In These Volatile Times (1x1 Fantasy RP AnnelieseBeilschmidt x TheMadHatter44)

Elizabeth ran through the city, trying to get away by hiding behind a building from the dragon that flew over above. Sweat dripped down her forehead, burning up from the heat and running away all morning. The world had gone to hell not but a few days prior to all of this. A man who apparently called himself the Dark Lord, had planned this evil plot to take over. And he did. People were being slaughtered in the streets or fighting for their lives against friends and family. It was kill or be killed.

That's how she ended up in this situation. Elizabeth was saved by her old mentor, Allistar, who died protecting her from the dragon in pursuit of killing her. Continuing to move on through the alleyway, Elizabeth walked quiet and swiftly. Looking back at the worst time, she bumped into someone with alot of muscle on him. Falling back, Eliza looked up to see him staring down at her with scarlet eyes throught his silver hair. He was definitely much taller than she was, Eliza only being five foot eight and this man....well let's just say he was really tall.

" I....I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going....." She stood quickly backing away into a brick wall, her black bladed katana nearly drawn out of its case.
He looked at the young women with a blank look. “It is all right, we need to get moving. This is no time to be freaking out, we need to at least get out of here alive.” He looked around them, the area was littered with rubble and corpses. People were acting like fools, he had already had to kill six or so people. He had no problem killing it was the fact that the situation was cause for people to work together and that threw him off. Why people were so single minded he would never know. As he stood there looking about, two men came in with weapons drawn and attacked Jagen. He swung his weapon around in the blink of an eye and cut the two in half. “Sorry about that, shall we go stop this evil twit?” He asked her with a blank expression. He had been planing for days to kill this self proclaimed dark lord but he needed someones help. He was sure this girl was stronger then she looked.
Elizabeth followed him quickly down the alley and asked, her breathe almost gone from running," You mean the person who started all of this? He's powerful and we're just two people. How are we going to stop him?! " She had a point really. Eliza was just her master's apprentice and still in training. Now she had to go on alone to figure out how to obtain her true power. If this man was brave enough to stop the Dark Lord then she was with him every step of the way.

" By the way I'm Elizabeth Bell. Thanks for letting me tag along. I've been out here in the city for a couple days. People are going nuts and killing each other..." She climbed over the wired fence that was in front of them and jumped down on the other side waiting for him.
He looked at the girl Elizabeth and smiled blankly. “You may be of the human race but I am an Ojin and have skills in many things, this Dark lord is going down and it must be done before this city falls apart!” He ran forward as some shadow’s appeared in human form. He attacked them, His scythe cut through them and the dissipated as he kept moving forward. He looked up and in the distance was a tall building. “It seems he is using old magic, so he needs a high point to focus his power.” The streets around them were ripe with violence, at any time they could be attacked by any manner of monster, mercenary, or wizard! He was ready for the challenge. “My name is Jagen Ogamara. It is nice to meet you Miss Elizabeth!” He smiled at her softly as the air got colder.
Elizabeth stopped dead in the darker alley and felt as if a ghost had touched her shoulder. Her breath was visible as she inhaled and exhaled slowly. She moved closer to Jagen, drawing her katana once more. Her brown eyes darted around the alley and tried to figure out where all this tension was coming from. She looked behind her and without a moments notice, Eliza pulled him aside in a cramped side alley. The dragon pursuing her was back and he was very angry. With them both in the alley they couldn't move a muscle. The creature stopped in the alley, thrashing his tail into the buildings, making chunks of brick fall all around them.
A dragon, what the hell was going on? This was the first time he had seen a dragon here in the city. He had heard people screaming about it but he didn’t think it was really a dragon, dragon. He shook his head and grabbed Elizabeth.” We’re running now!” He said as he waved his hand in the air. A small barrier formed in front of them both as he backed himself and Elizabeth out of the alleyway.
Seeing the dragon being blocked from them, Elizabeth fell onto Jagen when they hit the concrete. The dragon tried to break the barrier but soon gave in and made his way back the way he came. Sighing with relief, she looked over to him answering softly," did you end up here in this mess? I mean did you have a family that was killed in all of this? Friends? Anything? " Elizabeth sat on the sidewalk, seeing no one around they may as well take a break.

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