair, walking downstairs in her selection. The closer she grew to the food, the hungrier she became. It smelled delicious, but a second scent mingled midair. A deer no less, presumably Dimitris kill. Deer for dinner.... she thought to herself and grinned. Venison had a flavour to it that Lauren had grown partial to.

Entering the room, she saw the others all in varying states of distate for one another. They clearly could not stand other but some had smiles on their faces. Lauren also was smiling, but that was mainly because she did out of habit. Not because there was food or her pack there. Her eyes scanned the room noting everyone present beofre sitting. Unlike Madison, she didn't completely detest the Bleddyons presence but it was certainly unwelcome. "Thanks for the food!" Lauren says to Madison before taking a seat at one end of the table.
Madison eyes gleamed when her ears heard footsteps but her face turned into a scowl when she smelt Bleddyn blood. The stench. Her eyes went towards the brother and sister duo, pouring themselves a cup of her coffee. She wanted to get up and tear them to shreds since they didn't even bother to ask her, but they probably already knew that she would've said no. Madison looked at the female with the sarcasm then raised a brow. "Well, I am sorry that I would like for my pack to be healthy and strong. Your Alpha doesn't seem to care about your guys health. I mean, look at you. You're too disgusting to even at. I can't." She turned her eyes away with a disgusted look plastered against her face then looked up and seen Ash. "Oh, good morning, you." She smiled brightly towards him as he sat and thanked her for the food.

"You're quite welcome, dear. You know me, always wanting what is best for my pack." Her eyes glared at Ksenia and Damian while making that comment, which she found quite amusing to herself. Her eyes perked up when she saw Dmitri enter the kitchen, with dinner as he proclaimed towards her. He was their hunter and a damn good one at that. "Ugh, deer again?" She joked with an eye roll while taking another small sip from her coffee. She choked when Dmitri made his comment towards the Bleddyn members and watched them as they walked well on their way. "I think a BBQ is what we need. We may not like them but we need to at least bond with them." She knew that she was going to hear an earful after that last comment but just shrugged her shoulders then Adonis entered.

"My, my. Seems like my pack is very much alive this morning." She said while waving towards Adonis with a smile and watched as he sat down without saying a word. "Is that how you enter a room with your Alpha and fellow pack members present?" A low growl came from her as she continued. "I know that you like to keep to yourself, Adonis but whenever I am in the room, I would like at least a hello. Got it?" She said firmly while shaking her head. She didn't really like being that way towards him but it did bother her slightly.

Madison smelled the presence of the Bleddyn's Alpha entering into the wolves den, since it was basically her pack and him, alone. A smirk curved among her lips as she watched him and heard him say good morning, kind of innocently. "What's the matter, Eric? Scared?" She amused while getting up and walking to the sink, pouring out the little bit of coffee she had left. "My pack will not hurt you but no promise about me." She amused herself again with a wink while walking back to her seat, sitting down. "I actually need to talk to you anyway. Whenever you get the chance, that is." She smiled with a firm nod of her head towards him. "Let me know when you are available."

Her eyes then went towards Lauren, the other female of the pack and she felt like they were sisters. She laughed at Lauren thanking her for the food. "You're welcome. Only the best for my pack." She said while adverting her eyes towards Eric with a smirk. She was just throwing an enormous amount of shade this morning but didn't really care. She eyed her pack members once again. "Don't you guys have classes to get to?" She looked at them with a raised brow. Madison didn't have any classes today, so she guessed that she could get things together for the BBQ, well, first she had to talk to Eric about it and wanted to at least have one peaceful night.

She was thinking about this BBQ idea that Dmitri had brought them then thought it could go very good, or very bad.

Only time will tell.
Slipping into a perfectly crafted white-toothed grin, Ash rejoiced at the fine scent of freshly mutilated deer. Over the course of decades the saying "there is power in numbers" had weakened as a rule concerning group hunting, rendering it no longer essential to taking down a large pray. For the woods' top predator, the werewolf, was unmatched in perhaps every aspect. Ash's head fell gently to the side as he returned a diligent nod to the hunter, most keen on the idea of a barbie-themed party, albeit funking out alongside the Bleddyn carnivorous didn't have a very nice ring to it. Meat was known to be the apple of discord of many conflicts after all. His furtive eyes narrowed into slits as he pondered the thought, swaying to and fro a glass half-empty and a glass half-full. Madison's decision, however, coincided with the will of the Elders, therefore, it was law. Everyone would have to rule their temper for the night had they any desire to make this overly optimistic approach work.

