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Fantasy Inhumanity: Cries for Sanity

( @LilyannaGaming The fact that the requirements are somehow longer are because this used to be a Detailed RP before I decide to revive it and make it casual haha. I would also like to mention there shouldn't be any one-liners in the roleplay by the way! But I'm sure you'll be fine. I guarantee forcing you to type will be worth it eventually, both in here and in the roleplay. :3 )

Just make sure that there are less grammatical errors/typos as you go, your character sounds pretty interesting and so do you as a roleplayer yourself.

Certainly, as long as you meet the requirements of having a good two paragraphs for the bio, I don't mind if it's just a flashback. It will be interesting to discover her whole past as we go on in the roleplay anyway!)
SilverBlack said:
( @LilyannaGaming The fact that the requirements are somehow longer are because this used to be a Detailed RP before I decide to revive it and make it casual haha. I would also like to mention there shouldn't be any one-liners in the roleplay by the way! But I'm sure you'll be fine. I guarantee forcing you to type will be worth it eventually, both in here and in the roleplay. :3 )
Just make sure that there are less grammatical errors/typos as you go, your character sounds pretty interesting and so do you as a roleplayer yourself.

Certainly, as long as you meet the requirements of having a good two paragraphs for the bio, I don't mind if it's just a flashback. It will be interesting to discover her whole past as we go on in the roleplay anyway!)
I tend to have a few errors, I try to go back and fix them, but I get a little rushed sometimes.

I can not for the life of me stand one liners! I deal with though, since a lot of roleplays are okay with it.

I fixed her bio, damn, I am emotional.

also as a role-player I tend to make my CS's more dark than what they are, and ama violent and dark roleplayer myself, but I always make sure there are limits in place to what my CS's are doing.
Well hello again @SilverBlack ^^

I was just wondering where the roleplay would actually be taking place? Hunters out in the field or Species hiding in the city?
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@StoneWolf18 Hello old fella!

The roleplay could take place in both the forest and the city, I'm not sure what you mean by hunters out in the field? Judging from how the old one turned out, many Species wandered into the city where Hunters are, while some Species stayed behind in the forest planning to revolt against the humans. Hunters may go into the forest to hunt or stay in the city to guard for the Inhumans.

Are you interested? :D

Feel free to join!!


Mhm, her bio--or flashback, is decent, it fits into the story well! I like to make my character's pasts really dark too! xD It's fun coming up with tragic pasts for my characters, however sadistic that may sound. Alright, just remember to go back and fix the grammar if you rushed! Looking forward to your participation in the roleplay!
SilverBlack said:
@StoneWolf18 Hello old fella!
The roleplay could take place in both the forest and the city, I'm not sure what you mean by hunters out in the field? Judging from how the old one turned out, many Species wandered into the city where Hunters are, while some Species stayed behind in the forest planning to revolt against the humans. Hunters may go into the forest to hunt or stay in the city to guard for the Inhumans.

Are you interested? :D

Feel free to join!!


Mhm, her bio--or flashback, is decent, it fits into the story well! I like to make my character's pasts really dark too! xD It's fun coming up with tragic pasts for my characters, however sadistic that may sound. Alright, just remember to go back and fix the grammar if you rushed! Looking forward to your participation in the roleplay!
Mmmm, I have a character concept that I'm a bit iffy on. Care if I Pm you about it? ^^
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Cool weapons! I'm assuming you'll be continuing to work on the character sheet considering the bio's not up yet? :3

Also can we have a longer personality? But if you really can't think of anything it's fine haha. He looks good so far, an interesting add to the roleplay!

P.S I love Tokyo Ghoul as well judging from your signature.

@StoneWolf18 Sure, go ahead. :D
I'm planning to join so many roleplays but this is too interesting not to join! Expect a cs from me soon.
SilverBlack said:
Mhm, her bio--or flashback, is decent, it fits into the story well! I like to make my character's pasts really dark too! xD It's fun coming up with tragic pasts for my characters, however sadistic that may sound. Alright, just remember to go back and fix the grammar if you rushed! Looking forward to your participation in the roleplay!
I will, if I miss any go edit my post and highlight them. I tend to be a little more ingrained in writing then I am errors.
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Man I know I'm just reusing my character sheet from the old roleplay but I still feel embarrassed having a long backstory orz.

@Aiakaos accepted.

Actually from now on guys, if I like your character sheet it means you're accepted!
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SilverBlack said:
Cool weapons! I'm assuming you'll be continuing to work on the character sheet considering the bio's not up yet? :3

Also can we have a longer personality? But if you really can't think of anything it's fine haha. He looks good so far, an interesting add to the roleplay!

P.S I love Tokyo Ghoul as well judging from your signature.

@StoneWolf18 Sure, go ahead. :D
Haha! Of course I'll add the Bio! It's still WIP, so... :3 and I try to make the Personality a bit longer, but don't expect to much ;D (Jk, illegalen try my best) and yeah, I not only love Tokyo Ghoul, I'm able to sing Unravel... I know the whole Text :)
@Vague Awesome, she looks pretty nice! You're accepted. ^^

@Rayischo That's pretty cool, I used to be able to sing the full song too but I kind of forgot the lyrics now. ;w; Either way, you're also accepted. :3

Let me confirm if two other people are really joining, and if they are after I post my second character I would be starting!
@pokemariofan64 Alright. Just confirm with me if you're joining or not. We'll most likely start the roleplay then but I'll make sure you can still jump in if you're still interested.
@LilyannaGaming @StoneWolf18 @Vague @Rayischo @Aiakaos @Dawnsx @Eimi plus me.

So that's ten characters in total, I think that's enough for now to start the roleplay with people already hinting me that they want it to start.

So I started it, the starter is now up.

@pokemariofan64 Definitely waiting for your CS, don't worry, you'll be able to join easily!

Make sure guys however, that you read the neutral characters tag. Because I do use them in the roleplay and they aren't just there for decorations. In fact, they're in the starter!

Yes, guys, I'd just posted the starter. It was a bit long because I have to give the plot a setting that can actually develop into a story, which I hope you guys will all cooperate together to make it really bloom!

But anyway guys, the roleplay has just started! Looking forward to your replies!
@pokemariofan64 @TeaMMatE11 @Alphaius

All of you three are accepted, yes.

Feel free to jump into the roleplay whenever you wish. As I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), Fleur and Marsan are within the forest right now (@Dawnsx and @Aiakaos ); Shui and Anya are under danger by the huntress-but-actually-a-mer Dysis at the little restaurant (@StoneWolf18 @LilyannaGaming @SilverBlack ) , Euli and Caspian enjoy their sweet time at Euli's clothing store (@Dawnsx @Aiakaos )

Those who are not occupied right now are Elena (@SilverBlack ) who has just left the laboratory and is walking down the street past the headquarter, Noelle who had awoken from a nightmare in her room and is about to begin her day after receiving the mission announcement (@Eimi ), and Rowan who is securing by the entrance from the forest into the city of Castille. (@Vague )

Yes, this is a very vague overview of where's everyone's at. Still make sure to read every single replies especially my starter which establishes an overall setting for the plot this roleplay will focus on advancing into.
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