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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Infected - Characters - Always Open!

Savior Of Hell

New Member
Maximum of three characters
Not a ton of people with military/law enforcement background. Normal citizens.
Not everyone can shoot a gun or patch up a wound well, some people are new at things like that. Be realistic.
No OP characters.
If I tell you something is wrong with YC, arguing won't do shit for you.
Don't write a novel for anything, I don't want to read it all.


Realistic Picture:
Former Job:

Good Qualities:
Bad Qualities:
Useful Skills:
(Optional) Backstory:

R Roleplay Addict CharlieJacz CharlieJacz cherrycosmos cherrycosmos The Comet The Comet
Realistic Picture:

Alice Prince




Former Job:
Training to be a nurse


Alice is very outgoing. She has a wicked sense of humor and may seem very sarcastic at times. If needed, she can be serious in dangerous situations, or helpful if needed. She is a major book worm.

Good Qualities:
~ Has a good knowledge of certain medical procedures, but, only minors ones such as cuts, sprained wrists and broken bones, but, not very well with broken bones, so don't trust her to fix your broken bones

~ She is always calm in panicking situation
~ She sort of knows what do in an apocalypse, but, not much

Bad Qualities:

~ She can't shoot a gun, at all
~ She has a very bad potty mouth

Useful Skills:

~ Patching up a deep wound in ten minutes, with the right supplies and some help
~ Good at map reading


~ She can't shoot a gun
~ Bad aim


~ She snores at night
~ She has a potty mouth
~ She can't stop talking most of the time
~ She bites her nails


~ She has a fear of small spaces - Claustrophobia
~ She has a fear of heights - Acrophobia
~ She has a fear of spiders - Arachnophobia

(Optional) Backstory:


~ A back-pack with 2 bottles of 1 litre water
~ A bat
~ Some packets of dry fruit
~ A tin of spaghetti hoops
~ Lots of medical supplies, such as, bandages, rubbing alcohol etc
~A few maps


~ A bat
~ A cross bow

(If you don't like anything, tell me and I shall re-do it!)
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Name: Braeden Jameson
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Former Job: Drug dealer

Personality: Pretty easygoing, he doesn't start fights. He's ambitious, to a point. The apocalypse didn't stop him from growing and trading drugs for supplies, making him quite well prepared.
Good Qualities: Team player(if it benefits him),
Bad Qualities: Materialistic, shallow, addicted to drugs
Useful Skills: Can get most supplies, since drugs are hard to come by, and he has plenty. Can shoot a pistol well.
Weaknesses: Can't shoot anything bigger than a small shotgun, addictions.
Habits: Drugs, twitching, not sleeping, messing with his hair.
Fears: Fear of sleeping - Somniphobia. Fear of being stuck/unable to moving - Cleithrophobia.

Supplies: Some spare ammo, drugs, cigarettes, some food, water, lighters.
Weapons: Two pistols and an aluminum baseball bat with some barbed wire wrapped around it.​
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  • 55c07bad-dfb5-4a92-896c-20e237a90ba0.gif
    Full Name: DeeAnglii Natalia Bongiovanni

    Nickname(s): Angelii or Dee (Only called by friends)

    Age: Twenty-Four

    Hometown: Florence,Italy

    Previous Occupation: Co-owner of Bongiovanni INC and Daughter of Leader Italian Mafia

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Name: Martirio "Marti" Ferguson
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Former Job: Musician
Personality: In control of her emotions, never one to take risks. She's logical, but not very optimistic. She only ever really shows emotion when she's playing music.
Good Quality: Good leader.
Bad Qualities: Narcissistic, bottles up her emotions, and judgmental.
Useful Skills: Can speak Spanish, fluently, since her mother is from Mexico. Agile.
Weaknesses: Allergic to peanuts, not physically strong, terrible driver.
Habits: Plays with her hair, hardly ever eats, hums when nervous, really hates not knowing things.
Fears: Atychiphobia - fear of failure. Trypanophobia - fear of needles.
Supplies: Guitar, extra clothes, butcher knife, food, and candles.
Weapons: Butcher knife.

