Infamous Light:Rebirth RP


Budget Morpheus, soldier #1,128,300 reporting in.
The year is 1983, the nuclear war which occurred a year ago devastated humanity and the surface world. However prior to the events nations created nuke shelters to protect people from invasion, Or nuclear war. Those in shelters could still view television sets and radios and hear reporters and transmissions over the world, Eventually stating city names, casualties if possible, and then being destroyed.

Some of the radiation has died off, as alot of nukes were primarily used for damage rather than radiation. The surface is safe enough to explore in short intervals, and shelters are becoming restless. It isn't safe yet to colonize the surface, But you will have to rally and deal with your shelter occupants before being capable of doing so. Will you survive long enough to colonize? Or will you fall with the rest?
Korkus woke up and got dressed. He had started the tradition of having a morning sermon every morning about a month ago. He was the preacher and every day he would answer any questions his people had and preached the just word of America. Recently though there was a small sect of about 3 to 4 people that were attempting to stop him and to try to go outside. As he walked into the front hall he awaited the trickling in of his people and eventually they did just that. 

"Take your seats everyone and we will begin please."

A man stood from the back row and shouted,

"Hey why should we?! Who appointed you leader of this here group?! Sure you are directly from George Washington's blood but just like America we should vote!"

Korkus walked over to him and held out a hand to shake,

"I completely agree with you and the people have already decided who their leader is or else I wouldn't be preaching every day. Gaston over there knows the words just as good as I so why isn't he the leader? Because the people voted for me to lead."

The man looked confused and slightly defeated but still angry,

"Awe yeah well what did the people vote for me?"

Korkus replied,

"Nothing. The beauty of our group is that you have the freedom to choose. Because of that you and Dean have looked into engineering and have learned more than anyone else here about it. Without you two our entire group would be lost. That is the same as if I were to leave this group would have a much tougher time surviving."

A women clutching her child stood and shouted at Korkus,

"What about our food supplies?! We haven't been well fed in ages what are we to do about that?! Why not try the outside world?!"

A loud murmur went over the crowd and as that happened Korkus walked fast to his podium,

"Friends! Family! I am with you on this our only salvation is to find a way to leave this place and we will. We cannot right now though! Those large doors are shut and locked from the outside and besides that there is something blocking it from the outside. Our engineers are working on refitting two bulldozers to use to break right through that door. Until then though we must hold strong and work on protecting our food and other supplies."

The murmur stopped and they all looked at Korkus,

"Mark my words I am not the dictator I might have been made out to be. As long as you pull your weight around here your just as free as myself. I will lead you to not only freedom from these walls but to a nation of freedom, to America, to Columbia!!"

The crowd gave a clap and a few shouts of vigor,

"But friends!! None of this can be attained without the help of our founding fathers, our lords and our saviors. Speaking of them who wants to start this mornings sermon?"
[just tagging people to let them know that they are fully allowed to post now.]

@Gadethyn Onmarothi @Locklaklazarii


Another day passed. Five people were debating about the outside world while three people were actually a threat to shelter security. There were armed guards positioned at the doors preventing anyone from actually trying to leave. Even before the months passed, food was rationed after a month so it didn't instantly get worse. There was actually more food stored still than anyone actually knew about. People would only be fed and given a drink when they needed it, or when it was deemed allowable. The most food and drinks given were to what the shelter knew as "Oksana" but the investigator as he was also known as, knew what her origins were, and even had their engineer help to work on her. As she was heavily experimental she would have to be taken care of carefully. As fear of AI was strong even before the war...

Vonelov would be awake during the night keeping tabs on the food supplies. Strict rules were enforced like in the eastern-bloc in which if someone saw something, they would say something. This saved alot of their food reserve from two food hogs which were known for eating alot. Vonelov allowed Oksana to speak with the shelter inhabitants to let her learn a few things. And the majority weren't harmful besides the crude jokes and the occasional depressed comment about the nuclear apocalypse. However sometimes they would speak about AI or leaving, in which would be immediately followed up with a personal meeting inside of a dark dimly lit room. Which in reality was simply just a oversized closet which was being renovated prewar to be a radio room. Then someone tried going outside again which was followed by constant yelling from guards. "What is it now?" He thought before standing up and going through a door, then walking down a hallway where a guy would be trying to break out, and even tried punching a guard for a gun.