"Who thought we'd end up sharing," a murmur escaped his slightly parted lips as he shifted in his seat. More early birds began to show up, one, Adonis, whose fur hadn't been shed for human skin yet stealthily nested himself next to Ash who playfully nudged him by the pelted shoulder. Ever since they began using the same bedroom, they've had their share of wolf wrestling (sparring) fun, yet never have they agreed upon tidying up afterwards. Nipping Adonis's ear between his thumb and forefinger, Ash teased,

"Come on, Boss, cut him some slack, the guy's just too shy." Albeit the rufescent wolf came across as socially disinclined, keen more on wolf's clothing than being two-legged, he didn't particularly fit the loner type either.

In the spur of the moment, the air shifted, becoming evermore tense whilst carrying the scent of none less than Eric, the Alpha male of the curs. Chill ran down his spine as his brows furrowed towards each other, dimming the grey in his irises until a dark shadow overlapped his eyelids. The hairs on the back of his neck bristled instinctively, himself put on the edge of his seat. Soon, he repeated, maybe soon he would get to worry less about the teeming belligerence. Faintly certain that Eric had come in peace, as proven in the course of several yesterdays, Ash relaxed his fists, the edge of his lips twitching in a forceful smile.

"Classes, yeah...," he cleared his throat, feeling for the missing wine-coloured hair-band in his pockets. "Hey, has anyone seen my hair-band? It went missing again... and it's my lucky one too." He surveyed the room and sniffed the air but catching his own scent was difficult.
Amber Nox

The night prior, Amber noticed how yet again, Dimitri ventured out into the darkness of the night. The opposing hunter normally made his way out when the others were asleep, and Amber of course took notice since it was common for her to train, hunt, or simply stare into the vast darkness of the night sky.

She followed Dimi out into the night with no intention of being anywhere around him, but she wouldn’t allow his presence to deter her from her routines. If she happened to see what the pathetic excuse for a hunter decided to do in the night, then that’s just beneficial knowledge. Probably howls at the moon from sheer loneliness. She smirked at the thought before she headed to the small clearing that she claimed as her own.

Upon arriving, she shed her jacket and left it to sit on the dark ground as she got herself into the zone to train in both human and wolf form. Starting in human, she practiced climbing and using the trees to jump to greater heights. She did this with a simple running start into a leap through the air, landing the balls of her feet onto the bark of the tree and shifting her weight backward with a forceful push to attain her goal. She repeated this action for a time in different manners for different possible situations she might face when hunting or hopefully competing, until the smell of blood from a deer hit her nose and she froze, tensing angrily. That bastard thinks he can hunt and show me up? Time to put him in his place. There’s no way she would let him come back with food while she came back with nothing, she was the superior hunter and wouldn’t let anyone think otherwise.

Before turning into her wolf form, she stripped herself of the clothing she would lose through her transformation and piled it with her jacket from earlier. She was a bit older, so transformations were just a slight uncomforting feeling to her at this point. She was now standing in her four legged body, her white/grey fur apparent in the contrast of the dark environment. Although one would think it made hunting more difficult, it gave her prey the false assumption that she was not to be feared. She stuck her nose into the air to sniff out a victim, drawing her to a large buck that had obviously been in search of Dimitri’s kill. She approached silently through the brush, careful not to startle the large creature. Keeping herself low, her eyes gleamed with her thought of a swift kill. Sadly, the buck heard the brush closing as she exited and turned to see her. At that moment, she let out a sharp growl and pounced at the innocent animal, digging her teeth into its throat and wrangling it to the ground. It struggled beneath her might and flailed its legs for a minute until she clamped down harder, ending its life quickly. Releasing her grip of the animal, she shook her body to relax and pawed her snout. She looked at the magnificent animal, proud of herself for keeping her fur clean but wanting and needing more action. Her adrenaline was pumping and she dragged the beast to her clothes again just so the scent filled her kill so everyone knew it was hers. She looked into the lightening sky, the dawn was upon her, so she had to act quickly. I still need to train like this…it wouldn’t hurt to bring more back to the full house. With that thought, she set out again to come upon the not so nearby lake filled with ducks and geese. These would be the new victims, simple and easy prey. To make things quick, she ran at the flocks and scared them to make them disperse, making it easier for her to land a quick deadly blow on each as she ran around picking them up in her mouth. She had gone a bit overboard in her fun, but it was worth it since she was able to utilize the trees to her advantage in this form as well, using them to gain more height to grab birds out of the air.