Name: Adrienne 'Ada' Bradford
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, usually goes for women.
Former Job: Bartender

Personality: Ada doesn't take shit from anyone, man, woman, gay, straight, muscular, overweight, it doesn't matter. The second a person tries to tell her what to do or is simply annoying, they're likely to get smacked. She's loyal and kind to friends, but few people have the patience to earn such trust from her.
Good Qualities: Loyal, tough as hell, flirty(to people she's attracted to)
Bad Qualities: Not a team player at all, though she pretends to sometimes, stubborn, hard to get along with.
Useful Skills: Excellent at hitting people over the head with bottles. She can stitch up some minor wounds, as well.
Weaknesses: Can't shoot a gun well due to some trauma in the past. She doesn't have a lot of medical knowledge, just what she picked up during the night shift at her bar.
Fears: Fire, small spaces, and a gun.

Supplies: Plenty of alcohol, food, some first aid supplies, clothes, dog food.
Weapons: She has a long hunting knife that she carries. She has a gun, but she can't really use it. She also has two dogs, which are her most useful assets and weapons.​

Name: Cordelia 'Delia' Stevens
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Former Job: Med student

Personality: Delia is the kind of person that people ally with solely out of pity. Nobody really thinks she's useful, but they recognize that she'd die on her own, so they take her under their wing. She's very quiet, stays to herself, and almost never talks to anyone. She has multiple mental disorders that affect her behavior. She's survived solely because she's good at hiding.
Good Qualities: Never starts a fight, minds her own business, smart.
Bad Qualities: Incredibly timid, awkward, fidgety.
Useful Skills: Medical knowledge. That's it.
Weaknesses: Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia, social anxiety, aasthma, kleptomania. She has a lot of medication left over for these illnesses, and frequently raids pharmacies to find more. She's also out of food.
Fears: Being left alone.

Supplies: Medications, inhalers, a few books given to her by her mother, two wedding rings on a chain that she wears around her neck, medical supplies, clothes, water, her glasses.
Weapons: A pocketknife that she doesn't even know how to open.

Name: Luca Voren
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Former Job: Actor/Singer

Personality: Luca is a person that's used to the spotlight, whether he likes it or not. Unfortunately for the people around him, he does. A lot. He's quite self-centered, a bit arrogant, overly confident. He tries to stifle these traits, he knows he has them and he's trying to figure out how to stop thinking like that, but he simply thinks he's the best person around. Whether that's true or not, he refuses to see otherwise, although he may act like he does. He takes criticism poorly, usually questioning quite a bit or convincing himself that the person critisizing him is just jealous.
Good Qualities: Flirty, charming, charismatic, well known.
Bad Qualities: Arrogant, selfish, shallow.
Useful Skills: He learned how to shoot a gun for a role and for self defense, he's physically strong and fast, and he's pretty good at disguising himself due to years of sitting through hair and makeup.
Weaknesses: Has trouble working with others, is incredibly reckless, has no medical knowledge, isn't great at shooting.
Fears: Failure, to the point of crippling him, death.

Supplies: Magazines, ammo, some pot, some cigarettes, testosterone boosters, appetite suppressants, food, water, clothes, a black beanie, a pillow, a whistle.
Weapons: A pistol with a silencer attached and his initials engraved on the grip, a crowbar.​

Name: Eric Peters
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, though most of his exes are women, and he's been more interested in homosexual relationships of late.
Former Job: MMA fighter.

Personality: For a guy who spent his life getting paid to beat up other men, he's surprisingly gentle and kind. He doesn't really like or dislike violence, he just acknowledges it as a part of life - one that he's very good at. Despite his frankly scary looks, he's one of the kindest people anyone would ever meet.
Good Qualities: Great at fighting, hopeless romantic, history nerd.
Bad Qualities: When he snaps, nobody can bring him back from his depth of rage, refuses to hurt people unless it's necessary or he's angry, he's not the smartest guy in the world. Not dumb, just not smart.
Useful Skills: Incredibly physically strong, good melee fighter, can make a fire from almost anything. He's seen himself and others get patched up, and could probably clean cuts and such without killing whoever he's 'helping.'
Weaknesses: Has never shot a gun in his life, a bit intimidating, not very fast while running or escaping.
Fears: Death, failure, rejection.