"What are you doing, Farmer?" He asked. "I WANT OUT." The farmer yelled. "Well you can't get out, it is for the best of our people." He said calmly still. "FUCK THE BEST, LET ME OUT." he screamed out loud. Before this would cause anyone to wake up and wonder what is happening, vonelov returned to his office, grabbed a MC gun, and left outside. He would then aim the small pistol looking weapon at the farmer and shoot him with it. 'turning' into the farmer. Able to see through the farmer's eyes and making him walk away. "I apologize for trying to leave, I see the error of my ways and i will not do it again. I promise." He made the farmer say before making him knock himself out and everything returning back to normal. Before anyone saw vonelov hid the weapon and walked back to his office, The two guards stationed at the entrance being heavily confused. However unlike the last time, no one dragged the body away.

Vonelov would put the weapon away, and some small tubes with it into a small container-box and went back to writing on a piece of paper the food. He would manually count every can of food, and drink there was left. He already had done this with the drinks, and to keep people happy he gave them for a day an additional drink and can of food. This is the first time which someone tried breaking out and brute force, or convincing them was not done. There was only three shots left in the MC gun, but he knew he wouldn't have to use it again. Giving the people additional rations would keep them happy for two more weeks before they would become restless again. Most eventually got used to it and thus they wouldn't need additions. However at times they would be, but very little. The tactician would be used to spread propaganda throughout the shelter every day and night at exactly 5:37. Which would keep some others happy as well, with a low percentage of that being guards. The armory would be locked off from anyone except Oksana when escorted, and vonelov. Which made it easier to track what weapons were stored and what was used, who would have them, and how much ammunition remained.

He also didn't want anyone to go outside due to not knowing what the world would be like, but the city wasn't hit directly by an American bomb. So he calculated that some radiation would dissipate at the end of the year, which would be very soon. After day would fall and night would rise. Vonelov would bring Oksana to the armory as she was fascinated by weapons. She of course wouldn't touch them but she would stare at them. She broke in once, but she never touched anything. This time he would take her over to the rifle section and show her a mosin nagant. Essentially giving her a tour except with guns.
Prime Minister Özal woke to the sound of prayer,opening his eyes he could see the more religious people in the shelter were faced to south,praying to God as usual eventhough he had destroyed their lives or was it themselves,the humans that had destroyed themselves,he really didn't know and didn't care really.There were more important stuff to be done.Getting up from the Cot he was laying on he gathered his Suit Top from the edge of it to wear.It was wrinkled but it had to do,it wasn't like there were people to crticize him anyway after a year everyone were in the same conditions.

He walked up to the door without disturbing the peoples praying and got out of the Common Dorm.He felt like he was living the same thing everyday but he couldn't voice his ideas about that particular subject as it would cause unrest.then he heard it,sound of a heated argument was coming from the meeting room opening the door the sight he saw was a familiar one.Most of the Former-Political Leaders had taken seats and were arguing about a subject and it seemed like they were not agreeing on anything as ussual.

''We should open those gates and get out of here as soon as possible! too hell with Evren and his Isolation Policy!'' yelled a man rising up from his position.

''Mr.Ecevit please take your seat and lower your voice.'' Told the Spokerperson Demirel.

''I agree with Mr.Ecevit.We are only going to die of old age as long as we are stuck here...'' Told Erbakan,another Leader of a Party.

''Gentelmen,We are a Democracy no need to yell at eachother,we can always vote,yet this topic is to be postponed.'' said Özal

''Mr.Özal.'' nodded Spokerperson Demirel.''Mr.Ecevit was rather passionate with his ideas.''

''Özal! you should know better than to listen that Dictator.We have to leave this place.We can't do anything but sit in here all thay while we don't know what's happening to the land of our fathers!''