Transforming back into her human form, she took a few trips to bring back the obscene amount of birds to her original kill. With a moment to appreciate her hard work, she changed back into her leather jacket, crop camisole, jeans, and sneakers. She took a minute to catch her breath, her breathing making the light sweat drip down her toned stomach as she let out a sigh as she ran her hand through her hair, “I’m going to need help bringing this all back. I don’t want to make trips.” There were definitely enough duck and geese for each of the wolves, of both packs, and the buck of course. It was later in the morning now and the others should at least be awake or close to waking so she made her way back to the crowded house.

She could smell the breakfast before even walking into the door but this was a normal thing occurrence and it didn’t bother her. The fact they are babied like that is a disgrace. Stepping into the hall, next to the kitchen, she took a peek inside to see most of the other pack happily indulging on their measly nutrition lacking meal while her Alpha paid forced respects to them all. Before greeting them, she turned to the main room and called to her pack, “Bleddyn! I need help bringing in the night’s plunders! Let’s go!” She smirked to herself and ran her hand through her hand again, letting it fall back into place as she placed her hands into her pockets, shifted her weight to one side and turned to speak to the kitchen, “Morning Boss, everyone. Sorry to be short but I need to bring things in before they go bad.” She gave a smug ‘I win’ look to Dimitri before setting out and starting to bring the buck in with a few ducks on top. She quickly made her way to the pack’s freezer and lifted the lid with her hips and then unloading the buck inside. She moved everything to be spaced efficiently but there simply would not be enough room in their freezer for everything she killed. “Looks like I’ll have to share. Hope you don’t mind.” She said sassily out loud. “The rest of the kills will have to go into the Foaloan freezer, they have room.” I’m being nice, right? It’s sharing and filling their freezer since Dimitri didn’t. As whoever decided to do so unloaded the rest of her kill in the other pack’s freezer, she went back to the opening of the kitchen to hear the mention of classes. She had one class with a few of the members of the house today but she couldn’t be bothered to remember it now, she wanted to take a shower. She looked at Eric, “Do you need me for anything? If not I’ll go to do my own thing for a bit until class.”
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The feline had woken Hazel at the brink of dawn it had begun to wail in the most aggravating fashion possible as the first Rays of sun had settled across campus. Hazel had jumped out of bed a snarl brewing on her lips a present for both the cat and the Bleddyn clan. She rolled her small frame out of the colour filled sheets but to her dismay she wasn't able to get out with ease and she began to struggle as blanket over blankets fell from her unconsciously made cocoon

Finally the small girl freed herself and looked towards thou window at

the morning break and the smell of fresh dew that herald the new day. The suns obliterating rays had pushed her favoured planet out if the gleaming sky earlier than usual turning her into somewhat of an angry girl. Hazel pushed back her hatred of the sun and walked around her immaculate chambers looking for something to wear. She reached her closet and before pulling open the oak draws she turned on the radio on high volume to annoy the god damn Bleddyn pack. As an obscure French song blasted through the speakers Hazel's hands pulled open the oak cupboard the wood feeling brittle and wafery. She fished around until she pulled out a pair of skinny ripped jeans, an ebony coloured corset and a leather hunting jacket.

Hazel discarded her grey pyjamas in her overflowing laundry basket before slamming the cupboard shut. Hazel sucked in the small amount of meat that she had on her as she pulled on the corset and began to lace it up as tightly as possible when she had looped the strings so her corset would stay. She then with ease pulled on the ripped jeans and the hunters jacket. Hazel began to rummage around for a pair if shoes and finally found a suitable pair she grabbed her leather heeled boots and sighed as she became ready.