Supplies: His old boxing gloves, old magazines, very little food, a few empty water containers, a bit of ammo he found(no gun), some medications.
Weapons: His fists and an axe he found in a hunting shop that he frequented. He was a bit of a survivalist(not a very good one), so he got the axe on a whim.​

Name: Jim Gully
Age: 72
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Former Job: Retired. Before that, a foster father.

Personality: Tough as leather, warm as any grandfather ever. He has a very soft spot in his heart for children or people in trouble due to his background in fostering. He's very tenderhearted unless people get on his bad side, which is incredibly difficult.
Good Qualities: Forgiving, kind, empathetic.
Bad Qualities: Too trusting, not physically strong or fast.
Useful Skills: Very smart, knows how to garden well, a good cook, and very, very basic first aid. He's also excellent at diffusing situations, he's great with his words.
Weaknesses: Can't fight, can't shoot(his hands shake and his eyesight isn't great), can't really run away, he needs help with a lot of things.
Fears: Just about nothing. Death is something he's ready for. He's lost his family already. He doesn't have anything else to fear.

Supplies: A mahogany cane with an iron topping, food, first aid kit, clothes, a couple blankets, a canteen full of water, a flask with a mystery liquor that's strong enough to sprout a few chest hairs, books. He also has a scrapbook full of pictures of himself with every child he's every fostered
Weapons: His cane, really. He can use it in an emergency, but it's a last resort, since he can't really stand or walk without it.​

• • • •

• • • •


Imani Stevens




Former Job:


Before the world went to shit Imani was a typical young woman in college. She liked to spend time with her friends and go to parties on campus. She liked shopping and flirting with cute people. When the world changed for the worse she had to become guarded and alert. She stopped trusting others so easily and became cold in order to protect herself. Imani posseses the traits that she had before the zombies took over. She's still an outspoken and passionate young woman. She speaks up for what she believes in and doesn't let others walk all over her. If it's needed Imani is willing to sacrifice someone depending on the outcome. Despite her cold facade Imani still has a heart. There are times when she has helped others.

Good Qualities:
Strong-willed || Observant || Quick-thinker ||

Bad Qualities:
Vindictive || Easily-stressed || Short-tempered

Useful Skills:
Fast runner || Knows CPR || Can handle a gun

Can be a little too cold || Type 1 Diabetic

Getting bitten || Losing her ability to fight & take care of hersel


Enough insulin to last a month || A few granola bars || 4 canned foods || Two bottles of water || 2 packs of ammo

Machete || Pistol

Imani Stevens

• • • •

• • • •

code by pasta
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Realistic Picture:fd042f85eeac0c96eddf7df96749fc34.jpg
Name: Samuel Tenan (likes to be called Sam)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay but Is very secretive about it
Former Job: Mechanic (but would sneak off to the elderly center to take care of the old folks)

Personality: Sam is a stereotypical bad boy but this isn't really him he might play of a loner of a bad boy but only because he doesn't want to disappoint his 'friends', he is stubborn when near people but when alone he would take in all of his surroundings, he is sweet and would never leave a friend of loved on behind, he is very secretive and anti-social but he doesn't let himself frown he is a optimist and he loves to draw
Good Qualities: he is loyal, physically strong, he can also make seemingly useless objects into things to help the group (like makeshift knife and spears or more mechanical things but they aren't top quality)
Bad Qualities: very quiet when he isn't needed (in his mind), he would risky his life or others to help elderly or children and he, despite his talents, believes he is useless
Useful Skills: He can fix engines or other mechanical things if given the time and tools, and his craftsmanship with wood stone and metal
Weaknesses: his morals, mindset, and disregard for his own life
Habits: fidgeting, disappearing and risking his live for elderly and children
Fears: He fears rejection and being useless
(Optional) Backstory: Sam was at the senior center helping the elderly that were in early stages of the virus when all hell broke loose and if it wasn't for the other staff and volunteers who knew him he would have stayed to help the elderly that where turning but he was dragged out and he went alone to mourn and draw when his group got attacked leaving him as the only survivor

Supplies: Backpack with 3 bottles of water, a couple of candy bars, canned soup, and fruit, his notebook and pencil and a picture of everyone at the senior center on a nice day
Weapons: a bat with nails in it