''True Bülent Our lands are left without leaders,but we can't rise against him.He is the only one that those Boy's listen to,and those boy's are the only defence force we have.''

Ecevit looked at Özal for a second,thinking about an answer yet he couldn't find one so he only noded and took his seat.

''Great,to the next topic then.The Issue of Morning Pra...'' They Continued on as time passed Others joined in too,The Religious Faction and even The President accompanied by two men armed with M1 Garands.
Day One

Vasilisa awoke knowing that today was the day she had to take action and send out a salvage squadron to find more supplies. She informed the tactician, Sergei Vasyutin. Four men in Soviet army uniforms with bolt action rifles prepared for the mission. Leaving with a few MREs, the scavenging group would go along the metros and head for other military bases in Moskva. Their secondary objective was to protect Boris Morozov and his accomplice who was tasked with clearing out the Red Line metro to secure it for future use. 

In addition to that, the scavenging crew was also searching for radio parts to repair the radio at the military base. If they found any other survivors, they were under orders to use them in the mission and let them get killed if the squad did not find enough food for them. 

When the matters with the scavengers was finished, Vasilisa paid a visit to the five farmers in the base to make sure they were okay. They reported that they needed better water to keep their crops flourishing, a rare resource in the base to be used for farming; something the salvage team would need to find in another mission. 

She went out of the farm and into the main courtyard of the base. Near the exit stood her two guards with sniper rifles, prepared to stop any attacks from the outside Tsarist and Soviet Democrat threats. Going to the records keeper of the base, Nikolai Fedorov, she read through the reports on the city of Moskva. Aside from the aforementioned Tsarists, and Soviet Democrats, there were the Bolsheviks, Unionists, People's Army, Cosmists, and more small time bands of survivors that gave themselves a name. Vasilisa feared the existence of too many groups claiming to be a successor state of the USSR. For every one of them there were men and women harming the regrowth of the Soviet Union, and she knew there would be bloodshed to make the Union whole again.
Bellona sat in her small weed basement and looked to her people, "Do we have any complaints? If so you are free to speak out about them."
Rudolf sat at his desk with a glass of scotch and a book in his hand, the bunker was hardly lit up save for an oil lamp on his desk and a candelabra on the table in the main room. For the past two weeks all they had to eat were old stale biscuits and jam, their water reserves weren't doing too well either.

Three guards and an energy machinegun sat in the narrow stairwell that led up to the basement of an old apartment building, traps had been set up outside and once every few days weather permitting, a small group would ascend to the outside world to scavenge for supplies, packaged food, bottled water and the odd few luxuries such as books or alcohol.

But the last few scavenging missions hadn't gone so well, all the food had already been scavenged from the local stores and it was too dangerous to eat the scraps left on the shelves for fear of radiation poisoning.

"Herr Rudolf" said Sabina, one of the younger members of the bunker, "When can we leave this horrid place, the walls leak and I fear I'm getting sick for a lack of sunlight."

Rudolf looked up from his book at the girl and replied, "Sabina, you ask this almost every day now; you know we can't leave at least for a while yet, the fallout hasn't fully settled and we're not prepared for what could be out there."

Sabina sat down opposite Rudolf and began picking at the paint on one of the walls, "We have a dozen Russian energy weapons and crates full of explosives, we should be the ones out there making people fear to come out of their holes, not the other way around."
One Week Later

Korkus is sitting in his overseer type chair watching over his people. From what he saw the baby was growing up pretty well and his mother was working the plants very well along with the other farmers they have. Out of the fifteen people they had two were dedicated to engineering, 5 were allocated to farming, 3 were guards, He was the leader and Gaston was his second in command and a great friend. The remaining three were scouts that were sent outside for supplies. In the past week since his speech they had found a way to break out of the museum. 

"We took a few of the cannons we had found in the revolutionary war. With a lot of headache and elbow grease our engineers were able to figure out how to use them. Sadly we had no cannon balls so we fitted several musket balls into a container and used it like grapeshot to blow our way out of the museum. With that they blew their way out of the front door blowing the debris out from past the door. They quickly patch the door and make plans for scouting the ruins outside."

