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Wishful bard
Usually, at night times such as this when the stars were bright and the moon hung pregnant in the very middle, like a great jewel, people would awe at the heavens, look at the stars and hope to see one fall or vanish to know that the light had taken 60 light years for the closest stars' light to die. Unlike all the humans, they who could find nature beautiful Vision was hovering between heaven and earth, looking upon the great city of New York in the darkness of the night. He could see every light from a lamp post, or source indoors, shining through the windows, millions and millions of cars flashing by on the streets through and out of the city. Ever light was a symbol of life and Vision thought nothing to be brighter, nothing to be the more beautiful.

At birth - which was not too long ago, mind - Vision had taken to attempt to blend in my giving himself the look of an Avenger, a green outfit with a yellow cape. It all worked out pretty well, even if his skin was in a strangely purple yet red hue, something he could also change would he wish to - though Vision was one of a kind, no human and no race ever seen he decided to never hide the colours he had been given at birth and distance himself from the life of others that he adored with all his new working heart.

when Vision had woken up for the very first time he had seen the world with completely new eyes, and even though he had some memories of once being a voice, security system, butler and intelligence known as JARVIS, he also remembered thoughts and blurry images of being Ultron at one point before his birth, and now he hung there, within the empty air of mortal realms as a whole new creature with a whole new purpose and with own memories to create.

He could not help but smile, slightly and only slightly as he realized that he could not wait.
Emily Laine, known to the world as Osa, had only recently become an Avenger, having joined the team shortly after the defeat of Ultron. Her abilities with Electricity had been the deciding factor in her role in the New Avengers. She enjoyed her time with her teammates, even if they all called her "Little Thor", which she didn't care for as much.

Her night had begun with a small walk along the halls of the new Avengers facility, and ended up with her feet gracing the edges of the Empire State building. Emily adored heights, it gave her that rush of adrenaline she always got in fights with the others. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Osa watched the sparks fly of her feet as she stepped freely along the edge, the wind blowing her blond hair around violently. Her night walks usually consisted of this and looking for Vision, who she was surprisingly closest to at this point, as they both became Avengers around the same time. He was her inspiration for wanting to become something more then just a Thor clone.

Raising her hand to the sky, Emily shot a bolt of electricity into the air, watching the clouds crackle around it. This was usually her signal to Vision during the night, mostly just a hello from afar, it was mostly his choice to come say hello himself.

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