Name: Ellenore (Ellie) Sylva
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Former Job: Park Ranger

Personality: Ellie is willing to go out of her way to help anyone. She is easy to talk to and will do her best to make others smile, even during the apocalypse. She can also be very distant at times.
Good Qualities: Confident, helpful, humorous, adventurous. She holds onto a small string of hope that one day, she'll crawl out of hell and finally remember peace.
Bad Qualities: Suborn, gullible, clumsy, poor sense of humor, fearful of many things. She also finds trouble quite easily.
Useful Skills: Ellie is capable of surviving for months on end in the wilderness with a limited amount of supplies.
Weaknesses: Rural areas are where she is most vulnerable and out of her element. Blood in vast amounts will cause her to panic, vomit or even faint.
Habits: She has a slight dependency on alcohol and smoking whatever she gets her hands on.
Fears: She fears death, zombies, cities, towns and the initial interaction with other survivors.
(Optional) Backstory: When the outbreak broke out, Ellie was already in hiding. She had a small hunters cabin outside of a national park. There she lost track of time, surviving all the wilderness had to throw at her. She emerged from the foliage one day, to a world with a whole new meaning of survival to it.

Supplies: Small knapsack carrying a journal, one bottle of water, a few snacks and flint+steel.
Weapons: Makeshift worn out bow, 13 arrows and a beaten, chipped, slightly rusted deer skinning knife.
Realistic Picture:

Name: Rory (Lorelai) Fitzgerald
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi sexual
Former Job: Personal trainer

Rory is the type of gal who used to play with the boys, no matter how much they refused to let her. She had four older brothers from a military family, and were all on active duty when the infection began. It feels like she's got something to prove, but she doesn't really know what. She has an affinity for underdogs and finds herself rather optimistic in a sea of pessimism. She's contemplative, and always finds a way to use humor, as it's her coping mechanism. God knows in this world, there's coping to be done.
Good Qualities:
Protective and brave, as well as resourceful, she's headstrong like none other and very opinionated.
Bad Qualities:
She's stubborn, and almost too brave for her own good. More often than not, her willingness to prove herself gets her into trouble...
Useful Skills:
Survival skills from her father and brothers, hunting, fishing, skilled at hand to hand combat, very good with her words, if not at math.
She's not the fastest runner, but she has plenty stamina. She's not good with a gun (due to the fact that her brothers were dicks and shot "Bambi" in front of her when she was ten)
Smoking when she can. Biting her lip when she's in thought or in a troublesome situation.
Rejection, not being good enough, that her family is dead, explosive thunder that comes out of nowhere. (Again, thanks to her big brothers)
(Optional) Backstory:
Raised in a military family, Rory moved around a lot. Her only friends for the better part of her life were her older brothers, who would be shipped off as soon as they came of age. That was the plan for Rory too, until the virus spread. Her mother had died when she was young, leaving her with an overprotective family, who wouldn't let her so much as think about leaving. When the virus broke out, she was off of the military compound, trying to run away after a fight with her father. She was able to sneak back in a few days after to grab some of her dad's gear. She didn't see her family or any sign of them.

- a hiking backpack with water bottles, a few cups of applesauce, a few of her dad's old MRE's, materials for a lean-to and her copy of "How to Survive in Unforgiving Conditions" that she got for her thirteenth birthday. (Thanks, dad.)
A multi-tool, camping knife, and machete. (You'd understand if you had the family I do...)​
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Realistic Picture:

Jessica Marie
Aliases: Jess
Age: 26
Heterosexual although she's dated women in the past
Former Job:
Actress & Writer
Jess is an optomist although she doesn't mean to be, she has always been like this ever since she was a girl, she has had a rough past (listed later) which made her a hardworker.

Good Qualities:
She doesn't talk much (That's how She survived for so long)
She can be helpful in times of need
Stays calm in very bad situations

Bad Qualities:
She hates anyone who questions her
Useful Skills:
Good with knives
Good with guns (learned how to shoot after she was robbed)
Talking about her family
Biting her lip
Chews on nails (sometimes)
Playing with her hair when nervous
Is claustrophobic
Losing people who are close her
2 bottles of water
Some granola bars
A back pack
Canned corn & beans
A gun (Doesn't use often)

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