He thought to himself. The three scouts were two young men and one young women who volunteered for the outside. While staying in the museum they found a small map of the surrounding area and so they used that to scour the ruins for anything useful. Their first finds were nothing if not incredible. They stripped cars of their batteries to hopefully reuse them. They searched the local food stores and the one local Auditorium for anything useful. With the bags they brought with them they returned with a few meals worth of food, two car batteries and a few speakers and a microphone. the engineers loved the finds and went to work directly on the batteries and other electronics. They had gathered some knowledge of how these things might work from the museums power supply which had lasted after the apocalypse but had started to falter a bit recently. They hadn't found much out at all but they did find out how to hook up the microphone to the speakers and the speakers to the battery. They only needed to figure out how to work the battery or just to find out if it still worked. They figured if the electricity of the museum worked now then somewhere electricity must be coming somehow. Sadly though they hadn't made much progress yet but any victory is amazing to them and the rest of the group. Until they had exited the museum the people had grown restless and were soon going to try to find a new leader but Korkus was able to make a literal breakthrough. This led the people to rally to him and give their full trust to him. They had gone to the sermons every day and had become fully devouted to their faith.

When the scouts had returned they had celebrated but soon found that they had grown slightly sick. They assumed that it was radiation so with a bit of thinking they looted the world war two section of the museum and found radiation suits they could use. They go on runs every other day unless something happens but they have learned to be careful considering they hear gunshots each time. With a similar feeling of finding alien life Korkus and his people finally found out that they were not alone in this world. Thankfully they hadn't been found yet but Korkus had plans to expand his little group into a large group but first they needed not only the will of their gods but also the force needed to punish the violent. That would have to wait until they could support themselves though so for now he focused on the small things.



The severe radiation is still being carried by the air and clouds, and a radiation storm has finally reached the middle East. Destroying any surviving surface dweller not killed prewar, or were not protected. The radiation came in as a dust storm. Prewar surviving radio channels repeatedly play strange eerie music, in a pattern. While in the united states a radiation shower currently rains down upon the city of Washington DC, Newyork, and Boston. While temperatures in rome and Russia had started to fall.

 @TheBlackSwordsman @Locklaklazarii @Gadethyn Onmarothi @Kazami42


Day One

Vasilisa awoke knowing that today was the day she had to take action and send out a salvage squadron to find more supplies. She informed the tactician, Sergei Vasyutin. Four men in Soviet army uniforms with bolt action rifles prepared for the mission. Leaving with a few MREs, the scavenging group would go along the metros and head for other military bases in Moskva. Their secondary objective was to protect Boris Morozov and his accomplice who was tasked with clearing out the Red Line metro to secure it for future use. 

In addition to that, the scavenging crew was also searching for radio parts to repair the radio at the military base. If they found any other survivors, they were under orders to use them in the mission and let them get killed if the squad did not find enough food for them. 

When the matters with the scavengers was finished, Vasilisa paid a visit to the five farmers in the base to make sure they were okay. They reported that they needed better water to keep their crops flourishing, a rare resource in the base to be used for farming; something the salvage team would need to find in another mission. 

She went out of the farm and into the main courtyard of the base. Near the exit stood her two guards with sniper rifles, prepared to stop any attacks from the outside Tsarist and Soviet Democrat threats. Going to the records keeper of the base, Nikolai Fedorov, she read through the reports on the city of Moskva. Aside from the aforementioned Tsarists, and Soviet Democrats, there were the Bolsheviks, Unionists, People's Army, Cosmists, and more small time bands of survivors that gave themselves a name. Vasilisa feared the existence of too many groups claiming to be a successor state of the USSR. For every one of them there were men and women harming the regrowth of the Soviet Union, and she knew there would be bloodshed to make the Union whole again.

The scavengers would find:

3 cans of food in a locker,

A wary hooded teenager,

A broken pistol,

And a light bulb.