As all thoughts wandered from her mind her senses kicked in and she could smell her two favourite things. Food and her pack, Hazel opened the door and followed her nose almost losing the trace as the scent of deer came into perspective and Hazel unconsciously smiled for Dimitri. But Hazel was soon on the trail and quickly arrived in the kitchen and sighed with happiness, we'll at least until she caught the other scent the blood curling one of the Bleddyn's. Hazel snarled a loud growl before backing off knowing that she wanted to pounce onto any of them and rio their beating hearts out. But instead Hazel warily smiled at Madison and thanked her for the food before setting herself at the very end of the table the plastic chair sticking to her jeans. Hazel shovelled the food into her but now that the Bleddyn's were watching it tasted like sawdust.
Dimitri leaned back against the counter as he greeted those of his pack with a silent nod. The arrival of Eric, the Bleddyn Alpha, didn't seem to affect him. Then again nothing ever seemed to affect him as he tried to keep his face and posture clear from any kind of emotion. Something that was a lot harder now with the Bleddyns around constantly. He listened how Madison teased the other wolf now that his pack was almost completely absent for the time being at least. He moved over to the table that was set, taking a seat at random as he did not really care where he was placed. He just wanted to answer his Alpha that he too had the day off school when the other Hunter invaded the house.

She was the only one that seemed to have an affect on his mood, though he tried to keep this hidden very well as he rolled his eyes, before turning to look as she called the pack together. Seriously what lousy hunter leaves its kills behind to be taken by scavengers? He didn't say anything out loud though as he greeted the I-win-look with a smile. Did she really think he was gonna let her win this easily? Apparently she did and he turned his attention back to his breakfast. Her words about sharing made him look up again as he shook his head. "Well actually we don't have any room" He answered as he took his now cleared plate back to the kitchen. Ducks? Are you a starting hunter or something? He killed ducks and geese when he was just a pup. It were the easiest preys that existed as they only flew away. "Since beside the deer, there is still salmon and yesterdays swan couple in our freezer" He sweetly reminded the girl, while also stating his dominance as a hunter again. Swans, definitely in couples, were the most difficult birds to kill. They were aggressive and instead of flying away like ducks and geese they would attack to protect themselves and each other.

You better think ahead next time before killing more than your pack can handle, love. Though he had to admit he had been taking in more kills than before also. Every one just seemed to be a bit off now that the two packs lived together and that was of course only logical. He moved up, taking his and the plates of the others towards the kitchen in order to do the dishes. He liked to keep things clean and orderly around him, which had made him also the silent force of the pack. When the others got hot headed, he was the one to calm them down again and keep things from going extremely bad. His dark brown gaze was on his hands as he turned on the hot water, still in disbelieve that the Elders had not thought about placing a dishwasher in this house. "I only have one class, but I will be working on the bike, so if you need me I will be around" He said as he looked over his shoulder towards Madison. His eyes moved over towards Amber for a second, he knew she loved motorcycles as he had seen her eyeing at his ride when she thought he wasn't looking.
Eric actually chuckled at Madison's comment about him being fearful. While he would openly admit he wasn't particularly comfortable being the only Bleddyn in the kitchen, he was by no means scared. It took a lot more than the threat of bodily harm to scare him.

No, he was not afraid of her or her pack. What did scare him, though, was when she had requested to talk to him. What he feared was the fact that she might want to talk about the pairing of the packs. That was one conversation he didn't particularly want to have....ever...

However, he kept his face carefully calm and collected, not showing weakness. Instead he smiled and nodded. "I am free until two this afternoon." He replied. "Would you be free to meet before then?"

Eric had been working to be civil to the other Alpha and pack, despite the fact that their first few days couldn't be classified as anything less than tumultuous. He only hoped they might somehow make it through long enough for the elders to realize how stupid an idea all of this was, and they could all go back to the way things were, the way things were supposed to be.

Just then his hunter came in, smelling and speaking of a large fresh kill. He had to admit, having his hunter arrive with such a plentiful amount of food filled him with pride, but it could also potentially cause quite a few problems. He glanced around the room, trying to see if anyone in particular of the other pack looked particularly irritated. He was a bit relieved to see that the other hunter didn't appear quite as irritated as he knew his own hunter would have been.

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