One Week Later

Korkus is sitting in his overseer type chair watching over his people. From what he saw the baby was growing up pretty well and his mother was working the plants very well along with the other farmers they have. Out of the fifteen people they had two were dedicated to engineering, 5 were allocated to farming, 3 were guards, He was the leader and Gaston was his second in command and a great friend. The remaining three were scouts that were sent outside for supplies. In the past week since his speech they had found a way to break out of the museum. 

"We took a few of the cannons we had found in the revolutionary war. With a lot of headache and elbow grease our engineers were able to figure out how to use them. Sadly we had no cannon balls so we fitted several musket balls into a container and used it like grapeshot to blow our way out of the museum. With that they blew their way out of the front door blowing the debris out from past the door. They quickly patch the door and make plans for scouting the ruins outside."

He thought to himself. The three scouts were two young men and one young women who volunteered for the outside. While staying in the museum they found a small map of the surrounding area and so they used that to scour the ruins for anything useful. Their first finds were nothing if not incredible. They stripped cars of their batteries to hopefully reuse them. They searched the local food stores and the one local Auditorium for anything useful. With the bags they brought with them they returned with a few meals worth of food, two car batteries and a few speakers and a microphone. the engineers loved the finds and went to work directly on the batteries and other electronics. They had gathered some knowledge of how these things might work from the museums power supply which had lasted after the apocalypse but had started to falter a bit recently. They hadn't found much out at all but they did find out how to hook up the microphone to the speakers and the speakers to the battery. They only needed to figure out how to work the battery or just to find out if it still worked. They figured if the electricity of the museum worked now then somewhere electricity must be coming somehow. Sadly though they hadn't made much progress yet but any victory is amazing to them and the rest of the group. Until they had exited the museum the people had grown restless and were soon going to try to find a new leader but Korkus was able to make a literal breakthrough. This led the people to rally to him and give their full trust to him. They had gone to the sermons every day and had become fully devouted to their faith.

When the scouts had returned they had celebrated but soon found that they had grown slightly sick. They assumed that it was radiation so with a bit of thinking they looted the world war two section of the museum and found radiation suits they could use. They go on runs every other day unless something happens but they have learned to be careful considering they hear gunshots each time. With a similar feeling of finding alien life Korkus and his people finally found out that they were not alone in this world. Thankfully they hadn't been found yet but Korkus had plans to expand his little group into a large group but first they needed not only the will of their gods but also the force needed to punish the violent. That would have to wait until they could support themselves though so for now he focused on the small things.

The scavengers sent out [I don't quite understand if you did send them out, but if so here is your message.]

Would find the following things:

A crowbar,

A corpse which had nothing,

And a skeleton hanging out of a window with a bag in hand.

[I'll make my own RP post after this one in a bit.]
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Rudolf put down his book and called for everyone to gather around the table in the middle of the bunker, "Friends, Imknow the past weeks have been tough for all of us and I know that we all wish to return to the surface. The guards have told me that the weather up above has calmed down and that tonight we can send out a party once more."

Sabina butted in nervously, "H-Herr Führer, I would like to volunteer for the surface party."

Rudolf stared at Sabina, annoyed that she would interrupt him during a speech, "There will be no need for volunteers, we're all going up to the surface and we're leaving this place behind. The guards will lead ahead and clear for us a path to voltastraße a hundred meters from here, we will follow behind with all of our equipment, this may take a few trips."

One of the guards spoke up after Rudolf had finished, "But Herr Führer we are not prepared for this type of trip, half of us haven't eaten properly for weeks."

Rudolf replied, "We've picked clean the stores all around us and we can't grow food here, once we're safely at Voltastraße we can move to Gesundbrunnen and then down the tunnel to Friedrichstraße, we can all carry two weapons each, a rifle and a machinegun, as well as the crate of explosives; otherwise pack what you can carry we're leaving at dusk."
- Week 3 -

Korkus and his companions had been working on preserving themselves as best they could in this new hell. The engineers made some headway on the car batteries but found one was completely dead and the other had only a few moments of electricity left in it. For a moment they powered a spare light bulb. Korkus assembled his whole group of people and demonstrated what he called the work of the gods smiling upon us. With that Korkus decided that he would accompany his scouts on the next run for supplies. This time they plan to search a local armory for any weapons that might help them on their journey. Once there though they find people there who have secured the armory themselves. Korkus thinks it over and walks out with no weapons and shouts to them,

"Hello!! I mean no harm would you kindly talk with me?"

@Kazami42 (Hope I don't die lolol)
- Week 3 -

Korkus and his companions had been working on preserving themselves as best they could in this new hell. The engineers made some headway on the car batteries but found one was completely dead and the other had only a few moments of electricity left in it. For a moment they powered a spare light bulb. Korkus assembled his whole group of people and demonstrated what he called the work of the gods smiling upon us. With that Korkus decided that he would accompany his scouts on the next run for supplies. This time they plan to search a local armory for any weapons that might help them on their journey. Once there though they find people there who have secured the armory themselves. Korkus thinks it over and walks out with no weapons and shouts to them,

"Hello!! I mean no harm would you kindly talk with me?"

@Kazami42 (Hope I don't die lolol)

A guy with a sniper rifle would shoot near his feet. "The fuck do you want?"
Korkus would be startled by this but he kept his cool, "Just wanna trade a few things with your people. Also maybe we could help each other out."

"I don't know you, you expect me to just go ahead and help you? We are just fine here son."
"I don't know you, you expect me to just go ahead and help you? We are just fine here son."

"That may be but we could both benefit from being better than just fine. Just getting by is fine but wouldn't you like to go to sleep at night and not worry about eating the next morning? I have no weapon on me and you can search me if you want I just want to talk."
"That may be but we could both benefit from being better than just fine. Just getting by is fine but wouldn't you like to go to sleep at night and not worry about eating the next morning? I have no weapon on me and you can search me if you want I just want to talk."

"No." He reloaded his sniper rifle. "Now give me a reason not to shoot you, that I actually care about."
"No." He reloaded his sniper rifle. "Now give me a reason not to shoot you, that I actually care about."

He sighs,

"Because I know a place that offers protection, a good food supply, vehicles, and other people to survive with. Like I said we can both help each other. You can help me with youre guns and generally arming my people and I can guarantee you safety and a long lasting food supply."
He sighs,

"Because I know a place that offers protection, a good food supply, vehicles, and other people to survive with. Like I said we can both help each other. You can help me with youre guns and generally arming my people and I can guarantee you safety and a long lasting food supply."

"Send in bob." They only sent a single person out. The sniper would then reply. "Prove your worth or you get shot."




Another year has passed and radiation in some zones have dissipated to average levels. It still requires protection against to prevent illness or death. Small amounts of people are now visiting the surface. 


"Send in bob." They only sent a single person out. The sniper would then reply. "Prove your worth or you get shot."




Another year has passed and radiation in some zones have dissipated to average levels. It still requires protection against to prevent illness or death. Small amounts of people are now visiting the surface. 


Korkus would reply, "How might I do that?"
Bob would respond. "No. He believes you are raider like everyone else. If you don't prove otherwise he will just shoot you."

"Well how am I supposed to do that I have no weapon you can search me now like I've been telling you people I just wanna talk!!"
The whole bunker was empty, all of their possessions were at the top of the stairs in the basement of the old apartment building; The three guards armed with Energy Rifles and body armour had just given the all clear for everybody to start moving towards Voltastraße, they had to be quick or they risked getting sick or even being seen by a pack of raiders... If there were any left that is.

Rudolf led the first wave of people, a group of seven people carrying their explosives, food and water; Sabina and the rest of the group followed shortly after with the weapons and special gear. It was only a few hundred meters to Voltastraße but anything could happen between here and there, they didn't even know if the old rail tunnels still existed but there was no other option, travelling above ground would surely kill them.
"Well how am I supposed to do that I have no weapon you can search me now like I've been telling you people I just wanna talk!!"

"You do realize that even if you tell the truth, just standing here and yelling is just going to increase the chances of you being shot right? You cannot expect every person to be friendly instantaneously."

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